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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 17

by Roxanne Witherell

  Keeping the door open so he can keep an eye on things, Damien pulled out his cell phone to call his boss. This isn’t the conversation he wants to have. Why does it seem like every time he has to call in, it’s always with bad news? Damien hopes the news of the pup will keep him from punishment on not retrieving any samples.

  “Why have you not checked in before now?” His boss’ gruff voice spoke.

  “I’m sorry sir, I was in the middle of travels, and didn’t have the best of signal.” Before Damien could go on any further the pup began to howl loud.

  “What the hell is that racket?”

  “Sorry, sir.” He apologized stepping to the door to see what the fuss is all about. “I’ll call you back in a moment sir.”

  “If this is the way you run things Damien. I assure you, you will be replaced.” The line went dead before another word was spoken.

  “Damn it!” He hit the top of the desk in frustration. If shit doesn’t start going his way, he will be here another three years.

  “Seriously, Kyle?” Damien stormed down the steps. “You can’t keep them quiet for ten damn minutes!”

  Kyle is in front of the cell with the pup, but he isn’t doing any good at hushing up the damn mutt. He will show them what it takes to fear one into silence. He grabbed the long probing stick with the silver tip. Once he introduces him to his little friend, the pup won’t be able to howl anymore. Coming closer to the cell with the pup, Damien had the female bobcat’s attention.

  “Silence will come soon enough.” He chuckled as he walked past her.

  “What are you going to do to him?” She asked running up to the bars.

  “Well, I thought it would be obvious. I’m going to shut him the hell up.” He smirked, pulling the cell keys from his pocket.

  “Don’t hurt him!” She pleaded. “He’s just a boy.”

  “He’s a boy that’s gonna learn to shut up.” He opened the cell and stepped inside.

  “Wait, please!” She begged. “I’ll do anything, please.” She came closer to the bars where he stood, and reached out for him.

  “I won’t fight you. You can do anything you want to me.” She offered. “Bring the pup to me. I will keep him quiet.”

  Giving in mainly for the sake of not injuring the pup, he bent down grabbing the pup by the scruff. He handed Kyle the probe to put back up while he put the pup in with the bobcat.

  “Back your ass up to the wall.” He ordered her before unlocking the cell door.

  Once she did as she was told he opened the door and dropped the pup on the inside of the door. He quickly shut, and locked the door back.

  “Now this time you keep him quiet or the punishment will be dealt to both of you.” Damien went back to the loft office to make his call.

  “About time you called me back.” The phone was answered on the first ring. “I see you got things settled around there. I was starting to have doubts about you, Damien.”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you, sir.” Damien started.

  “Don’t get in the habit of it.” He said firmly. “Now tell me what’s going on.” He demanded.

  “The whole time I was up there I didn’t see Ryan. There wasn’t any movement, and I didn’t see any of the other men either. They’re either dead or long gone.”

  “Did they leave anything behind?”

  “It didn’t look like they took anything with them. Their clothes are still there, boxes left in the study. Unopened spoiled food left in the fridge. If they left, they left in a hurry.”

  “What about the samples?”

  “There wasn’t any packaged. I scoured the mountain, but I didn’t find any viable samples.”

  “You’ll have to go back. This time check on O’Neil’s mountain. Ryan reported seeing some there. That’s where the last batch was coming from. Get back up there. I’ll send someone to take your place.”

  “Sir, that may not be a wise idea.” Damien began. “I picked up something special for you. Something you haven’t had in a while.”

  “Just fucking say it. What is it?”

  “I started to look on the next mountain for samples to bring back, but a wolf pup walked right up to me. I know we haven’t had a young shifter in a while. Hell, maybe never one this young.”

  “Are you saying you stole a pup?” He asked in disbelief.

  “Yeah, he was only with humans. I believe that was the easiest snatch, yet.” Damien quit when he heard roaring laughter on the other end of the line.

  “Tell me. Is it an O’Neil pup?” He controlled his laughter.

  “I’m not sure.” Damien thought it was a strange question. “I didn’t exactly stick around to ask what pack they were with.”

  “Don’t you get smart with me boy.” He bit out. “If you got him on the O’Neil mountain then chances are the pup’s an O’Neil.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do they know you have the pup?” He asked.

  “I doubt it. The human with him called me Alexander. Case of mistaken identity. He’ll take the fall for it.”

  “It would have been sweeter for them to know their pup was coming to me.” He sighed. “Oh well. I’ll send the crew for a pick up when they get back. May take a few hours, they’re retrieving another shipment.”

  “Got it.” Damien replied, and hung up the phone.

  Chapter 27


  “I can’t sit here anymore!” Jessica said in frustration.

  She stood up, and walked around the couch calmly. Once she was out of view from Madison, she stormed up to Alexander. He was talking to Sebastian, and the other men but stopped when she spoke.

  “I’m going to find my son. I’ll start driving and you call me when your computer beeps.” She informs him. No matter where Michael is, she isn’t getting any closer by sitting here.

  “Now wait a minute.” Alexander placed his hands on her arms. “You can’t just run off without knowing where you’re going.”

  “Fine, come with me.” She suggested. “Have one of them give us a call.”

  “Now that’s a good idea.” Sebastian interrupted her.

  Jessica is surprised he agreed with her. She had thought about asking Makenna to watch Madison. She decided against it because she wants to know immediately what’s going on with both her children. The only way to do that right now is with Madison near her.

  “No, that’s not a good idea. It’s a crazy idea.” Alexander looked at Sebastian in disbelief. “How can you possibly suggest she go chasing wolves?”

  “I’m not suggesting that she chase wolves.” Sebastian gave him a look like he should know better. “I agree with her that you need a head start. She needs to go because I know she will not let Madison go without her.”

  “You’re damn right.” Jessica agreed strongly. “Wait, why would you want Madison to go?”

  “Because I think she can help locate Michael better than a computer even. It’s the twin bond they have. They can sense each other. She has already proven they have a mind link. It’s only a matter of time before more develop. Quite similar to Logan and Chloe. Regardless, with children you never know what will happen. Whatever gifts they are given will only come in time. They may be adults before they’re fully developed.” Sebastian explained.

  “I go!” Madison screamed her agreement while watching her movie.

  “Absolutely not!” Alexander voiced his opinion.

  “Face it, we’re going.” Jessica glanced around the room until she spotted her bag for the twins. “I’m going to pack a to-go bag then we can head out.”

  “You’re not going!” Alexander stood his ground. “I need you here safe with Madison. I will bring our boy home.”

  “That’s noble, and all.” She placed her hand on his arm. “I don’t need a hero. We are going. We will keep Madison safe, and we will bring our boy home. Now get off your high horse.”

  He looked shocked. His eyes were wide and his mouth ajar. This gave her a little satisfaction that he was actua
lly speechless.

  “You talk to him.” She looked at Sebastian. “I’m going to get ready. I will let y’all deal with the details.”

  With that she left the conversation. All eyes were on her. She didn’t know if she was brave for being so brazen, or a little foolish. She is going to stick with brave. Grabbing her bag from behind the couch, she went to grab a few things. Michael will need clothes since he shredded his when he shifted, and Madison may need extra. She made a mental list of things she would need for a small road trip. Who knows where they will end up?

  Once she had everything she needed from the bedrooms, she called Madison to come change her clothes. She needed some warmer clothes on if they are planning on being out all night.

  “We go, mommy?” Madison asked when she came in the room. Jessica nodded. “Yay! We coming to get you.” She yelled so loud it hurt Jessica’s ears.

  “Why did you scream?”

  “So, Michael hear me, silly.” She became quiet, and stared off across the room. “He sad.”

  “What is it baby?” Jessica poked for information.

  “He hide from me.” Madison placed her hands palm up in the air. “I no see.”

  “Maybe he’s sleeping.” Jessica suggested to calm Madison.

  “No,” Madison finally said while pulling up her pants.

  Jessica decided to drop it when she heard excitement coming from the other room. She quickly slipped on Madison’s shirt for her, and stood up. Grabbing the bag, they left the room to see what the excitement is about.

  “What’s happening?” She asked placing the bag on the couch.

  “The phone was in use.” Alexander said with less excitement than she had heard a minute ago.


  “Yeah, it wasn’t long enough for any kind of trace.” Hearing his words made her heart ache. “But, we do have a plan.”

  “Okay, well let’s hear it so we can get on the road.” She insisted.

  “The company that lease the cabins on the other mountain are spread out over North Carolina. You will be taking Liam and Logan with you.” Sebastian told her what they had come up with.

  “We all won’t fit.” Especially when Michael is back. “We’ll have to take two vehicles.” Jessica told them.

  “No take Abby’s SUV it has a third row. That should be plenty of room.” Sebastian replied.

  “Alright, I’m ready.” Jessica said clapping her hands together.

  “Here take this.” Bri came into the dining room digging into her camera bag. Pulling out a little black Wi-Fi hotspot. “This way you can take the laptop with you, and still be connected. I can’t guarantee service through some of the bigger mountains. Once you’re out of the mountain range it works great. You should be good before you go into North Carolina.”

  “Wait, what if the call is only made when we don’t have service. Will we still know?” Jessica is concerned.

  “Caleb went back to our place to get Abby’s SUV, and my laptop. When he gets back we’ll have Chloe call William and set us up here.” Bri assured her.

  “Okay, so we’re just waiting on Caleb, then?” Jessica would rather leave now, but she knows the importance of a larger vehicle.

  “The wait’s over.” Alexander said pointing at the driveway.

  Jessica didn’t realize Caleb has been gone that long. She won’t be complaining about it either. Grabbing the laptop from the table Alexander walked to the front door.

  “I still don’t like this.” He stated as Madison, and Jessica followed him out.

  “You’re safe.” Madison said reaching out her hand to hold his.

  He held her hand as they walked to the SUV. Placing the laptop in the driver seat, Alexander then opened the back door for Madison to climb in. Jessica pulled the car seat out of her car and moved it to the other vehicle for Madison. Once she was all settled, Jessica ran back inside to get a drink for Madison. She grabbed a few extra, and shoved them in the bag as well.

  Everyone was ready to go by the time she came back outside. Finally, things are starting to look a little better. Makenna called to her before she made it to the front passenger seat.

  “Here you may need more.” Makenna handed her the bag of cookies that were in the kitchen.

  “I hope not.” Jessica took the cookies, and got into the SUV. Buckling up she looked over at Alexander, and nodded that she was ready.

  Alexander didn’t waste any time getting on the road. He seemed to know exactly where he is going; which is something she wouldn’t have been able to do without a map. Madison seemed happy in the backseat. She kept looking at Liam who was sitting next to her making faces. Logan was stretched out in the third-row seat. Jessica settled in for a long drive. Alexander handed her his laptop, and the hot spot.

  “You can set it up on the dash if you don’t want to hold it.” He offered.

  “No, it’s fine. It will keep my mind from wandering.” She replied.

  Chapter 28


  They rode in silence for a few minutes. The only sound was Madison’s low giggle. Alexander would look over at Jessica every so often; she hadn’t taken her eyes off the laptop screen since she opened it. Just as Alexander looked back at the road, a low ping sounded off from the computer. Jessica sat up her look of excitement says she didn’t expect another ping.

  “It’s working!” Jessica turned the screen towards him. He quickly glanced at it but he couldn’t focus on it. “It’s still going.”

  “Let’s hope he stays on long enough for a trace.”

  “How long will that take?” She asks, her eye going wide.

  “I’m not sure. It’s not expert equipment, so it may take longer.” Alexander hopes she realizes it’s not like the movies, where the call was made and 30 seconds later, bam, you get an address. He will gladly take what he can get right now.

  “There’s circles popping up!” Jessica exclaimed. Madison started clapping her hands.

  Liam unbuckled, and leaned forward to look over Jessica’s shoulder. A sting of jealousy came over him the closer Liam got to Jessica. He took a deep breath, and remembered this is about Michael. Since he is driving, someone has to let him know where he is going.

  “Sebastian’s right, we are going to North Carolina.” Liam pointed on the screen for Jessica. “It’s still zeroing in, but at least we are going the right way.”

  “Exactly.” Alexander agreed.

  “Screenshot it!” Liam said loudly when a beep sounded from the laptop.

  “Did you get it?” Alexander asked, trying to see the screen. The roads curves keep him from seeing long.

  “Ridge Crest?” Liam sounded surprised.

  “How do you know? There’s more than one circle.” Jessica questions.

  “It’s where all three intercept. It’s hitting off all three of those towers.” Alexander replied. “Making the area they all share, the area where Michael is.”

  “Oh, I see. Will the circles get smaller? That’s a large area.” She commented.

  “I don’t believe they will, but it’s better than being states away.” He tried to calm her stress. “We’ll figure out the rest when we get down there. It will take a few hours. Why don’t you rest? I will wake you when we get close.”

  She sighed then looked back at Madison. Madison pretended to fall asleep, even adding in the snoring. Alexander couldn’t help but laugh. Their daughter is the most precious thing he has ever seen. He knows she must be scared for Michael, and yet she is acting like everything’s okay. She has a lot of spirit.

  Handing Liam the laptop, Jessica turned back around to face forward. She relaxed in the seat, and closed her eyes. Liam placed the open laptop on his lap. The light from the computer was casting a red glow on Madison. She seems to be in her own little world, bobbing her head from side to side. She would stop, and look up for a moment, then begin again.

  Everyone was quietly doing their own thing. Jessica had finally fallen asleep. Logan was playing games on his phone.
Liam was keeping an eye on the laptop in case it pings again. Madison had begun to hum to herself. Alexander listened to her while keeping his eyes on the traffic. He knew the tune, but couldn’t place it. She hummed for a full ten minutes before she started putting words to it. Only then did he realize she was humming who’s afraid of the big bad wolf song from The Three Little Pigs.

  “Where’d you learn that song Madison?” He asked.

  “The lady.” She replied.

  “What lady?”

  “The kitty cat.” She answered then began humming again.

  Alexander wasn’t sure what to make of this. He is tempted to wake Jessica up, but he figured it was nothing. She needed the sleep more.

  “She need band-aide.” Madison told him. “Lots of em.”

  “Who?” Alexander asks.

  “The kitty cat lady.” She said in exasperation. “She hurt but she nice. Bad man says bad words.”

  “Madison, is this lady with Michael?”

  When Madison nodded, Alexander decided Jessica would want to be awake for this. She would probably be pissed if she missed anything to do with Michael. He nudged her shoulder to wake her. She instantly popped up in her sit.

  “What’s wrong?” Jessica asked panicked.

  “Nothing,” he assured her. “Ask Madison about the kitty cat lady.” He insisted. She looked at him funny but then turned in her seat to Madison.

  “Madison, who’s the kitty cat lady?” She asked sweetly.

  “She friend.”

  “Friend of whose?”

  “Michael,” she said looking at Jessica. “She sings, and make Michael feel better. She keeps Michael safe.”

  Alexander could feel Jessica relaxing slightly. She took a deep breath, and relaxed into her seat again. Hopefully knowing that a woman is with Michael keeping him safe will bring her a little comfort.


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