Janus and The Prince: A LitRPG Saga (The Nightmares of Alamir Book 2)
Page 32
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[You have received a new message.]
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Title: Formal Person versus Person [PvP] Request
Time Delivered: 13:51:55 AM, 12th Syco, 2141AE.
Sender: Sophia Alphaphilia [Lance Brigade Vice-Captain] [Recruit First Class] [NMR Kill Count: 98]
As tradition goes, the AAA allows for handling of internal disputes through the method of single person versus person combat with a stipulated time, victory conditions, and punishments issued upon loss. This is to entrench the ideology and understanding that in the AAA, the only attribute that truly matters is one’s ability. As you have thus questioned my authority on basis of gender in front of the Lance Brigade, I find it only fitting to properly and formally display the reason as to why I am the Vice-Captain, by decimating you before a live audience.
Prominent Macey has granted my request, with much glee as to once I told her cause of our discord. The time of our Duel has been set for 1800 hours, with the venue being the Mosh Pit. Refusal to partake in the Duel will mean an immediate demotion from AAA Recruit, to a role best fitting for those who do not understand social structure. Perhaps washing the dishes and scrubbing the latrines will be more suited to someone of your nature.
Sophia Alphaphilia.
I laughed. This girl is out for me, isn’t she?
As much fun as I was having impersonating an AAA recruit, I still needed to prepare for the eventuality of the cat coming out of the bag. I needed to find a method of escape, get a sample of Hoplite’s blood, and discover a means to free Zlosta.
The first task of course, would be finding her.
Sitting on Neo’s bed, I grabbed one of the papers with the fake letters, scrolling through the language with ease. It was a marvel how a couple of days ago, I’d been in Fort Zyvar, surrounded by Erzili’s books and needing to translate them to read. Now, I was a soldier, sitting on a bed in the barracks, and I was fluent in reading and writing two languages.
The language structure of Marién was similar to that of French, complete with masculine, feminine and gender-neutral pronouns used for everything from sticks to sexual fluids. However, that wasn’t my focus. What intrigued me about the language, was that the structure in which it was written was somewhat sparked an idea about the Antediluvian Hieroglyphs.
I grabbed a pen, twirling the device in my fingers before noticing that it was different from the pens on earth, in that there wasn’t an ink chamber. You can study all the marvels of how a magic society reinvented a pen later. For now…
I wrote unto the parchment: FIND ZLOSTA JANJE.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Failed]
[You have not met the requirements needed to access this command.]
Requirements Needed:
Tier 9+
High [Sense] Parameter
Any High Level [Scrying] Skill
Any High Level [Scrying] Spell
“Of course.”
I groaned before writing on the parchment: PROVIDE FURTHER EXPLANATION.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Found.]
[Demiurge: Janus]
[Command Authorized.]
Hint: The “Find” Command
Using the “Find” Command, you can find individuals, objects, people and items anywhere they may be in Alamir. However, the requirements needed to access this command go up the rarer the item, or more powerful the person you are attempting to find. Some individuals are hidden with Anti-Scrying Spells or abilities, and this may also cause the requirements needed to find them to be higher to circumvent any preventive measures they may have utilized.
Well that explains it. It also explained why I couldn’t simply use it to find the Heart of Sisyphus. Either Zlosta was hidden somewhere, or it was that she was too high level for me at the moment.
I scribbled quickly unto the parchment: FIND BLACK KEYCARD.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Found.]
[Demiurge: Janus]
[Command Authorized.]
My World Map immediately lit up. The map shrunk, further and further, until it narrowed down on Sector One-Zero-One, and within the large sprawling complex, it identified three different spots.
Black Keycard Found
Nearest Locations:
Location: AAA Training Facility Sector-One-Zero-One, General Hoplite’s Quarters.
Location: AAA Training Facility Sector-One-Zero-One, Lt. General Luxeme’s Quarters.
Location: AAA Training Facility Sector-One-Zero-One, Central Command Center.
“Central Command Center.”
Tempting as it was to try the first two options, it was an unnecessary risk. Getting the Black Keycard from the Central Command Center seemed to be the best option. The map lit up the Keycard’s location, and I set a marker.
But just in case…
I marked the two locations, General Hoplite’s Quarters, and Lt. General Luxeme’s Quarters.
“All that’s left…”
I scribbled into the parchment: What is Remitech?
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Invalid Command Prompt]
[Command “What is” Not Recognized]
“Wouldn’t be that easy, would it?”
I thought about something else, humming before I wrote: DISPLAY ALL COMMANDS.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Failed]
[You have not met the requirements needed to access this command.]
Tier 10+
Muttering under my breath I once more wrote: PROVIDE FURTHER EXPLANATION.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Found.]
[Demiurge: Janus]
[Command Authorized.]
Hint: Using Commands
Commands are available to use based on one’s current Tier and Level. You cannot access the full list of commands until you are at the highest tier. However, you may be able to gain access to the list of commands available to your current level and tier with the “Display Available Commands” order.
Rolling up the used paper into a ball, I picked up another paper and wrote: DISPLAY AVAILABLE COMMANDS.
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
[Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Found.]
[Demiurge: Janus]
[Command Authorized.]
Available Command List:
“Find” – Used to find objects and people.
“Display” – Used to display certain information.
“Provide” – Used to provide more information.
“Create” – Used to create objects and nightmares.
“Dismantle” – Used to dismantle objects.
“Summon” – Used to summon objects and people.
“Check” – Used to confirm certain values or conditions.
“Return” – Used to return to a predefined location upon death. [Only works if the user can resurrect.]
The full list of available commands I possessed were seven. My eyes were drawn immediately to the “Summon” command and the “Create” command. My, my, what have we here?
[Recognizing Command Prompt…]
p; [Checking Authorization Level…]
[Authorization Found.]
[Demiurge: Janus]
[Command Authorized.]
Hint: The “Create” Command
Using the “Create” Command, you can create nightmares, objects, and items. However, this command “Checks” to see if you have any suitable skills that can be applied to object/nightmare creation, and can only create items or nightmares based on those available skills. For instance, if you do not have any skills or spells that you could feasibly use to create a wooden sailing vessel, you cannot create a wooden sailing vessel. Likewise, if there is no skill or spell you possess that would enable you to create a True Dragon, you cannot create it from nothing.
The requirements needed to access this command go up the rarer the item or more powerful the nightmare you are attempting to create. This command works best when you possess several skills suitable for crafting and creation, possess a clear picture of what you wish to create, and provide as much intricate detail as possible.
This is certainly something.
There were limits after all, but the limits were limits I could easily work around. I already had ideas flowing in my mind immediately, especially given the concept of creation and what I could do with it. With my [Earth Control] reset to its lowest level, I’d been unable to simply create a door and use my ability on it to escape.
Now, however…
I would need to test it out. If it worked, then I would forgo the need to attain the Black Keycard. If it didn’t, I’d stick to my original plan. As long as I was careful and cautious enough, then I would be able to not only make my escape but ensure that Zlosta escaped along with me.
Things were finally starting to progress smoothly.
“Neo Saintarelli! Prepare to face our wrath!”
And it seems I spoke too soon.
Chapter 22: Amendment
“Can I help you?”
There were three of them. Each one, disturbingly more plebian looking than the former. My gaze flickered over to the top of their heads. The first one was a tall, somewhat slim, with blonde hair, a pointed nose and a pair of round spectacles. There was tape across his nose, and he sneered in my direction.
“Surely you can.”
Shaw Getterman
[AAA Recruit]
[Lance Brigade Member]
Lv. 13
The one beside Shaw was a boy with raven hair with bangs that stretched over his right eye. His left eye had bags underneath them, and what seemed to be eyeliner of all things. He leaned against the door with his arms crossed in a manner that indicated he did not want to be here.
“Shaw. This is stupid.”
Adam Mirer
[AAA Recruit]
[Lance Brigade Member]
Lv. 11
“We have to do this for our Queen, Adam.”
On the other side of Adam was, to my surprise, a notably rotund boy with tanned skin and brown hair. Rotund being the euphemistic word as he had more fat on him than most others. Shying away from the duo, with a stance that reeked of false bravado, he completed the set.
Affleck Sion
[AAA Recruit]
[Lance Brigade Member]
Lv. 9
“Anyone want to explain what’s going on?”
Shaw erected his finger at me. “Don’t deny it you, foul villain! You know what you’ve done!”
If these three clowns managed to figure me out, I’ll kill myself.
“Going to have to be more specific,” I said, slowly.
“You pretend still? As if you don’t know the grave crime you’ve committed.”
“Yeah!” Affleck chipped in the peanut gallery.
There seemed to be only one sane man amongst the tree, whom I regarded. “Explain what this is about.”
Adam, complete with his emo-styled haircut and eyeliner shrugged with more apathy than I’d seen in a long time. “They’re angry that you called out Sophia for being mean a lot.”
“Adam you traitor!”
My brow furrowed. “Why?”
“They like her.”
“Wrong!” Shaw interjected. “We do not like Sophia. We adore Sophia! She is our Queen! That silver hair that falls from heaven! Those electric blue eyes that sparkle with the sheen of royalty – hey where do you think you’re going?”
I was already making my way out the door before Shaw stopped me. “She’s not going to fuck you, mate.”
He choked on his breath as if I told him that there was no god.
“B-blasphemy! That is not why I adore Sophia –“
“Yesterday you said if you would give your ability to walk just so you could kiss her.”
“Damn it Adam who’s side are you fucking on?!”
“Yeah, who’s side!”
I watched the trio bicker back and forth, two of them worshipping the Alphaphilia girl and talking, in more detail than they should, about her knees and thighs. The third one looked harmless, but he seemed to be somehow arguing in favor of her knees. Her knees!
The existence of these three is proof that the devil is real, and he has a sick sense of humor.
The three boys gave me a wide berth as I started laughing. Ridiculous. Never did I believe I would have such ridiculous encounters in my life again. The normality of it all was staggering. A group of teenage boys with feelings for a girl way out of their league, coming to harass me because I opposed the object of their affection.
As far as problems go, it was so… ridiculous.
I was used to my problems pivoting from ‘how do I save this witch?’ To ‘how do I survive this battle?’ Not, how do I make these brats stop bothering me?
“Hey… why’s he laughing?”
“He – er – I dunno – maybe he’s not all there up there –”
I found myself struggling to catch my breath, forcing myself to stop laughing. The effort it took was almost herculean, but, the minute I stopped laughing and glanced at the three boys, I burst into laughter anew.
“Hey Saintarelli! Are you making fun of us?!”
Clearing my throat and shaking my head, I locked gaze with the bespectacled one, Shaw. “Listen… Shaw was it? You – you have a lot of free time to be going around doing this. Shouldn’t you be training, getting stronger?”
Shaw waved his hand. “What for? I just need to survive the First Mission and that’s it. Nightmares aren’t a big deal. All it takes is one or two shots from an SR to kill them. Then, when I level up, I’ll pour all my stats into Charisma. I’ll make myself irresistible so I can have the honor of standing side by side with my Queen.”
My lips twitched. “That’s cute,” I said. “You think Nightmares aren’t a big deal.”
“Well,” Adam spoke up “The lower-tier ones aren’t. We’re still low-level, so we’ll only ever have to fight those weak ones. The stronger tier monsters are for Cadets and above. Besides that, we have General Hoplite and we have the Seven. Alhamis hasn’t been invaded by a single nightmare in over three hundred years.”
“I don’t know why everyone is always so strung. As long as we’ve got General Hoplite – we can never fail.” Affleck added.
Naïve. That was the first thing that came to mind as I glanced at the trio. So very naïve.
“Good for you,” I said. These three most likely had never fought a life or death battle in their lives. They seemed to be lacking heavily in the discipline and strictness I saw in the main AAA force.
“How old is Hoplite again?”
Adam was the one to answer “General Hoplite is fourteen.”
“Amazing right? It only means he’ll get stronger when he gets older!”
“And how old are you, Shaw?”
“How old are you?” I asked again.
“What does that matter?”
“He’s nineteen,” Adam answered again.
“Damn it Adam!”
“You’re relyin
g on someone five years your junior to do the heavy lifting for you. You stand here and fantasize about a girl who doesn’t care about your existence, while happily saying you do not need to better yourself because a kid will protect you. That’s just…”
Adam frowned. “General Hoplite isn’t a kid. He’s a Champion. And he’s the best there is. No one can beat him.”
I didn’t know about that. I knew ridiculously powerful individuals. Giggles, Apophis, Omega. If any of them ever got the urge to attack Alhamis, it would be up to that boy to stand his ground against literal nightmares, while people like Shaw and Adam cheered on, but did nothing to contribute except crossing their fingers and praying for his victory.
I didn’t quite understand why it irked me. Hoplite was my enemy. There would be no amicable meeting or friendship between us.
Ah. That’s why.
That was why I cared. Hoplite was my enemy. He didn’t know it, of course, but he’d left an impression on me. He’d been the first being in Alamir to make me understand the nature of the world I’d found myself in, and send me running with true, genuine terror.
I didn’t want anyone to kill him before I did.
In a way, it would be poetic. To conquer my first, and greatest fear. My first and most powerful foe. The very idea that someone else might swoop in and kill the boy before I proved my growth by beating the kid who could create black holes set me alight with burning anger.
“As much as I’d like to sit back and continue this conversation, I have more important things to do.”
“H-hey come back you haven’t apologized for –”
“Let it go Shaw.”
“Seriously, Adam, what the hell?”
“…we shouldn’t mess with Saintarelli.”
“And why the hell not.”
“…it’s… risky.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.”
“Just… leave it.”
Leaving the trio and departing from the barracks, I found myself increasing my strides and walking with an unsteady feeling of slight annoyance. The encounter had been amusing at the start, but it fell from amusing to pathetic rather quickly. I patted my cheeks as I walked, reminding myself to ignore it and focus on my main objectives.