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Spank Her Very Much

Page 4

by Holla Dean

  Brent withdrew from her wet pussy and flipped her over onto her back. He spread her legs and bent down to kiss her inner thigh. He kissed her labia, lapped at her slit and then sucked her clitoris, bringing her close to the edge of coming again.

  He moved up her torso, kissing her belly and then sucked on her breast as he drove his rigid cock into her now soaking wet pussy. He felt her pussy clench around his cock as she came again and he emptied himself into her.

  “Holy shit!” Gina said after several minutes passed and she could speak again. “That was fantastic.”

  “For me too,” Brent said. “But I think we better get a move on and get out of here.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She replied as she got up from the bench. “Did you find the safe?”

  “Yep, it’s behind the screen in the home theater. It’s going to take both of us to get to it and get it open.”

  Gina hadn’t even thought about towels and now she had to step out of the shower and grab two thick towels from the linen closet in the big bathroom. She handed one to Brent and then dried herself off. Once she was dressed she put on a pair of latex gloves and went back into the shower and used the squeegee hanging on the wall to wipe down all surfaces and get rid of their fingerprints. She used her towel to wipe any prints from the control panel.

  When there was no evidence of anyone being in the bath, she picked up the used towels and they carried them downstairs. They were too bulky to carry with them when they left the mansion, but she would put them in the washing machine on their way out and turn it on for a hot wash. They’d probably get stinky and maybe a bit moldy by the time the owners returned, but they would just think the housekeeper had forgotten to put them in the dryer.

  In the home theater Gina figured out how to raise the screen up to the ceiling. Then Brent pulled out his stethoscope and began working on the combination to the safe.

  It didn’t go as easily as the last one. He worked on it for several minutes and was about to give up when he heard the final tick. He turned the lever and the safe opened.

  The safe was almost empty. There was a thin folder with a few letters in it. Then Brent pulled out a long envelope and opened it.

  Inside were ten hundred dollar bills. That was it.

  “Shit,” he said. “All this planning and we’re leaving with nothing but a lousy thousand bucks.”

  Gina nodded her head, “I guess a mansion doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll get a good haul. At least we had some fantastic shower sex.”

  Brent smiled and said, “Yeah, there’s that. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

  “Ok, just let me get these towels in the washer so there’s no evidence of us using the shower.”

  They slipped out the same door they’d entered through and walked briskly to Brent’s car which was parked about three blocks away.

  He started the car and drove around for about fifteen minutes, making sure they weren’t being followed. Then he headed over to Gina’s townhouse where they split the meager proceeds of their evening’s work.

  Chapter Four

  Three months later Gina and Brent were practically living together in her townhouse. Not because they were madly in love with each other but because it was easier to plan their upcoming jobs if one of them didn’t have to leave to go home and sleep.

  They found their partnership was beneficial to both of them; and not just financially. It was easier to burglarize a home with a partner.

  Two extra eyes and ears to watch and listen for any unexpected interruptions brought the stress level way down for Gina. It helped Brent to not rush through the process of finding as much loot as possible. The end result was they had more time inside their target homes to locate valuables and therefore had more profitable outcomes.

  Their personal relationship had not been discussed in any depth. They both were fine with the casual sex and neither wanted anything more serious. Brent had not spanked her again other than a few playful smacks during foreplay.

  Gina would always protest and tell him to stop it.

  Brent would reply that she had the most spankable ass he’d ever seen and couldn’t help himself.

  The sex was great and neither of them wanted to risk messing with that by letting love interfere.

  For the past several weeks Gina had been scouring the tax records of exclusive homes in the area. She was looking for homes owned by famous people. Armed with that knowledge she could easily find out online who was out of town. The rich and famous always let the whole world know what their plans were.

  She found a property that was owned by a top local football player. Perfect! It’d be easy to find out when the team was playing out of town.

  Once she had the team schedule all she had to find out was which games his wife and kids would be going to. Gina began reading all the information she could find in newspapers and online about activities the wives of players were involved with.

  She was actually surprised at how much personal information was revealed to the public. This would be a piece of cake once she had all the info she needed.

  Gina discovered that in a few weeks the team would be out of town for two weekends in a row. For one of those games, there was no information on what his wife’s plans were. But the other weekend she would be working at a charity event with other football wives in California.

  That was the weekend she and Brent would hit the football player’s house. They were sure they would come away with lots of jewelry and possibly a fair amount of cash.

  Brent rented a panel truck and put some fake signs on the sides proclaiming he was a subcontractor for the cable company. He parked the truck down the street from their intended target and risked going to the house posing as a serviceman from the alarm company checking on some anomalies the security system was sending to the monitoring system. He had put on a fake mustache and brown contact lenses to change the color of his blue-green eyes.

  The housekeeper was a Hispanic woman who spoke little English and was happy to let him in to examine the system. He went through all the lower window sensors in a pretense of verifying that were all in proper working order.

  The housekeeper followed him from window to window and Brent was becoming concerned he wouldn’t be able to accomplish his goal. Then the phone rang and the housekeeper rushed out of the room to answer it.

  Brent quickly disabled the sensor of the nearest window and then deleted it from the system’s memory so it would not alert the homeowner that a sensor was not working. He continued going through the ground floor appearing to check every sensor and then thanked the housekeeper for her assistance and left.

  As he had gone through the ground floor of the house he had not noticed any rooms that looked like they could be the housekeeper’s quarters. Unless she had a room on one of the upper levels, it was a safe bet she was not a live-in worker.

  The following week Gina sat in her car just down the street watching to see what time the housekeeper left for the day. At 5:40 the short Hispanic woman left the house and walked three blocks to the bus stop. Gina followed the bus and spotted the housekeeper when she got off and crossed the street to transfer to another bus.

  Gina followed that bus and then she followed the woman to a small house in a Hispanic neighborhood. The woman unlocked the door with a key and disappeared inside. Gina watched the house for about thirty minutes and then went home. She would be at the football player’s house in the morning waiting to see what time the housekeeper arrived in the morning.

  The following day Gina watched the housekeeper arrive at the target house at 7:00 AM. Then she went back at 4:30 that afternoon and sat until the woman left for the day at 5:30. Satisfied that the housekeeper was not a live-in employee, Gina and Brent waited for the big weekend.

  The waiting was hard on both of them. Each day they went over their plan. How they would break in, how Gina would disable the alarm system while Brent kept watch in case any neighbors had seen them. They pulled up satellite photos of

the property and planned various escape routes in case they had to run for it.

  Rehashing the plan had its pros and cons. The pros were obvious - they ended up with the details memorized which should make for a smoother robbery. The biggest con was that tensions kept building. As they refined their plan, making small adjustments each time, Gina became more tense and agitated.

  Brent tried various things to keep her mind on an even keel, but she was still worried that something would go wrong.

  Gina had always been calm when she worked alone, she could only attribute this unusual state she was in to the fact that she was not accustomed to planning a job quite this big. Or maybe it had to do with the relationship that was developing between her and Brent.

  After the wild shower sex they’d had in the giant shower room of the mansion, Gina and Brent had fallen into the habit of friendly sex. The dreaded ‘love’ word was never spoken. It was just simple sex, giving each of them a nice little side benefit of their partnership.

  Now that Gina was in such a nervous state over this big upcoming job, Brent decided he knew of the perfect way to get her to release those tensions and reset her mind. She might not agree with his method, but he wasn’t going to give her a choice.

  The job was scheduled for Saturday night, just three days away, and he was going to give her until the following night to get a grip on her nerves and tension. If she couldn’t do it, he’d do it for her.

  Gina had gone shopping at the mall on Thursday in an effort to get her mind off their Saturday night plans. She didn’t understand why she was so nervous and uptight over it. She’d never been affected this way before. It had to be because it was a famous person’s house and the chances of them running into some trouble were greater than usual.

  Unfortunately she did not accomplish what she had set out to and she went home without purchasing anything and just as wound up as she’d been when she left the townhouse.

  “How’d it go?” Brent asked her as she walked in empty handed. Brent couldn’t remember a female ever coming home from a shopping trip without something to show for it. “Didn’t you buy anything?”

  She shook her head and said, “No, I wandered around that damn mall all afternoon and couldn’t find a single thing I wanted to buy.”

  Brent got up from the sofa and went to her. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

  “I’ve got the perfect solution for you, Gina.”

  She smiled at him thinking great sex was always a nice diversion. She’d be back to her messed up state shortly afterwards, but it would be a welcome break.

  In the bedroom he undressed her down to her bra and panties while she took his clothes off down to his boxers.

  Then Brent put his hands on her shoulders and said, “I know of a way that will get you back to feeling one hundred percent your normal calm self. But you have to trust me. Do you think you can do that?”

  Gina gazed at him with a perplexed look on her face. “What are you talking about?”

  “Do you want to get rid of all that pent up tension?”

  “Of course I do. But how can you get rid of my tensions?”

  “I’m going to put you over my knee and spank you. It’ll be hard and long, but in the end you’ll feel much better, and all those nerves will be calmed down.”

  Gina tried to step back, but he kept a firm grip on her shoulders.

  “No way,” she said. “There’s no way I’m going to let you spank me the way you did the first time we met.”

  “Gina, you have to trust me. I know what I’m talking about; I’ve seen it happen many times. Let me spank you and then we’ll have the best mind blowing sex and I’ll guarantee you’ll be back to your normal self.”

  Gina didn’t answer him for a long time. Yeah, a few slaps on the ass during sex added to the excitement. Sure, they were fun. But there was nothing fun about that first spanking in the mansion when they had met. For the life of her she couldn’t imagine how a spanking would erase all this pent up tension, nerves, and emotion she had going on.

  She didn’t think she could just passively place herself over his lap and let him start swinging away on her ass. But what if he’s right? What if it works?

  Brent gently moved her toward the bed and sat down. Gina had not resisted as he guided her with him. It was time for him to make the first move. He knew Gina would over think it so he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her across his left knee and then locked his right leg over her legs.

  Gina started to try and pull away, but he held her tightly by her waist and immediately began spanking her through the silky white panties she still had on.

  He started gently, warming her up. After every five or six smacks he stopped and rubbed her ass. Then he pulled her panties down and left them bunched around her knees.

  Brent began spanking her bare ass, alternating cheeks and moving about so as not to make one spot too sore. He admired the way her bottom undulated with every smack.

  A few spanks landed on her upper thighs where they met her ass. These made her suck in her breath sharply. It was a far more sensitive area and hurt more.

  He spoke to her as he spanked. “You’re going to feel so much better after this. You may not believe me now, but you will thank me for this later.”

  Gina didn’t respond. She was concentrating on her spanking. It didn’t really hurt much and she was sure this was not going to have the promised effect.

  Little by little the smacks became harder. They seemed to be stinging more too. She thought all the talking Brent was doing was helping. He spoke calmly, telling her how she’d see he was right about this.

  As the spanking became more intense, Gina clutched her fists in the sheets and tried to kick her legs. But Brent’s leg over hers prevented that.

  She thought the spanking was continuing on for a very long time, though the intensity had evened out and now he was spanking with a steady strength and rhythm.

  He was still speaking, but now it was about an entirely different aspect of the spanking.

  “I’ll bet your pussy is getting wet. When I’m done spanking your pretty ass it’s going to be a lovely shade of very deep rose. Then I’ll spread your legs and my fingers will stroke your pussy. I’ll put three fingers right up inside you and make you come.”

  Gina’s legs quivered at the thought of the upcoming sex. She imagined him doing what he had done that first time. Yes, her pussy was definitely getting soaked and ready for that mind blowing sex he’d mentioned earlier.

  Brent continued to spank her steadily and told her of all the wonderful things he was going to do to her. She was squirming now, her ass beginning to feel like it was on fire. She was ready to move on to all those things he was promising.

  “Brent,” she begged, “please stop. It hurts. It hurts a lot. Please stop.”

  “Soon, sweetheart. You’re not quite there yet.”

  “I am there. Really, I am. Please, stop.”

  She was on the verge of crying now; sure that he’d been spanking her for nearly an hour.

  In reality, the spanking had been going on for less than fifteen minutes and Brent had lightened the intensity and strength of the spanks a few minutes ago.

  As he looked down at the warm rosy color of Gina’s ass, he stopped spanking and began rubbing her gently. His fingers followed the cleft of her behind to between her legs which he gently parted. She spread her legs, eager to have his fingers touch her.

  Gina almost sobbed with relief when his fingers began stroking the folds of her labia and then thrust into her sopping wet pussy. She didn’t want to remain over his knee; she could feel his cock pressing against her side and she wanted to touch it, stroke it, and suck it.

  She wiggled to let him know she wanted to get up and he flipped her over onto the bed and arranged himself so they were in the classic sixty-nine position.

  Gina immediately took his cock in her hands and began licking his balls. She loved the smooth velvety feel of the skin on his t
urgid rod. How something that seemed as hard as steel could be so smooth and silky was a delight to her senses. She licked his cock from the base to the tip and then took the swollen head into her mouth before licking the length again back to the base and his balls.

  Brent groaned as she did it again. And again. She was driving him nuts making him think she was going to take his full length into her mouth only to release him and lick his shaft again.

  He kept busy making her squirm under his attentions. He currently had three fingers deep inside her core and his mouth was sucking on her clit. She was so wet that he took some of that moisture down to her asshole, lubricating it before slowly inserting a finger of his other hand into that tight hole.

  Gina bucked her hips up in an unexpected orgasm. She took Brent’s cock deep into her mouth and sucked hard as her orgasm ripped through her, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

  Brent’s own orgasm suddenly sent his cum spurting down her throat as she gently fondled his balls. She did not stop sucking after he came. His dick softened but she continued to suck and lick him until slowly he began to grow hard again.

  Brent had never had a chick do that to him. Hell, most of the time they didn’t even want him to come in their mouths, much less swallow it. He continued his ministrations on Gina’s pussy. Her pussy lips were engorged from her orgasm, her clit swollen and super sensitive. But he continued licking and fingering her, feeling the gentle aftershocks of her orgasm.

  When his cock was rock hard again, he said, “I’ve got to fuck you, baby.”

  Gina released his cock and smiled at him, “Yes, fuck me now. I want your cock inside me.”

  He turned his body around and settled between her legs. She opened her legs wider and brought her knees up, giving him full access as he plundered her depths. He sucked on one breast, then the other. Then he kissed her deeply and they could both taste themselves on each other.

  Brent started with slow and easy strokes, and then worked his way up to faster and harder thrusts, until they both exploded again.


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