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Second Chances

Page 5

by McKay, Kimberly

  “Oh.” Paige was clueless who played what sport and why they were important. She was more concerned with doing a good job, and how to survive in her new arena. “So, does Moe come out often?”

  “Once in a while, like for today’s event. Most of the time, he’s got Linley running things for him. She’s his sister and a major pain in the butt. But, I’m aiming for assistant manager some day, so it’s a cross I have to bear.”

  As if her ears were burning, a sour-faced Linley stepped through the door. “Are you two girls done chatting? We’ve got a business to run..” She pointed to Paige. “I’m surprised. You actually can pull those off – even at your age. Congratulations,” she said, with a smirk.

  Paige’s mouth dropped, but she said nothing.

  Poppie pulled at her arm and said, “Yes, ma’am. Her first day of training is today. And you’re right, her new uniform looks great!” She nodded at Paige and directed her out the door.

  “Can you believe her?” Paige whispered passionately. “Who says things like that? She’s only a few years younger than me! I’m not ancient, ya know?”

  “Don’t worry about it. You look stunning. She’s just jealous because she has no junk in the trunk. She couldn’t fill these pants if she tried.” Poppie laughed thinking about Linley stripping off her management khaki's and trying to put on a signature pair of Tight Ends pants. They’d sag so badly that she’d look like a

  twelve-year-old trying to put her older sister’s clothes on.

  As both women finished setting their tables, Poppie looked to the crowds lining up.

  “You ready?” She nodded for Paige to look outside.

  As she looked to the patrons, who were standing out in the cold, with anxious looks on their faces, she asked, “What’s the big deal, anyway?”

  “Hello! It’s Nick Granger! He’s famous and handsome …” Poppie started to list his attributes when Linley sailed by with a grin, almost singing, “and recently divorced.”

  Paige cocked her head, wondering if it was the same Nick Granger she knew from school but thought twice.

  Nah, it couldn't be..

  Both girls clamped their lips, trying to hide a smile as Linley raised her hand to anxiously smooth her hair in preparation.

  “You missed a piece.” Paige instantly bit her lip, to keep from giggling. She just couldn’t help messing with Linley.

  “Where?” Linley pat down her bleached hair once more.

  “There.” Paige lied, wondering how much trouble she was getting herself in. The more Linley struggled to see her reflection, the more exasperated she became. “And I think I see some lipstick on your teeth.”

  “Nick is coming any minute. I better go to the bathroom to freshen up.” Linley wiped her finger across her teeth and rushed toward the back.

  Poppie burst out laughing. “You’re going to get it.”

  Paige grinned. “I couldn’t help it. She’s wound too tight!”

  Within a few minutes, they heard Linley squeal with excitement from the back.

  “Okay, people! I just got a text from Nick Granger’s agent. He’s arrived in the back parking lot, and will be coming inside soon. Front of the house and back of the house – get ready. Hostesses, open the doors and start seating people!”

  Linley did a brisk loop around the restaurant and sailed back past Paige, glaring.

  Paige and Poppie averted their eyes and tried as hard as they could to keep from laughing.

  As Nick prepared to step from the limo, his stomach was tied in knots. His agent insisted on a handful of bodyguards, which he thought was laughable. This was his home, and he’d lived nearby for months now without any help or protection.

  “Are they necessary?” Nick nodded toward the Samoan crew that served as buffers from the crowds that were threatening the back entrance.

  “Absolutely,” Hank, his agent, said firmly. He nodded to the hired muscle, giving them strict instructions. “Make a clear path to the door and advise the crowd to enter at the front entrance. I’ll need one of you inside with Nick. Once the crowds settle – we’ll make our entrance.”

  Four large bodyguards nodded in silence and went about their jobs, making a path toward the back alley door to Tight Ends.

  Nick heard a few girls yell excitedly from the small crowd that had gathered. He looked at the mixture of people and smiled on his way in. He hadn’t experienced this type of gathering since he left the NFL. It gave him a surge of adrenaline, but he instantly remembered why he was now happy living the life of a small town football coach.

  This type of attention – although pleasant for a short time – wasn’t something he wanted for the long haul. When you’re in the public eye, your life isn’t really your own. Since his time in Granite, he’d grown used to a life of anonymity - if there was such a thing for someone in his shoes.

  Once he stepped inside, his heart skipped a beat. He was much more excited about the girl; he hoped was inside versus the ones who were still yelling outside. As he stepped into the back room, he scanned the hallways, hoping to see Paige, but was greeted by a small, wiry blond woman, who looked like she’d spent too much time in the sun. He could tell she’d gone out her way to appear presentable, but her makeup looked as if she’d taken a spatula to spread it on.

  “Nick! So grateful you could come!” Linley attached herself to Nick’s bicep, bumping his agent out of the way. “Right this way, please.”

  “Actually.” Nick looked at his agent for help.

  Hank quickly nodded in the direction of one of the bodyguards, who accompanied them inside. Immediately, the massive trunk of a man stepped forward and gruffly blocked Linley’s path, saying, “Ma’am, I’ll need you to lead the way without getting too close. Please, let go of Mr. Granger.” He stood firmly in place, towering over her.

  Linley dropped her hands and gave him a look that would send most people packing before turning and smiling sweetly at Nick, saying, “Of course, right this way. Moe will be here in a few minutes. Did you bring the jersey?”

  She started toward the back office, leaving the group to talk to her backside.

  “I have it.” Hank raised his voice and thrust forward to catch up.

  “Is it true? Is Nick Granger in the house?”

  Nick turned when he heard the booming voice behind him, and smiled when he saw Moe entering the door behind them. “Good to see you. Thanks for having me today.”

  “No thanks are necessary. Thanks for agreeing to appear my new restaurant.” Moe grinned and reached to give him a quick hug.

  Hank, who hadn’t completely let go of the jersey, gently tugged it from Linley’s grasp and handed it to Moe, saying, “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too. Listen, I’m going to warm the crowd up outside. I’ve got the local paper, and there are a couple of news stations out there too. It will be great press for the restaurant, so thank you.”

  As Moe passed them, he pulled his reluctant sister by the arm.

  “I thought I’d stay back here to keep them company,” she whispered, and glanced over her shoulder toward Nick and his agent.

  “Time to get back to work.” Moe frowned to his overly anxious sister and started for the front of the restaurant. “I don’t pay you to fraternize. I pay you to run my business.”

  Linley stared daggers at her brother from behind, but she dutifully followed him out the door.

  As the hostesses packed more people inside, the excitement level raised for everyone involved. Even though Paige wasn’t a sports fan, the energy in the room was contagious.

  Poppie elbowed her and nodded toward the television cameras, which were lined up next to their station. Their tables were full of anxious customers, but each understood everything was on hold until after the quick appearance.

  “Now what?” Paige asked.

  “Now, we wait until Moe comes out and they do their thing. It won’t be long.” Poppie watched the cameramen switch on the bright lights, in preparation.

  “Here w
e go.” One of them said, holding their ear piece.

  Just then, Moe entered and stood near the bar. Patrons began to rise from their seats to get a better vantage point.

  “Welcome to Tight Ends! We’re grateful for your support. As you know I’m a huge sports fan – but my favorite teams are local. And when I won the lottery, I wanted to pay homage to my local heroes. And none other fit the bill other than Nick Granger, who not only had a successful career but dedicated time back to his community. He’s a stand-up guy, who everyone is excited to see. And now without further ado … Nick Granger!”

  The crowd stood and began to cheer, as Nick stepped through the door and waved. Paige struggled to see over the top of the crowd as they stood in anticipation, but when her eyes finally landed on who stepped in next to Moe, it was like time stopped.

  It was him! And, after all these years, he still took her breath away. As she stood, only a few feet away, she was instantly taken back to a place, where she’d shyly glance up in the hallway to make eye contact only to feel like she could throw up.

  Nick searched the crowd for a telltale fiery red head of hair, only to see the back of Paige’s head, as she headed for the kitchen. Even though he didn’t catch her eye, his heart leapt at the thought of her being so close.

  As Paige sped to the kitchen and rounded the corner, she was reeling and out of breathing, with Poppie fast on her heels.

  “Hey, are you okay? You look flushed.” Poppie searched her eyes.

  “No. I’m good.” Paige took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m good.”

  “Well, get back out there then. We need to man our stations or Linley will have our heads.” Poppie eyed Paige. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, it just shocked me when he walked through the door.”

  “I know. Not bad for an old guy.”

  Paige snapped out of her daze and laughed. “Hey, watch it. He’s only a couple of years older than me.”

  Poppie stifled a smile. “Sorry.”

  By the time the girls got back in place, Nick had already finished his speech and was handing Moe his autographed jersey. They held it up for a photo opp and smiled for the photographers.

  As Paige watched him charm the crowd, she thought him to be a natural, but then again he always had a certain energy about him that held people captive. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that he was so polished.

  Nick looked across the room to finally find Paige standing a few feet away. He slyly winked in her direction. She lifted her hand in a half wave, surprised he’d notice her from all the faces in the crowd.

  Poppie’s jaw dropped. “Uh, do you know him?”

  Paige grinned, not breaking eye contact with Nick, and softly said, “Yeah, we go way back.”

  Chapter 9

  Five hours later, as she peeled her uniform off and changed back into her street clothes, Paige felt like she could drop into bed for a long nap. They were slammed all night, and if not for Poppie reminding her to stay hydrated she may have felt faint by the end of her shift.

  Paige lifted her jersey to her nose before shoving it in her gym bag. It smelled like greasy food and hard work.

  Gross, she thought, peering in the bathroom mirror. She quickly wet a paper towel to wipe her face and neck. Thankfully, the only thing she had going on tonight was a hot shower and a good book. She made a note to bring extra powder and deodorant to freshen up if she ever made any plans after a shift.

  “Yeah,” Paige laughed to herself. “Like that’s gonna happen.”

  Her mind instantly wandered back to Nick. After his presentation, he was whisked off by his manager in a whirlwind. She didn’t even get a chance to say hello, let alone catch up.

  She peered at her reflection thinking the fine wrinkles were becoming more frequent around her eyes and scoffed. Who was she kidding? He was a former pro-football player. Why would he want to visit with her anyway?

  Paige shook her head of any disillusions and shoved the rest her smelly uniform in her gym bag before pulling her hair back into a ponytail. She left the bathroom and waved goodbye to her co-workers before stepping out in the cold.

  The night sky dazzled above her. As she stared up at the bright stars, she realized she was thankful to be home. The change of pace and setting had done wonders for her spirit – and her heart. As she approached her car and dug for her keys, she heard a familiar voice from across the parking lot.

  “I liked your other outfit better.” Nick teased, thinking of how cute she previously looked. In her uniform, he could see her full grown curves from every angle, which had his mind going places it shouldn’t have. Sporty Spice had nothing on her.

  “Sheesh! You scared me!” Paige jumped back and looked over a few cars to find Nick waiting patiently on the hood of his pickup. As she approached, she looked him over from head to toe, as his boots rested on his front bumper. He always had a boyish charm, but what hit her hard was that she liked the site of him as a man even more, as she took in his athletic form and his crooked smile.

  “Sorry.” He slid down to lean against the grill of his truck and crossed his arms. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  She watched the fog trail from his mouth as he spoke, and wondered how long he’d sat in the cold waiting for her. She slipped her hands into her pockets and drew in her shoulders in to stay warm. She raised an eyebrow in his direction and released the thoughts of years gone by away. What was he doing here?

  She shook her head and grinned. He may have had the same effect on her as it were yesterday, but she wasn’t a schoolgirl anymore.

  “Nick Granger, you’ve not changed a bit.”

  He sent her a sexy smile and slowly looked her over. He raised an eyebrow, as his dimples begged to be touched. She forced her hands to stay in her pockets and fought back the urge.

  It was then she wished she’d had some powder, as her dinner shift had wiped any trace of makeup from her face. Self-conscious, she brought her gloved hands up to her neck. Nervous that she’d smell of cheeseburgers and fries, she took a step back.

  “I could say the same about you.” He noticed her nerves and took a step forward.

  As he closed the gap, Paige froze as if her feet were glued to the pavement. Her stomach tightened with anticipation.

  “What are you doing here?” She rubbed her arms.

  “Man, I’m sorry. Here…” He moved in next to her and swung his coat around her shoulders. He felt bad for exposing her to the elements. Although still early fall, they’d had an unusually cold one.

  “No, I’m fine. You need your coat, but thank you.” Paige shrugged it off and offered it back to him.

  Nick smirked, thinking some things never changed. Of course, she would give it back to him. It’s who she was – at least from what he remembered. She had always put others first. It was nice to see she’d not changed on that front.

  “Okay, but I offered.” He slid his arms back into his heavy leather coat and buttoned it up.

  “You didn’t answer my question.” Her eyes twinkled.

  “I was waiting for you.” He raised an eyebrow, hoping she’d be impressed.

  Nick wasn’t sure what inspired him, but on the ride home from Tight Ends he couldn’t get her out of his mind. As he pulled into his drive, he made a split decision and quickly threw dinner together for his daughter, before slipping into something more casual and grabbing his keys. It was only a 30-minute drive back to the restaurant, and he wanted to see her.

  “This whole time?” Paige asked, stunned.

  “No, I had to take care of Katie.” He saw her look of confusion, and added, “She’s my daughter. Then I drove back.”

  “Oh.” She looked at him with new eyes, and could easily see him in that role. With his kind heart, he’d be a natural. Her mind snapped back to the subject at hand. “Why?”

  “Why not? I thought we could catch up.” He suggested, hoping she would be open to it.

  Catch up? Paige breathed in, wondering the ramifi
cations. Dating wasn’t part of her agenda, and catching up with someone that always had her head spinning might be too much too soon. She watched his dimples deepen and took a mild step toward whatever he was offering.

  “Well, that was nice.” She nodded toward the restaurant, referring to the event earlier in the evening. “It looks like you’ve done pretty well for yourself. I had no idea you were some big-time football player.”

  “Really? Sam never told you?” Nick wasn’t sure if he should take offense or not.

  “Not once. I kind of had my own life, separate from them until recently…” Her voice trailed.

  “Yeah, I heard. I’m sorry.” The instant he uttered those words, he regretted it.

  “Why am I not surprised? I’m sure my dirty laundry has been aired to the whole town of Granite.” Paige dug for her keys in her pocket. “I swear … my brother.” She stepped toward her car.

  He quickly sidestepped and tried to repair the damage.

  “Hey – if it helps. I’ve been there. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Nick ran his hand through his hair, knowing he’d missed his window of opportunity.

  “No, it’s not your fault. It was really good seeing you, though.” Paige slowly opened her car door, kicking herself for even thinking that catching up was a good idea. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  Nick waved goodbye as she drove off the parking lot, noticing that she didn’t wait for her engine to warm up.

  “Way to go, Granger. She couldn’t wait to get away from you.” Nick told himself as he got into his truck. “Way to go.”

  Linley stood firm from behind a curtain, watching everything from the window that gave full view to the back lot. She’d seen what had transpired between the two in the restaurant, and was planning to confront Paige in the parking lot about flirting with the clients but stopped short when she saw who was waiting for her.

  Her eyes narrowed with envy, as she watched Nick’s hopeful face as Paige approached. It was nothing less than a slap in the face.


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