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Realm of Shadows

Page 37

by Eldon Farrell

  Tossing the note aside he protests, “This is pointless and unnecessarily dangerous. What do you think we’re going to find here?”

  “What did you think you’d find?” Caleb fires back at him.

  Startled, Jing asks, “What?”

  Pushing himself off the wall Caleb proceeds, “It was your men that tossed these lockers in the first place. I’m guessing they’re not in the habit of making their own decisions, so they must’ve been following orders—your orders.

  “Why risk their lives out here going through lockers unless you’re desperately looking for something important?”

  “Wait,” Chase chimes in, “But I thought the notebook he wanted was mailed to Tyler?”

  “Could’ve been,” Caleb smiles thinly, “But it isn’t a notebook these guys were searching for, is it Jing? You have more than one leak don’t you?”

  “Don’t we think ourselves clever,” Jing derides, “This is absurd. I have no idea why Cummings led his men out here.”

  “Sure you don’t.”

  “Hey,” Chase calls to them, “Check this out.”

  Brushing past the stock still Jing, Caleb approaches the classroom door that has Chase’s full attention.

  “There,” he points, “On the doorknob. What is that? Is that…”

  “Blood,” Caleb confirms. “Stand back,” he tells them before taking the knob between two fingers and slowly turning it to the left. The mechanism clicks once and the door slowly falls open.

  The interior of the classroom is in darkness but the smell hits Caleb immediately as the scent of copper and violence wafts out into the hall. Keeping his weapon at the ready he orders, “You three stay out here; and don’t wander off. I’ll be right back.”

  Stepping into the science classroom he searches for the light switch next to the door and flicks the overhead lamps on. Only two of them turn on, and then the light only flickers between dim and dimmer.

  But it’s enough.

  From just inside the door Caleb can see the back of a head sitting behind the teacher’s desk with the chair facing the blackboard. Clearing the corners he proceeds cautiously to the front of the room—memories of Heath’s home still vivid in his mind.

  When he reaches the desk he uses his foot to turn the chair around and then quickly turns away from the grotesque sight. The man is bound to the chair with his mouth duct taped shut. His throat has been sliced open so savagely that the white of bone is visible.

  His chest is covered in gore from his sliced carotid artery down to his stomach that has just been obliterated. His internal organs have been removed and the length of his intestines has dropped into a slick pile between his feet.

  The jagged edges of skin around the incisions tell Caleb all he needs to know about the handiwork. Since so much blood was lost from the neck wound he knows immediately that this was the fatal stroke. Knowing this he also knows that the organ removal was post-mortem.

  A sharp intake of breath draws his attention back to the doorway where Hong and Chase are ducking their heads in.

  “Is that…?” Hong staggers.

  “It’s Frazier,” Caleb says turning from the body. As he does he notices the blood strewn Matchbox car sitting upturned on the teacher’s desk—a memento from the Toymaker.

  “Jesus mate, what the hell?” Chase says while examining glass jars along the back wall of the room. “These organs don’t look preserved to me.”

  “They’re not,” Caleb states flatly, “They’re Frazier’s.”

  Chase steps back immediately. “Oh, that’s sick mate.”

  “Let’s go,” Caleb orders them out of the classroom then recloses the door.

  “If that’s Frazier in there,” Hong blanches at the mere mention of him, “Where are Watkins and Slade?”

  Locking his green eyes onto Jing, Caleb answers “Somewhere else. Surprise, surprise, looks like the General lied again.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jing asks.

  “He said that he barely escaped with his life but judging from the scene he wasn’t anywhere close to here. I doubt Slade was either.”

  “But you think Watkins was?”

  Nodding at Hong, Caleb says, “Without a doubt.”

  “And what are you basing this on?”

  “A little thing I call detective work Jing,” Caleb explains as he points to the debris on the floor, “There are two Maglite’s here; if it had just been Frazier alone there would only be the one.

  “Frazier died in situ—where he is—I know this from the bleed pattern. Now for it to have happened the way Cummings said it did, how do we explain Heath being able to tie Frazier to that chair with Slade, Watkins, and Cummings all here?

  “How did he have the time after killing him to gut him and remove his organs while three armed men stood by?”

  “Maybe,” Jing rubs at his scalp, “Maybe he killed them before Frazier? You ever think of that?”

  “There’s no evidence yet that they’re dead. And we know Cummings at least is alive. If he was here why would he run when he carries a gun? Why would he allow Heath the time to do that?” Caleb asks while pointing at the classroom.

  “He’s full of shit.” Chase comments.

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  “So then…” Hong ventures, “What happened?”

  “Best guess is that Heath jumped Frazier in the hallway and then dragged him into the classroom. Likely with a blade to his throat to keep him quiet—also accounts for the blood on the doorknob.”

  “And what about Watkins?” Jing asks sarcastically, “He had a gun—why didn’t he use it?”

  “The dropped Maglite is telling,” Caleb details, “There’s only one reason why he would leave it behind—he was terrified. He might not have seen Frazier disappear but once he was gone, Watkins rabbited meaning he might still be alive. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?” Jing demands, “You have some kind of crystal ball telling you where he went?”

  “No,” Caleb arches an eyebrow at him, “Just human nature. You’re alone up here, you’re scared,” he looks over to the stairwell asking, “Where are you going to go?”

  “Down,” Hong whispers.

  “To perceived safety,” Caleb finishes, “That’s right. And that’s where we gotta go. Keep the formation tight and your eyes up.”

  Leading them out onto the landing, Caleb gazes upon the four horsemen of the apocalypse before descending into the proverbial belly of the beast.

  Chapter 46

  With the barricade in place and fortified as best they can make it, Cole takes a seat opposite Cummings. He says nothing to him, opting instead for judgmental staring.

  “If you’re considering taking another swing,” Cummings cautions, “I’d advise against it.”

  Receiving no reply and growing weary of his attentions, Cummings barks, “What?”

  “How can you do it?” Cole asks, leaning back against the table.

  “Do what?” Cummings asks nonchalantly.

  “Sleep at night. After the atrocities you’ve committed, how do you manage to sleep at night?”

  With a shake of his head Cummings dismisses, “You only think you know.”

  “Oh I know what you’ve done. I saw the evidence with my own eyes. You executed this entire village in cold blood.”

  “And you think that’s the whole story?”

  “I’m all ears,” Cole spreads his arms apart saying, “You have more to share, please…enlighten me.”

  Leering at him, Cummings replies, “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Get yourself on the front page again. I don’t think so.”

  “Suit yourself,” Cole smirks at him, “But whether you talk or not, this story will be on the front page of every paper in the country.”

  “Little full of ourselves aren’t we Mr. Hewitt?” Cummings scoffs, “Last I checked your paper didn’t print rumors—just facts. And you are light in those I assure you.

  “You think because an obviously distu
rbed young man spins an imaginative yarn for you and you happen to find some bullet holes that you have a story? Where’s the story? You have nothing.”

  Cole continues to smirk and laugh under his breath.

  “What’s funny?”

  “It’s funny,” he leans forward saying, “That you think that’s all I’ve got.”

  For a moment the practiced confidence slips and Cole can see the true concern etched on Cummings face. Without bluster he attempts to dismiss the claim saying again, “You’ve got nothing.”

  “Let me tell you what I have General,” Cole states, “Or rather what you have. You have a leak in your bought and paid for army. I know this because my friend knew this. And as far as you go, it doesn’t matter that he’s no longer here.

  “I know that Agent Fine was wrong. You were never interested in finding Nick; that isn’t why you stayed here at all. The leak was who you wanted to find and I’m guessing you did…just a little too late, am I right?

  “He had already talked and offered evidence to Nick before you got to him. He told Nick where to find that evidence—which is more than he told you. It’s what Nick came here to find that you want—the evidence against you.”

  “That’s what you have?” Cummings mocks, “You and Agent Fine must get along famously—both long on theory and short on proof.”

  Still smiling Cole bluffs, “I have the proof.”

  For a moment he watches Cummings shoulders stiffen in response before adding, “Don’t look so surprised, you’ll hurt my feelings. All your searching and yet you couldn’t find it. The place isn’t that big; you had to wonder why right?

  “I tracked Nick here, uncovered his source, found out what happened to these people; why would you think I haven’t also found the evidence your guy promised Nick?

  “As soon as I get out of here the whole truth about what happened to Hope will be told and Black Creek will be finished. They’re going down General. You might want to consider whether or not you want to go down with them.

  “Tell me what you might know that I don’t already know, and maybe I can help you after the story breaks. Or don’t…but something tells me that when the dust settles, more of it’s going to land on you then on Jing.”

  Standing up he pats Cummings once on the knee saying, “I’d keep that in mind if I were in your situation.”

  Cummings watches him saunter away across the room, for the first time in a long time unsure of just what to believe.

  Turning the corner, Caleb stares the length of the long corridor. It’s only sparsely lit, with extended sections completely in the dark. About midway down the overhead light is broken and hanging by one side—flickering and flashing—casting wild shadows around.

  The floor is covered by the contents of spilled lockers here as well. Adjusting his grip on the Glock, he takes a cautious step forward whispering to his entourage, “Stay close behind me.”

  As he navigates through the detritus covering the floor he peers into the classrooms as they pass. Inside a large one on his right he sees the darkened rows of computers and a whiteboard running the length of one wall.

  Next on his left is a smaller room with wooden accents and several sinks set into the configured desks. As he passes the next room decorated with posters of historical scenes he calls for a halt to the group.

  With the light nearby flickering madly he turns back to them gesturing for them to walk quieter.

  Something’s wrong here.

  No matter what he does he can’t shake the inkling that something is amiss. Reaching the end of the hall the scene of carnage that greets them confirms his suspicions.

  “Jesus,” Hong whistles as Caleb steps to the side, his gun trained on the dark corners.

  “Check him,” Caleb orders Chase while he covers him.

  Stepping closer to the body of Samuel Slade, Chase shakes his head and says, “He’s gone mate. Along with most of his face too.”

  “What is that smell?” Hong asks while covering his nose and mouth with his sleeve.

  “Burnt cordite,” Caleb answers, “Gunshot to the head and over here,” he kneels beside the library window that Watkins slid down saying, “Shot in the back. Heath didn’t kill these two.”

  “What?” Jing exclaims, “That’s absurd. Who else would’ve done this?”

  “Who else has a gun?” Caleb counters with the obvious. “Heath isn’t a fan of guns; this isn’t his style. Cummings did this.”

  “And why would he do that?”

  Rising up, Caleb glares back at Jing saying, “Well we’ll just have to ask him won’t we? That is unless you know?”

  Jing says nothing.

  “We left him to help protect the others,” Chase worries, “You think he’ll hurt them mate?”

  “No,” Caleb shakes his head, “As long as he’s not threatened they should be fine. Just the same though, let’s find Tyler and Jeremy and get back as soon as we can.”

  They move away from the corpses and approach the library doors. As they do Jing bends down and unnoticed snatches the 9mm from Watkins holster. Pocketing it quickly he catches up to the others outside the frosted glass doors.

  His eyes drifting to the right, Hong gasps when he sees Tyler lashed to a chair inside the library. Fearing the worst he grabs Caleb by the elbow and points through the window, “Look.”

  His head is drooping, his chin nearly resting on his chest. His eyes are shut and his many injuries make it hard to tell if he’s still alive or not.

  “Everyone stays out here,” Caleb orders, “I’m going in to check on him.”

  “Wait!” Hong shouts, “He’s moving.”

  They watch as Tyler’s head lifts and his eyes open. As he sees them the fear in his baby blues is unmistakable and unsettling. Why would he be afraid of us? Caleb wonders.

  Watching him writhe against his bonds and struggle to move his jaw around the gag in place, Caleb suddenly realizes what he’s afraid of when his penlight glints off a line suspended in air.

  But he’s too late.

  In his haste to help Hong pulls the door open just as Caleb cries out, “NO!! Don’t open that door!”

  Frozen by the outburst, Hong stands frightened in the doorway while Tyler turns blue.

  “It’s a trap!” Caleb blurts out as he pushes past him.

  By the time he reaches Tyler, blood is running down his neck from where the wire is constricting his airways. Grabbing the thin filament, Caleb quickly releases it again as his palm is sliced open.

  “Find something to cut this wire!” he hollers knowing full well that it will be futile. Helpless to do anything about it he watches as Tyler asphyxiates in front of him from the ever tightening noose around his neck.

  “He’s gone,” Caleb morosely declares.

  “How?” Hong nervously asks from his spot in the doorway.

  “Piano wire,” Caleb explains, “It was set to tighten as soon as the door opened. Heath left him like this for us to find.”

  Reaching out with his hand he gently closes Tyler’s eyes for a final time saying, “The bastard would’ve taken all kinds of pleasure from his mounting fear.”

  “Is…” Chase starts, “Is he still here mate?”

  “I don’t know,” turning to the room Caleb shouts, “How bout it Heath? You still here? I’m right here! No more games you sonuvabitch! You want me; I’M RIGHT HERE!!”

  After a moment to calm down he instructs, “Fan out. Watch for any more surprises and see if you can find Jeremy.”

  Hong and Chase head into the stacks while Jing defiantly marches over to a table to take a seat. Not in the mood for an argument, Caleb ignores him.

  Heading for the stairs he is going to check the offices above when he hears Chase call out, “I’ve found him!”

  Rushing toward the sound of his voice Caleb finds him crouched beside a supine Jeremy.

  “What happened?” he inquires, “Why did you two leave?”

  Chase shakes his head saying, “The guy’s ne
ar catatonic mate; I don’t think you’re getting anything out of him.”

  Kneeling down Caleb asks, “Did he say anything at all?”

  “Yeah,” Chase nods, “It was weird though. When I found him he was muttering the same thing over and over: Now we’re two.”

  “That was it?”

  “Yeah, soon as he saw me he went mute. What do you think it means mate?”

  “I don’t know,” Caleb admits, “Get him up. Let’s collect Hong and his father and get out of here.”

  Reaching over to pull Jeremy to his feet, Chase is shrugged off by him as he squirms away tightening himself into a ball. As he does a scrap of paper is loosed from his clenched hand.

  Noticing it fluttering to the floor, Caleb picks it up. Unfolding it he reads aloud: “Sed libera nos a malo. You lose.”

  “What does it mean?”

  Looking at Chase, Caleb replies, “Deliver us from evil. He’s going after the others.”

  Jumping to his feet, Caleb hurries from the stacks. Chase does his best to keep up with him but quickly lags behind. When he emerges from the stacks Caleb has already left the library in a frantic gallop.

  “What’s going on?” Jing demands.

  Pointing to Hong at his side, Chase says, “Hong, you’re with me. Jing, stay here with Jeremy.”

  “Where’s…” Hong begins, “Where did Agent…?”

  “The Toymaker’s going for the others.”

  Chapter 47

  Standing up quickly, Wendy cocks her head to one side.

  “What is it?” Cole asks uneasily.

  Her eyes are darting between the shadowy corners of the spacious cafeteria as she puts a finger to her lips whispering, “Shhh. Do you hear that?”

  All four of them fall silent and listen intently for any trace of a noise that seems out of place. Overhead they hear rain drumming on the roof and the wind howling in the background, but beyond that they pick up nothing.

  “It sounded…” Wendy begins, “It sounded the same as when Lynne appeared.”

  “Everyone away from the stage,” Cummings orders as he draws his weapon. Training his sights on the drawn stage curtain he removes the safety catch on his gun.


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