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Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love

Page 26

by Jay Belle Isle

  Goddamn it! That fucker gave me a bogus name! Fuck! He just wanted me out of the way so the team could do the job without me. I swear, if anything else happens to Maddi I'll turn that old man inside-out! Fuck with me, will ya? I hope you were serious about not needing my money, because you are so shit-canned, you arrogant little prick!

  Fuming, Edgar turned and began the long walk back to the magna station rather than call for another transport as he'd done to get to Davies'. He wasn't fit for human company at the moment and transport drivers were notoriously chatty. He tried calling Evans on the way, but for once in their long association, the barrister was neither answering his call, nor accepting messages.

  One-thirty A.M

  Maddi called out to Jarvis after he finished washing himself. Moments later, she entered the room to find him smiling and sitting close to the edge of the bed nearest the door. "All done, I see," she said. "That must feel so much better! Enjoy it while you can because your rich boyfriend hasn't paid for you yet. In another eighteen and a half hours, you're going to be very uncomfortable. I think I'll start with that smartass tongue and move down from there. Unless, of course, he pays. Then I'm just going to kill you quickly and leave."

  Maddi forced himself to look shocked, despite the fact that he'd already figured he was dead even if Edgar paid the ransom. Unless, of course, his plan worked. He looked up at her, fake shock turning to fake despair, and said, "But... but I thought you were going to let me go if he paid! Please! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!"

  Jarvis was unaffected by his speech and responded only with, "There, there, hon. It'll be quick; just one shot to the head and bang, you're dead!" She obviously found her little poem amusing, given her laughter. Maddi responded appropriately by bursting into tears.

  This just made Jarvis laugh harder. Finally, she clapped her hands together, the sound like a shot in the small room. "That's enough, buttercup! Suck up those tears and quit being a pussy. We all have to go sometime and this is just your time. Now, do you wanna sit next to a pile of shit or do you want those sheets pulled?"

  Maddi brought his alligator tears under control, snuffled like a little child, and said, "Please. Let's pull the sheets. If I have to die, I at least want some dignity, if I can have it."

  "Works for me," quipped Jarvis. "Dead is dead. If you wanna go out singing Broadway show tunes or quoting Shakespeare, do it. I don't care how you go, as long as I'm the one to send you off."

  Maddi allowed a few more tears to fall at her crass remark before nodding in agreement. "Just quiet dignity, that's all. I can't sing and I don't know any Shakespeare," he said.

  Jarvis moved forward to assist with the sheets. When she was at the head of the bed, Maddi pushed up with his arms, raising himself off the sheets. Jarvis leaned down and behind him to get the soiled linens. When she was where Maddi wanted her, he dropped his weight and brought his right arm up and behind in an arc, locking Jarvis' neck in the crook of his elbow and pulling her forward. He shifted his hand slightly and grabbed a handful of her hair in a death grip.

  "...little bastard!" she yelled as she grabbed at his arm. In the next instant, he swung his left arm toward her exposed jugular and held the injector in place, activating it as she struggled, trying desperately to break free. She managed to land one good punch to Maddi's right knee.

  Even with a full dose of Prozine onboard, the pain exploded, blurring Maddi's vision and causing him to lose his grip. He fought to regain it, but it was too late; Jarvis threw herself backward onto the floor. Maddi, wracked with pain, was working hard not to lose consciousness, all the while hoping he'd injected enough air to kill the woman.

  Jarvis struggled to get to her feet, but kept falling down. She knew something wasn't quite right, but couldn't tell exactly what was wrong. Maddi watched her, knowing he'd either escape or die within the few minutes. She was grasping her chest, face contorted in pain, and seemed to be having difficulty breathing. He knew this was a sign she had a serious venous air embolism; what he couldn't tell was whether it was serious enough to be fatal.

  The pain in his knee was beginning to subside when Jarvis launched herself at the bed. He tried to roll away, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid her as she fell onto him. She pushed herself up, patting her pockets looking for the mini. That was last thing Maddi saw before the darkness claimed him.

  One-forty-two A.M

  If anyone noticed the sleek, black transport parked at the end of the cul-de-sac, they didn't do anything about it, such as calling Security. Neither, it seemed, did anyone notice the six black-clad figures crouch-walking in the shadows toward Number 537 Morrison, the home of the recently-deceased Anderson Ridgely.

  The exterior of the home was well-kept and landscaped. The latter provided ample cover for the team to do its job. One person on each of the two entrances, front and back; one with a med kit and a fourth hacking the HC and tracking movement in the house via infrared scan. The remaining two, a petite woman in black leathers and an older man wearing a form-fitting bodysuit, hung back waiting for the hacker to open the front door.

  Evans tapped the special earbuddy in his left ear. "Alvarez, what's your status?"

  The man in question tapped his own 'buddy and replied, "Only two people, both in a rear room at the south-east corner of the house. One unmoving, but alive; the other stumbling like a drunk, or someone injured. I'm almost in to the HC; twenty seconds more, max."

  "Good," Evans responded. He tapped the 'buddy again, "Team. We go in the front door as planned. Head for the south-east corner. Maxwell, we have one down, one potential injured; Bristow is the priority. Laureth, if Campbell is up, take her down. I want her alive, though. Stanton and Griggs, keep on the doors. No one gets in or out who isn't on this team." Alvarez gave a wave from his spot behind a large bush. Evans added, "The HC is ours, the door is open. Move out!"

  Almost as one, the team rushed the house, all but Stanton and Griggs who held the perimeter and Alvarez who tracked the movements of the targets. Evans and Laureth went first, followed by Maxwell. Evans took point, carefully sweeping the room; it paid to be careful, even with Alvarez' voice in his ear every five seconds with a "no movement" update. Evans kept his weapon of choice at the ready; the compact pistol packed a huge wallop for its size, hence the nickname 'bone blower'. When this bullet hit the bone, it obliterated its target leaving shards too small to ever be repaired.

  The team was halfway to the rear bedroom when Alvarez' update changed. "Movement! Stumbler is heading your way!"

  "Got it!" Evans responded. He, Maxwell and Laureth flattened themselves against the wall, out of sight from the hallway leading to the rear of the house. Within seconds, they could hear labored breathing and heavy footsteps. Moments later, a woman stumbled into view. Laureth swept Campbell's legs and the woman went down hard.

  "Maxwell, with me!" Evans ordered and the two men sped off down the hallway, leaving Laureth to deal with Campbell.

  "Well, bitch, guess you're time is up!" Laureth spat the words at the prone Campbell. "You don't look so good. Too bad; I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight." At this, she cracked her knuckles.

  Campbell, still fighting to steady her breathing, smiled up at the smaller woman. "You... should be... careful what... you wish for... bitch!" she gasped. Without missing a beat, she flipped to her left side taking Laureth's legs out from under her. As she fell, Campbell jumped to her feet, adrenaline kicking in, and planted a kick to Laureth's midsection, stopping her from getting up.

  Laureth slammed into the wall behind her with enough force to knock two picture frames loose, sending them crashing to the floor. She shielded her eyes from the shattering glass and jumped to her feet as Campbell came in for another kick. She never got her chance though; Laureth planted a high kick to her chin, snapping her head back severely. Laureth bounced on the balls of her feet, hands up, ready for another round. Campbell landed on her back, head hitting the floor with a sickening crack. She didn't move.

t-weight," Laureth said, shaking her head and grabbing the plasti-cuffs from her belt.

  Evans and Maxwell entered the rear bedroom to find Maddox Bristow struggling to get out of bed. The boy's knees were swollen to the size of ripe melons and the room smelled like a charnel house, despite the HC's efforts to cleanse the air.

  "Stop right there, Maddox," Evans said. "We're friends and you're safe now. Maxwell here is a medic; let him take a look at those knees. What the fuck is that awful smell?" he asked.

  "Some poor bastard named Ridgely. This is his house, I think. He's in the closet," Maddi answered as Maxwell eased him back on the bed and began his exam.

  Evans went to the closet and opened the door. "Shit!" he exclaimed, gagging as the smell rolled over him. He quickly shut the door and turned to Maddi. "She really is one sick bitch," he said. Maddi, exhausted from pain, giggled at the sentiment expressed in a crisp British accent. Evans smiled, understanding.

  "How is he?" Evans asked Maxwell.

  "Badly dehydrated, blood sugar low from lack of food. Both knee caps and joints are completely shattered tendons and ligaments torn. Nothing that can't be repaired surgically. No concussion, though there's a lump on the back of his head. Blood shows Prozine; however, the medication isn't having much effect," the medic answered.

  "Can you do anything more for the pain?" Evans asked. "We'll get him to hospital, but he shouldn't have to suffer any more than he already has."

  "I can safely dose him with morphine, but he'll lose consciousness. Will that be a problem, sir?" Maxwell asked.

  "Not at all, Maxwell. Maddox, I'm taking you to a private hospital. They'll get you back in shape," Evans said. At Maddi's worried look, he added, "No questions will be asked and the costs are covered."

  Maddi sighed and relaxed, partly from the news and partly from the narcotic hitting his system. Maxwell gently picked him up and began carrying him out of the room. He grabbed at Evans' arm and Maxwell stopped. "Edgar?" Maddi asked.

  "Yes," Evans answered. "He's funded your rescue."

  "Give him a message," Maddi slurred, eyes fluttering.

  Evans leaned closer to hear Maddi's whisper before the boy lost consciousness.

  The team followed Maxwell out to the transport, now parked in front of Ridgely's house. Evans gave Laureth a quick look and she answered his silent question, "In the trunk, out cold."

  He smiled and issued his final order before departing for the hospital. "Alvarez, trigger a system overload and burn this nightmare down." Alvarez gave a thumb's up from the rear of the transport and began typing.

  As the transport rounded the corner, the night sky blossomed orange and yellow as Ridgely's house exploded.

  Seven-sixteen A.M

  Evans paced the private consult room at Arandia, the city's most exclusive hospital. This was not a place for general healing; Arandia catered only to the ultra-rich, handling medical issues their patients would prefer not leak out to gossips. At the moment, Evans was catering to his own ultra-rich client as Edgar ranted on the other end of the comm.

  "...dare you do this to me, Evans! I pay you a metric shit-ton of money and you send me off on a wild goose chase, ignoring my express orders! I'm capable of more than you know and if it wasn't for the fact that you're equally as well-connected, I'd literally have your head on a platter! As it is, you'll be getting your official termination notice later today, you bastard!"

  Edgar paused to take a breath and Evans stepped into the silence. "If you'd calm your ass down and listen instead of bellowing like a damn fool, you might just fucking learn something, Edgar! Now shut it and let me explain!" The barrister's voice thundered in the small room and he knew, even though the comm would modulate the volume on Edgar's end, that the other man got the point.

  Once again, Evans' outburst caught Edgar off guard. "Go on," he said, still angry.

  "That's better, dammit," Evans said. "First off, I told you why you weren't coming on the rescue mission. Since I knew you'd be too fucking stubborn to listen, I gave you bogus intel. Trust me, the team I led is the best in business and we had no room for amateurs.

  Second, Maddox is at Arandia in stable condition. He's had both knees reconstructed and is currently meeting with a psy'er, poor kid. I can't stand those creepy bastards, but after the trauma he endured, it was better than letting him process it on his own. Faster, too. Finally, we need to see each other later today; I want to introduce you to our Miss Campbell before she exits this world."

  Edgar, pacing while he listened to Evans, fell into his desk chair, speechless. After a few moments, Evans' voice came over the comm, "Are you still there?"

  "I... I'm here, Evans," Edgar stammered. "Just a little shocked, is all. You're telling me Maddi is safe and you led the mission?"

  "You youngsters," Evans chuckled. "You think you invented adventure! I was doing shit like this when your father was crapping his nappies. And yes, Maddox is safe and well-cared for, Edgar. He's an amazing young man. You can see him later today. I'm given to understand the mind-creeper will be done with him by then."

  "I don't know what to say, Evans," Edgar replied, shaking his head. "I didn't think my dapper barrister had it in him to do something like this; frankly, you've surprised the shit out of me!"

  "Will wonders never cease!" Evans laughed. "Of course, you could start by saying, 'I'm sorry I've been such an impertinent shit,' followed by, 'Thank you!', but that's just me."

  Edgar laughed. "You're right, Evans. I have been an 'impertinent shit' and I'm sorry. I'm also grateful as hell you saved Maddi. At least now he'll be able to have the life he deserves. So. Changing track; when do I to meet Miss Campbell and how well sound-proofed is her room? She and I have many things to discuss and I wouldn't want the neighbors calling Security."

  It was Evans' turn to pause, a bit shocked that Edgar wanted to go through with Campbell's elimination. "I can assure you she's quite secure and no one would hear it if you set off a bomb in that room. Are you certain you have the guts for this type of thing? Anger and the heat of the moment is one thing, but actually killing a person is quite different from what you read or see in movies."

  Edgar snorted. "Apparently, we've both misjudged each other, Evans. Maybe someday we'll share stories, but suffice to say this bitch won't be my first."

  "Hmmm. I'd say we have underestimated each other, Edgar, my boy. If you're really serious, meet me at two-thirty; I'm sending the address. Oh, and don't be too obvious, will you? It's not your usual type of venue."

  "Understood. I'll wear the old Armani then," Edgar quipped and the barrister chuckled. "I owe you one, Evans. That you put your ass on the line for Maddi is above and beyond the call. I won't forget it; nor are you fired."

  "How gratifying," came the dry retort. "Thank you, Edgar; I appreciate it. For the record, you actually owe me five hundred thousand, plus Maddox' medical expenses."

  "Deal," chuckled Edgar. "See you this afternoon."

  "Yes, sir," Evans said. "End call."


  Two-twenty-five P.M.

  Edgar's rented transport dropped him a couple blocks from the address Evans sent, per the barrister's instructions. He paid the transport and declined to schedule a return time, also per instructions.

  Man, Evans wasn't kidding! This area looks like the old warehouse district back when I was a kid. Then again, I guess you don't book a suite at the Ritz-Carlton if you wanna off somebody and not get noticed.

  He waited until the transport was out of sight before walking briskly toward what turned out to be an actual abandoned warehouse. The building, indeed the whole area, was something of an anomaly in the 2-4. Unless, of course, the owner was purposely keeping it run down; say, a wealthy barrister with a penchant for under-the-table operations, for instance.

  He arrived at the agreed-upon entrance to find yet another surprise. Evans, dressed head-to-toe in a black bodysuit, was leaning against the door, a formidable-looking gun in a shoulder holster. The barrister dropped his
hand from the gun's butt as he saw it was Edgar rounding the corner.

  "Expecting someone else?" Edgar asked.

  "No, but one can never be too sure," Evans replied, an uncharacteristic smile brightening his usually blank face. "Follow me." He opened the door and stepped into a well-lit space, only a quarter the size of the old building. Edgar followed and closed the door behind him.

  "Nice place," Edgar commented, "if you're filming a slasher flick."

  "What? You expected the Ritz for this?" Evans joked, knowing Edgar well-enough to know that he'd be thinking in those terms.

  "No, not at all," Edgar replied, grinning. "I'm guessing you own this little slice of heaven? That's the only reason I can think of that it would still be run down these days; someone has to want it that way."

  "Precisely," Evans nodded. "Let's just say it's convenient to have such a place for certain activities."

  Edgar declined to pursue that particular line of thought, believing that sometimes less was better. Instead, he looked around and his gaze fell upon Mariposa Campbell, bound to the chair in which she sat. He looked at Evans, his expression hardening. "You may want to step out for this," he said.

  "And miss the fun? Not a chance! Shall we?"

  "Your decision," Edgar said and walked toward Campbell, Evans close behind.

  "Edgar Aeternum, may I present Miss Mariposa Campbell, aka Miss Serina Jarvis. She led quite the chase, I must say, but in the end we got her."

  "Cocky old bastard!" Campbell spat. "Untie me and you won't be so..."

  Before she could finish the sentence, Edgar stepped forward and backhanded her hard enough to knock over her chair. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he said coldly. "He is the last person on this planet you need to worry about right now, you butchering bitch!"

  Both Campbell and Evans were silent, stunned by Edgar's actions and attitude. He reached down and hefted Campbell, chair and all, upright before he continued. "You've had your fun at the expense of an innocent young man. Now, it's my turn. You're such an art aficionado, you should really be able to appreciate what I have planned."


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