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Page 18

by Tammy Coons

  “Scot, can I ask you something off the record.”

  “Cheyenne—you’ve seen me naked…twice.”

  Cheyenne felt herself blush.

  “Who wanted a different manager? Was it you?’

  She could tell from his expression he had not expected this question.

  “Off the record... yes. I didn’t trust Ian. Bret went to the label about 6 months after I did…and he also wanted him replaced.”


  “I felt the publicity blackout was a bad idea. I thought it would cost us fans. Somehow he got everyone else on board.”

  “And Bret?’

  “Bret and Nathan went to a casino with Ian when we were touring Portugal. They literally had to drag him out. Bret said he saw another side of Ian and felt we’d be better off with someone else.”

  “How long has Steve Duran been coordinating your tours?”

  “Since Ian came on board. Why?’

  ‘Just curious. I think we need to get our food to go.” Cheyenne nodded to a group of college aged kids who were gaping at them.

  “Check please.”

  Sneaking back into The Clarence was even simpler than sneaking out. It had taken them 45 minutes to escape the autograph seekers. Cheyenne and Scot returned to her room since it was further from Ian’s.

  “Beer?’ Scot asked holding up a pint they’d just bought.

  “I have a better idea,” Cheyenne replied. “Come here and sit down Scot.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  All day they’d remained platonic, only occasionally holding hands. She’d wanted to see how they connected outside the bedroom. She’d found him disturbingly compatible. Cheyenne was going home soon, and she wasn’t going home hungry. She turned on her computer and started some soft music. She pushed him into the chair and knelt in front of him.

  “I like this so far…”

  “I want you to kiss me again.”

  “Are you certain, Cheyenne?”


  He leaned forward in the chair, his dark eyes searching hers. Her lips parted slightly in anticipation and he stopped an inch from her lips.

  “Ask me again.” The command surprised her.

  “Scot. Please kiss me.” Cheyenne didn’t have to ask a third time. Scot hands were in her long hair and he pulled her close. Her hands fumbled with his belt. He tried to move, but she pushed him back into the chair and waved a finger at him.

  “Sit right there.” It was her turn to command him.

  The arch of his eyebrow and twitch of his lip told her he didn’t mind. Cheyenne was determined she’d wouldn’t let Scot Charles forget her. She began to strip for him as he sat in the chair. Taking her time, she waited till she was down to her thong to approach him again. He reached out to touch her and she stopped moving.

  “No touching.” Cheyenne remembered that stripping had occasionally made her feel powerful as opposed to powerless. Seeing she had Scot’s undivided attention gave her a high.

  “Stand up.”

  Scot did as she asked and his submission aroused her more. Cheyenne took her time undressing him. Watching his skin flush with sexual tension delighted her. Each time he reached for her she stopped him and fixed him with a disapproving glance. Once she had him naked, she ran her hand down his chest and coyly stopped just below his naval.

  “I want you on the bed.” Her voice was forceful.

  “As you wish,” Scot said.

  He placed himself in the center of the bed and propped himself up on one elbow. She had his rapt attention as she removed her thong. She joined him on the bed and pushed him onto his back. Straddling him, he looked up at her admiringly, his hands hovering near her bare breasts.

  “Can I touch you now?” His dark eyes pleaded, and his breathing was shallow.

  “Do you want to?”

  “You’re so naughty.” His hands were on her instantly. Scot’s eager touch sent her reeling. She looked into his eyes and recognized how perfect of a companion he was for her. As the day had progressed, it had become increasingly clear to Cheyenne that Scot Charles was everything she had wished for in a soul mate. Intelligent, curious, kind, sexy, and loving; Scot had all of these qualities.

  He swiftly rolled her over onto her back and kissed her gently.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  She reached out and stroked his cheek.

  “As are you.” The intensity of the moment made her voice shake. Scot eyes seemed to search her face. Cheyenne’s heart felt like it was in her throat. A war raged within her, with desire and confusion on the opposing sides.

  Steph rolled over and groaned.

  “Are you alright?” a man’s voice asked her.

  “Yeah…” Steph purred, still half asleep. She felt someone beside her on the bed. Warm hands stroked her hair and massaged her head and face gently. Steph moaned. To her own ears it sounded sexual. Opening her eyes slowly she saw Phillip propped up on one elbow beside her, his hand stroking her cheek. Frozen in place, she was completely awake and focused.

  “Phillip? How did you get into my room?”

  He sat up on the side of the bed and handed her a glass of water. His hand touched hers and they made eye contact. Neither of them seemed to be able to look away.

  “I don’t know how you can sleep next door to the porn stars.” Steph heard the noises from Cheyenne’s room and glanced at him, blushing from head to toe.

  “It’s amazing what narcotics can do for a girl.” She sat up and sipping the water she wondered who Cheyenne was in bed with this time.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Not too bad, actually.” Steph pulled the blankets up to her neck. “Why you are here?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” His voice was soft and he sounded genuinely concerned.

  “Since when do you care?” She regretted the question immediately and stood, discovering her knees were weak. Willing herself not to fall, she tried to decide how to handle him. Phillip was at her side instantly, steadying her.

  “I didn’t realize it was a crime. Listen, about what happened on the plane…”

  “Yeah, that was crazy. Don’t worry about it, no big deal.” Steph looked away from him.

  “It was kind of a big deal…”

  “So you’re here to finish what we started. I should have known...”

  Phillip’s face contorted in anger.

  “Maybe you don’t know as much as you think you do, Stephanie.”

  Steph felt her pulse quicken. He’d never spoken her name before and the way he said it was something beyond sexual.

  “Look, I didn’t come here to fight with you,” he continued, as he helped her sit on the edge of the bed. He seemed to be fighting to curb his temper.

  “If that’s the case you should probably go.” As she spoke the words, she realized she was digging herself deeper.

  Why can’t I just shut up? She opened her mouth to take it back.

  “Oh, For God’s Sake.” Phillip looked exasperated. “I so look forward to our road trip. It’s sure to be great fun.” He stormed out the door and slammed it with such force a picture fell off the wall and shattered.

  In Cheyenne’s room, the sound of breaking glass interrupted their revelry. Cheyenne vaulted off of the bed, threw on a robe, and ran to Steph’s door.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cheyenne exclaimed. She saw Steph, then the broken shards of glass on the floor. Scot bolted in soon after, in only his boxers. Stephanie’s eyes shifted from Cheyenne to Scot.

  “You’re asking me what the hell is going on?”

  Cheyenne gaped at her.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Steph said, lying back down.

  “Steph! What happened?”

  “Just go.”

  Cheyenne hated the disapproving look on Steph’s face, which had the same effect on her as a cold shower. She and Scot exited Steph’s room and Cheyenne pulled the door shut.

  “What happened?” Scot

  “It’s nothing. Where were we?” Cheyenne purred as she tried to shrug off the interruption.

  “We were over here.” He pounced back onto her bed. Cheyenne wanted to go to him, but Steph was furious at her and it had soured her mood. Doubt tugged at her.

  “Are you worried about Stephanie knowing?” Scot looked at her, and the way he could read her face was disturbing.

  “I’m leaving soon and it makes me a little sad. Maybe we should have quit while we were ahead.” Cheyenne sighed.

  “But I’ll be in the US soon and we can make arrangements to see each other,” he started, but she held her hand up to stop him.

  “Let’s be real. The odds of that happening are highly unlikely.”

  “You sound so sure about that.”

  “Doesn’t a long distance relationship across the Atlantic seem… impractical? Can’t we just enjoy what time we have left together?” Cheyenne knew Scot deserved better. If she thought about this fact too long, she’d knew she’d push him away. She wanted to revel in the moment before they went their separate ways.

  Scot looked pensive. He was silent for several moments.

  “It’s just not enough. Perhaps I’m being selfish, but I want more.”

  It was Cheyenne’s turn to fall silent. Faced with the reality of his proposition, she had a heartbreaking revelation. Though Scot was her perfect partner, she was wildly inappropriate for him.

  “Scot. I am not worth all that effort. You deserve more.”

  “I deserve you,” Scot huffed.

  “I live on the other side of the planet. I’m a nobody from the middle of nowhere.”

  ‘How can you say such things about yourself?”

  “I need you to take my word for this Scot. If you really knew who I was, you wouldn’t want to be with me.”

  “What happened to you was not your fault Cheyenne. You were a victim. And I would never harm you. “

  Her face fell. Shock gripped her, followed swiftly by anger.

  “What wasn’t my fault?”

  “The abusive relationship.” He paled visibly, and hesitated as he said the words. “I don’t care about your past.”

  “Who the hell have you been talking to? She glared at him and watched his face crumble in regret. “It was Steph, wasn’t it? I can’t believe her.”

  “Don’t get mad at her about this.” Scot tried to reach out to her.

  “Unbelievable. I’m so pissed right now.” Cheyenne moved away from him. “Just go, Scot.”

  Scot intercepted her and grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to face him.

  “Do you really mean that? Because you’re sending me mixed signals and it’s really confusing. One minute you’re angry with me and tell me to go and the next you’re all over me, wanting to shag. What the hell am I supposed to think?”

  “That I’m crazy, I suppose. Did Steph also tell you I was in bed with Nathan yesterday?” she blurted, and the wave of remorse that engulfed her was instant and insurmountable.

  Scot cringed as if she’d slapped him and l released her. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts then gathered up his clothes. As she watched him dress, Cheyenne could barely breathe past the lump in her throat. Though the way he wilted away from her stung, he deserved to know the truth about what kind of woman he’d been wasting his time with.

  “Is that the kind of man you’re looking for? Do you want to be treated like shite all your life?”

  “I’m not looking for anyone. I’ve been clear about that from the beginning.”

  “That’s true. You don’t want me or need me, I’m fully aware of that. But use caution with Nathan, Cheyenne. You don’t need his mind games.”

  “He walked to her door, paused for a moment then continued out. Tears of anger, shame, and humiliation started to flow down her cheeks.

  Scot pounded on the door of Nathan’s suite. Nathan opened it and Scot pushed past him into the room.

  “Is it true?” Scot’s was deadly quiet and he knew he was on the edge.

  “Is what true?” Nathan seemed mildly amused. The urge to slap the smug look off his face was tempting..

  “Did you sleep with Cheyenne?” Scot paced back and forth.

  “How is that any of your business?” Nathan shrugged. Scot’s thin veneer of civility cracked and he grabbed Nathan by the collar and punched him.

  “Ow!” Nathan looked stunned, holding his right eye. Scot shook his right hand, shocked at how much it throbbed. He’d never hit anyone, and the reality was as shameful as it was painful.

  “Stay away from her you bastard!”

  “OK, Holy Shit, calm down! You’re off your trolley.” Nathan moved away, seemingly trying put distance between himself and Scot. Wanting to make sure he’d made his point unmistakably clear, he swiftly closed the distance between them and glared into Nathan’s good eye.

  “There are consequences to your actions, Nathan. I know we’ve never been mates, but I didn’t realize we were enemies!”

  “It was just a game!” Nathan shouted back.

  “A game?”

  “You need to calm down. I bet Phillip I could bonk Cheyenne, and he won. We just snogged. I didn’t bed her.”

  Scot grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him up against the wall. The mere thought of Nathan looking at Cheyenne enraged him.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “Stay away from her do you understand me? You’ve no idea what impact your ridiculous pissing around could have on her,” Scot spat.


  Scot released Nathan who slid down the wall, gasping for air. Scot bolted from the room and tore down the hall toward Phillip’s suite. As he passed David he barreled into him, almost knocking him down.

  “Get out of my way!” Scot raged, without missing a step.

  Beating on Phillip’s door, his anger flared again and when Phillip answered, Scot was instantly in his mug.

  “Let’s hear about this wager with Nathan.”

  “Scot. Just hear me out…” Phillip began with what sounded like a regretful sigh. “It was just one of Nate’s cock ups. We’d made the wager before I realized you were serious about her.”

  Scot approached him and grabbed a hold of Phillips lapels, pulling him close and staring coldly in his eyes. Phillip looked astonished.

  “I expect this shite from Nathan, but I believed we were mates. You’ll be happy to know you won the wager. Don’t spend it all in one place,” Scot spat. He released Phillip and stormed from the room.

  The following day, the band was overscheduled with tour obligations. Cheyenne stayed confined to her room and worked furiously to keep her mind occupied. She did not see Steph all morning, but heard her leave sometime around noon.

  Gerald called and informed Cheyenne that the two people looking into Steve Duran had been pulled into Adam’s office. They’d both immediately been sent away on an assignment. Cheyenne was baffled, and found it incredibly convenient. Knowing that this could not be a coincidence, she’d called Adam.

  “Why are you interfering with my fact checking? This is a cover story. Shouldn’t you be offering me support?”

  “I have no idea what you mean. With you gone, I have to use my other writers,” he replied.

  “Care to tell me why no one in L.A. knows Goddess?”

  “Cheyenne, this is one that you need to let go. I’m asking you to trust me. I’ll explain it soon. Does Stephanie know?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to tell her.”


  “Alright,” Cheyenne agreed after a long pause. She couldn’t comprehend Adam’s motives and wasn’t even able to speculate about what was going on at her workplace.

  Cursing the fact that she didn’t have the time or the resources to do the research herself, she threw her pillow across the room and put her hands on her hips. She had way too much one her plate. Adam’s request stressed her out and disturbed her. How could she not tell Steph about Goddess?

��It’s time we talked,” Steph said from behind her and Cheyenne spun around ready for a fight.

  “Yeah,” she snapped. “I agree.”

  Steph looked furious, but Cheyenne struggled to keep her emotions in check.

  “Care to explain why Nathan has a black eye? Scot just had an injection from the ‘Rock Doc’ in his right hand so he can play bass on TV!” Cheyenne gaped at Steph, beaten before she’d had a chance to start.

  “After I left your room I told Scot to get out and I told him about Nathan.”

  “Why the hell did you tell him that?” Steph crossed her arms and appraised her.

  “Scot proceeded to tell me about the conversation the two of you shared about my past.”

  Steph sighed. “Look…”

  “No, you look. Stay out of my business.”

  “He came to me and wanted answers.”

  “And you were happy to oblige, weren’t you? I told you all of that stuff in confidence.”

  “If you’re waiting for an apology, you are going to be waiting a long time. You can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.” Steph walked toward the door.

  “I know.”

  Steph spun to look at her. “He’s falling in love with you, you idiot!”

  “We've only known each other for a short time!” When Cheyenne heard her own voice crack with emotion, sorrow overcame her.

  For a minute Steph eyed her; she seemed puzzled. Uncomfortable, Cheyenne grabbed her cigarettes.

  “I don’t understand you.” Steph shook her head.

  Though Cheyenne still fumed, a glimmer of hope slipped past her defenses. Could he really believe her loved her? Even so, what would it bring? He lived in another hemisphere. Her hours were busy and his were insane. It was preposterous to even consider an attempt at being together. Why was she even considering the logistics?

  “I have to go.” Steph grabbed her camera bag from the chair.

  Cheyenne said nothing as she watched her go.

  For the rest of the day, Cheyenne tried to throw herself into work, but concentration was impossible. Having no intention of leaving the safety of her room, she ordered in room service and went to bed early. She tossed and turned all night, barely sleeping a wink. She puzzled over Adam and Goddess and, without Steph’s input, she just couldn’t come up with any logical reason for Adam’s behavior. Not wanting to think about Scot or Nathan, she finally took a sleeping pill out of desperation.


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