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Their Shy Submissive (Pleasure Island Book 3)

Page 4

by Anya Summers

  She never wanted it to end, and yet her body coiled in on itself. Deke and Shep’s thrusts increased, they went harder and faster as their ardor rose to maddening heights. It was apparent that the edges of their control were slipping and they gave in to the heat, to the desire raging between the three of them. When they began to thrust in unison, Yvette felt her body spiraling toward release. She tried to hold on, to draw it out for as long as her body would allow. She wanted their permission, she wanted to give them her full surrender.

  She moaned continuously around Shep’s cock as he fed it in her mouth. He and Deke seemed to know her body was at its tipping point.

  “Come for us, kitten,” Shep ordered on a groan, his cock swelling in her mouth.

  Deke pinched her clit and her body rocketed off planet, exploding as ecstasy riddled her body. Her pussy tremored, her ass quaked around the plug, and she clenched her jaw around Shep’s dick as she swallowed him with all her might.

  At Shep’s hoarse cry, his seed spurted into her mouth, filling her with his salty heat. She swallowed him as Deke’s body jerked and thundered inside her grasping channel. Yvette’s body stayed on that high plateau, her brain with it as she floated. As they withdrew, she mewled at the loss of their heat. Then their hands were there, comforting her, massaging her limbs back to life as her bindings were undone. A warm wash cloth moved gently over her pussy, cleaning her body from their exertions.

  Her eyes were closed, sleep dancing around the edges of her consciousness as strong arms lifted her up and a warm blanket was wrapped around her body. She moaned as her legs were repositioned.

  “We’ve got you, kitten, just relax and sleep. We won’t let anything happen to you,” Deke murmured.

  At his words, she dropped like a stone over a dark ledge into sleep; exhausted body and soul from the adventurous night.


  Y vette woke to a gentle rocking motion as light filtered in to wherever she was. She blinked, clearing the sleep from her eyes. How could she have been so careless? The room was shadowed in an early pre-dawn gray, which provided just enough light for faint outlines to be visible. Sleek, pine woods greeted her vision, and she tried to recall how she had arrived here, or where exactly ‘here’ was. The last thing she remembered was climaxing between Deke and Shep. Her body burned at the delicious memory. And then, nothing. No memories after that. It wasn’t her bed, even though the mattress was quite comfy. The sheets felt different than hers, they were a much more breathable cotton and smooth beneath her skin. Before panic could claim her, she heard a distinct male snore on her right. Yvette swiveled her head, shifting her body, and her stiff muscles groaned at the movement.

  Shep lay on his back, one arm thrown above his head, the other resting on his belly. He was as naked as the day is long. His body was sleekly muscled, lean and lanky with not an ounce of fat on him. His cock lay between his legs and it was like the man himself, long and sleek with a halo of burnt blond hair nestled at its base, a shade darker than what was on his head.

  He was so handsome it made her heart hurt. Then she felt warmth by her back and rolled to her opposite side. Deke had a nearly identical pose. He was more thickly muscled than Shep, stockier, with black hair, and his tanned skin made her remember how it had looked against her white skin. It had been so erotic. Then again, the entire evening with them had been.

  Deke was dark, exotic, and one of the most inherently sensual Doms she’d ever met. She could see him in her mind’s eye, not just screwing her brains out like he had last night, but making love to her. He was the type to take his time, to seduce with long, languid lovemaking. Where Shep was the violent storm of desire, Deke was the calm and sunshine after. They complemented each other. Was it any wonder she’d never felt this thoroughly satisfied in her life? Or that looking at each man while they slept made her chest ache? She craved belonging, yearned to be wanted for who she was faults and all, and that had been denied her for so many years. It had created a sorrow in her heart, being unwanted as she always seemed to be, and it was deeper than the Mariana Trench.

  No promises had been spoken other than that they wanted her for an evening. Although Deke had mentioned paddling her ass another time, she couldn’t be certain that it hadn’t been just words used to entice her, to make her body bend to their will. Yvette really was a head case. The thought that she might have been just a piece of ass to them made her sad. She could see herself, given time, wanting to keep them, wanting to belong to them and be their submissive. But it wasn’t meant to be, it was her deepest, darkest fantasy to be in a ménage relationship. As conflicted as it made her, with her strict Protestant upbringing and her superstar perfect siblings to compete with, she wanted it with a fierceness that defied reason. In her experience, white knights didn’t exist, the hero never rescued the heroine, and the possibility of finding two Doms to love her was a fairy tale best left to the story books. Real life was far messier. How would her parents react? Or her perfect siblings, who seemed to be dialed in to life better than she ever had been? Yvette just wasn’t that lucky when it came to relationships.

  For a night, they had been her fantasy brought to life. It was a night she would cherish forever. She wished that she could stop time and hold on to this moment, extend the dream for a bit longer. They would never want to keep her. And she was too scared of being discarded or told again that she was less than ideal and set aside. Yvette didn’t care for it, but it was the story of her life, it was her reality, and she had learned long ago never to expect more from people because then she was disappointed. It was too bad that reality—her reality—intruded with the harsh light of day. Any further interaction with them would not be wise. Even as she contemplated more, an image rose, unbidden, of her waking them both, with one man in her mouth and the other in her hand.

  She wanted it with a fierceness that stole her breath and her body vibrated with a sudden onslaught of need. Even with her body sore from the previous night’s festivities, she yearned to feel them again, be with them again. It would be so easy to give in, they were more potent than any drug.

  It took every ounce of strength Yvette possessed to quietly crawl out of their bed and not give in to the desire overriding her system. But she did it, and she didn’t know why but she felt like she was leaving a piece of her heart behind. It was silly, stupid, and it made her feel pathetic. Shame filled her. Was she that desperate for affection? She didn’t spy her clothing anywhere. Had they left her clothes in the club? She’d have to retrieve them at some point. Perhaps one of the other subs had stored them for her. As much as she loved the lifestyle, this was still the place where she worked and made her living. It may be a wonderful getaway for those in the lifestyle, but she wasn’t independently wealthy, and had to work for her meals. Yvette spotted something that would do so she wouldn’t be forced to parade around the island nude. She tiptoed around the room, grabbed one of the guys’ tee shirts lying over a chair and slid it over her head. It covered all her naughty bits, falling to mid-thigh. It smelled like Deke, of coconuts, and exotic spices. Maybe she would keep it to remember the night by.

  With a last glance at her wildest fantasy, she escaped the bedroom before she did something supremely stupid and crawled back into bed and begged them to keep her. See, desperate loser, party of one.

  The salty sea air teased her senses as she climbed up on the main deck and walked the gangway plank onto the dock. The sun crested the horizon as Yvette sniffled with a last look at Deke’s boat, Goddess of the Sea. It was how they’d made her feel. It was a debt she could never repay.

  With a heavy heart, Yvette walked up the path to the hotel. Her cart was still parked in its spot where she had left it last night. She climbed in, wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks. Why couldn’t she be happy? She’d just had the most fabulous night of her life.

  Because she didn’t just want to warm a Dom’s bed for a night, but forever.


  Deke stretched, in the mood
for another round with their little sex kitten. Yvette’s pussy had felt like a warm silk sheath snug around his dick and even the memory made him hard. Granted, he always wanted to fuck first thing in the morning. His morning wood was damn near legendary. It had been quite some time since he had the pleasure of a sub in his bed come morning, and he planned to take full advantage. He innocuously reached for her compact little body, only to encounter empty space. At finding the bed vacant, he cracked his eyes open and, sure as shit, it was empty save for himself and Shep. As much as he loved the guy, neither of them swung that way and batted for the other team. They had started topping submissives together a few years back and it worked for them.

  Where had their little Yvette gone?

  He slipped from the bed and padded into the bathroom, then went and searched the rest of the ship. If she was on board, she was doing a damn fine job of hiding. Otherwise, she had left the boat and their bed. And if that didn’t just bug the shit out of him. He wanted to explore more with Yvette. He had hungered for her. He remembered that, when she had boarded his boat in Nassau three months ago, he had been nearly struck dumb by her elegant beauty.

  She had seemed to be composed and together, and he had wanted then and there to undo her wrap dress and peel back her layers. He’d known instinctively that there was a wild wanton inside her just waiting for the right Dom—or, in his and Shep’s case, Doms—to tap into and draw into the open. She was what they needed. Deke stood at the stern, gazing at the rolling blue waves. What was Yvette running from? She had been totally into their scene last night, so it couldn’t be that she didn’t want them.

  “What the hell, dude?” Shep said as he joined Deke on deck. He yawned and asked, “Where’s Yvette?”

  Deke shrugged his shoulders. The last thing he wanted to do was show how much it rankled him that she had left the way she had. “She left before I woke up, too.”

  Shep’s face shifted into a mask of indifference as he asked, “Why do you think she did that?”

  “Remember when she asked us if we really wanted her last night?”

  “Some. I was a bit distracted by her killer cleavage,” Shep admitted, running a hand through his hair with a yawn.

  His response made Deke smile. Yvette did have the most extraordinary breasts imaginable. He wanted to see how they’d look wearing nipple clamps and felt his shaft stir. Down, boy. Now was not the time.

  “Understandable. I think our little kitten still doesn’t believe we want her,” Deke said. That had to be it, he told himself as the uncertainty loomed.

  “Or maybe she can’t handle two of us,” Shep said, giving voice to Deke’s deepest fear: that he and Shep would never find a submissive willing to take them both on.

  Except he couldn’t allow doubt to cloud his vision of how it could be. Yvette would belong to them, she just needed a little more convincing. Deke shook his head, the memory of her sweet cries still filling his ears. He said, “I don’t buy that. Not after last night. We just need to convince her that we do want her.”

  “I think she needs a spanking after leaving the way she did,” Shep growled in frustration. His energy was frenetic, his unease seeping through the cracks. Deke would have to reassure both him and himself of their plotted course. Just because Yvette was turning into more of a squall than a pleasure cruise over still waters didn’t mean that the end game, reaching the uncharted shores and making her their sub full time, wouldn’t bear fruit. It might take a bit more work on their parts.

  Shep was ever the hot head, but in this case, he was correct. She should have waited for them to wake up or gone so far as to awaken them and inform them she was leaving. That was proper comportment for a sub, regardless of whether they would be connected and engaged thereafter. They would discipline her, spank that heart-shaped ass of hers until it was blistering red, and then they would make sure she understood just how much they did want her. Again and again if need be. Truthfully, if she had woken him up, he wouldn’t be standing on the deck wishing he could feel the taut clasp of her pussy again—because he would already be balls deep inside her sweet cunt. She would have no doubts about his and Shep’s intentions then.

  “I have a full day of runs to Nassau but I have a plan,” Deke said, turning toward Shep.

  “Does that plan include pants? I’m all for free balling, dude, but Jared might get pissed if you take passengers to Nassau as you are.”

  “Dickwad, of course it does. No, I think we need to lure her away from the club. I wonder if the club is the issue,” Deke said. Yvette had been sitting alone, almost curled in on herself, when they had arrived. As though she had wanted to be anywhere but there. Perhaps the crowd was part of the issue. As much as Deke enjoyed the club, he preferred having a sub of their own, and he wanted Yvette to be that sub, so maybe they needed to change their approach.

  “I’m listening,” Shep said, sliding his hands in his pockets.

  “We bring her here, or have her come here. Tell her there’s a work issue that she needs to address.”

  “And when she comes aboard?” Shep gave him an evil mastermind grin.

  “We don’t let her leave, or convince her that being with us is what she wants.”

  “I like your style, bro. I knew there was a reason we were friends,” Shep said, heading toward the gangway plank. On the dock, he turned, uncertainty dotting his visage. “I’m worried that she doesn’t want—or thinks she can’t handle—the both of us.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge as well tonight. Safe journeys. Meet back here by six,” Deke said, and headed below decks to shower and prepare for the day ahead. If all went as he planned, Yvette wouldn’t want to walk away again.


  Y vette’s day was more annoying than frustrating. She had wanted to stay home and maybe she should have called in sick. But there was no one else to cover the front desk this morning. Master Jared was going to need to hire more help. If he was bringing on maids, he could certainly afford another registration individual.

  “Yvette, lass, you look a bit peaky. Are you ill?”

  She groaned internally as she finished filling the gift chocolate silver trays set at the registration desk and throughout the lobby. Speak of the devil and he appears. “No, Sir. I just, oh never mind.”

  “Speak your mind freely, lass. I welcome your input,” Master Jared said, his voice laced with his dominant command. The man wouldn’t let her walk away from the conversation. Dammit. Doms and their infernal need to control the universe could go hang, presently.

  Before she lost her nerve entirely, she answered him, keeping her eyes downcast and praying that he didn’t notice her trembling hands.

  “Well, Sir. We seem to be getting busier,” she explained, praying he would take the hint. She would rather it be his idea to hire more personnel than hers.

  A smile shrouded his lips as he replied, “That was the plan, lass.”

  Oh, for pity’s sake, really? Like she didn’t know that.

  “But there are only three of us who man the front desk, and to be honest, we need help and extra coverage,” she clarified and amended her statement, feeling her stomach churn. She didn’t like bucking the system or making waves. But really, was he going to be that obtuse?

  “How many do you think we need?” he asked with a thoughtful expression on his face. Yvette could practically see the calculations taking place in his brain.

  “Two more would do for now, three would be better. With some of the changes and additions coming online in the next six months, if we get much busier, we could need more by then.” And now all Yvette wanted to do was go hide away in her apartment and not speak to anyone.

  “Let me see what I can do. Anything else?” He cast her a thoughtful glance, one eyebrow raised in question.

  Yvette felt brave enough after her small victory to blurt out, before she could overthink it, “I want to adopt a kitten from the Nassau shelter. Can employees start to have pets? Nothing outlandish, mind you, but a cat or two
, maybe a dog.”

  Jared gave her a lopsided smile, and it looked like he was trying not to laugh. “I don’t see why that would be an issue, lass.”

  “Good, thank you, Master J.”

  “You’re very welcome. Anything else I can do for you.”

  “No, Sir,” she said, pleased as punch. Yvette wanted to take the first boat over to Nassau and adopt a kitten—after she went and melted into a puddle. She couldn’t believe she had addressed the boss so forthrightly.

  “Fine. I will be in my office if anyone needs me.”

  “Understood, Sir.”

  Jared strode away just as her phone rang again. Yvette shook her head as she answered. Today was just going to be one of those days. But she was also inherently pleased with her little victories.

  Yvette’s day flew by, between a group of Doms arriving on the island, to booking new registrations. Before she knew where her day had absconded, Miriam arrived for her shift.

  “Guests in villa two need extra towels. I contacted Julia to deliver them. Make sure they get what it is they need. Also, Room 704 was requesting extra pillows. Both Carmen and Naomi are off. Sherry is working the club. If you could see if Tami is available, that would be fantastic.”

  “I’m on it,” Miriam said, grabbing the phone as it rang.

  There were nights when Yvette dreamed about the damn phones. She loved her job, but there were days when the ringing phones drove her insane. It was one of the reasons why, when she returned home, the last thing she wanted was to be around more people. She was an avowed introvert who had to act like an extrovert at work.

  Yvette grabbed her small wrist wallet that carried everything she needed, ready to head home for the day. She was fantasizing about of a glass of wine and a bubble bath when Miriam’s voice stopped her.


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