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The Chasing Game

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by Meghan O'Brien




  The Chasing Game

  Author bio


  Thanks to my wife Angie Williams—I’m beyond grateful for your constant support, enthusiastic beta-reading, and willingness to help me out by not only serving as a free editorial and feedback engine, but also by simply giving me so much time and space to be creative.

  Thank you to Ty Justice for the hot cover design. I’m lucky to have such an amazing graphic artist as my best buddy.

  Thanks as well to D. Jackson Leigh for the sterling editing work and longtime support. Your encouragement has always meant so much to me.


  A consensual roleplaying game leads to a memorable night for married couple Lucy and Jamie.

  *** This short story of approximately 11,450 words contains depictions of BDSM, kinky roleplay around the theme of consent, and extremely physical, full-contact sex. Also, love. ***


  By Meghan O’Brien

  “Are we fucked up?”

  Lucy chuckled as she peeled off her jeans, but quickly sobered when she realized that Jamie was asking a serious question. A very serious question, judging by the contemplative expression on her gorgeous face. After brief but thoughtful consideration, Lucy said, “I don’t think so. Why, do you?”

  “No.” But Jamie spoke too quickly, almost defensively. A second later, she sighed. “I mean…I don’t know.”

  Now clad only in a light purple camisole and matching panties, Lucy sat on the edge of the bed and watched as her powerfully built wife socketed their favorite dildo into her boyshort-styled harness. Confused, she asked, “Where is this coming from? I thought you liked the chasing game.”

  Jamie’s throat moved as she swallowed. She rolled her broad shoulders, making Lucy wish she could massage away their obvious tension without distracting her from answering. After a pause, Jamie said, “I do.”

  “Well, so do I.”

  Guilty eyes found hers. “Really?”

  Lucy affected her best insulted look. “Hey, I might win this time.”

  Jamie smiled fondly, though she clearly didn’t believe that. “Sure, baby.”

  “I might.” Disappointed by how quickly Jamie’s momentary lapse into mirth slipped away after her lighthearted comeback, Lucy said, “You’ve never hurt me, you know.” She grinned, attempting to restore the air of playfulness that had always been inherent to their sex life. “Not any more than I consented to, at least.”

  Jamie’s face tightened; clearly the comment had struck a nerve. “I don’t think that’s true.”

  Lucy suppressed a sigh. “Jamie, a couple of bruises—“

  “Last time you were sore the next day. Everywhere. You were limping.” Darting her gaze around their bedroom, Jamie looked everywhere except at her. “I don’t like knowing I did that to you.”

  What Lucy remembered about last time was that it had been the most intense sex of her life. Yes, she’d been fucked so hard after struggling on the floor with her much stronger wife for at least ten exhausting minutes that she’d felt it in every step she took the following morning—and the morning after that—but she’d also been immediately eager for a rematch. They’d played rough so many times and in so many ways that it shocked her to discover Jamie so unsettled by the physical aftermath of that particular night. “I was completely fine within a day or two. And those orgasms were worth a few aches and pains, believe me.”

  “I just don’t want to hurt you.” Jamie stared down at her hands as though remembering all the ways she’d used them. “Ever, in any way.”

  “You know I like a little hurt sometimes.” When Jamie failed to look reassured, Lucy gentled her voice. “Darling, we’ve been playing this way for years. Maybe not the chasing game, but all kinds of rough stuff. I’ve been bruised before.”

  “That doesn’t mean it isn’t fucked up.”

  Frowning, Lucy decided that she’d heard enough. “What brought this on, honestly? You know I’m not some delicate little flower.” She watched Jamie pull on a pair of loose pajama pants over her strap-on—to “make it more fair,” apparently. “I’m a grown woman who’s agreed to a game with stakes.”

  Jamie tried to shrug, but when Lucy stood and put a hand on her muscular arm, her wife sighed and tremulously met her eyes. “I read this article online—”

  Lucy couldn’t help it. She guffawed laughter. “That was your first mistake.”

  “I’m serious, Lu.” But Jamie was already fighting back a smile. “What if this really is damaging in some way?”

  “Damaging to whom?” Lucy drew her finger down the center of Jamie’s chest, between her bare breasts. Pink nipples tightened in reaction, betraying her wife’s conflicted arousal. “Do I seem damaged?”


  Stopping the motion of her finger, Lucy studied the familiar brown eyes that stared back at her. “Does what we do…damage you?”

  Color rose on Jamie’s cheeks. “I enjoy everything we do.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t. Enjoy it.”

  What had Jamie read? Concerned that her wife had lost all perspective on their sex life, Lucy asked, “Maybe you shouldn’t enjoy fulfilling all my fantasies while making me come like you wrote the user manual for my pussy?”

  Jamie rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her obvious pride. “I know you like it, but—“

  Lucy no longer had the patience for this discussion of what other people thought about their sex life. “Would you agree that I’m of sound mind?”

  “Of course.”

  “And body?”

  Jamie grinned. “Very.”

  “Currently sober?”

  “One-hundred percent, unless you’ve been stashing vodka under your pillow.”

  Smirking, Lucy said, “Capable of consent?”

  Jamie sighed, clearly aware that logic was about to destroy her concerns. “Obviously.”

  “And would you also agree that you’re someone who loves me, also of sound mind and body, aware of my safe word and lacking the desire to harm me in any real way?”

  “Of course, Lu, but this isn’t just about my intentions. When we play hard like this, you can be injured whether I mean it or not.”

  Lucy decided to take a different tack. “People break bones and wear out joints and occasionally paralyze themselves doing all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons—playing sports, working out at the gym, climbing mountains, even dancing. What’s so wrong about me enjoying sex as a vigorous, full-contact physical sport? Even if it carries the risk of occasional injury.” She paused, then said, “I’ve used my safe word before. You know I won’t push myself too far.”

  “Too damn logical,” Jamie grumbled, though she seemed slightly less troubled than before. She grabbed Lucy’s hand and led her to the bed, where they sat down side-by-side. “All right, but let’s talk it through again.”

  “Just like last time,” Lucy suggested, hopeful that Jamie wouldn’t ask for any major changes to the rules. “You give me a two-second head start. My cell phone is in the garage, on your workbench. If I make it to the phone, you’re mine to use until I decide I’m done with you. If you catch me, I’m fucked. Literally, until I surrender.”

  “How about a three-second head start?”

  Lucy narrowed her eyes. “I don’t want your pity handicap.”

  “It’s not about pity.” Jamie half-smiled, tickling the inside of Lucy’s wrist until she did the same. “It’s about the fact that I’m taller than you, and faster. Plus I outweigh you by at least fifty pounds.”

  “I don’t care. We both decided that two seconds was fair.”<
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  Jamie shot her a skeptical look.

  “If a bit challenging,” she conceded. “But that’s fine. If I win, I want to know, without a doubt, that the victory is legit. Not wonder if it was only because you felt guilty and changed the rules.”

  “All right. I understand.” Exhaling, Jamie stroked her thumb over Lucy’s. “Baby, why do you like this game?”

  Aware that Jamie genuinely wanted to know—needed to, perhaps, if she were to continue playing—Lucy spoke from the heart. “It’s fun. The adrenaline rush. Being overpowered. Grappling with you, having to fight back against someone stronger than me while knowing I’m completely safe even if I fail to gain the upper hand. The worst possible outcome of the chasing game is an incredible fuck from my wife. The best would be having the opportunity to top you.”

  Jamie scoffed. “Not going to happen.”

  At least the Internet hadn’t broken her wife’s competitive spirit. “So I don’t need to worry that you’ll take it easy on me?”

  “You know I like to win.”

  Lucy beamed. Jamie’s fierceness was something she very much enjoyed in their sex life. While she wasn’t interested in psychoanalyzing why, she absolutely adored being with someone who could overpower her—and who would, in a safe and exciting way—while also protecting her until her dying breath. Jamie ticked all those boxes and more, and on top of all that, she was a warrior in the truest sense. She would never let Lucy win just to appease her. Or at least she hadn’t yet in the ten years they’d been playing their games. If she ever got the opportunity to top Jamie, she would have surely earned it. “I’m glad to hear that. I assume that means I shouldn’t go easy on you either?”

  “Don’t you dare.” Jamie almost looked sheepish. “You know I enjoy a good fight.”

  “Just like I do.” Lucy bumped their shoulders. “You realize that’s why we’re perfect for each other, right?”

  “Is that why?” Chuckling, Jamie shook her head. She regarded Lucy fondly, then turned serious. “One favor?”

  “Anything.” She kissed the back of Jamie’s hand, her leanly muscled arm, her defined shoulder. “Name it.”

  “Don’t struggle too hard while I’m putting my cock inside you. Just…let it happen.” Jamie pushed a lock of dark hair away from Lucy’s face, then dropped a hand to caress her breast. “Deal?”

  “Over-confident, are we?”

  Jamie raised an eyebrow, signaling that she wanted a different response. “Lucy.”

  Shivering at the way Jamie drew out her name like she was in trouble—and in need of punishment—Lucy gave a quick nod. She understood what Jamie was asking, and why. “Deal. I won’t do anything to hurt myself, I promise.”

  “No, darling…I want you to tell me you’ll let it happen,” Jamie murmured. She revealed the barest hint of a smile and, making it clear that the game had begun, eased her hand between Lucy’s bare thighs. Rubbing her through her panties, she said, “Because it is going to happen, sweetheart. In a couple minutes I’m going to drive myself so deep inside your pussy you’ll feel me there for days.”

  Pleased that Jamie’s earlier concerns and her need to reaffirm consent hadn’t softened the edges Lucy loved so much, she plucked the groping hand from between her thighs before closing them tightly. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t, huh?” If Jamie had any lingering qualms about the morality of their sex life, she wasn’t showing it. All of a sudden full of familiar self-assurance, she raised her hand to caress Lucy’s bra-clad breast before giving the tip a firm tweak. “What makes tonight any different from the others?”

  Lucy knocked Jamie’s hand away with an aggressive slap, then turned slightly, coiled and ready to deliver the first strike in their pre-negotiated battle. “Stop it.”

  That wasn’t the safe word, of course. It was part of the script, and for Lucy, the most crucial element of this scene. The chasing game was all about consensual non-consent. She wasn’t sure she’d trust anyone except Jamie to simulate forced sex, which made her all the more grateful to have found such a perfect mate. Because she loved the chasing game. Every single, kinky second of it.

  Jamie gripped Lucy’s thighs with both hands, prying them apart. “No, you stop. Fucking tease.”

  As Jamie reached between her legs to scrape demanding fingertips across the soaked crotch of her panties, Lucy reared back and gave her a vicious shove. “I said no.” Then she did something she knew got Jamie off in the same strange way being held down and penetrated did it for her.

  Lucy slapped her wife across the face. Hard.

  Obviously expecting the blow, Jamie laughed heartily even as her head jolted to the side. “Your two-second lead begins now. Better run, sweetie, because I plan to make you pay for that.”

  Lucy didn’t hesitate to tear away from Jamie and take off in a flat-out sprint. Beginning her desperate trek to the garage from the opposite side of their large, ranch-style house, she ran out of the bedroom, slamming the door closed behind her, and tore down the hallway as fast as she could. If Jamie caught up to her, she was as good as done. Although Lucy had maintained her solid, athletic build and most of her physical stamina since college, against Jamie she was simply outmatched. Four inches taller and in possession of muscles that occasionally made her male colleagues jealous, Jamie was a true powerhouse. Lucy’s only potential advantages were her gutsiness and possibly her cleverness, although neither of those attributes had ever helped her win a game with these particular stakes before.

  Jamie burst out of their bedroom a full two seconds behind her, just as Lucy had nearly made it through the guest bedroom at the end of the hallway en route to their spacious den. From the den she would have to run through the kitchen, then down another hallway, until finally she would reach the three steps leading to the garage door. It really wasn’t terribly far, but already she could feel Jamie nipping at her heels. An ill-placed step made Lucy stumble, further narrowing the distance between them. Jamie threw open the guest room door only a split-second second after Lucy swung it closed behind her.

  “I hope you’re nice and wet and ready for me.” Lucy could feel Jamie’s threat on the back of her neck, hot and menacing. “Because I am this close to shoving my—“

  Anticipating Jamie’s sudden lunge immediately before it happened, Lucy feinted left and then swiveled, vaulting over the leather sofa to put some distance between them while she considered her next move. She could double back and go through the laundry room or push ahead in an attempt to make it into the kitchen before Jamie caught her. Doubling back hadn’t worked last time; Jamie had anticipated it. What would she expect Lucy to do this time?

  Jamie shot her a feral grin. “Trapped already?”

  “Not trapped.” She again feinted left, then right, noting with dismay how easily Jamie mirrored her movements from the other side of the sofa. “Just…thinking.”

  “Can’t have that.” Before she could react, Jamie leapt over the back of the couch and caught her in strong arms, pulling Lucy’s back against her chest while simultaneously trapping Lucy’s wrists against her own heaving breasts. Cursing, Lucy shivered when Jamie nibbled her ear and whispered, “That was your first mistake.”

  Struggling within Jamie’s iron grasp, Lucy made sure to rub her ass against the strap-on provocatively, anything to distract her wife into making an error of her own. “Fuck you.”

  Jamie chuckled as she turned so that they faced the back of the couch. “No baby, fuck you.” Holding the captured wrists in one hand, she curled the other around the base of Lucy’s neck and started to force her down. Then, apparently re-evaluating the situation, she picked Lucy up and carried her to the low arm of the sofa instead.

  Lucy struggled throughout, though in her current position it was clear even her best efforts were futile. Not wanting to exhaust herself ahead of a better opportunity to get away, she relaxed and allowed Jamie to bend her over the arm of the couch. “I said no.”

  “Sure you did.” Final
ly releasing Lucy’s wrists, Jamie ran a hand between her legs, confirming that her panties were indeed soaked. “Slut.” She smacked Lucy hard on the butt, making her yelp at the delicious pain. Then Jamie smacked her again, lower, to draw out a hoarse moan. “Should have run faster.”

  Lucy knew that her best chance at escape was fast approaching. To win, Jamie would have to pull down her own pajama pants to free her cock, and also move Lucy’s panties out of the way. If she were going to turn things around, it would be when Jamie was distracted—either by the logistics or her conquest. Pushing herself up on her hands, Lucy turned at the waist to glance back just as Jamie reached for the top of her pajama pants. Defiantly, she spat, “You don’t get to fuck me.”

  Eyes flashing at the overt challenge, Jamie let go of her own waistband to instead yank Lucy’s panties down around her upper thighs. “Doesn’t seem that way from where I’m standing, sweetheart.” After checking to make sure Lucy was still watching, she leaned back to examine the flesh she’d exposed, and fondled her roughly. “In fact—” A long, thick finger slid into her, aided by the generous lubrication created by their struggle, quickly joined by another. “Would you look at that?” Jamie withdrew before thrusting back inside her hard enough that her palm slapped audibly against Lucy’s flesh. “Let’s be clear, baby…your cunt belongs to me.”

  Not yet ready to make her move, Lucy tightened her fingers on the couch cushion and fell into the role she was playing. Pretending to seethe at the treatment, she fought not to allow the pleasure of Jamie’s hand to show on her face. Instead she struck out blindly with one arm, hitting Jamie solidly in the stomach, her fist glancing off the side of a firm breast. As expected, the contact excited Jamie. She withdrew her fingers so she could lean over Lucy’s back and pin her hands above her head.

  “Shit,” Lucy whispered. She hadn’t wanted to end up restrained, only increase the intensity of Jamie’s passion.


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