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Page 15

by Tammy Coons

  Phillip launched into some stern French. As the man scurried away, Steph was overwhelmed with gratitude. He turned to her, and she hesitantly met his eyes.


  “Seems you attract a rather dodgy crowd.”

  “Well, I’m here with you aren’t I.”

  He smiled and raised his bottle to her and they toasted abruptly.

  “Why are you always such a shrew?” He seemed to be only half kidding and it didn’t escape her that he’d kept his arm around her. Steph continued to lock her eyes with his as she searched herself for an answer.

  “It’s been a hell of a night, and I really don’t want to fight with you. Speaking of fighting, what was that scene with Nate and Scot?”

  “They’ve always been rivals. Whenever there’s a row in the band, they’re usually on opposite sides. Throw your colleague into the mix and voila.” Steph frowned at him, confused. He leaned in and Steph was startled as she realized he was coming in for a kiss. She pulled back suddenly.

  “What does Cheyenne have to do with this?” His arm stayed firmly planted around her shoulders. His blue eyes glittered with amusement.

  “She was out pole dancing with Nathan when Scot went mental. I don’t know why they’re fighting over her…there’s plenty of minge around for everyone.”

  Fuming, Steph removed herself from him and grabbed her bag.

  “I’ll catch a cab.” She stalked out of the club.

  He followed her out into the night.

  “What’s your problem?” He walked after her as she tried to hail a cab.

  “She’s not just my colleague. She’s my best friend.”

  “It doesn’t make what I said any less true.”

  “You know, I think I’ll walk.”

  “I can’t let you walk back alone at this time of night.”

  “Oh yes, you can.”

  He shook his head and walked with her, though neither said another word. As she walked, she’d texted Cheyenne. Cheyenne texted back that she’d returned to the hotel. When they reached the lobby, Steph made a beeline toward the elevators without a glance at Phillip. Once inside her room, Steph ditched her shoes and changed into her lounge pants. She had a feeling this wouldn’t be a short talk and she might as well be comfortable.

  “Cheyenne what’s going on?” Steph asked once Cheyenne opened the door for her.

  Cheyenne pulled out her tape recorder.

  “Listen to this.” She pushed play. Her conversation with Steve resonated from the small speakers.

  “What the…?” Steph rubbed her face thoughtfully.

  “Steph, he grabbed me… hard. Do you really think a ‘transportation coordinator’ is going to behave that way? Something really strange is going on.” Cheyenne lit a cigarette.

  “Why was he looking into your past?” Steph muttered to herself.

  “And what made him think he could lay his hands on me?” Cheyenne sighed.

  “What was Nathan doing to you that made Scot want to fight him?”

  “Nathan pushed Scot first. He was just drunk.”

  “Phillip said the two of you were ‘pole dancing’.”

  “This is all irrelevant. Just because I was a stripper does not mean Steve can touch me or talk to me like that.”

  “Maybe he was ‘just drunk’.” Steph met Cheyenne’s eyes.

  “You know whatever.” Cheyenne threw up her hands.

  “Wow, you’re having a major meltdown.”

  Cheyenne’s eyes welled up with tears.

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Cheyenne sighed. “I’m going to take a bath. Maybe that will help.”

  “Hey guys!” Goddess peeked through her connecting door. “Sorry I didn’t make it to the party.”

  Cheyenne nodded without a word.

  “I did get a lot of work done. “

  “Great.” Steph yawned.

  “So good night or should I say good morning, it’s only 4 am.” Goddess laughed. She shut her door. Cheyenne and Steph shook their heads.

  “I’m going to choke that girl,” Steph mumbled as she went into her room.

  Cheyenne headed straight to the bathroom. Undressing after starting the water in the tub, she poured in a lot of bubble bath. Steph had pissed her off; she was sure Ian’s cohorts were up to no good. As she brushed her hair, her thoughts drifted to Nathan’s forceful touch and she felt herself becoming aroused. She sighed and closed her eyes. Thoughts of Scot’s hands on her face and his soft kisses crowded their way in.

  Just as she dipped her foot into the hot water, someone knocked on the door. Standing there with one foot in and one foot out, she debated whether or not to answer it.

  “Shit!” Wrapping a robe around herself, she walked to the peephole. Peeking out, she saw a waiter with a dining cart. “Who is it?”

  “Room service,” the man said.

  “I didn’t order room service. Take it away.”

  “It’s a gift from Mr. Charles.” the man replied.

  Cheyenne leaned her head against the door then unlocked it. The man rushed in made short work of his duties, then was gone. She picked up the silver lids to see strawberries and other fruit varieties, a bottle of champagne chilling on ice, two glasses and an envelope addressed to her. She fumbled with the envelope, her hands shaking.


  I have no regrets. What happened between us last night was amazing. Please talk to me and give us a chance.


  Cheyenne sighed aloud, folded the note and threw it on the cart. Returning to the bathroom, she sank into the warm tub of bubbles. She soaked until the water started to cool. She let some of it out and turned on the hot water again, her tired mind reeling from the nights events.

  Another knock on the door sounded. Slipping into her robe she peeked through the hole again and this time Scot was standing there. She swore silently then unlocked the door.

  “Come in.” She opened the door and turned away immediately.

  “Hey. Ah, you got my gift.” Scot threw his suit jacket over a chair. “Listen I just want to say—”

  “Scot, please. Just stop...please.”

  “Why?” He approached her.

  “You know as well as I do that in the grand scheme of things last night meant nothing.”

  “Maybe to you, but I feel differently.” He stood just inches from her and she could smell his musky cologne. Scot reached out and caressed her face.” I love looking into your eyes.”

  “I really don’t know how else I can say this , but I can’t do this.” She flinched from him.

  “Why the hell not?” Scot eyes dripped sincerity. “I have never been so drawn to anyone.”

  Cheyenne spun around. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Doing what? Being honest?” Scot appeared astonished.

  “Wooing me like this. I may not be a supermodel, but I’m not a joke.”

  “I don’t think you’re a joke.”

  “How was your one on one time with that groupie?” Cheyenne blurted surprising herself.


  “The groupie, did her dream to get you alone come true?”

  “Is that what this is all about?” Scot reached for her.

  “Just forget it. I’m going to go finish my bath. Enjoy your champagne.” She strode into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

  Scot knocked on the door. “Cheyenne, please.”

  “Just go, Scot,” Cheyenne said, her voice breaking. She willed herself not to cry. She was exhausted and noticed the time on her phone. It was 5 o’clock in the morning.

  “Ok if that’s what you want but I’m not ready to give up on this. Whatever this is.”

  Steph entered the room through her adjoining door. Scot was leaning against the bathroom doors, shaking his head.

  “Scot? What’s up?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” Scot shrugged.

  Steph glanced around to see the dining cart and the champagne. She heard the bath water running. />
  “Why is she doing this?” Scot asked.

  Steph held a finger up to her mouth. She motioned for him to follow and led him into her room where he sat in the chair near the window and lit a cigarette.

  “Has she told you anything?” he asked “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Before I say one word, I need to know what your intentions are.”

  “I don’t understand.” Scot shook his head.

  “Is it just sex?” Steph asked apprehensively. “I don’t want to get into your business, but…” She trailed off. Steph was embarrassed at the awkward turn this conversation was taking, but she was tired and was ready to cut to the chase.

  “No! She’s driving me crazy!” Do you want the truth?” He violently crushed out his cigarette in the unused ashtray on her bedside table.

  “That would be extremely helpful.” She eyed him expectantly.

  Scot shifted a little then uttered a nervous laugh.” I think I’m falling for her.”

  Stephanie was taken aback and laughed at him. Scot shook his head.

  “Why does everyone find this so hard to believe?”

  “Probably because you’ve known each other for about five minutes.”

  “Is it so hard to imagine I would be taken with her? She’s amazing.”

  “I don’t disagree. Cheyenne rocks and you’d better believe she has guys after her all the time. I have a problem with dating celebrities, that’s my issue. But I’m warning you now—if you hurt her I will have to cut you.”

  “Fair enough. Why is she pushing me away? Is she married? Have kids? What!”

  “No and no it’s just that.” Steph paused.” Look, if I tell you this you have to promise to never tell her I told you any of it.”

  Steph took a deep breath and told Scot about Cheyenne’s past with Steven and her lack of relationships since. Scot gaped at her.

  “That explains a lot.” Scot managed to regain his voice.

  “She’s been through a lot. She busted her ass to get this job and this assignment is her reward for all her efforts.” Steph looked at him, trying to judge his level of understanding.

  “I would never do anything to hurt her,” Scot whispered.

  Steph sat across from him and studied his face. “I believe you.”

  “So what can I do to change her mind?”

  “You’re going to have to give her some time and space. I know you don’t want to hear this right now.” Steph sighed heavily.

  Scot looked at his hands. “From the moment we met, I wanted to get to know her. Do you believe in love at first sight?” He looked at Steph again.

  “I don’t know what I believe in anymore.” Steph shook her head.

  Scot stood. ‘If time and space is what it takes, I’ll do it. Thanks for the chat.”

  “No problem. Now get out, I need sleep,” She blurted..

  Scot laughed and with a pat on her head, he walked out the door.

  “I hope I did the right thing,” Steph whispered as she shut the door after him.

  Cheyenne awoke to the sound of her alarm and smacked it hard. It was eleven a.m. Rubbing her sore swollen eyes, she climbed out of bed and crossed to the window. The avenue was bustling with pedestrians. Turning away from the window, her eyes focused on Scot’s jacket. She picked it up and inhaled his masculine scent. Tossing it back onto the chair, she made her way to the bathroom and she discovered her bathwater water still in the tub. Draining it, she looked at herself in the mirror.

  “Wow you’re a mess,” she said aloud. After a hot shower, she returned to the dining cart and picked up the fruit plate.

  “Are you decent?” Steph peeked in.

  “As I’ll ever be.” Cheyenne waved her in.

  “Did you order room service?” Steph questioned and lifted the lids. “Well I’m going to complain. The ice melted.”

  Cheyenne shrugged.

  “Hmm…care to explain?” Steph pointed to Scot’s suit jacket.

  “Ok. Ok!” Cheyenne exclaimed, she shoved the note at Steph.

  “What’s this?”

  “Just read it,” Cheyenne said. She walked back into the bathroom and brushed her hair.

  “Wow,” Steph said after reading the note. “That sounds very heartfelt.”

  “Don’t,” Cheyenne called to her.

  “Look…” Steph began.

  “No. I don’t want to hear it,” Cheyenne returned, covering her ears.

  “Ok, Ill back off,” Steph conceded, and took a bite out of a strawberry.

  “I got most of the pictures edited this morning. I had a wonderful time chatting with Goddess about totally gnarly stuff.” Steph imitation of Goddess was so good it was scary.

  “Great. The sooner we’re done the sooner we can leave.”

  “You need to enjoy this. You worked your ass off for it.”

  “I know. I need a break.”

  “I thought about the stuff you said about those assholes and I agree, something was amiss,” Steph said.

  “Yeah, I know. I find it troubling that Ian seemed so unnerved.” Cheyenne sat down.

  “I agree. That guy is never unnerved.”

  “Hmm...” Cheyenne pondered. “This may warrant more snooping. I have Gerald’s spy network doing a background check on Ian already.”

  “That explains several bizarre texts he has sent me.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “I will. You need to watch yourself too, Steph, I really think they’re dangerous.”

  “I think you’re overreacting.”


  “Alright, for you I’ll be cautious. Make sure you do the same.”

  “I will,” Cheyenne said, “Where’s Goddess?”

  “I think she said something about shopping,” Steph replied.

  “Goddess shops?” Cheyenne asked, making Steph squeal with delight. “So what is on your agenda for today?”

  “You said you needed a break? Well, we are going to the spa, then shopping! I could also use a time out from all this drama and horseshit. It’s our last day in Paris and by God, we will have a day of perfect blissful happiness,” Steph proclaimed regally.

  “Right on.”

  They spent the afternoon getting facials and tandem massages in the spa. The serene music soothed Cheyenne’s soul, working out kinks much in the same manner as her masseuse, Abriel. Later, as they meandered through the stellar shops at the juncture of Avenue Montaigne and Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Steph got a call.

  ‘Ciao Bambino!” She digressed in Italian which meant she was speaking to her brother Cedric. Cheyenne knew Steph would be on the phone forever so she proceeded to search through gowns at Chanel. Suddenly she found hers—it was clingy and backless. She pointed to the gown and the salesgirls fell all over themselves to get her into a dressing room with it. The gown fell against her skin like liquid silver. She gazed at herself for a long time before leaving the dressing room to show Steph. When she found her, Steph was kicked back on a sofa and a salesman was pouring her champagne. Sales girls were showing her bags and shoes. Steph did a double take at the site of Cheyenne in the gown. Then she gasped, standing abruptly.

  “Mon dieu!’ One of the salesgirls exclaimed. They all stared as if she was an angel who’d materialized before them.

  “You tall, skinny bitch,” Steph cooed, and turned to the salesman with complete sincerity. “Don’t you just want to strangle her? I’m taking a picture and sending it to Gerald.”

  “How much is it?” Cheyenne asked, dreading the answer to her question. She knew she had to have something for Fury’s party in New York. Now that she’d tried on this dress, nothing else would measure up. The sales girl presented the price tag and Cheyenne converted it quickly in her head. The price was painful, but not unattainable.

  “Well, I can always wear shoes and jewelry I already have…and eat ramen noodles for the rest of my life.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m buying you this dress. Don’t shake that head, Cheye
nne. You can buy the accessories, but there is no way you are wearing anything else in New York. Consider it a belated ‘congrats present’ for landing the story that’s going to put you on the map.” Steph had the credit card out before Cheyenne had a chance to respond. For someone who didn’t speak French, Steph blathered several commands to the shop people who skittered around wildly. In the midst of purchasing Cheyenne’s dress, Steph was managing to buy herself a pair of shoes, a handbag, and a wallet. Catching Cheyenne’s suspicious look, Steph shrugged.

  “Of course I can shop in French.”

  The retail therapy continued all afternoon; they both bought makeup at the Sephora flagship store, Cheyenne bought a black fringed skirt at Zara, and they both drooled all over the glass at Cartier. As they were walking by the window at Hugo Boss, they spotted Phillip inside trying on suits. Salespeople were clustered around him.

  “Oh, look. You two actually have something in common,” Cheyenne joked. Phillip looked up and noticed them; both girls cat called and gestured to him that they approved of the suit. Phillip seemed to blush a bit. With a reluctant looking smirk he pivoted, as if modeling it for them.

  “He’s so pretty,” Steph sighed. “Too bad he was dropped on his head as a child.”

  After stopping in front of the Virgin Megastore to take obscene pictures with the life-sized Fury poster, they had a snack of macaroons. Steph was soon trying on gowns at Luis Vuitton.

  “So Cedric called earlier…” Cheyenne prompted through the dressing room door.

  ‘Oh,yeah. Sorry, it slipped my mind when I saw you in that dress. He is going to meet us at the hotel in Rome and take us around to see the sites. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him in four years.”

  “I’m excited to meet him.” Cheyenne pondered the concept of Steph with a brother as she paid for her purchase. He’d lived abroad the entire time she’d known Steph. Meeting Cedric was sure to be enlightening, especially since he’d chosen such a different path than the family business..

  “Ok, I’m coming out. Prepare to behold my awesomeness.”

  Cheyenne had been fondling her new handbag, feet up, drinking sparkling water; she was all boozed out. The massage and facial had been blissful and she felt like detoxifying. As Steph appeared in her gown, Cheyenne knew it was ‘the one’.


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