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Love at First Mate

Page 9

by Dani Wyatt

  If my protective instincts were bad when it was just Wynter, then they got dialed up to ten when she was pregnant, and now that the babies are here…fuck, I’m at scorched-earth level and trying to reason with me is futile.

  “He’s something alright.” Wynter flutters her eyelashes on a playful eye roll, when I look over to see a shiny silver mini-van pulling up behind the suburban, all four doors opening, and all I hear are screams and laughter.

  It’s Gran, Howard, Josephine, Wayne and his mate Tina, as well as English all wearing pink and acting like lunatics.

  “Shhhhhhh!” I stomp toward the loving mob. “If any of you wake them...” I look around at their smiling faces and excited eyes, unsure what exactly is the correct sort of threat for people that love you, and your family, and just want to show you their enthusiasm. I shake my head and wave my hand in front of me. “Just, be quiet. They’re sleeping.”

  “Hi, honey.” Myra comes over to Wynter and leans down to give her a hug. “We’re so happy.” Her voice cracks and Howard comes up behind her, giving her a soft whack on her rear end.

  “Congratulations.” He looks to me, then Wynter. “Those are some pretty damn cute cubs you got there. Clearly take after their mother.”

  Wynter smiles as the rest of the crew gathers round, all hugging and peeking in the back seat of the Suburban to see the girls.

  “When they are pitching a fit they sure take after their Daddy,” she adds, giving me a wink.

  English is standing next to me, looking at the girls, and when I look at him he’s fucking crying.

  “Dude.” I look around. “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re beautiful.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and sniffs, choking back a little sob, and I look at Wynter who gives me a sympathetic look and motions for me to pat him on the back or something.

  “Man, get it together.” I shove his shoulder instead of the hug, and Wynter gives me a look so I open my hand and switch to an awkward pat on his back. “You’ll find your mate. You’ll have your time.”

  “I’m not sure. I’m forty-seven years old, man. What if I don’t have a mate? What if I never get the chance to make little cubs and have what—” He stops, turning away, waving me off as he steps to the back of the vehicle and Josephine takes over, giving us a little shrug, holding her index finger up to say hold on a sec.

  “What are they all doing here, anyway?” I step over to Wynter, then look over to see Wayne, his mate Tina, Myra and Howard, all practically climbing in the back of the SUV to be closer the babies. “Hey! Get out of there! You all have grown-up germs. You make them sick, I’m going to break your legs.”

  “Ragnar.” Wynter uses her mom voice on me. “You’re not going to be breaking any legs. And you know as well as I do shifter babies are as tough as any adult. They’re not licking them, for gosh sake, they’re looking at them. You need to chillax, big daddy.”

  I growl along with my bear as the nurse helps Wynter stand, and I nod a grumbled thank you before letting him know I’ll take it from here.

  “You okay, baby? Here, let me put you in the seat.” She starts to protest but I’m not listening. I scoop her up and lift her, slide her carefully into the seat, then pull the seat belt over her belly and buckle her in. “You hurting anywhere? I have a kale, orange and mint smoothy there for you.”

  She makes a disgusted face, then forces a smile. “Thank you?”

  “You have to be healthier than ever. You’re going to be feeding our cubs and I’ve been reading all about nursing and what foods are good for lactation. And what things you should avoid for the most milk production and dense nutrition.” The words tumble out, and Wynter’s eyes are wide as I hear my gran’s stifled chuckle from behind.

  I turn to see her wry smile. “Who would’ve thought you’d be this guy?” She runs her hand up and down my back. “I’m proud of you, Ragnar. You’re going to be the best, biggest pain the ass father to your little girls.”

  “Okay everybody!” I announce over the crowd, pushing the prying eyes away from the open door and closing it up, ready to get home with my family. “Show’s over. Thanks for coming.”

  “What?” Josephine squints. “Myra said we are all coming back to your place for barbecue and baby time?”

  “Gran,” I grumble, and she shrugs. “Did you know about this?” I ask my wife, who nods.

  “It’s just for a couple hours. We have our whole lives ahead of us, they just wanted us to have a special welcome home.”

  I grunt an agreement, then wave to everyone and get behind the wheel, easing the SUV ahead, barely taking my foot off the brake.

  It takes a good five minutes to pull out of the parking lot, and when we are finally on the road some jack-weed pulls right up on my bumper and starts honking like an idiot.

  “Motherfucker,” I seethe, throwing the vehicle into park and hopping out of the driver’s door, listening to Wynter yelling at me to stop, but some things can’t wait.

  I march to his car and pound my fist on the window of his piece-of-shit Mini Cooper. He rolls down his window, but I can see in his eyes he’s sorry already. I could pick up his car and toss it like a football right now, I’m so fucking pissed.

  “You see that car?” I point to the Suburban.

  “Yeahhhhh…” The guy looks forward, then back to me with an ‘oh shit’ look in his eyes.

  “Inside that car is my whole fucking life.”

  “Yeah, but you’re only driving like five miles an hour, man—”

  “That’s right. I have two brand new babies in there asleep. You get that? Asleep. And if you wake them up, I’m going to shove this toy car straight up your ass. You want to go faster? Turn around, go that way.” I point in the other direction from where I’m headed. “From there, do what the fuck you want, but if you’re going to be behind me, you better stay the fuck back and forget you have a horn. We clear?”

  The guy looks around like he’s on hidden camera, or this is some joke, but as I stare him down, my breathing turning to a near snort as my grizzly starts to come out, he raises his hands and nods.


  “Ragnar!” I hear Wynter’s voice come from her side of the car, and she better not be getting out or I’ll spank her ass until it’s stop sign red. “Come back. The babies like the car moving. They’re going to wake up if we sit here much longer.”

  I point at the guy one last time, then jog to the open door of the Suburban and get in. Easing forward again, I work up to ten miles per hour as I watch the Mini Cooper do a U turn in the street and head the other direction.

  “You gotta get a grip there, Daddybear. You’re going to end up with a murder charge, then where will we be? I don’t want a day without you.”

  I nod as she cups my cheek and I hear a little cooing from the back seat.

  “What’s that? Is she okay?” I turn around to look at Lily, then at Wynter, and then pull the car to the side of the road, but Wynter laughs. “Keep driving. At this rate, they will be graduating from high school before you get us home.”

  “Fuck.” I blow out, rubbing my forehead with one hand. “How am I going to do this?”

  “You’re going to do just fine. We got this. Trust me. Remember? Trust me.”

  “I love you so fucking much.” I blurt out, my voice cracking. “I just want to be the best husband and father. I promise, I’m going to try, but I’ll probably fuck it up.”

  “I love you too, big dumb bear. We’ll both fuck up. It’s part of the deal. It’s part of the ride.”

  We drive for another minute in silence, then Wynter starts to laugh. She stifles it behind her palm, clasping it over her mouth as I ease to the next stop sign, looking for traffic before barely taking my foot off the brake, looking at the girls to make sure I’m not waking them by going too fast.

  “What’s so funny?” I whisper as Lola stirs in her car seat, holding my finger to my mouth for Wynter to keep her voice low.

  “Well, I never imagined…what
a slow sort of ride it was going to be.”

  “I’ll show you a slow ride.” I hiss under my breath. “Doctor said six weeks? You just wait, six weeks and one day, I’m going to give you the ride of your life.” I pause, thinking for a second. “If I live that long.”

  “Don’t worry. My lady bits may be on hiatus for a few weeks, but there are a couple other holes I know you like. They are both still open for business.”

  She gives me that sexy, innocent smile that always hits me right in the balls.

  “You’re perfect, you know that?”

  She nods, pulling her sweet lips to the side, then gives me a wink. “I know.”

  Nothing has given me more joy, more purpose, than finding my mate.

  Thank you fate, for not listening to my dumb ass.

  I have it all.

  And I’m not going to fuck this up.

  Chapter 14


  Twelve years later

  “Ah, God…” I choke out, my fingers tangled in Ragnar’s hair as he impales me on the last of his thrusts before he throws his head back, opening his mouth to roar, but with the last of my sensibilities I clamp my hand over his mouth and we cum together, my palm smothering the sound.

  My head is spinning as I come down from my climax. Ragnar’s cock is still pulsing and pumping inside of me as he holds my ass in his hands and presses me against the wall, his mouth now on one of my nipples.

  “Oww!” I yelp, swatting him in the arm as his teeth go sharp and he bites down.

  He releases my flesh, my body stretched around him as I ride the high of my orgasms and he lets out a low growl.

  “Just leaving my mark.” He licks over the spot where he just bit me, then kisses me slow and long, making me sigh and remember the first time he kissed me.

  And the millions of times since. And how I love and cherish each and every one.

  “We should get downstairs. Gran and Howard—”

  “Are probably naked and fucking on our sofa by now.”

  “Stop!” I giggle, but he’s right.

  They are staying the night. It’s Christmas Eve and it’s tradition for them to wake up here on Christmas morning. They are as frisky as we are, and surprisingly even less inhibited about where and when they show their affection.

  Still, we have stockings to stuff and a mess in the kitchen, so I convince my man bear to allow me to dismount from his still swollen cock and get us both dressed. We were soaking wet after giving all the kids baths.

  They have fun phasing from human to bear when they are in the bath and they have even more fun making sure we are as wet as they are by the time it’s all over.

  We put on some comfortable clothes then head down the stairs to finish our Christmas Eve duties.

  At the bottom of the stairs, we both stop to look at the scene in the living room, where the fire is burning low and the enormous Christmas tree twinkles with colored lights and home-made ornaments.

  There on the sofa are Myra and Howard, his arm around her, and in their laps are two furry bundles. It’s Leo and Logan, our youngest. Two years old this coming January, and our second set of twins.

  Ragnar reaches for my hand and pulls me behind him toward the couch, where his gran opens one eye and smiles.

  “You okay here?” Ragnar whispers, reaching down to run his fingers through Leo’s fur.

  “Oh yes. We’re in heaven. Howard told them the story of how his family came to this mountain and helped found the Badlands. They think he’s some sort of shifter royalty.” Myra looks at Howard, who has his head back on the cushion, snoring.

  “You want me to take them?” I ask, but she shakes her head. “You must be exhausted.”

  “Pish posh.” She waves me off. “I’ll let Howard have his little nap, then we will carry them back up to bed. Why don’t you two go have some time alone?”

  Ragnar pulls me to him, resting his hands on my shoulders as I stare at the disaster waiting in the kitchen.

  “No, we need to get things cleaned up for tomorrow.”

  Myra looks at Ragnar, then at me. “Of course, but first, can you do me a huge favor? I forgot to bring a couple of the presents for the girls. They are in the cabin…that’s where I did all the wrapping. Would you be so sweet, let your grizzly out and go for a run? Pick them up and bring them back. Please?” She smiles and I look outside to see the fresh snow on the ground, the light flakes still falling from the sky with a full silver moon over the trees.

  “Sure,” Ragnar agrees before I can answer. “Come on. Let’s get you bundled up.”

  I love riding on Ragnar when he’s in bear form, but I just feel like there’s so much I should be doing here.

  “Why don’t I stay here and get things cleaned up. You go ahead—”

  “No!” Both Myra and Ragnar cut me off in unison, before Myra adds, “Just go. You’ll need to hold onto the presents on the way back. I can’t trust a grizzly to not tear them into a million pieces.”

  There’s no way out, so I’m bundled in a coat, scarf, hat, gloves and boots, feeling like the younger brother in The Christmas Story by the time we are outside and Ragnar steps out into the snow, and there’s a familiar flutter in my belly as he starts to change.

  I love this man. I love his bear.

  And I never get tired of watching the miracle of how he can move from one form to another. It is truly magical.

  When he’s ready, his grizzly comes over and crouches down as low as he can, and I grab two handfuls of thick hair and pull myself up and onto his back, just behind his haunches, and hold on tight.

  “Ready,” I say, and the grizzly looks up at the moon, then back at me on a snort before taking off into the powdery snow.

  As we move together, my gratitude for how my life has turned out overtakes me. The winter air on my face, the seven little bears we have back at the house. Our first set twins, our last set twins, and three in between—all heathy, happy and part of the magnificent chaos that is our life.

  My photography studio is thriving. Josephine was right all those years ago, there are so many shifter—and human—weddings and babies all the time, I have to pick and choose which jobs I can take.

  I also took Myra’s advice, and do a little sexy, erotica sort of art photography now and then. The combinations of humans and shifters in animal or human form, in couples or alone, makes for some pretty interesting photo sessions.

  Ragnar doesn’t work construction anymore. At least, he doesn’t do the hands-on work. He and Robert teamed up about five years ago and have been building custom and spec homes. They’ve done so well and I’m so proud of my husband.

  Not just for his financial success, but because of the husband and father he’s become. Our love has only grown, and he still looks at me, and fucks me, like we are newlyweds.

  He thanks me every day for giving him the chance to have what he never believed he wanted.

  As we come up on the cabin, the place we mated for the first time, I see that it’s lit from the inside with glowing low light, as Ragnar’s grizzly lowers his shoulder for me to dismount on the steps of the porch before he lumbers back a few steps, watching me.

  “Aren’t you coming in?”

  He grunts, swaying his head back and forth, and in his eyes I can see Ragnar. Even in bear form, what flickers in his eyes tells me my insatiable man-bear is ready for some more Christmas Eve sexy time.

  I spin around, grabbing the post that holds up the porch overhang, and do my best little stripper dip, then bend over, shaking my rear end toward him as I hear the low growling from behind.

  I pop my hat off and throw it his way. His bear catches it in his teeth and I take the stage.

  It’s freezing, but I’m not cold. I peel off my layers, one by one, giving my husband the best striptease I can muster until I’m wearing just my scarf and the moonlight from above.

  He makes me feel beautiful even after all these years and all these babies.

  Ragnar phases back, naked of c
ourse, and his cock is standing tall as I take my bow.

  “Get your fine ass inside. I’m hungry,” he growls.

  I yelp and skip as Ragnar chases me inside.

  His mouth takes me in a kiss before tossing me on the bed like he did that first time. His tongue is warm and wet between my legs, and I let the pleasure flow through me.

  On the small table I see a little jewelry box, topped with a bow. I know it’s for me. He wanted to bring me here, and Gran was in on it the whole time.

  I don’t care.

  I have my bear.

  I have my cubs.

  I have my bad boy.

  But he’s also a good man.

  What else could a girl want for Christmas?

  Other Titles By Dani Wyatt



  Reigning Her In

  Sweet Ride

  Forging Forever

  Just Until Morning



  His to Break

  Rough Neck

  Parting Glass

  What If

  The One

  Preacher’s Daughter

  Hold On

  Meet. F*ck. Done. – CAN’T WAIT

  Keeping Her Close

  Back to Her

  Let Go

  Our Turn – Can’t Wait Bundle

  Our Turn Standalone

  Heartlands MC Club



  Love, Daddy

  Mastering Her Heart

  HIS Rules

  Goodgirls Say Please

  Kiss Me Goodnight

  Yes, Daddy

  Men of the Woods

  Hard Cut

  Deep Cut

  Rough Cut

  Straight Cut




  Night Before

  Valentine's Rose

  Baby It’s Cold Outside


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