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Spank Her Very Much

Page 2

by Holla Dean

  Brent placed his left hand on the small of her back to hold her in place. Then he rested his right hand on her ass and she flinched. He chuckled.

  “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “Just do it and get it over with it,” she said through her clenched teeth.

  She felt his hand lift from her backside and then it came down in a sharp slap on her left cheek. She clenched her jaw but didn’t make a sound.

  Another slap to her right cheek and Gina sucked her breath in.

  He continued in this manner, smacking first the left cheek and then the right. The spanks were steady and sharp, but they didn’t hurt too much.

  At least not at first. But as he kept it up, hitting the same spots over and over again, it began to get more and more uncomfortable.

  He was relentless; smacking her cheeks at a steady, even pace. He never gave her a break.

  Gina wished she’d started counting when he first began to spank her. She was sure at least ten minutes had passed and her ass was getting sore. So far she had not made any sound other than an occasional gasp or slight whimper. How long was he going to keep spanking her? She squirmed a little bit but she was not going to give him the satisfaction of her begging him to stop.

  Brent had not made a sound either. He was concentrating on this perfect ass propped up on his knee and watching it turn from a smooth creamy white to a nice blushing pink. The blushing pink had slowly turned into a deep, warm rose color. Soon it would be a hot strawberry red.

  When Gina felt like at least another five minutes had passed and her ass was burning and stinging, she felt she had to say something. This jerk was going to spank her forever if she just lay there taking it.

  “Stop,” she said. “That’s enough! I’m sorry I broke into your house and tried to steal from you. Please stop!”

  Brent ignored her and continued spanking her.

  She tried to kick her feet but they were trapped by Brent’s right leg. She put her right arm behind her in an attempt to cover her ass or block his hand, but he grabbed it with his left hand and held it tightly to the small of her back.

  “Please stop! Enough already! Please!” She squirmed, trying to get out of this humiliating position. But Brent held her tightly and didn’t allow her much wiggling room.

  Suddenly he landed five extra hard smacks on her left cheek, causing her to cry out and yell, “STOP!” Then he landed five more extra hard smacks to her right cheek.

  Gina was crying now. She was trying to keep it as quiet as she could, but her ass felt like it was on fire. She sniffled into the pillow and after a minute or so she realized the spanking had stopped and he was now gently caressing her burning cheeks.

  She wiggled, testing to see if he would let her up.

  Brent moved his right leg off her legs and then slipped his hand between her legs to feel her wet pussy. He plunged two fingers into her slit and she gasped in shock at the suddenness of it. But before she could voice a protest, her body betrayed her and she felt her pussy clench around his invading fingers as she came.

  When the spasms stopped, Brent removed his fingers from the warmth of her wet sheath and slipped his left arm under her to help her get up. He steadied her as she stood before him. Then he reached down and pulled her panties up from around her knees, and then her pants that were bunched up at her ankles.

  Gina didn’t look at him. She was humiliated and embarrassed at how easily he had made her come. Especially after the lengthy spanking. She adjusted her undies, then she zipped up the side zipper of her pants. She turned to the chair and put her jacket on.

  Without saying a word, Gina walked out of the bedroom, down the stairs, to the den, and then climbed out the same window she had entered the house through.

  She walked the two blocks to her car and got in. When she sat down in the driver’s seat, her ass let her know that she’d just been thoroughly spanked. She promised herself she would never come back to this subdivision.

  Brent had left the house the same way he had entered it, through the back door. He was able to follow Gina to her car and wanted to follow her home but his car was a few blocks away in the opposite direction. He made note of the license plate number and the make, model, and color of the vehicle. He’d try to find out where she lived.

  Had he been too hard on her? They hadn’t even exchanged names. He had no idea who she was, where she lived, or anything at all about her. All he knew was that she was a burglar, just like he was.

  He had let her believe he was the owner of the home she’d broken into. Then he had used that deception to convince her that unless she submitted to a spanking she’d be going to jail.

  Brent wanted to see her again. She had the most perfect ass he’d ever had the pleasure of spanking. He’d been pleased to find that her pussy was wet with her arousal after the spanking. But afterwards she’d been so cold and distant that he hadn’t known what to say.

  He slowly walked back to his car wondering if he should go back in the house and straighten up the bedroom. He could take the jewelry she’d put on the dresser and the night would end up with him getting some monetary good out of it.

  They both had worn thin gloves to prevent leaving any fingerprints. He’d taken his off for the spanking, but the young lady had left her gloves on.

  In the end he decided it was best to just go home. Too much time had already been spent in the house. It could be risky going back in.

  He smiled when he thought of the homeowners returning to find some jewelry laying on the dresser and their bed not quite as neat as they’d left it.

  Chapter Two

  Gina pulled into her single car garage and walked into her small townhouse. She walked over to the alarm pad and entered the code. Then she reset it to the ‘stay’ mode and flipped the lights on.

  In her bedroom she undressed and walked naked into the master bath where she turned on the hot water and poured in some lavender scented bubble bath. While the tub filled with hot water she took off her make-up and clipped her light blond hair on top of her head.

  Gina stepped into the half-filled tub and gingerly sank down until her sore, hot cheeks touched the bottom of the tub. She leaned back, closed her eyes and relived the evening.

  She couldn’t believe how this night had ended. It had been so exciting to find that Rolex watch and know that she’d get a nice chunk of change for it. Plus the diamond jewelry she’d lifted from the first concealed compartment. It could have turned into a very lucrative night for her.

  Instead, all she’d gained was a very sore, very red, very hot ass. The hot tub was soothing and she rolled over on her left hip to rub her right cheek and then reversed the roll so she could give the left cheek a rub. It didn’t really help, but it made her feel she was at least trying to make it better.

  The tub was full now, the water starting to run into the overflow. Gina leaned over and turned the hot water not quite off. She left it on just enough so about the same amount of water that was running into the overflow was being replaced by fresh hot water. It was a trick she’d learned from one of her foster mothers to keep the bath water hot for a very long relaxing soak.

  Leaning back again, Gina fantasized about getting revenge on the homeowner who had spanked her so hard for so long. But she knew any retaliation against him would only end up with her getting in trouble with the law. She still couldn’t believe how quickly he’d brought her to orgasm by just thrusting two fingers into her.

  She sighed and made up her mind to hit a couple of extra homes this month to make up for the losses she had suffered tonight. A glance at her pruned fingertips told her it was time to get out of the tub.

  Gina released the stopper with her foot to let the water drain and when the tub was about half empty she stood up and turned on the shower so she could wash her hair and rinse off.

  While she was drying off, she turned around so she could get a look in the mirror at her poor, abused butt. It was very red and she was instantly sorry she had looked.
Hopefully it was the hot bath that had contributed to much of the redness. She’d check again in the morning. For now, she climbed into her bed and cuddled up with her big body pillow for a good night’s sleep.

  Gina woke up feeling rested and refreshed. She peeked again at her ass and was happy to see it was just pink.

  I’m just going to put last night out of my mind like it never happened. I’m going to start planning my next two jobs and get on with life.

  Still naked, she walked into her kitchen and turned the coffeemaker on. While the coffee brewed she scrambled a couple of eggs and popped a piece of whole wheat bread into the toaster.

  When she sat down to eat her breakfast her sore butt had her jumping up again. Apparently it wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought to put the spanking out of her mind. She went to the sofa and grabbed a throw pillow to use as a cushion as she sat at the table.

  With her iPad open she ate while perusing her list of various subdivisions that had yielded good results for her in the past. There were a few in neighboring Green Valley that she hadn’t worked for several months and she made up her mind that she’d hit a few homes there in the next few weeks.

  There were many ways Gina chose which properties to burglarize. One of them was to check public records and find out who lived in the homes. If she came across someone prominent, she’d check the society pages of the newspaper websites and would often be able to find when they were going on vacation or when they’d be out just for a night.

  Once she picked a few possibilities Gina spent time checking out the neighborhoods. If they were gated she waited until another car entered and simply followed them in. Some communities were guarded and that made it more difficult. The guard would want to call whoever she said she was visiting and that wouldn’t work out for her.

  In these instances Gina parked her car a block or two away and scaled the fence or wall surrounding the subdivision and then roamed around on foot as though she were just another resident taking a walk.

  For the next two months Gina did very well with her burglaries. She burglarized two or three homes per month and had all but forgotten the unfortunate incident at the house in Fountain Hills.

  Her next planned job was going to be the largest home she’d ever burglarized. It was a mansion of over ten thousand square feet. She had gone to public records to find out who the builder was and the exact number of square feet. Then she looked up the builder’s website and looked at all the floor plans.

  This was a custom builder but they generally used a basic floor plan of a certain size and the homeowner had the option to move walls and redesign the layout to some extent. It would give Gina a good idea of how the mansion was laid out. At the very least she’d know in which section of the mansion the master bedroom was located.

  She knew the house was closed up for the summer so there would be no problems with running into anyone and the household staff was not live-in. The owner of the mansion was a television producer in New York and used this home only as a winter home to escape the cold eastern winters.

  There was an alarm system but she was familiar with the brand and had experience with neutralizing this particular type. She was confident that she’d have no trouble disabling it.

  Gina dressed in her work clothes. Everything was black with nothing loose to catch on windows or doors. Tight Lycra pants, a thin turtleneck pullover, black socks and running shoes in case she had to run quickly, a thin black hat to cover her light blond hair, and black latex gloves so she didn’t leave her fingerprints anywhere. The final item was a slim jacket with several pockets to hold the loot she found.

  She parked her car down the street. The mansion was on a three acre lot and was enclosed by a tall wrought iron fence. She had walked around the perimeter of the property several times and had located an area where she was sure she could scale the fence without being seen.

  As she walked down the sidewalk she looked around but saw no one else on the street. It was late, nearly eleven o’clock. Once she came to where she wanted to go over the fence, she took one last look around and then hoisted herself up with the help of a low branch on the tree growing next to the fence.

  She jumped down on the other side of the fence and stood still for a few minutes making sure there were no dogs on the property. She didn’t expect there to be any dogs, but she wanted to make sure while she was still close enough to go back over the fence.

  Gina moved towards the main house going from tree to tree to keep cover as much as possible. Once she was within a hundred feet of the mansion there was no more cover, just a low wall along the front gardens.

  Taking a deep breath, she ran to the garage doors. The house had three two-car garages with a regular door for easy access. It was locked of course, but Gina had no trouble picking the lock.

  She was taking a gamble that this door wasn’t connected to the alarm system, but they rarely were. Usually only the door that led into the house was wired with a sensor.

  Once she was in the garage she paused and listened for the tell tale beep of the alarm but she heard nothing. Of course, there was always the possibility that it was a silent alarm.

  Gina went to the door that would take her into the house and hopefully the alarm pad would be just inside. She tried the doorknob and to her surprise it was not locked. She let herself in and saw that she was in a large mudroom. Immediately the alarm started beeping which meant it wasn’t silent and she had thirty to forty-five seconds to disable it.

  This particular alarm would sound off if she opened the access door that exposed the wiring. With an ingenious tool she had devised from a few large paperclips, she managed to hold the tiny sensor in place while she opened the access door. With about ten seconds to spare, Gina managed to disconnect the wires that would disable the alarm.

  She was in! She moved out of the mudroom into the largest kitchen she’d ever seen. The granite covered island was at least twelve feet long. Gina couldn’t tell what type of wood the cabinets were made of in the dim light, but she could tell they were high quality.

  Not wanting to spend too much time in the house, Gina moved out of the kitchen and found herself in a large formal dining room with a table big enough to seat twenty-four people.

  She had the floor plan memorized and headed for the stairs to the second floor and the master bedroom. Once there she quickly looked behind all the artwork to check for a safe. There wasn’t one and she made a mental note to check the den and/or office if she could locate it without taking up too much time.

  Gina quickly rifled through the dressers and found nothing. She went to the first of two huge walk-in closets which were outfitted with the most elaborate closet organizers she’d ever seen.

  There she found a treasure trove of jewelry. Everything from necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and pins. Most had diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and other gems in them. She didn’t bother looking them over too closely; just snatched them up and stuffed them into her jacket pockets.

  Next she went into the other closet which held all men’s clothing and accessories. Again she found a large amount of jewelry. She grabbed up cufflinks, rings, gold chains, and more.

  Her pockets were quite full and she thought it might be wise to skip hunting for a wall safe and just get out.

  Brent had just entered the mansion from the garage door. He thought it was odd that the alarm had not gone off. Could it be that the owners had simply forgotten to set the alarm? Or was it possible that some other burglar had already cleaned out the place?

  He shrugged and moved out of the mudroom, through the kitchen, formal dining room, and up the stairs. While he didn’t have a floor plan in his head like Gina did, he knew it was a pretty safe bet that the master bedroom was on the second floor.

  These mansions usually had the family bedroom suites on the second floor and guest suites on the third floor. The ground floor generally consisted of kitchen, formal dining, a large living room, parlor, and sometimes a ballroom for entert

  Halfway up the stairs a step creaked and he moved to the edge of the stairway hoping he could remain silent. He was sure the mansion was empty but it was always best to stick to the habit of moving as quietly as possible.

  The first room he looked in was not the master suite. Brent moved across the hall to check that room. This was clearly a young teenage boy’s room. He continued down the hall.

  Gina thought she heard a noise as she stepped out of the closet and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. A clear sign of danger to her mind.

  Could someone else be in the house? No, it was probably just one of those settling noises houses make.

  Just as she started to walk towards the door of the room she heard the definite sound of a footfall. She stepped behind the door thinking if whoever it was entered the room she could slip out and run down the stairs and get out.

  Damn! How could this be happening? Was there a silent alarm? Was a cop in the house? Or a security guard from the alarm monitoring service? Shit!

  Gina worked at breathing slowly and remaining calm while she waited. In just another moment a man stepped into the room and stopped just beyond the door to look around.

  This was no cop or security guard. This guy was dressed much the same as she was. All in black and wearing gloves. She was sure he was another burglar!

  What were the chances of two burglars hitting the same home on the same night at the same time? She’d guess they were pretty damn slim.

  Gina remained still, hoping this guy would go into one of the closets and give her the opportunity to slip out the door. But no, he did exactly what she had first done. He checked behind every piece of art on the walls to see if there was a safe.

  The last piece of art was on the same wall where Gina was hiding and he was sure to see her.

  Suddenly she remembered when she’d been caught by an owner a few months ago and decided she’d play the owner of this house and scare this guy off.


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