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Early Greece

Page 39

by Oswyn Murray

  Black Sea 103, 193

  Boeotia 90

  boulē see council

  boustrophēdon 183

  Branchidai 233, 243, 256

  Burckhardt, Jacob 202, 205, 244

  burial customs 12, 36, 65

  Byblos 86

  Byzantium 104

  Calydon 152

  Cambyses 253

  Carians 128, 232, 234f, 252, 259

  Carthage 72, 110, 121, 265, 291

  cavalry 36

  Chalcedon 104

  Chalcidice 103, 150

  Chalcis 18, ch.V, 103

  Champions (battle) 264

  chariots 36

  chickens 81

  Chigi vase 85, 127, 130

  Chilon the ephor 268

  Chios 77, 98, 241, 259

  Cimmerians 20, 46, 246

  Crimea 104

  coinage 189f, 237–40

  Corcyra 77, 104, 111, 146f, 242, 291

  Corinth 26, 72, 77, 103f 145–3, 198, 224, 238, 242, 265

  Corinthian pottery 32f, 74, 79, 84–6, 108, 146f

  Cornford F.M. 92

  Coulanges, Fustel de 190, 192

  council (boulē) 56, 195–7, 223, 278, 280

  courtesans see hetairai

  craftsmen 55, 82, 147, 223f, 272f

  Crete 5f, 82, 95, 218, 229, 291

  Croesus 26, 244, 248, 252

  Cumae 74, 106

  Cyclops 62

  Cyprus 8, 12, 36, 73, 95, 259

  Cyrene 104, 112, 115, 117–23, 173, 204, 224, 265

  Cyrus the Great 148f 244, 251–5, 264

  Daniel 91

  Darius 254–8, 267, chs.XIV–XV, 288

  Dark Age ch.I, 34, chs.III–V

  debt bondage 189–94

  Delos 236, 243, 256, 271

  Delphi 26f, 77, 113, 118, 146–51, 162, 186, 204, 242–5, 256, 263, 266, 291–3

  Demaratos of Corinth 147

  Demaratos of Sparta 244f, 266f 290

  Demeter 86

  demiourgos see craftsmen

  democracy 279–87

  Demokedes of Croton 257

  Demonax of Mantinea 122, 278

  dēmos 47, 55, 142–4, 158, 194

  dialects 11

  diet 44f

  dikai, dikē 58–62, ch.XI

  diked apo symbolōn 227

  Diodorus 30

  diolkos (slipway) 151

  Dionysia 272

  Dipylon Master 185

  doctors 257

  Dodona 82, 243

  Dorians ch.I, 35, 117, 153f

  Doric 11

  ‘Dorian institutions’ 176f

  Dorieus 264f

  dowry 39

  Drakon 96, 182

  Egypt 7, 19, 28, 70, 93, 131, 157, 193, 228–37, 243, 253f, 264

  Elea 252

  Elephantine 233

  Emporion (Ampurias, Spain) 104, 227f

  emporion 73, 107, 228–31

  Enuma Elish 88

  envy (phthonos): divine 26–7 human 218f

  epic poetry 16–9, ch.III

  Ephesus (temple of Artemis) 238, 242, 246f

  ephoroi 162, 170f

  Ephoros 30, 148, 154

  erastēs 215–8

  Eretria ch.V, 102, 111

  erōmenos 215–8

  Etruria 31f, 75f, 82, 95f, 110, 147, 152, 209, 225, 227

  Euboea 18, ch.V, 131

  eunomia ch.X, 186f, 206, 274, 279

  Eupatridai 185

  eupkrosynē 188, 211f

  Eurytios vase 146, 208

  Evans, Sir Arthur 5

  Ezra 90

  family 38f, 175f

  feast of merit 47–52 (see symposion)

  Fetters (battle of) 262

  Foucault, M. 218

  Freud, S. 6

  funeral customs see burial customs

  gamoroi 115f

  Gaul 31 (see acculturation)

  Gela 115

  Gelon of Syracuse 292

  generation dates 147, 153, 168

  genos 39, 53, 147, 207, 221

  Geometric pottery 12, 92f, 185

  geras (booty, honour) 51, 58, 194

  gifts 48f (see xenia)

  Gombrich, Sir E. 82

  Goody, J. 98–101

  graphē 197

  ‘great rhētra’ 166–70

  Greek language 10f

  guest-friendship see xenia

  Gyges of Lydia 246f

  gymnasion 207

  Gymnopaidiai 165

  Harmodios and Aristogeiton 217f, 274, 280

  Hekataios of Miletus 21f, 24, 260

  hektēmoroi 191, 199

  Hellanikos of Lesbos 29

  Hellēnion (Naucratis) 229f

  helots 153, 163 (see Messenians)

  Hephaistos 55f

  Heraclea Pontica 116

  Heraion at Argos 29, 238

  Herakleitos 260

  Herennius Philo 88

  Herodotus 22–8, 268f, ch.XVI, 315

  heroic age 5

  Hesiod 7, 18, chs.III–IV, 87–92, 96, 186, 279, 316

  hetairai 214, 228, 231, 238

  hetairoi 47, 54, 155, 207, 274

  Hieron of Syracuse 292

  Himera (battle) 292

  Hipparchos son of Charmos 285

  Hippias of Athens ch.XV, 281 (see Peisistratidai)

  Hippias of Elis 29

  Hippokrates of Gela 292

  history, historie 23, 99

  Hittites 7, 70, 88

  Homer 7, 16–18, 24, chs.III–IV, 131–3, 145, 215, 228, 271, 316

  homicide 39, 59f

  homoioi 165, 175

  homosexuality see sexuality

  hoplites chs.VIII–X, 186, ch.XV

  horos 188, 190, 193

  housing 45

  Hymettos 97

  Hysiai (battle) 143, 165, 171

  inscriptions 30f

  Ionian Revolt 26, 258–60

  Ionians ch.I, 27

  Ionic 11

  iron technology and trade 12, 70, 124

  Isaiah 87, 255

  isonomia 279f

  Isthmus 29

  Jews, Judaism 54, 255

  justice see dikē

  Kadmos 93

  Kallinos of Ephesos 20

  Kallixenos the traitor 286

  kaloikagathoi 215

  kalos vases 216

  Kimon 204, 273

  kinship terminology 38–40, 53

  kingship 161 (Spartan) see basileus

  Kleidemos 30

  Kleisthenes of Athens 54, 207, 213, 222, 265, 274–80, 283f

  Kleisthenes of Sicyon 154, 186, 212f, 214, 243, 263, 278

  Kleomenes 26f, 207, 244, 263–8

  klēros 39, 164, 175; see land tenure

  Knossos 5–7, 82

  Kolaios of Samos 118, 124, 224f, 229

  kottabos 208

  kouroi 216, 236

  Kronos 88f

  krypteia 179

  Kumarbi 88f

  kurbeis 183

  Kylon of Athens 137, 182, 204

  Kypselidai 53, 213, 243

  Kypselos 137, 142, 148–51

  Laconian pottery 32, 108, 122, 172f, 230

  Lade (battle) 259

  land tenure 110f, 114, 164

  Laurion 287

  law 58–62, 197–9; see dikē

  Lefkandi (Euboea) 12–5, 76

  Lelantine War 76–80, 105, 131, 145

  Leonidas 268, 295

  Leontini 114

  Leotychidas 268

  Lesbos 20 (see Mytilene)

  Lévi-Strauss, CI. 6, 178

  Libya 117–22

  Linear B 6–8, 35, 44, 93

  literacy see writing

  local history 28–30

  logos 23–7

  lot in election 195, 286

  Lucian 86

  Lydia 20, 75, 151, 157, 172, 238, 244, 264

  Lygdamis of Naxos 145, 264, 269

  Lykourgos ch.X, 182

  lyric poetry 19–21

  Macedon 26, 103

Mahābhārata 91

  Marathon 223, 269, 277; (battle) 281–3

  Mardonios 300f

  marriage 39–42, 176, 214

  Massilia (Marseilles) 104, 109

  Mauss, M. 49

  Medes 251, 254

  Medism 267, 282–7, ch.XVI

  Megakles 219, 285

  Megara 20, 77, 103f, 137, 144

  Megara Hyblaea 114

  megaron hall 45f

  mercenaries 231–5, 239, 252, 258

  Messenians 20, 77, 153, 163f, 171, 262

  Metapontum 112, 114

  Miletus 77, 104, 224, 230, 236, 247–51, 258f, 266

  Milon of Croton 204, 257

  Miltiades 273, 281–3

  Mimnermos 20

  Minoan culture 5f, 117

  Mithras 253

  murder see homicide

  Mycenae, Mycenean culture ch.I, 90

  myth, charter ch.I

  myth, heroic ch.I

  Mytilene 155–8

  Naucratis 228–31

  Naxos, 103, 113–5

  Nestor’s cup 95

  nomothetēs 181f

  nudity 215f (see sport)

  oikos economy 42f

  olive cultivation 44, 198f

  Olympia 29, 82, 96, 204, 243 (see sport)

  oracles 66f; (see Delphi)

  oral poetry 16–9

  oral tradition 24–8, 213

  orientalizing style 84–6

  Orphics 92

  Orsippos of Megara 147, 204

  Orthagoras of Sicyon 142, 154

  ostracism 97, 283–7

  Paestum 242

  palaistra 207

  Pallene (battle) 269

  Panathenaia 270f

  Pandora 91

  Panionion 260

  Paphos 259

  Parmenides 260f

  Parry, Milman 17

  patriotism 134f

  Pasargadae 253, 258

  Pausanias 30, 316

  Pech-Mao 227f

  Peisistratidai 21, 138, 211, 217, 226, 242, 244, ch.XV

  Peisistratos 145, 199, 204, 268–73

  Peloponnesian League 154, ch.XIV

  Peloponnesian War 23, 28

  pentekonters 121

  Penthilidai 155f

  Peoples of the Sea 7

  Periandros 137, 145, 148–53

  perioikoi 163

  Persephone 86

  Persepolis 253, 258

  personification 62

  Persia 20, 25f, 202, 211, 217, 240, chs.XIV–XVI

  Phayllos of Croton 203

  Pheidon of Argos 142f, 185

  Pherekydes of Syros 92

  Philaidai 53

  Philochoros 30

  philosophy 21, 99, 247–51

  Phocaeans 104, 108–10, 224, 247, 252

  Phoenicians 36, 70–3, 82, 93f, 105, 121, 137, 259

  phratry 53f, 207, 276f

  Phrygia 246

  Phrynichos 259

  Pindar 21, 81, 204–6, 214, 225f, 316

  piracy 50

  Piraeus 223, 287

  Pitanate lochos 169f

  Pithecusae (Ischia) 95f, 103, 228

  Pittakos 156–8

  Plataea 282; (battle) 122, 300

  Plato 41, 87, 160, 176f, 200, 211

  Plutarch 30, 174, 184, 316

  poetry 19–21, 210f

  poinikastas 97

  polis 56, 62–5, 102f, 279

  Polykrates of Samos 26, 138, 145, 242, 257, 264

  population 64f, 186, 222

  pottery 32f, 83, 209f, 223f, 272

  priests 66

  Prometheus 91

  proxenos see xenia

  Psammetichus I 229, 232f

  Psammetichus II 233f

  pseudo-archaism 178f

  Pylos 6, 8

  Pythagoras 260f

  religion 65–7, 86–92, 242–5, 269–72

  Rhegium 108

  Sacred War 186, 243

  Salamis 292, 298–300

  Samos 23, 26, 32, 77, 153, 173, 229f, 242, 259

  Sanchuniathon 88

  Sappho 20, 155f, 210, 231

  Sardis 246

  Sargon of Akkad 149, 253

  Schliemann, H. 5

  schools 98, 203

  sculpture 236f, 270, 272

  Scythia 31, 173, 208, 264

  seisachtheia 189–94

  Selinus 242

  Sepeia (battle) 266

  Serfdom see salavery

  Seven Wise Men 152, 158, 248, 268

  Sexuality 41, 211, 213–8

  Ships see pentekonter, trireme

  Sicily 32, 96, ch.VII

  Sicyon 154f

  Sigeum 156

  Silver 231

  Simonides 21, 205, 300f

  Skolion 210, 274, 280

  Slavery 42f, 46, 116, 153, 228, 240–2

  Solon 20, 140f, ch.XI, 268, 279

  Sostratos of Aegina 225

  Sparta 20, 77f, 103, 111, 130, chs.X, XV

  Spina 104, 209, 228

  Sport 202–7, 212

  Stesichoros 263

  Strabo 30, 316

  Susa 253, 258

  Symposion 54, 81, 177, 188, 207, 13, 261

  Syracuse 103, 105, 111, 114, 146, 242

  Syssitia 175, 177, 207 see symposion

  Tarentum (Taras, Taranto) 32, 103, 111, 115, 164, 173

  Tarsus 73

  Tartessos (Tarshish) 71, 109, 118, 252

  Technology 55f

  Tegea 262f

  Tell Defenneh 233

  Temples 152, 236, 242f, 270f

  Thales 21, 248f

  Thasos 115

  Theagenes of Megara 137, 144f, 182

  themis 58–62

  Themistokles 27, 226, 284–7, ch.XVl

  Theognis 20, 81, 210, 217, 220f

  Theopompos of Sparta 164, 166–8

  Thera 104, 117–23

  Thermopylae (battle) 293–9

  Theron 292

  Thersites 57

  Thesssaly 77f, 186, 243, 267, 293

  Thrace 103

  Thrasyboulos of Miletus 145

  Thucydides 23f, 28, 112, 217, 316

  Thurii 23

  timē (status) 47

  Tomb of Diver (Paestum) 209

  trade 50, ch.V, 150f, ch.XIII

  trading post see emporion

  transvcslism 176

  Trapezus 104

  Trebenishte 150

  trireme 72, 287, 298

  trittys 275–7

  Troezen 295–9

  Troy, Trojan War ch.I

  tyrannos 137

  Tyranny ch.IX, 263f

  Tyrtaios 20, ch.IX, 161, 171, 186, 210

  Urartu 246

  Ventris, Michael 6

  Vikings 13f

  Vix krater 109, 173

  wage labour 42

  Waigal Valley, Nuristan 67

  warfare 52

  wealth measurement see coinage

  Weber, M. 99

  women 38–42, 115f, 176

  writing 8, 19, 75, 92–101, 233f, 236; see schools

  Xanthippos 285f

  xeneia, xenia 48f, 78

  Xenophanes 20, 260f

  Xenophon 173f, 316

  Xerxes ch.XVI

  Zaleukos of Locri 96, 182

  Zankle (Messene, Sicily) 108

  Zeus 48, 51

  Zopyros 290

  Zoroaster 91, 251, 254

  Zulus 178

  Index of Sources


  Against Timarchos

  140: 218


  Frag. 129: 156

  (ed. D.L. Page)

  130: 157

  326: 157f

  350: 232

  357: 155

  360: 141

  428: 156


  Frag. 1: 172

  (ed. D.L. Page)

  16: 172

  19: 208

  41: 171

  64: 186


  (ed. D.L. Page)

  Frag. 3
04: 215


  (ed. Diels-Kranz)

  Frag. 1: 249f


  (ed. M.L. West)

  Frag. 3: 79

  5: 107

  19: 137

  119: 132



  101off: 216f


  Politics 4.1297b: 142

  5.1305a: 142

  5.1310b: 138f

  5.1313a–b: 153

  5.1319a: 114

  Contitution of Athenians

  7: 195

  8.3: 183f

  Contitution of Spartans:




  6.272: 241f


  Historical Library

  18.10: 297

  Dionysius of Halicarnasssus

  On Thucydides

  5: 29

  Roman Antiquities

  3.46: 147


  8.14: 87

  27.12–24: 71


  1.2–4: 255

  Euripides Medea

  250f: 126

  Hekataios of Miletus

  F.G.H. 1

  Frag.1: 22


  Frag.40: 260

  (ed. Diels-Kranz)

  90: 240

  92–3: 244


  1.1: 23

  1.5: 301

  1.64: 159

  1.66: 262

  1.163: 109

  2.53: 65

  2.178–9: 229

  3.129–38: 257

  4.150–8: 117–23

  4.152: 225

  5.58ff: 93

  5.92: 147–51

  6.27: 98

  6.56–60: 161f

  6.126–30: 212f

  7.142: 293

  7.144: 293

  7.228: 291, 295

  Hesiod Theogony

  901ff: 62


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