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Crowns in Conflict

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by Theo Aronson

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  — The Linings of Life, 2 vols., Hurst and Blackett, London, 1928

  Paléologue, Maurice, An Ambassador's Memoirs, 3 vols, Hutchinson, London, 1923–5

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  Pares, Sir Bernard, The Fall of the Russian Monarchy, Jonathan Cape, London, 1939

  Pauli, Hertha, The Secret of Sarajevo, Collins, London, 1966

  Petrovich, M.B., The Emergence of Russian Panslavism, Columbia University Press, 1956

  Pitt, Barrie, 1918: The Last Act, Cassell, London, 1962

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  — What I Left Unsaid, Cassell, London, 1936

  Poincaré, Raymond, Au Service de la France, Librarie Plon, Paris, 1932

  Ponsonby, Frederick, Recollections of Three Reigns, Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1951

  Pope-Hennessy, James, Queen Mary, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1959

  Radziwill, Princess Catherine, Germany under Three Emperors, Cassell, London, 1917

  — The Intimate Life of the Last Tsarina, Cassell, London, 1929

  — Nicholas II: The Last of the Tsars, Cassell, London, 1931

  Ramm, Agatha, Germany 1789–1919, Methuen, London, 1967

  Rasputin, Maria, My Father, Cassell, London, 1934

  Redlich, Joseph, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, Macmillan, London, 1929

  Rced, J., Ten Days that Shook the World, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1962

  Reischach, Baron Hugo von, Under Three Emperors, Constable, London, 1927

  Remak, Joachim, Sarajevo, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1959

  Renzi, W.A., Italy's Neutrality and Entrance into the Great War: A Reexamination, The American Historical Review, June 1968

  Ritter, Gerhard, The Sword and the Sceptre, 4 vols, Allen Lane, London, 1972

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  Rodd, Sir James Rennell, Social and Diplomatic Memories 1902–1919, Edward Arnold, London, 1925

  Rodzianko, M.V., The Reign of Rasputin, A.M. Philpot, London, 1927

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  Rose, Kenneth, King George V, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1983

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Letters (ed. by E.E. Morison), Harvard University Press, 1951–1954

  — Cowboys and Kings, Harvard University Press, 1954

  Ryder, A.J., The German Revolution of 1918, Cambridge University Press, 1967

  Salandra, A., Italy and the Great War, Arnold, London, 1932

  Savinsky, A., Recollections of a Russian Diplomat, Hutchinson, London, 1927

  Savolea, Charles, How Belgium Saved Europe, Heinemann, London, 1915

  Sazonov, Serge, Fateful Years, Stokes, New York, 1928

  Scaroni, S., Con Vittorio Emanuele III, Montadori, Milan, 1954

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  Table of Contents

  Cover Page

/>   Copyright Page

  Dedication Page


  Author's Note

  Prologue: 'The Pomp of Kings'


  1 The All Highest

  2 Constitutional King

  3 King Emperor

  4 Heir to the Caesars

  5 Autocrat of All the Russias

  6 Royal Meetings

  7 His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty


  8 League of the Balkan Kings

  9 The Balkan Wars

  10 Regicide


  11 Divided Houses

  12 Taking Sides

  13 Uneasy Heads

  14 'Thrones at a Discount'

  15 The Gathering Storm

  16 The Beginning of the End

  17 The Fall of Kings

  Epilogue: Victors and Vanquished



  Table of Contents

  Cover Page

  Copyright Page

  Dedication Page


  Author's Note

  Prologue: 'The Pomp of Kings'


  1 The All Highest

  2 Constitutional King

  3 King Emperor

  4 Heir to the Caesars

  5 Autocrat of All the Russias

  6 Royal Meetings

  7 His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty


  8 League of the Balkan Kings

  9 The Balkan Wars

  10 Regicide


  11 Divided Houses

  12 Taking Sides

  13 Uneasy Heads

  14 'Thrones at a Discount'

  15 The Gathering Storm

  16 The Beginning of the End

  17 The Fall of Kings

  Epilogue: Victors and Vanquished






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