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Their Shy Submissive (Pleasure Island Book 3)

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by Anya Summers

  Why was she such a ninny? She could move halfway around the world for a job. Leave her family and everything she knew behind, with hope in her heart that she would find the one Dom who would make her his. But when it came time for her to actually head into a club to be seen and perhaps chosen, she was terrified, and her knees shook so badly she could hardly convince herself to disembark from her cart.

  She watched a seagull swoop and dive toward some unseen prey, its squawk piercing the twilight.

  You can do this. Master J will see you in this get up and won’t be able to resist. It’s now or never.

  With breathless anticipation, she left her cart. Her legs trembled so much her knees nearly buckled. When the elevator doors opened, she forced herself to step inside, and had to remind herself that hyperventilating was not an attractive feature in a sub. The elevator ride was far too short. The small ding announcing the floor sounded, and a shiver raced along her spine.

  This was it.

  Clutching her small wrist wallet with all her essentials, Yvette stepped off the elevator and into the breach. Music played softly on hidden speakers as she entered. The heavier, metal style music was typically played later in the night. But early on, it was softer, sexier strains like Enya. Doms and subs were already engaged within the club in alcoves and on couches. There was a nice crowd, with more streaming in behind her. This was the premier spot in the evening for all guests and the employees.

  She did love it there, loved the way she didn’t have to hide and pretend she was anything other than who she was in her heart; a submissive to her very bones. As she wound her way through people, some guest Doms greeted her and she gave each one a small smile before lowering her gaze out of respect. None of them stopped her. None of them were interested. Even the few she passed who gazed at her with approval didn’t request that she pause her forward progression to discover whether she would like to get to know them for the evening or the night.

  Nothing. She had to steady herself, relax the knots in her belly, and continue onward to the bar, hoping that a drink would help her loosen up. Perhaps if she perched herself in open view on a barstool, Master J would spot her more easily.

  “What’ll you have?” Sean Davos, who was nearly a decade her junior and considered himself a Dom in training, asked. His chocolate eyes held a wealth of meaning. If she got really desperate, then maybe she would say what the hell.

  “Rum and Coke, please,” she murmured.

  “Coming right up,” he said, pulling out a glass and scooping ice into it. His movements were trained and almost routine.

  “Here you are, love. I’ll put it on your account. If you’re not busy, maybe I could interest you in a session.” Sean winked at her.

  She blushed furiously. He was only around twenty and still filling out—although he was doing so rather nicely. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  Instead of telling him no outright, she hurried off the stool and away from him with her drink in tow. Instead of hiding on a bar stool, she would put herself front and center. She found a corner on one of the couches, and waited near Master Jared’s throne. To calm her nerves, she sipped at her drink and attempted to appear as though she was right where she was supposed to be. He would choose her; she knew it was time. She started to lose herself in a fantasy where she played it so cool, and Master J was so blown away by the way she looked tonight, he would whisk her away to his villa and make mad, passionate love to her—after a naughty session in his private dungeon, of course.

  And then she spied him. Yvette inched toward the edge of her seat. This was it. She just knew it had to be.

  Jared walked right past her. He didn’t even glance in her direction. Was she that invisible? Maybe he had just missed her. And then she followed his line of sight. It was intimately trained on the island’s newest acquisition, Naomi. There was such unbridled lust in his gaze, directed at the new maid, Yvette knew she couldn't hope to compete with that.

  Why had she even bothered? It really was useless. No Dom wanted her, and she didn’t really understand why. She did everything right. She dressed the part, she never spoke up or corrected a Dom.

  Her hopes, the unrequited dream she had built in her mind, were dashed into smithereens before they even had the chance to fully form. She’d been such a fool. She should have known by now that she just didn’t interest Doms—or men in general, for that matter. It didn’t matter what she wore or how well she comported herself, they were never interested in her. Maybe it was the fact that while she was submissive and adored sex on the wild side, she wasn’t forward about it. She didn’t throw herself at a Dom.

  Maybe it was all the romances she had read. But she wanted to be swept off her feet, both metaphorically and literally. She wanted a Dom to want her as she was, and not try to change her into someone else to fit his ideals. Was it so wrong that she wanted to be wanted? She wanted the white knight to charge in and then take her to his dungeon to do all manner of naughty things with her.

  But that was a fairy tale. In real life, in her world, there was no white knight, there was only disappointment and disillusionment. She did it to herself every time. She would think a Dom was interested, only to realize they must have been looking right through her.

  She nursed her drink, tears in her eyes at her own foolishness. Yvette was contemplating her stockings and wondering if she just wasn’t cut out for the lifestyle when not one but two pairs of male legs clad in leather appeared in front of her.

  She looked up and then up some more, over firm, bare chests, and then her jaw nearly dropped through the floor.


  I t had been a hell of a day out on the water. He wanted a nice cold beer, and a warm sub to slide himself into. The order didn’t really matter.

  The elevators opened and Shep spotted Yvette the moment he and Deke entered the club. Christ, she made his mouth water, and his cock acted like a dowsing rod, nearly pointing in her direction. Tonight was no exception; she looked good enough to eat in that itty bitty red plaid skirt. And the rest of her made every nerve ending of his stand at attention. She moved with a sensual grace, and all he had wanted from the moment he had spied her was to taste her, to discover if her flavor was as sweet as she appeared to be.

  “Do you see who showed up wearing her cuffs tonight?” Deke murmured, his voice low so that only Shep could hear. Deke nodded his head toward the sex kitten, Yvette.

  Was she wearing cuffs that said she was available? Shep’s gaze homed in on her luscious body and his dick practically waved the victory flag. Fashioned around her delicate wrists were the ivory leather cuffs with the red island emblem. A firestorm of lust barreled into his solar plexus and his cock strained against his leathers. Shep wanted nothing more than to march over, bend her over the back of the couch, and screw the little sub’s brains out. Deke wouldn’t let him be so bold, but Shep wasn’t wasting another second. He wanted to conquer her defenses and feel her writhing beneath him.

  “It’s time,” Shep said. They were going to woo the little filly now that she was showing the world that she was available.

  They had waited, they had wanted, but she had never before showed signs of interest with regards to being approached by any Dom. Tonight, all bets were off. Those cuffs were damn near a red flag being waved in front of his face. He wasted no time heading toward Yvette. Shep didn’t even bother with a drink, ignoring the rest of the club goers in pursuit of his prey. Deke was hot on his heels.

  They had bided their time but now she had the cuffs on, it was game on. Shep didn’t stop until he was standing directly before her, in her line of sight. Christ, he wanted to drown himself in her tits. Those huge, milky white pillows he wanted to play with, sleep on, and suck until she begged him to fuck her. They would look extraordinary with nipple clamps dangling from them. He had never before wanted a sub with such single-minded determination. If Deke hadn’t urged him to be more cautious, he would have stormed her defenses weeks ago. As it was, he had forced himself
to wait. But Christ, now that they were this close to their quarry, he had to calm the raging inferno of need thundering through his system. He didn’t want to scare the poor girl off with the voracity of his lust before he and Deke had even sampled her charms. Tonight, they would. It was inevitable.

  And it was the way she always looked at him, her cornflower blue eyes wide with wonder and awe, that made him feel like he could do anything.

  He watched her body language and knew the exact second she spotted them standing before her. Yvette’s delicate shoulders that he wanted to nibble on, which had been hunched in defeat a moment ago, tensed at their intrusion into her personal space. Then she lifted her gaze and her eyes went wide with shock at spying him and Deke. Then she lowered her head demurely and said, “Sirs?”

  “Mind if we sit with you, kitten?” Deke asked. He had a level head, and was much more willing to woo her in stages, whereas Shep didn’t want a subtle approach. He’d rather toss her over his shoulder and take her to his cabin on board The Surrender, where he and Deke could make her scream with rapture all night long.

  There was a momentary hesitation on her part, and Shep noticed her hands were trembling. Was she scared? Was that why she’d never worn cuffs before? He was taken aback at that thought.

  Then she said, almost in a whisper, “Not at all.”

  “Why don’t we move you over just a smidge, eh?” Deke suggested, laying the flirtation on thick. “Considering I take up far more space than this couch arm will allow.”

  Yvette started, nearly jumping from her seat. “Oh, of course. Sorry, Sirs, I didn’t think.”

  Shep used the opportunity to finally put his hands on her as he helped her move over. His voice low, he murmured, “Relax, kitten, we don’t bite. Much.”

  She shot him a glance and whispered, “Oh.” Then she lowered her gaze out of respect, her milky white skin flushing a shade of pink that was quite becoming. Would her skin flush rosy with his cock buried to the hilt inside her? Christ, she had a fire in her. It was a flame Shep wanted to unleash until they were spent and satisfied beyond measure.

  Deke slid onto the couch on her opposite side. Shep put his arm on the cushion behind her, sliding over until his entire right side was intimately pressed up against her lush form. There wasn’t a spot where they were touching that he didn't feel, including the swell of her generous breasts. He had to bite back a groan lest he startle the sweet sub, with her shy glances and blushes. His mouth hungered to taste her and his mouth watered at being so near. She was lean and taut, with gorgeous legs he wanted to worship. But it was her remarkable, above average cleavage and heart-shaped ass that made him want to worship her body from head to toe.

  “There now, you’re a pretty armful, kitten. What do you say we finally get to know each other?” Deke asked, teasing her arm, and playing with the black leather straps of her bra. Shep wanted to undo that silver zipper right here, right now, and view her voluptuous bounty.

  “What would you like to know?” she murmured, her hands clenched in her lap, and then her pink tongue darted out, wetting her lips. Her innocent—albeit sexy—actions made Shep’s gut twist and his dick twitch. What would her sex kitten mouth feel like wrapped around his cock?

  “Whether you’d like to do a scene with us.” Shep skipped right over the foreplay into what he wanted, which was her, tied up and bound for his pleasure while he and Deke became intimately acquainted with every facet of her ripe little body.

  At his words, he heard her small gasp and her gaze darted up to his. The stark hunger in her glance set his blood on fire. She wanted them, too. Her pupils were dilated. Her pulse fluttered in her neck.

  “With me? Are you sure?” she asked, anxiety dotting her scrunched up brow.

  Deke stroked a knuckle down her cheek and she turned her hungry gaze toward him as he said, “Kitten, we’ve wanted you since I first had you board my ship in Nassau.”

  “But I don’t understand. That was months ago. You never said anything.” She seemed genuinely confused, and Shep noticed her hand indiscriminately pinching her arm. Did she not believe them? Didn’t she see how utterly beautiful she was? Any Dom would be insane not to want her. Had no one on the island approached her but them?

  Supreme pleasure swamped him. He couldn’t recall ever seeing her with anyone. The prospect of being the first Doms to claim her on Pleasure Island soothed his possessive streak. She would belong to them before the night was over. They would claim her, and she would belong to them and no other.

  Shep couldn’t resist the opportunity to touch her. After waiting for what seemed like a lifetime to be given free rein to touch her, he rested a hand on her thigh and teased the lacy edge of her stocking. Her skin was softer than finely spun silk. His hand caressed her inner thigh, pleasure flowing through him at the contact. He planned to sample all of her.

  “That’s because, sweet Yvette, you never wore your cuffs in our vicinity until tonight,” Shep answered, fascinated by her skin. Deke was all hands as well, his fingers toying with the straps of her top.

  Her bow-shaped mouth formed a circle of understanding, pink spread across her cheeks, and she bowed her head. “I’m sorry, Sirs. I just didn’t know. I’m not very good at these things.”

  “At what things, kitten?” Deke asked, stroking a hand over her covered breast. Shep was tempted, but they had to seduce her. Something in her demeanor told him that if they stormed her defenses, she would withdraw.

  “Being social,” she mumbled, seeming to draw into herself, as though she was ashamed of it. Her attitude was perplexing.

  “But you do so well at the front desk,” Shep said, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

  She shrugged. “What can I say but that I’m a head case? Are you sure, Sirs, that it’s me you want? I promise not to make a scene if you change your mind.”

  Of all the things Yvette could have said or done, the last thing Shep expected was a lack of confidence. She always looked so poised at the front desk, like there was nothing and no one who ruffled her feathers. Had he misjudged her this whole time? Had her aloof indifference actually been fear? Every protective instinct inside him flared to life. Well, he would help her with that. Shep would protect her, shield her, and make her face her fears. He had barely gotten his hands on her yet and he already wanted to scoop her up and offer her his strength. When was the last time he had wanted to cuddle a sub just as much as he wanted to be balls deep inside her?

  Never. And he had waited far too long and could wait no more. He craved Yvette with an all-consuming desire raging through in his veins.

  “It’s you. Any hard limits we need to know about?” Shep asked, eager to move on to more physical pursuits.

  “No, I don’t believe so.”

  “And you’re fine with both of us together? Deke and I are a bit of a package deal.”

  “N-no, I, um—”

  He stopped her before she blushed herself into a melted puddle. “Then come with us, sweet Yvette. Since words don’t seem to be proof enough, we will let actions speak for themselves,” Shep said, his voice laced with an inherent command behind it.

  He held out his hand, holding his breath as he waited for Yvette to place her hand in his. She had tiny, delicate hands, the nails were painted blood red, and they were cold and trembling as she trustingly placed them in his. Shep would reward her bravery. He helped her stand, then cupped her cheek and kissed her. Deke stood behind her and pressed against her back.

  She gasped into Shep’s mouth, her fingers curled into his bare chest and held on. Pleasure streamed from where she touched him. At her acquiescence, he growled and took the kiss deeper.

  YVETTE WAS GOING up in flames. Shep kissed her and she lost the ability to think or reason. All she could do was feel. He didn’t seduce or cajole, he invaded until her every sense was surrounded by him. Yvette had never been kissed so thoroughly. He plundered, he commanded a response from her body, brooking no room for anything but her absolute surrender
. With every hungry stroke of his tongue plunging into her mouth, electric bolts lanced through her body straight to her core and made her whimper. She never knew she could be kissed this way, as if she was being drawn into his being, becoming one with him as he branded himself on her soul.

  Deke’s firm body leaned flush against her back and she moaned into Shep’s mouth. It was erotic having both hard male bodies intimately pressed against her. Desire roared to life in her body, as if she had suddenly been dumped into a sports car and gone from zero to a hundred in a nanosecond. She was awash in being surrounded by them. They circled her, offering their protection and, sweet heavens, the most intense kiss of her life. Deke’s hands caressed her sides, his calloused, strong fingers stroking from her halter top down to her skirt, teasing the sides of her butt, and then stroking back up. It was as though he was learning all the contours of her body and committing them to memory as he stoked the fires of her passion to all new heights.

  Yvette’s body was smoldering, going up in flames. And this from a mere kiss. Would she survive a scene with these two?

  Then Deke wrapped a strong hand around her ponytail and pulled, drawing her head backwards, interrupting her kiss with Shep so he could claim her mouth. She moaned again. The pleasure pain set her nerve endings on fire. She loved having her hair pulled. It was why she had fashioned it into a ponytail in the first place. It ramped up her desire and made tingles of lust course through her body. Deke’s lips were fuller, more sensual; his kisses seduced with every stroke of his tongue inside her mouth. Whereas Shep’s kiss made her feel like she was in the midst of a hurricane, Deke’s was like the sun at daybreak, warming her body with sinuous fingers of desire. Yvette never wanted the kisses to end. If they could just go on kissing her, that would be fabulous. It had been so long since she had been touched. The sensory overload from mere kisses made her head swim.


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