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Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love

Page 20

by Jay Belle Isle

  Edgar chuckled and said, "Fine with me. I love cooking, but absolutely hate clean-up. I laid in supplies for a really nice breakfast."

  "Hmmm... A little presumptuous, assuming I'd be here in the morning, don't you think?" Maddi teased.

  "Not at all," replied Edgar. "Just a nice coincidence. I typically make myself a nice, hearty breakfast every day. It's the most important meal of the day, don't ya know!" he said in a goofy, announcer-style voice.

  This got a chuckle from Maddi. "Well," he said, "I'm all for 'nice coincidences'. And hearty breakfasts."

  "Good. You're gonna love what I have planned then," Edgar said. "Now let's hit the shower before I lose the ability to move."

  "On it!" Maddi said, rolling out of bed. Edgar followed suit and the two men walked the short distance to the bathroom, Maddi's arm around Edgar's waist, Edgar's draped across Maddi's shoulders. The shower was hot, quick and uneventful, both men showing the signs of exhaustion.

  Shower done, they walked hand-in-hand toward the kitchen. Maddi stopped at the dining table and began collecting dishes, while Edgar got fresh sheets from the laundry center. "See you in a few," Edgar said. "And thanks for clearing up the dishes."

  "My pleasure," Maddi yawned and continued, "It's the least I can do after such a lovely dinner. I'll be there in a sec."

  The yawn was contagious; when he finished, Edgar said, "Cool!" and headed down the hallway to the bedroom. He was just fluffing the pillows when Maddi wandered in, looking as though he was asleep on his feet. "C'mere you," Edgar said, arms wide open. Maddi walked into the gentle embrace, closing his eyes and resting his cheek against Edgar's chest.

  "This feels so good," he half mumbled.

  "Yes, it does," Edgar said. "Let's get horizontal; I want to fall asleep with you in my arms."

  "Mmmm... That's nice," Maddi said softly, reluctantly pulling out of the embrace. "What time is it, anyway?" he asked.

  Edgar glanced at the readout. "About two a.m.," he answered. "What time would you like to wake up?"

  Maddi crawled into bed and replied, "Is ten OK?"

  "Sure," said Edgar, ordering a ten a.m. alarm from the HC and joining Maddi on the clean sheets. He wrapped Maddi in his strong arms and Maddi snuggled into Edgar's warm body, putting his own arms around Edgar and entwining their legs. Once they were settled, Edgar gave Maddi a gentle kiss, which the younger man sleepily returned. "I've had a truly wonderful time, Maddi. This was an awesome first date and, I hope, the start of something equally great."

  "I'm with you all the way on that," Maddi said, half asleep. "I think we're off to a great start."

  "So do I," Edgar said, feeling sleep overtaking him. He ordered the lights off and the apartment secured for the night. He hugged Maddi tightly for a moment, an embrace into which the young man snuggled. Edgar kissed him on the forehead and Maddi turned his face up to Edgar for a good night kiss. Edgar happily complied; the kiss was tender and loving and when it was over, Edgar said, "Good night, Maddox Bristow."

  "Good night, Edgar Aeternum," Maddi said. Both men were sound asleep in seconds.


  The HC began softly chiming at ten the next morning. It got progressively louder, as Edgar and Maddi, spooning facing the window, slowly stirred. They snuggled tighter together, eyes still closed, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies. Finally, Edgar called out to the HC, "Wake-up off," and the alarm stopped.

  Edgar stretched and yawned, opening his eyes. "Good morning, handsome," he said, sleepily.

  Maddi rolled over, facing Edgar and opened his eyes. "Good morning to you, sexy," he replied. "How'd you sleep?"

  "Like a baby," Edgar answered. "You?"

  "The same," Maddi said. "Such a comfortable bed and a wonderful cuddle buddy."

  "Thanks; right back at ya," Edgar said. "Ready for the outside world?"

  "Sure," Maddi said. "Shall I open the drapes?"

  "Not necessary," Edgar said and called for the HC to do it. Moments later, the dim light of the room was replaced with a somewhat brighter light. The storm, having blown itself out during the night, left a grey, rainy day in its wake.

  "Cool," Maddi commented. "Our HC does a lot, but it isn't wired for everything."

  "Mine is programmed to pretty much do everything, but it came with a hefty price tag. It's as 'deluxe' as the current tech allows."

  "Nice!" Maddi replied. "Ugh, I could stay in bed all day. But nature is calling; I'll be right back."

  "No worries, I'm getting that call, too," Edgar said. "Why don't you use the master bath; I'll go to the guest bath." Maddi looked back at Edgar from the foot of the bed, a question on his face. "Some trips can't be shared," Edgar laughed.

  "Ah!" Maddi said, "Got it. Yeah, that's a possibility here, too," he grinned sheepishly.

  Edgar returned the grin, getting out of bed and heading for the bedroom door. He turned back to Maddi and called after him, "I hope everything comes out alright!"

  Maddi, already in the master bath, hollered back, "Eeeeww, that's gross, Edgar!"

  Edgar laughed and hollered back, "True enough! It's an old twen-cen crack."

  "Yuck," Maddi called back. "That's something that should've stayed buried in the past, if you ask me!"

  "Noted," Edgar responded. "I'll put that one back in the file."

  He was halfway out of the door as Maddi hollered, "Thank you! My appetite appreciates it!"

  Edgar laughed loudly and called out, "You're welcome! I aim to please!" he paused, considering, and added, "You aim too, please!"

  Maddi's laughter echoed in the master bath as Edgar headed down the hallway for his own morning toilette. A short time later, he returned to the bedroom, a mug of steaming coffee in each hand. Maddi was sitting up in bed, the covers up to his waist. "Nectar of the Gods," Edgar raised the mugs.

  "Whatever Gods they may be, my thanks to them. And to you," he said.

  "You're most welcome," Edgar replied, handing Maddi a mug and joining him in bed. He took a sip of the hot coffee, closed his eyes and smiled. "Oh, is that good!"

  "It sure is," Maddi said a moment later. "Thankfully, our HC can do coffee; otherwise, I'd be in trouble," he smiled and took another sip.

  They leaned against the headboard, quietly enjoying the coffee and each other's nearness. Maddi reached for Edgar's right hand with his left and their fingers closed together. Maddi was the first to speak, "I know I said you owe me a good, hard fuck this morning, but can we maybe defer until this afternoon? I'm just so comfy and cozy right now."

  "I don't see why we can't hold off," Edgar replied. "I'm kinda in the same place, myself." He squeezed Maddi's hand. "I could stay like this forever," he said.

  "Me too," Maddi said. "Eventually, we have to get breakfast, though" he said grinning.

  Edgar ruffled Maddi's hair, making his bed head worse. This time, Maddi returned the favor and soon they both looked as though they'd survived a wind storm. They looked at each other, smiling and both took big gulps of coffee. "What's on the agenda today?" Edgar asked.

  "Well," Maddi began, "Other than a three o'clock class, nothing," he said. "And, truth be told, it's a review class for a bio exam. Bio is my best subject," he looked at Edgar with a conspiratorial grin. "So, it wouldn't really hurt if I skipped," he finished.

  "I won't make that decision for you," Edgar said, returning the grin. "Your education is important, Maddi."

  "I know, Edgar," he responded. "I'm usually really conscientious about school. I don't skip actual classes and I don't miss review sessions in classes where I could use the review. But bio," he paused, "that class, I could probably teach."

  Edgar nodded approvingly. "Good to hear, good to hear," he said. "I probably skipped a bit more often that I should have, so I'm not a good role model there. But, if you do decide to dump the review this afternoon, you're more than welcome to spend as much of it with me as you want."

  Maddi smiled and said, "You must've gone enough, because that's the correct answer!" Edgar laug
hed and Maddi leaned over and kissed him on the tip of the nose. "Good students get extra treats," he grinned.

  Edgar laughed again and wagged his eyebrows, "And what do bad students get?"

  Maddi belly laughed. When he finished, he said, "Bad students get sent to bed alone."

  "Well," Edgar responded, "I'll do my best to keep my grades up, among other things."

  "Good thing," Maddi quipped, "I hear the professor is a colossal prick."

  "Funny," Edgar came back, "I heard the professor has a colossal prick!"

  Maddi lost it at that one, dissolving into fits of laughter. Edgar soon joined him and the two leaned against each other, shaking. Eventually, they stopped and gazed at each other with ear-to-ear grins. "You are so much fun, Maddi!" Edgar said, finally. "I can't tell you how much I enjoy being with you."

  "It's a mutual feeling, Edgar," Maddi said, giving him another quick peck on the nose. "I haven't felt this way in a long time. Granted, I'm only nineteen, but I started early."

  "I hear you," Edgar said, planting a quick kiss on Maddi's nose. "I haven't felt this way in a very long time, either. Age, to me, is nothing but a random number. So you're only nineteen, as you put it. Big deal! That doesn't discount your life experiences or your feelings. Not to me, at least. Screw anyone who says it does!"

  "I like that about you, Edgar," Maddi said. "You have the coolest outlook on life. You're also the first man I've known who didn't treat me like a dumb kid."

  Edgar's shock registered on his face. "Are you fucking serious?" he asked. "Who in their right mind would ever entertain that thought!"

  "You'd be surprised," he answered. "Especially since I'm mainly attracted to older men. Oh sure, if I just wanna fuck, I'll do it with someone my own age, but even then, I prefer someone at least five years older."

  "Good to know," Edgar smiled. "I definitely qualify. But, you've actually had guys treat you like a dumb kid?"

  "Yep. Even worse: Like a dumb piece of meat. Some guys can be real assholes, believe me. Don't worry though, I'm a tough little fucker; I got even."

  "This, I gotta hear!" Edgar said.

  "No huge story," Maddi replied. "One guy in particular wanted me to just play dumb, be pretty and bend over. He actually got pissed off when I tried to engage him in conversation. He told me if he'd wanted to talk, he'd have called a friend. Totally not the intent he projected when he was flirting with me."

  "What a prick!" Edgar interrupted.

  "S'alright," Maddi continued. "I gave him what he wanted. At least for a bit; then, I worked him up rimming and fingering him until he was begging to be fucked. I, um, happily and energetically obliged. When I shot, I got up, dressed and left. He was freaked that I left him high and dry and he followed me to the front door, all upset. So, I looked at him and said, 'If I wanted more than just to blow a load, I'd have called a friend!' and walked out on him, standing there with his hard-on waving in the air."

  Edgar was howling with laughter and Maddi was grinning. "Serves his fucking ass right!" Edgar gasped out between guffaws. "I would've loved to see the expression on the bastard's face when you said that!" He lapsed into another fit of laughter.

  Maddi laughed and shook his head, still smiling. "Remind me not to piss you off! I thought I had a mean streak! You make me look like a fucking saint!"

  Edgar was gasping and wiping tears from his eyes. Finally, he was able to speak, "Only when badly provoked, which takes a lot and I can't imagine you ever getting me to that point. I applaud your style, babe; that was a sweet fuckin' piece of revenge right there!"

  "Thank you, thank you," Maddi made a little seated bow. "I thought so, too. Of course, I never heard from him after that, and good riddance, too!"

  "Hear, hear!" Edgar cheered. "Besides, if he had been an honorable gentleman, I'd never have had a chance to meet you."

  "Absolutely!" Maddi agreed. "And that, I think, would've been a great tragedy." He looked at Edgar and leaned in for a kiss.

  "Totally," Edgar agreed, obliging him with a slow, deep kiss. They parted moments later. "Let's not think about that, though."

  "Agreed," Maddi said, leaning his forehead against Edgar's. "Not to break up this happy moment, but I have to piss again." He pulled back and kissed Edgar's forehead before getting out of bed.

  "More coffee?" Edgar asked.

  "Mmmm... Mind reader," Maddi answered, pointing a finger at Edgar. "More coffee, definitely!"

  "You got it!" Edgar said, getting out of bed and heading for the door. He stopped halfway and said, "This is great! We still have time to go to church," and turned back to the door, hiding his goofy grin.

  "What!" Maddi said from the bathroom door. "Don't you dare drop that bomb and leave the room! Get back here!"

  Edgar got his smile under control and turned to Maddi, deadpan. "Yes?" he said.

  "Here!" Maddi pointed to a spot on the floor in front of himself. Edgar looked perplexed as he slowly walked to face Maddi. When he got to the spot, he stopped.

  "What's up?" he asked, all innocence.

  "Church?" Maddi questioned him. "You must be joking, right? I thought you didn't do that."

  Edgar had intended to draw the joke out a bit longer, but he couldn't contain his laughter at the serious look on Maddi's face. Maddi, catching on, gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.

  "Ow!" Edgar exclaimed in mock pain. "Abusive louse!" he said with a smile.

  "Closet Christian!" Maddi shot back, also smiling. "You deserved that!" he added.

  "True enough," Edgar turned his back to Maddi, bending over slightly and said, "Do I deserve a spanking?" He wiggled his ass suggestively.

  Maddi gave him a semi-serious swat, chuckling at Edgar's surprised yelp. "Later," he said. "Piss now, punish later."

  "Yes, Sir!" Edger turned and gave Maddi a sharp salute. The younger man returned it laughed, and went relieve himself. Edgar chuckled and rubbed his ass where Maddi slapped it before going to get coffee. He paused at the guest bath and decided a quick piss sounded good. Moments later, he completed his coffee run and returned to the bedroom.

  Maddi was standing by the side of the bed and took his mug with a quick thanks. Before Edgar could get back in bed, Maddi beckoned him over with a one finger wave. Edgar set down his own mug and walked around the end of the bed to meet him. When he got there, Maddi put both hands on Edgar's chest, one on each smooth pec. He stood up on his toes and gave Edgar a quick kiss.

  Maddi looked up at Edgar, a serious expression on his face. Edgar took the cue and refrained from cracking wise. Maddi quietly said, "You are obviously a man of honor as well as an all-around great guy." Edgar opened his mouth to respond and Maddi gave a slight shake of his head. Edgar kept his peace and Maddi continued. "I know you were joking about church, but I think you should know that there is only one altar I worship at," he paused a beat, "and that's this," he patted Edgar's chest gently. "The only things I believe in are masculine honor, self-sufficiency and myself. And love, when it happens, of course. I just want you to know; these are serious concepts for me."

  Edgar's jaw dropped, but he said nothing. Maddi was waiting for a reaction, slightly surprised at Edgar's silence. He began to back up when Edgar stopped him by putting his own hands over Maddi's and holding them in place. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I understand," he finally said. "What you're telling me is that you're Andro."

  "Yes," Maddi said, looking up into Edgar's eyes. "If we're going to go further, you need to know." Edgar was familiar with this particular conversation, having had it numerous times in his past. Those who didn't know sometimes confused Andros with gay or bisexual males; while technically the same, there were some distinct differences. The high values Andros placed on the items Maddi listed, for one.

  They held such beliefs in as high a regard as Star Trek: TNG Klingons held honor; it wasn't just an idea, it was their way of life. Edgar took these beliefs equally seriously. Some mistook this high standard as snobbishness or disdain for other gay and
bi men. To Edgar, and most Andros, nothing could be farther from the truth. No, Andros didn't participate in many traditionally gay activities, including the still en vogue feminine behavior of some.

  However, this did not mean Andros looked down their noses at gay men or effeminates; it simply meant they, themselves, didn't feel inclined to participate. They believed that those who chose to emulate such behavior, as well as those who were naturally effeminate, should be perfectly free to do so. Andro was originally conceived of as an identity for gay men who weren't naturally effeminate and didn't wish to be, either. In those early days, such men felt a sense of isolation from community; some of the gay men of that time felt that such seemingly traditional masculinity was the source of all of society's problems. Their belief was that could only achieve true equality and acceptance through the destruction of such ideas.

  Eventually, society changed; rather than defining equality as sameness, individual differences were celebrated and intolerance was no longer tolerated. However, despite such societal enlightenment, the differences between gay & bi men and Andros did occasionally require some clarification. Edgar was so into Maddi that he hadn't yet even thought of having this conversation. That Maddi had was a true testament to his honor and Edgar felt an overwhelming sense of respect for the younger man.

  "I understand completely, Maddi," Edgar finally said, a catch in his voice. "I respect your honesty. You honor me with your truth." Maddi looked at Edgar in pleasant surprise; these six simple words were one of the most highly-regarded terms of respect one Andro could give to another. The final word sometimes changed, but the form remained the same.

  Maddi looked Edgar a moment longer before finding his own voice. His words, too, shook with emotion as he spoke the traditional response, "As you honor me with yours," he said. Without another word, they joined in a tight embrace; each man understanding, and silently celebrating, this discovery.

  While Andros were much more prevalent now than in the twentieth century, it wasn't uncommon for them to find it at least a bit difficult to find a mate. Bedmates were easy to come by in this age of freedom, but a true mate - one who not only held the same set of values and beliefs, but also, one with whom there was a true connection - that was not always easy. Edgar once compared it, loosely, to being a member of a little-known religion trying to find a spouse in an almost completely secular world.


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