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Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21)

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by Julia Mills

  “I know. I told him as much.”

  “Well, Calysta called Maddox so if I were you, I’d stay clear of your house for a day or two. I have a feeling the old mad dragon is gonna beat some sense into our mad bomber,” Kayne chuckled.

  “I can’t think of anyone more deserving of Maddox’s wrath,” Pearce snickered.

  “I totally agree. I bet Lennox wishes he’d gone on the scouting mission with Max and the others.” Kayne stopped and opened the door Tessa had just exited. “Chasing down murderous Cambion damn sure beats having his ass kicked by Maddox any day of the week.”

  As the chuckling Guardsmen disappeared into the clinic, Tessa replayed the tall blonde’s words over in her head. “Murderous Cambion” did not set well with the Vaepanther. There had been a time, many years ago, when her family had also been at war with the treacherous soul-eating abominations.

  She remembered the little villages all over Europe that she, her sisters and her parents had protected. The newly mature Cambion had been killing machines. Tearing through every fringe settlement they could find, gaining strength with plans to attack the larger cities, eventually taking over. It had taken every vampire and panther from both sides of her family tree to stop the fiends.

  So much needless loss of life, so much pain and through it all both her mother and father swore someone, a leader of some kind with power and influence, had used those creatures for his own ill-gotten gains. Of course, they had never been able to prove it and had never spoken of it again, but Tessa always wondered who would be so treacherous and power-hungry. Now, it was happening again and she had to stop it before it got out of hand.

  Time for a call to my parents. Oh, happy day…ugh…

  Chapter Nine

  “She what?!” Lennox roared, before immediately schooling his features and trying to hide his anger, frustration and most of all, embarrassment. It wasn’t that he wanted to see Tessa again or anything like that. He was just pissed and needed someone to yell at.

  Yeah, keep tellin’ yourself that shit, bud. One day even you might believe it…

  “She left because you treated her like complete and total crap. That’s what she did.” Calysta smacked him on the arm. “Tessa is a great girl and Better. Than. You. Deserve.” Each word was punctuated by a poke to his chest as fury danced in the witch’s emerald eyes.

  Never one to miss kicking some butt, Maddox was right behind his wife. “What the bloody hell?” He swatted the mad bomber on the back of the head. “You’ve been whining and bellyaching damn near since you were old enough to fly about finding a mate and now she’s here, and you’re what…?”

  Lenn barely missed getting another smack on the back of the head as he ducked and shuffle-stepped to the right. The mad dragon growled even louder. “You’re gonna try to out run Fate? Deny what the Universe has had in motion since before you were born?”

  This time the mad bomber wasn’t so lucky and literally saw stars when Maddox used his other hand to pop Lennox in the head as he bellowed, “You think you know better?! Bloody hell, you really are a damned fool.” The mad dragon shook his head and stalked towards the sliding glass doors at the back of the room.

  Silence filled Lennox’s home. The disappointment and frustration he felt pouring off his brethren only served to fuel his own anger. In a flash, the mad bomber railed, “Who the hell are you lot to tell me what I need to do? How do any of you know what it feels like to find out the one the Universe made for you is a blood-sucking fiend just like the ones who killed your parents?” Stepping up to Kayne, he growled through gritted teeth, “What would you do? Run to her with open arms? Accept her no matter what? Pretend the past doesn’t matter?”

  Then turning on Maddox who had just returned to the center of the room, Lenn yelled, “And you, the freakin’ ‘mad dragon’ who grumbles and growls at everyone and never forgets a Heavens damned thing. Who are you to give me advice at all?” He beat his fist against his chest. “You have no fucking idea what this feels like? You can’t even imagine. Yet all you do is stand here and judge me. Accuse me of being unfair to that…that thing, the Universe saw fit to pair me with.”


  The loud slap of Calysta’s hand on Lennox’s face sounded a split second before he felt the sting of her blow on his cheek. Looking down at the witch, he saw pure rage etched in her expression as she yelled, “You are an egotistical, arrogant, son of a bitch, who doesn’t deserve a woman like Tessa. Or any woman for that matter. Ever think that’s why you had to wait so long?” She stepped right up to him and shoved her finger in his face. “You will die sad and alone, Lennox O’Lachtháin, because that is what you deserve for turning your back on the greatest gift any man could ever be given.” Calysta spun around and walked towards the door. “I never want to see your face again,” were the last words Lennox heard before she slammed the door.

  Shocked, unable to move from his spot in the center of the room, Lennox tried to avoid the glares and looks of utter disappointment from his brethren. Grabbing ahold of his anger because facing his guilt was too much to bear, the mad bomber clenched his fists and stalked towards the back door, throwing a parting shot over his shoulder as he went. “Well to Hell with all of you. I don’t give a shit if you agree with me or not. It’s not your life, so butt the fuck out.”

  Slamming the door so hard the window at the top shattered, Lennox marched to his shed, pulled out as much C-4 and blasting caps as he could carry and headed towards the abandoned gulley about five miles behind the lair. The longer he walked, the more his anger turned to embarrassment, and then that faded into regret, as images of Tessa flooded his brain. One after another, flash after flash of her amazing smile, dark eyes and beautiful soul beat at him, taunted him, made him rethink everything he’d ever believed. No matter how hard he tried or how much he wished them away, the visions refused to leave, instead going in faster succession and causing an ache not only in his heart but the depth of his soul.

  His dragon howled with sadness, pining for the one woman, the only woman, who could complete them body, mind and soul. The mad bomber searched for his former rage, dug deep into the depths of his being looking for one shred of the anger and resentment he’d thrown in the faces of his brethren, but it was gone, replaced with a bone-deep sadness and fear that he’d blown his one chance at happiness. Tessa and Tessa alone had made him feel things he never thought possible. His hopes and dreams for the future had been within his grasp and then…then…he found out what she really was and the cruelty of reality stabbed him in the back.

  Finally, reaching the gorge, Lennox threw his pack on the ground and yelled to the Heavens, “Why have you done this to me? Why have you given me the one woman in all the world I simply cannot love?”

  Cannot or will not? That’s the real question…

  Staring at the clouds overhead, praying for an answer he knew wouldn’t come, Lennox let his chin fall to his chest and sighed, “Because life isn’t fair and I’m the Grand Poobah of Idiots, Patron Saint of the Morons and general King Dumbass Extraordinaire, that’s why.” He looked up before adding, “And while I’m at it, let us not forget delusional and already missing that blasted woman so much it hurts.”

  Snorting sarcastically as his dragon grumbled in agreement with Lenn’s assessment of himself, the mad bomber packed a charge, stuck it deep in a tiny crevice at the far end of the gulley and ran back to where he’d left the ignition switch. Carefully twisting the wires around the terminals, he murmured, “If you can’t think your way out of a problem, blow shit up. That’s my motto.”

  Looking towards the spot where he’d placed the C-4, Lennox counted, “Three…two…one…we have lift off.”

  Smiling as the earth shook under his feet and rock and soil rained down like giant hail from the blast, the mad bomber stuffed the ignition switch into his pocket and walked towards the growing pile of debris. The closer he got to the blast site, the more the stench of burnt flesh assaulted his senses. Running at top speed, fear t
hat he’d unwittingly harmed an innocent beating at his conscience, Lennox dove into the rubble and began digging like a mad man.

  Rocks tearing at his skin, dirt flying in his eyes and mud caking to his sweat-soaked skin, the mad bomber reached into the dark pit his explosion had created, gasping when he pulled out what was left of a human arm, closely followed by a foot and part of a hand. The acrid scent of dried blood and rotting flesh made the Guardsman gag as he laid what was left of some poor human to the side and continued to dig.

  Almost an hour later, he’d unearthed five feet, six hands, two skulls and over twenty various bones, all in different stages of decomposition. Laying them on the ground, Lennox picked up what was left of a small delicate hand, obviously that of a woman. From his best guess, it had been little more than a week since the appendage had been buried.

  Behind the scent of death and rot was a cloying aroma, almost floral but with more musk. Inhaling deeper, the mad bomber was hit with a wave of desire that made his heart race and his stomach turn. “Cambion,’ he spat. “The leeches use pheromones to bait their prey.”

  Taking another whiff, he shuddered. Not only was there the lure used by the Cambion but underneath, a much more subtle and almost pleasing in its aroma, was the unmistakable scent of vampire. Not one mixed with panther, or any other animal for that matter, but ancient, pure, powerful vampire.

  “Son of a… The old Cat King was right,” he muttered, his need to avenge the unjust dead of every human represented by the remains at his feet pushing his every action.

  Getting his pack, the mad bomber pulled out a large plastic bag, filled it with the body parts and after loading up his explosives, hid the satchel in a small crevice behind a rock. With the scent of not only the Cambion’s bait but that of the vampire as well, Lennox began to track the evil beings, not only wanting to find them but needing to make sure Tessa wasn’t involved.

  “You know she’s not,” Pearce’s voice sounded in his head.

  “What the hell? What are you doing in my head? Haven’t you ever heard of privacy?”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of shielding your thoughts?” Pearce countered. “Besides, did you really think I was going to let you run off half-cocked with explosives and not keep an eye on you.”

  The words had barely sounded in Lennox’s mind when his best friend appeared at his side.

  “I really hate that you can do that,” the mad bomber grumbled.

  “What? Approach without notice or keep tabs on you?” The calm dragon grinned.

  “Both… jerk.”

  “That’s Mr. Jerk to you.” Pearce winked, pointing to a small cabin barely visible behind the full, low hanging branches of a willow tree. “Looks like that might be the place.” Standing to his full height, the Guardsman added, “I say we go check it out.”

  “Since I’m sure I can’t get rid of you, lead the way,” Lenn teased, glad for the company but unwilling to let his friend know exactly how much.

  Slapping his hand over his heart, Pearce feigned swooning as he joked, “I’m gutted. To think that you wouldn’t want me along on your ‘try-to-forget-I-royally-fucked-up-with-my-one-true-mate pity party.”

  “Shut up, Pearce, and come on,” Lennox growled, angrier with himself than his friend and needing to think of anything but his beautiful Tessa and what he was going to do about her being part vampire.

  Leading the way down the darkest side of the mountain, all conversation stopped as both Guardsmen were focused on the tiny log cabin becoming more vivid with every step. Pointing, Lennox spoke directly into Pearce’s mind, “You go left. I’ll go right. See ya’ on the other side.”

  “You have such a way with words,” came Pearce’s chuckled reply.

  Lennox snickered, as he bent his six-foot-six frame down as far as it would go and crept towards the small window at the back of the structure. Listening to the barely audible sounds of footsteps, the mad bomber slowly lifted his head until he could see in the window.

  Staring in disbelief, Lennox’s shocked whisper mirrored Pearce’s as both Guardsmen exclaimed, “They’re just kids!”

  Then the mad bomber added, “Murdering, soul-sucking kids…”

  Chapter Ten

  “Yes, I know, but none of this makes sense. I thought you said we destroyed all the Cambion.” Tessa had been talking to her mother for almost a half an hour and was no closer to finding an answer than when she’d started.

  “We thought we destroyed them all, but no one could be sure,” Vanessa Mooreland said for the second time. “As you well know, if they have never fed from a human Cambion can be incredibly hard to identify. And then there is the fact that we were not the only ones fighting them. Maybe someone else failed.”

  “Wait a minute, what do you mean, we weren’t the only ones fighting them? How many of the damn things were there?”

  “Tessa!” Her mother scolded. “You know I don’t like that kind of language.”

  “Mother, please just answer my question. I’m way too old to be lectured about cursing and people are dying.” Tessa thought about screaming but knew it would be a waste of breath, so softly added, “Just tell me what happened. I need to help if I can.”

  “As you wish, my dear. There were seven factions fighting the Cambion all over the world. Your great-grandfather, Antonio, and his Pride in South America, the dragons in the UK, Scotland and Australia, with vampires covering all of North America in three strategic strikes.”

  “Why didn’t we know they were active all over the world?” Tessa tried not to accuse as she questioned her mother, but it was hard considering Vanessa never seemed to tell any of her children the whole story about anything.

  Sighing, Tessa’s mother scoffed, “It was a need to know and your Uncle Ulnac decided you didn’t need to know.”

  “Mother,” Tessa growled. “That is not a good answer. Did dad know?”

  “Well, of course, he did.” Her mother sounded astonished that Tessa would ask and added, “Your uncle does nothing without consulting your father. You know that?”

  “Right, and my name is Tinkerbell,” the Vaepanther mumbled under her breath.

  “What did you say, darling?” Vanessa inquired in a sing-songy voice.

  “Oh, nothing, mother.” Then quickly changing the subject, Tessa asked, “Is dad around?”

  “No, dear, he’s away on business. I can have him call you when he gets back.”

  Tessa was just about to answer when her mother uncharacteristically interrupted, “Oh, Tessa, dear, your sister, Amara wants to talk to you.”

  “Put her on.”

  “Okay, darling, take care of yourself.”

  “I will, mom. Thank…”

  Tessa was still talking when her younger and much more exuberant sister squealed, “Oh my Goddess, Tessa, have you found him? Have you met your mate?”

  “Well, hello to you too, Amara. How are you? Nice to hear from you, too.” Tessa chuckled as her sister’s giggle floated through the phone. The youngest Mooreland daughter was always happy, always bubbly and always, without a doubt her older sister’s biggest cheerleader.

  “Sorry, sis. I’m just so excited to hear all about your mate. Is he tall? Handsome? A panther? A vamp? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”

  Not wanting to dampen her sister’s exuberant mood, Tessa put as much happy as she could muster into her voice, pretended things had not gone horribly awry and told Amara what she wanted to hear.

  “He is tall and incredibly handsome. Has short, dark hair and beautiful green eyes that remind me of the Emerald’s on mom’s favorite bracelet. And thank the Goddess, he’s not a vampire or a panther – he’s a dragon.”

  “No way!” Amara gasped. “A dragon? That is so cool. Have you seen his beast yet?”

  “No…no, I haven’t…not yet.” Tessa knew she should be saying not ever, but decided she’d explain the tragedy that continued to be her love life after she’d gotten home and had time to lick her wounds. There was no reason to upset Amara
, after all, it had been Tessa’s little sister who had finally convinced the Vaepanther to go to Gerri’s.

  There was a mischievous chuckle then a whispered, “Does he make your toes curl, and your heart go pitter-pat, mo daor dheirfiúr?”

  Smiling despite all that had happened, Tessa laughed out loud, “Yes, you little stinker, he does.”

  “Oh wow, he must be really good. He’s scrambled your brains,” Amara giggled. “Damn you are so lucky.”

  Clearing her throat to hide the hitch in her voice, Tessa chuckled, “Yeah, I really am.” Quickly changing the subject, the Vaepanther added, “Hey, is Maisa around?”

  “No, she’s taking care of something for dad while he’s gone. What’s up?”

  “Nothing. I’ll have to catch up with her later.”

  “Why do you do that?” Amara sounded almost angry.

  “Do what?” Tessa truly had no idea where the conversation was going but getting more hesitant by the second.

  Finally, Amara sighed, “Try to keep things from me. You know I have the best hearing of any of us and am by far the nosiest. Just tell me what’s happening with the Cambion. Maybe I can help.”

  Exhaling as she tried to think of what to say, the Vaepanther opted for the truth, the Goddess knew it hadn’t failed her yet. “To be honest, I have no clue what’s going on, Mars. I thought they were all gone, had been for decades, but then I heard a couple of Lennox’s friends talking about them and...”

  “And your big, strong dragon told you not to worry about it, but you are a Mooreland and we never do as we’re told,” Amara snickered.

  “There you go, sis. You know me so well.”

  Technically, I didn’t lie. I just didn’t correct her incorrect assumptions. Oh dammit, I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?

  “You tell that handsome mate of yours that you’re an independent woman and don’t need him to coddle you or he’ll have me to deal with.”

  “You got it, Mars. Now, I need to get going. I’ll call you later this week.”


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