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Paranormal Dating Agency: The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Book 21)

Page 8

by Julia Mills

  Jogging up the stairs, Tessa chuckled, “Ask your Aunt. I’ve got to get ready or Uncle Ulnac will be back in here and Gerri might just be forced to kick him.”

  “Watch it, kiddo. I know where you sleep,” came Gerri’s chuckled reply making Tessa laugh all the harder as she ran into her room and closed the door.

  Stopping by the window to see what ostentation limo her uncle was being chauffeured around in this time, Tessa was shocked to see him out of the car and almost a half block down the street talking to a couple of middle-aged men dressed in jeans and leather jackets. Not only was it rare for Ulnac to not have her father or another of the high-ranking vampires from their Kiss at his side, the men he was talking to did not look up to her uncle’s standards.

  Or the ones he pretends to have…

  Out of curiosity, she opened the window and listened to see if she could hear what they were saying. A cloying scent, almost floral but with more musk and a deep, coppery undertone filled her nose. Arousal tickled at her senses then her stomach rolled. “Cambion,” she spat.

  Memories of their horrible battle with the parasitic creatures flashed through her mind as Tessa slammed the window shut, raced to the armoire and pulled out jeans and a clean T-shirt. Throwing on her clothes, she piled her long dark hair atop her head, slipped her feet into her tennis shoes and raced downstairs.

  “Dad must know nothing about this. That’s why he looked so confused when Ulnac said they had a conference call. What is that bastard up to?” Tessa talked to herself until she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  Running into the kitchen, she asked a surprised Gerri and Belle, “Mind if I sneak out through the back door?”

  “No, not at all,” Gerri agreed. “But what’s going on? What about your dinner? Your father?”

  Stopping, Tessa leaned down and asked, “Do you mind making an excuse for me? Just tell Uncle Ulnac that I’m having ‘female problems’.” She made air quotes that caused the matchmaker to grin. “He won’t question it any further and dad will know it means to call me later.”

  “But where are you going?” Gerri asked.

  Shaking her head and blowing out the breath it felt like she’d been holding since she spotted the Cambion and shrugged, “Would you believe to see the dragons?”

  “Honey, I’d believe anything at this stage of the game.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Surprisingly, it had taken less than two hours to get everything and everyone organized. It was agreed that Cole and Callum would watch the cabin, while the rest split up into groups of two to scout the area for any trace of where the others were holed up. Traipsing through the dark following more false trails than good ones, Lennox grumbled, “I really hate tracking. I would much rather be watching a movie or all snug in my bed, dreaming of the angels.”

  “Or lying next to one,” Pearce added, with a snicker.

  “Yeah,” Lennox sighed. “I’ve really made a mess of things, haven’t I?”

  Slapping his hand to his chest and stumbling around like a drunk, Pearce raised his free hand to the sky and in an exaggerated voice teased, “Oh my Heavens, I think I’ve had a heart attack. The great Lennox O’Lachtháin has admitted he made a mistake.”

  Rolling his eyes and walking ahead of his brethren, the mad bomber groused, “Yeah, you’re real funny.”

  Jogging to catch up, Lennox tried to ignore Pearce as he whistled Here Comes the Bride but finally gave in when his not-so-best-friend-at-the-moment said, “Maybe you should tell Maddox that you know you made a mistake. I’m sure that’ll send the old mad dragon into orbit.”

  “HaHa, you are so funny. Ya’ know I feel like shit. I messed up royally and I wouldn’t blame Tessa if she never spoke to me again. I mean, I left her all alone, with people she didn’t know, after our first night together, without so much as a thank you.”

  “Well, I’m not sure thank you would have been the right thing to say,” Pearce snickered, before quickly adding in a much more subdued tone, “But I see your point.” He cleared his throat and looked away, Lennox was sure to hide a smile.

  Going on despite the fun his brethren was having at his expense, the mad bomber exhaled, “I’m not even sure where to begin. I’ve played it out over and over in my head. I thought about saying, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were a vampire and freaked out, but that makes me sound like a real jerk.”

  He refused to rise to the bait when Pearce nodded frantically, reminding Lennox of one of those bobble-headed puppies in the back of a little old lady’s car window.

  “Then I thought about saying, I’m so sorry, I thought you were just a panther, but now that I’ve had time to process it I’m all good with everything that you are.”

  Shaking his head while biting the insides of his cheeks, Pearce begged, “Please, for the love of the Heavens do not say that.” He stopped and stared at Lennox. “What the hell is wrong with you? Take her in your arms, kiss her until she’s breathless and say I love you, Tessa. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He punched the mad bomber in the arm. “Don’t be a dope. Just tell her how you feel.”

  “Are you sure I should start with I love you? I mean, we’ve only known each other for twenty-four hours total.”

  “And you’ve screwed up enough for a lifetime. Just do what I say.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Getting a scent of the same pheromones he’d smelled at the blast site, Lennox pushed thoughts of Tessa and how he was going to apologize to the back of his mind and focused on following the trail.

  Walking through a dense part of the forest behind about five miles from the cabin where they’d first spotted the Cambion, the scent of musk grew stronger with every step until Lennox and Pearce came upon a large wrought iron fence surrounding a huge old brick mansion. Pointing to the side, the mad bomber spoke directly into his brethren’s mind. “Hasn’t this place been abandoned for at least twenty years?”

  “Sure has. What better place to hide your growing Family of Cambion?”

  “But Max said he thought they’d be spread out. From the smell of things, this place has seen a lot of activity.”

  “I don’t doubt what Max said,” Pearce agreed. “But I think we’ve found one of the main houses. Maybe it’s where they all start out before being sent to the satellite locations.”

  “Whatcha say we get a better look?” Lennox asked, already climbing the fence in the darkest corner of the yard under the low hanging branches of a large tree.

  “Right behind ya’,” Pearce chuckled.

  Splitting up as soon as their feet touched the ground, it took the Guardsmen a little over an hour to be sure the house was empty and count at least thirty unique scents of Cambion. Going back over the fence where they came in, Pearce had just stepped down next to Lennox when he said, “So, you think everybody’s out hunting? Wanna stay and see who comes home?”

  “We could, but I was thinking we already know this is where the largest concentration of them are staying. We should head back and report in. Then we can plan while the sun is up, get some sleep and be ready to kick ass and blow stuff up as soon as the sun sets again.”

  “It’s always about blowing stuff up with you, isn’t it?” Pearce chuckled.

  “You know it.”

  Jogging back towards the lair in companionable silence, Lennox thought about Tessa and how he was going to take Pearce’s advice. There would come a time, after she’d forgiven him, when he’d be able to explain his past, not as an excuse for his behavior, but to let her know more about him.

  Running through the back gates of the home of the Blue Thunder Clan, Lennox stopped dead in his tracks as the scent of orchids and water lilies filled his senses. Looking at Pearce, who was staring at him like he had lost his mind, the mad bomber asked, “Do you smell that?”


  “Fresh flowers,” Lennox slowly began walking towards the Grand Hall, following the scent.

  “There are fresh flowers everywhere
. Of course, I smell them. What is wrong with you?”

  Ignoring his friend, Lennox walked onto the wraparound porch, threw open the huge double doors and came to a dead stop as he saw Tessa, his Tessa in the arms of none other than Kayne. Stomping forward, fists clenched at his sides, his dragon roaring in his head, the mad bomber stopped right beside his mate and glaring at the demi-god, growled, “Get your hands off her.”

  Spinning around and stabbing him with a noteworthy glare of her own, Tessa leaned forward and while poking him in the chest, spat, “I have a name. It’s Tessa, in case you forgot. And you,” she poked him especially hard in the chest. “Have no right to tell anyone to stop touching me.”


  “But nothing, Bucko. Back off, the adults are talking,” she scoffed before spinning back around.

  Not done talking to the woman who simultaneously set his heart to racing and his anger to boiling, Lennox grabbed Tessa by the shoulders, turned her back around and challenged, “How dare you come into my lair, let my brethren put their hands on you and then tell me that I have no right? You are my…”


  Lennox never got to finish what he was saying as Tessa slapped him right across the face, pulled out of his grasp and sped out the door. Standing with his hand on his cheek, completely shocked and sure he’d screwed up in a most major way for the second time, the mad bomber could only groan when Kayne sighed, “Way to go, Butthead. She was here to help us,” before chasing after Tessa.

  Then to add insult to injury, Pearce added, “Why do I give you advice? It really is just a waste of breath.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Why did I even come here?” Tessa grumbled to herself as she stomped off in the direction of Gerri’s house. “He has to be the most stubborn, pig-headed, waste of my time that ever…”

  “Yes, yes and yes.”

  Tessa stopped dead in her tracks and twirled around like a top to find Kayne standing next to her smiling like the cat that ate the canary. “What do you want?” She spat then immediately added in a repentant tone, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault he’s such a jerk.” She let her head fall forward while murmuring, “What a mess.”

  “It’s not a mess. Lenn is just…well…he’s got a lot to answer for where you’re concerned and a whole crap load of baggage he needs to dump. His past has come knocking and the boy is just not dealing well with it.” Kayne’s hand on her arm eased sore of her ire.

  Looking up, she sighed, “Let me guess, he’s got history with vamps?”

  “You got it,” Kayne nodded. “But it’s past history, ancient at best and once you two have time to talk, I know it will all be water under the bridge.”

  “Water under the bridge?” Tessa’s ground out. Her anger returning in full force. “What could he possibly say that would make me forget that he left me all alone, in a Clinic, with complete strangers, right after making love to me?” She stepped up to the demi-god, the tip of her nose almost touching his and went on, “Or is that the way dragons treat their mates?”

  Her words still hanging in the air, Tessa felt a strong grip on her arms and the world was spinning a split second before she was face-to-face with the same glowing green eyes that had entranced her just a few short days ago. Her panther purred and her heart skipped a beat, as the thought of forgiving the big dope floated through her mind, but Tess was no fool, and she wasn’t about to be played for one. If her mate had issues with who and what she was, he needed to grow a pair and talk to her about it.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She struggled against his grasp. “Let me go, or I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to make you pay for manhandling me.” She let a picture of her kicking Lennox in the balls flow from her mind to his, chuckling as his eyes widened with shock.

  “Tessa, listen, I…”

  “You what? Want to apologize? Explain? Promise you’ll never be a jerk again?” She tore her arms from her hands and stepped back. “Well, I don’t accept. I don’t want to hear it. And I don’t believe you.”

  Planning a grand exit, she spun to the left only to find Lennox right her path and his lips on hers. It was just as explosive as the first time with all the fire and passion that can only come from being with one’s True Mate. Gone was all her anger and resentment. The pain she felt at his rejection faded away, like a distant memory, with every stroke of his tongue.

  Tearing his lips from hers, Lennox held her face captive as he looked deep into her eyes. “You’ve wound around my heart and made me whole. You make my heart beat and my dragon roar. I can’t be without you…don’t want to be. I’m a slave to what we are together, and dammit, I’m so sorry for ever thinking I could live my life without you.”

  Needing to be strong, even though her panther had other plans, Tessa pushed the palms of her hand against his chest as she shook her head. “No, no way. You don’t get to kiss me like that and say your sweet words and think that all is forgiven.” She clenched her fists and hit his chest. “You hurt me. You humiliated me and worst of all,” her eyes snapped to his and as she held nothing back, the Vaepanther ground out, “You made me doubt myself.”

  Stepping back, she glared, “No one. And I mean no one, not even you gets to treat me that way.”

  In a shocking move that had Tessa holding her breath, Lennox dropped to his knees, wrapped his hands around hers and laid his forehead on their joined hands. “I will spend the rest of my life bearing the shame of what I did to you. I have no excuse, no words that can make it go away, only my heartfelt promise that I will use every second of every day for the rest of our lives to be the best mate you could ever hope for.”

  Looking up he continued with unshed tears in his eyes, “I beg you, Tessa, please look into my heart, see the truth in my words, the love I already have for you and the remorse I feel for causing you even a moment’s worth of pain.” He took a quick breath before adding, “I know I have no right to ask, but will you please let me tell you a bit about my past. Again, it’s no excuse for my behavior, but maybe, afterwards, you’ll understand me a little better.”

  With her heart and soul screaming for her to listen to the man on her knees before her and her panther hissing and spitting to be with her dragon, after several tense seconds, Tessa finally gave in and nodded before quickly adding, “But we’re talking out here.” She pulled her hands from his and wagged her finger. “And no kissing me to get your way. Just talk. Got it?”

  Getting to his feet, Lennox smiled, “Okay. I’ll do my best, but it’s really hard not to touch you.” He bowed his head. “I’ve missed you like crazy.”

  “And whose fault is that?” Tessa snapped, raising an eyebrow.

  “Oh, I take all the credit for being a Class A jerk.” He touched the small of her back and motioned with his free hand towards a garden just a few yards away.

  Once seated on a lovely little stone bench nestled between beautifully maintained peony and azalea bushes of every size and color, Tessa waited patiently as Lennox looked out into the garden. She could feel the chaos in his thoughts, saw visions of a bloody battle and was just about to speak when the low, baritone of his murmur sounded in the silence.

  “Kayne said you came to help us.” He was staring at his hands as he spoke. “So, I’m guessing you’ve seen the Cambion or at least know of their existence?”

  “Yes,” She quietly answered, waiting for him to continue.

  “Have you dealt with them before?” He looked up and Tessa was surprised to see the absence of accusation in his eyes. After what Kayne had told her about a Master Vampire controlling the Cambion, she was sure Lennox would think she was somehow involved.

  Slowly nodding, she explained, “Yes, but we were in North America while your parents were here.” At his surprised look, she reached forward and tapped his temple. “You’re projecting quite loudly.”

  “Yeah, I do that a lot.” Lennox gave a half-hearted snort before looking back down and continuing, “But in this case, it mig
ht make things easier.” He turned towards her and laid his hand on her thigh. “I wasn’t old enough to fight. I was left here,” His voice trailed off as he cleared his throat.

  Tessa touched his hand on her leg and when he looked up, smiled, “You don’t have to go on. I can see it all in your mind.”

  Watching his parents was unlike anything she’d ever seen. They were in perfect synchronization, always at each other’s back, fighting the enemy as no others could. Tessa watched them leave a trail of blood and destruction cutting through the enemy as if they were little more than saplings to be used for kindling.

  The breath caught in her throat when a Master Vampire, one she recognized all too well, appeared out of nowhere. Using his immense mental acuity, Ulnac held Lennox’s parents immobile as members of his Kiss drained them dry.

  Tears streamed down her face as she asked, “How did you know? Who told you? The memories are so vivid.”

  Wiping the tears from her face with the back of his crooked finger, Lennox comforted, “Don’t cry, mo chroí. I can’t take your tears.” He smiled. “For a long time, Ronan, our Leader at that time, wouldn’t give me details. He said I knew all I needed to know was that my parents were heroes and died valiantly - but it wasn’t enough. I had to know what happened.”

  His hands dropped from her face and as he talked he wound her fingers through hers. “So, one night while Rory, the Leader’s youngest son, Pearce, my roommate, and I were having a camp out in the O’Reilly’s backyard I snuck in and read old Ronan’s memories while he was sleeping. I couldn’t believe they had kept that from me. I was angry and more than a little bitter.”

  He raised their joined hands to his lips and kissed the back of Tessa’s before going on, “But I thought I had put all that behind me,” he avoided her eyes, “until Calysta said you were part vampire. It was like a switch had been flipped. All the old resentment came back with a vengeance. I felt betrayed and hurt. I thought you were using me. That you were going to hurt my Clan.” He shook his head so quickly his features blurred. “I lost my bloody mind is what I did.” His eyes finally met hers. “And I was wrong…dead wrong, and I am so sorry.”


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