Book Read Free

Fake It Till You Make It

Page 15

by M. Ullrich

  Genevieve felt along Harper’s shoulders, reveling in the firm muscles that flexed beneath the soft skin. She counted each freckle along the way as she trailed her fingertips down to Harper’s breasts. Genevieve took her first long look at Harper’s naked body. She was surprised by how much darker her nipples were, and Harper’s breasts were bigger than she expected. Genevieve reached out to fill her hand with one and nearly jumped when Harper shivered.

  Harper blushed. “It’s been a while. I forgot how sensitive I am.”

  Genevieve caressed Harper’s breast again and pinched her nipple. Harper’s squeal changed to a throaty moan, a noise Genevieve wanted to hear again and again. She pushed Harper back and straddled her thighs. Harper’s mouth fell open. Genevieve explored Harper’s torso with her lips, leaving moist ringlets in the wake of open-mouthed kisses. She lavished attention on Harper’s chest, nipping and licking at her skin before taking one pert nipple between her lips.

  Harper moaned again. Genevieve redoubled her efforts, swirling her tongue around the dusky peak as she scraped it gently between her teeth. Harper had started to move her hips, grabbing on to Genevieve’s hips with a near-painful hold and throwing her head back into the pillow. Genevieve read the peaks and valleys of Harper’s abs with her fingertips, as if painting a picture in her memory. She reached below Harper’s navel, where she traced the two sexy muscles that formed a V. Genevieve wanted to look into Harper’s eyes once more, but they were closed.

  Her face flushed, Harper appeared lost in an immense pleasure Genevieve was responsible for and in control of. When Genevieve reached down between Harper’s legs, she gasped at how wet she was.

  “Don’t be so surprised,” Harper said without even looking at Genevieve. Her voice was raspy and strained as she spoke. “I haven’t calmed down since I started touching you.”

  Genevieve ran her middle finger down to her entrance, the source of her flowing desire. She nearly growled in response. Genevieve could feel Harper’s heart pounding from the inside out, syncing with her own thundering heartbeat. She explored Harper’s depths, humming in approval when she skimmed along her thick, achingly pronounced clit.

  “Someone’s excited.”

  “You have no idea,” Harper said between clenched teeth.

  “Oh I have an idea.” Genevieve sat up and situated herself with one of Harper’s legs between hers. She ground down on Harper’s muscular thigh, spreading her wetness across her skin. Harper’s breathing stuttered to a halt, and she released a long breath once Genevieve continued the movement between her legs.

  Genevieve pressed firmly against Harper’s clit, circling the turgid bud with three fingers. Genevieve’s hand moved smoothly in her juices, and she never stopped moving her hips as she rode Harper’s leg. She was chasing pleasure as well as giving, and the power in that turned Genevieve on even more.

  “I’m close again,” she said.

  “Me too.”

  Genevieve moved her hand faster, willing Harper to find the same bliss she was about to embark upon. Her own orgasm took her by surprise. She had no lengthy buildup, just a solitary explosion between her legs against Harper’s heated flesh. Genevieve fell forward against Harper and struggled to keep her movement even for the sake of the writhing woman beneath her. In a final effort to share in ecstasy together, Genevieve bit down on Harper’s breast.

  “Genevieve,” Harper panted. “Don’t stop!”

  Harper dug her fingers into Genevieve’s skin, and Genevieve hoped she’d be forever branded with her touch. Memories weren’t enough, not for this moment. She needed a natural tattoo to follow her until her dying day.

  Harper came silently, ceasing all movement as her body locked. Genevieve continued to caress her as she rode out every spasm. When Harper stopped moving, Genevieve looked down into her peaceful face and knew she had found exactly where her heart belonged.


  “What a way to wake up,” Genevieve mumbled sleepily, feeling bare, warm skin pressed against hers. Harper glided her hands along Genevieve’s thighs and stomach. Genevieve wanted to forget alarm clocks for the rest of her life and be awakened like this.

  Harper pressed a soft kiss against Genevieve’s bare shoulder. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just needed to feel you to make sure this was real and not some incredible dream. How are you?”

  Genevieve smiled at Harper’s concern. She wondered whether Harper was always so considerate and caring. She faced Harper. “I’m wonderful,” she said softly, placing her palm against Harper’s cheek. “And I’ll be even better once I brush my teeth.”

  They both giggled before Genevieve leapt from the bed and ran to the bathroom naked. She stood back from the large mirror over the sink and looked at her reflection, her cheeks rosy and her smile blinding. Her eyes were a little red from her unexpected tears but were shimmering and clear otherwise. She felt a twinge of embarrassment when she saw her old makeup and mussed hair. Genevieve washed her face quickly and struggled to recognize herself on the outside. The woman she was back in Pennsylvania was no more. Now Genevieve Applegate was the person she believed she could be all along—accomplished, independent, and desirable.

  “Harper?” she called out over her shoulder. “I have an extra toothbrush.”

  Within seconds Harper was next to her, tearing open the plastic packaging.

  “Eager?” Genevieve said.

  “I want my lips on you, and I’m also a firm believer in superior dental hygiene.”

  “It shows. Your smile is gorgeous.” Genevieve looked at Harper naked in the morning sunlight. This was the first unobstructed glimpse she’d had, and Genevieve took full advantage of the opportunity. Harper’s hair was mussed, the complete opposite of its everyday perfection. Genevieve loved it. “Just like the rest of you,” she said.

  “Stop with the compliments. They’re going to inflate my ego, and no one wants a conceited girlfriend.” Harper bent over the sink and started to brush her teeth. Genevieve laughed before Harper’s words fully registered in her head. She brushed her teeth slowly, making the same small circles over and over until Harper smiled brilliantly at Genevieve in the mirror and said, “Ready for more kissing.”

  Genevieve spat out the excess toothpaste as delicately as possible and wiped her mouth with a dampened hand towel. She finished quickly, wrapping her arms around Harper’s neck and pressing their bodies together. Harper took a sharp breath. Genevieve kissed her softly, enjoying the minty taste. “Are you my girlfriend?” She tried to pull back to look into Harper’s eyes, but Harper didn’t let her. She intensified the kiss.

  She pulled back, leaving Genevieve panting, and said, “I’m kissing you in your bathroom, completely naked after brushing our teeth together. I think that puts us at girlfriend status. What do you think?”

  “I agree, but I think there needs to be more kissing before I know for sure.”

  Genevieve squealed when Harper lifted her up and carried her to bed.

  Much later, when the couple became too hungry to stay in bed, they dragged themselves to the kitchen for a hearty brunch of cold cereal. Harper leaned against the counter. She wore no pants but had her shirt from the night before buttoned loosely around her. Genevieve opted for her usual threadbare sweats.

  “What’s next?” Genevieve said.

  “Back to the bedroom?” Genevieve shot Harper a scolding look, and Harper revised her answer. “We take it one step at a time and keep things professional at work, save for a few stolen kisses here and there. I know I won’t be able to resist.”

  “Me either. But you’re the boss,” Genevieve said with a wink. “I’ll follow your lead.” She thought about work. “And Clarissa?”

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  “Please don’t. She already hates me.” Genevieve dropped her head into her hands.

  Harper knelt in front of Genevieve, pried her hands from her face, and forced her to look up. “Let me worry about Clarissa. I know her, I know how she thinks. If we continue lik
e we’re not together, it’ll just add to the problem.”

  “I’m pretty sure she already knows something’s going on between us.”

  “And I’ll talk to her about it.” Harper took Genevieve’s hands in hers and smiled that damn soft smirk that Genevieve had fallen for months ago. “I have a meeting with a few investors on Monday morning about new content for this coming year. Clarissa is attending. I’ll ask her to show up early so I can have a word with her. I promise you, the Clarissa problem will be solved as soon as possible.”

  Genevieve took a deep breath. “Fine.” She stood and helped Harper to her feet. “Let’s go back to bed so you can make me forget all about the outside world for the rest of the weekend.” She led Harper by the hand to her bed.

  “You’re smart, beautiful, and want the same things in life that I do,” Harper said. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “You hired me.” Genevieve smiled wickedly and pushed Harper onto her back across the mattress. They barely left the bedroom after that, and Genevieve forgot about the outside world waiting to devour them.

  Step Twenty-two

  Accept That Things Don’t Always Work Out

  Genevieve had no idea what to expect when Monday morning rolled around. She had reluctantly said good-bye to Harper late Sunday evening. After two consecutive sleepovers, waking up without the soft feel of Harper’s skin touching hers was a lackluster start to Genevieve’s day. Monday mornings were bad enough, but Genevieve was cranky because she didn’t sleep well, nor did she get out of bed in time for her first cup of coffee. Two days with Harper affected her entire routine.

  As Genevieve walked from her car to the office building, she tried to focus on the day ahead, the piece she had to write, and the conversation that should’ve taken place between Harper and Clarissa.

  “Genevieve!” Harper called out.

  “Harper?” Genevieve looked at her in confusion. The meeting was scheduled to start in five minutes, and she should have talked to Clarissa by now.

  “I’m running so late this morning,” Harper said, breathless from jogging to meet Genevieve. Harper kissed her before she reached for the door handle. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she said as they walked in together.

  “Lunch today,” Harper said as they came to a fork in the road—Genevieve’s desk to the right and her office to the left. “I’ll swing by your desk later.” With a lopsided grin, Harper was gone.

  When Genevieve arrived at her desk, she placed her jacket on the back of her office chair, unaware of the smile plastered across her face until Matthew caught a glimpse.

  “My, my! Someone must’ve had a good weekend.”

  Genevieve heard him speak, but instead of acknowledging him, she chose to start up her computer and unpack her glasses and notebook from her bag. That didn’t last long.

  “Earth to Gen. Come in Gen!” He waved his hand in front of her eyes.

  Genevieve pulled back, disgruntled, and swatted at his hand. “What?”

  “What do you mean, ‘what’? You walk in here looking like the pussy that ate the canary and expect me not to notice? Spill!”

  “There’s nothing to spill. I enjoyed my weekend off, and I’m excited to get to work.” She shrugged nonchalantly, but her nervous bouncing leg gave her away.

  Maxine sat beside her. “Good morning. I saw you walk in with Harper. Seems like everyone’s running a little late today.” Genevieve’s eyes widened at Maxine’s seemingly innocent words. When she turned back to Matthew, he was grinning devilishly.

  “We arrived at the same time,” Genevieve said. “We didn’t come to work together.”

  “Oh my God, you’re blushing.”

  Genevieve’s face was on fire. She forgot exactly how she and Harper had planned to handle any discussion about their relationship at work, so she said the first thing that came to mind. “We’re keeping it professional at work.”

  Maxine chuckled. “But not so much right outside of work.” She winked.

  Genevieve’s head dropped. “You saw?”

  “You two kiss without the help of mistletoe? Yes, I saw.”

  Genevieve covered her face and moaned.

  “Listen, Gen, I’m happy for you, and I’m sure Matthew is too.” Genevieve looked over to Matthew, who was in his own little world of self-satisfied amazement. “I’ve been waiting years to see Harper meet someone special. I’m glad it’s you.” Maxine clapped her hand on Genevieve’s shoulder with an alarming amount of force. “Just keep her out of your column.”

  “I think I can manage that.”

  “Here comes Dana. Look busy!” Matthew said.

  “Good morning, everyone!” Dana said cheerily. “Gen, Harper would like to see you in the meeting room.”

  “Why?” Harper has a meeting with investors. Why would she want me there? Unless she wants to make my column bigger? Genevieve smiled at the prospect of what this development could mean for her career.

  “Not sure, but the meeting is about to start.”

  As much as she wanted to stop for coffee along the way, Genevieve didn’t even pause. She didn’t want to keep the investors waiting. When she stepped through the door, Harper greeted her silently with a broad smile. Genevieve looked around the room at the seven strangers, five women and two men. Clarissa sat at the head of the table. Genevieve opted to move to the side where Harper sat.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “Actually, I did.” Clarissa said. “Please have a seat, Gen.” Clarissa pointed to the seat beside her and Genevieve sat nervously. “Shall we get started?”

  Harper spoke up next. “I guess I’ll start with wishing you all a Happy New Year.” The sentiment was echoed around the table. Genevieve responded to the well wishes halfheartedly, keeping her attention on Clarissa. Her stomach cramped anxiously.

  “With a New Year comes new content,” Harper continued. “Every year I think we exceed our original plans for the magazine, and I don’t expect this year to be any different.” Harper looked at each one of the attendees separately, and Genevieve watched on in awe as she commanded the room. “Each of you has a different relationship with Out Shore, just as we have a different relationship with each of your niche markets. We’re here to talk ideas, to think outside the box really, and to add something to Out Shore that’ll help this magazine stand out from the rest.” Harper looked at Genevieve for a moment before she nodded at Clarissa. “The first portion of the presentation is from Clarissa.”

  Clarissa smiled broadly. “Good morning.” When she stood straight, her feminine appearance added a softness to her that kept her sharp edges well hidden. “What’s one type of book always on the best-sellers list?” Clarissa looked around and waited for anyone to pitch an answer.

  Harper politely played along and suggested, “Romances?” The room filled with quiet laughter.

  “Well, yes, but I was thinking self-help books. How-to guides and the like. A lot of lost people in the world are desperate to find an instruction manual for life, and I think Out Shore can give it to them.” Clarissa walked over to a laptop she had connected to a larger monitor. Everyone wore an excited expression, and even Harper seemed incredibly interested in what her ex-wife had in mind.

  “I have a self-help book for just about everything,” one of the female investors joked while they waited.

  Clarissa motioned to Genevieve, and suddenly eight smiling faces were pointed at her. “I called in Genevieve Applegate for one simple reason—I think she’ll be the perfect person to head this new content.”

  “Really?” Genevieve and Harper said simultaneously.

  “Yes, really,” Clarissa said. “Let me introduce you all to what I hope will be our newest, most successful section yet: Fake It till You Make It: A User’s Guide.”

  Genevieve’s curiosity and the little bit of confusion she may have felt slipped away as she took in the bold-lettered title across two pictures of her. On one side was a picture of her and Harper at the holiday
party, and on the other was an old photo of Jeremy and Genevieve sharing a warm embrace. Harper looked at her with an expectant frown.

  “Genevieve came to us from Pennsylvania where she was a straight girl in a very long-term relationship with her high school boyfriend. But something magical must’ve happened when she crossed the border into Jersey, because suddenly she was a young lesbian looking to live a big gay life.” Clarissa’s laughter was mirthless. “Clearly, she’s the perfect person to help people lie their way to the top.”

  Harper stood abruptly and left the room. Genevieve went to run after her, but Clarissa stood in her way.

  “Let me go!” Genevieve begged.

  “I warned you, Gen. I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “Like how you hurt her?” Genevieve tried to maneuver around Clarissa, but the doorway was too narrow. “You had your chance.”

  “And you had your fun. You tried on the lesbian life for a while. I think it’s time you go back to being a loser—”

  Genevieve slapped Clarissa hard. Clarissa held her cheek and stumbled back as Genevieve looked on with wide eyes, her palm on fire. She had never hit anyone before, and as much as she would have liked to revel in the satisfaction, she had to catch up to Harper.

  “Harper!” Genevieve called out as she ran between cubicles in search of her. She checked Harper’s empty office and ran for the exit. She stepped out into the frigid winter morning and looked both ways down the street. She caught a glimpse of Harper rounding the corner and continued her chase. “Harper, wait!” She caught up to her quickly, but her sprint had left her out of breath when it came time to speak.


  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry for what exactly? Lying to me? Making a fool out of me? Or getting caught?”

  Genevieve flinched at Harper’s uncharacteristically harsh tone, but the emptiness she saw in Harper’s eyes hurt her the most.


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