True Love and Magic Tricks

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True Love and Magic Tricks Page 6

by Cassie Mae

  He reaches for my hand when we get to the theater, and I take it, grateful he’s not mad at me. The warmth rushes through my palm and up my arm, and I pull on him enough to bend so I can kiss his cheek.

  Ryan and Lexie meet us in the lobby. We’re all stuffed so we forgo popcorn and just head to the theater after we buy tickets. Ryan sits on Nate’s right, while I plop on his left. Lexie sits next to me, totally sandwiching us in. Nate squirms in his way-too-tight shirt, pulling at the collar and accidentally elbowing me in the cheek.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” he babbles, and red spreads over the tops of his ears. “Man oh man oh man, I’m sorry.” He pushes the heels of his hands to his eyes and rests his elbows on his knees. Finally. There is the Nate I’m totally crushing on. I flip the armrest up and squeeze into his side before he changes back.

  He gives me this weird look, like he has no idea why I want to cuddle, but he moves his arm so I can get closer. I don’t think he knows what to do with it though. It keeps hovering over my shoulder, then he’ll move it to my hip, then he shakes his hand out and leaves it suspended in the air over my waist. Giggles burst through my lips, and I grab at his palm and push it to my ribs. His heart jackhammers against mine.

  “Second base is right there,” I tease in his ear. “You know, for when the movie gets boring.”

  He snorts out a giant, nervous, finally-sounding-like-Nate laugh and bumps his nose into mine. “Do you have change hidden in there, too?” He keeps one arm wrapped around me as his other pulls a penny from my ear. Oh, there is no way we’re watching this movie if he keeps that adorable stuff up.

  “Nice to see you again.” I take the penny from his fingers. “For a while there I thought I was going out with your evil doppelganger.”

  He pinches his eyes shut and drops his forehead to mine. “I was… nervous.”

  “So you acted like a douchebag?” I chuckle so he knows I’m not trying to insult him, but well… he was.

  He cracks a smile and opens his eyes. “I’m not good at this stuff. Taking girls out and well, I don’t know, dating. And I really like you and didn’t want to mess this up. So I asked my brother for a few tips, I guess.” His hand flies up to cover his face. “Damn, that makes it sound so lame. Forget it.”

  I pull his hand down and kiss his cheek. “That is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”


  The lights dim, and the Dolby Digital logo pops on the screen. I lean in close to his ear so he hears me over the previews.

  “When you worry so much about this.” I wiggle my finger between us. “Sexy…level ten.”

  “Really?” his warm breath tickles the loose hair by my ear. I suddenly have to breathe through my mouth. Lexie shifts on my other side, reminding me we’re totally not alone. Ryan clears his throat, and when I peek at him over Nate’s shoulder, he’s pushed so far to his side of the seat you’d think he was ready to bolt to the bathroom.

  My eyes drift to our bodies, pressed close together, faces centimeters away, and flames licking up and down my skin. It’s gotta be bad if Ryan and Lexie can feel it, too. But instead of embarrassing me, it makes me giggle so hard I have to bite into Nate’s shirt to stifle it.

  “What are you laughing at?” he asks, laughing with me.

  “Sorry. Be right back.” I unwind myself from his hold, tap Lexie’s knee so I can squeeze by, and let the attack of the giggles pass in the lobby.

  A light tap on my shoulder has me spinning. Nate pulls at his shirt again, which almost sets off another attack. He takes his phone out, and my smile fades until he spins it around to show me all his texts to some guy named Nick.

  “He hasn’t been very helpful,” he says, tapping the message that gave the “order her food” suggestion. I bite back a grin and snatch the phone from his fingers.

  “How about we put this in here”—I tuck the cell in his back pocket, giving his butt a tiny squeeze in the process—“and let you do this on your own.”

  He gives me a shy smile, the real Nate-like smile that I’ve missed this whole night. “I really just feel like kissing you right now,” he says. “But I don’t know if… I mean, is that okay?”

  I look around us, wind my fingers through his, and pull him to a less crowded hallway. Leaning my upper back against the wall, I trail my nail up his arm. He leans in, but I put a finger over his lips.

  “You can… but you have to promise something first.”


  I shake my head, flicking my eyes to his torso. “Never ever wear this shirt again.”

  He laughs, tugging at the bottom. “It’s my brother’s.”

  “Is your brother five?”

  “I’m beginning to think he is up here.” He taps his head then brings his arm up to rest over my head. Baby hummingbirds take flight in my stomach.

  “I was hoping you’d wear your suspenders,” I say, dragging my hands across his ribs where the suspenders would rest if he was wearing them.

  The side of his lip quirks up. “You like those?”

  “Heck yes. I keep picturing curling my hands around them while we make out.”

  He laughs then playfully nips at my bottom lip. An unexpected gasp flies from my mouth. His eyebrows are sky high as if he didn’t expect to bite me either, and it just happened. And then it happens again, only this time I capture his mouth too. His body goes flush against mine, and hummingbird chaos travels under every inch of my skin.


  Nate pauses against my mouth, and we both crank our necks to see who’s interrupting. An usher with dark hair and squinty eyes points toward the exit sign, holding back her amusement. I can’t help but laugh as Nate untangles from me and shifts to the side to adjust himself.

  “We’ll go back to our movie,” I tell the usher, pulling at Nate’s belt loop.

  “Same rules apply in there.” She winks then goes back to sweeping the floor. Once Nate’s all fine down under, he takes my hand and pulls me into the dark theater.

  “Okay,” he says, “the date officially starts now.”

  Chapter 10

  I know I told Kaylee that our first date officially started when I knocked off the ridiculous act I put on thanks to my idiot brother and his god awful advice, but I don’t want her to remember any of that.

  She deserves a perfect first date, and that’s exactly what she’s going to get.

  “I’m calling a redo,” I explain to Ryan and Lexie.

  “What are you talking about?” Lexie asks then pokes Ryan in his side and jumps away when he goes to grab her finger.

  “I’m talking about me and Kaylee’s first date.”

  “You were a total douche.” Leave it to Lexie to be brutally honest.

  I hang my head because really all I feel is shame. “I know.” I look back up and adjust my fedora. “Which is why I’m calling a redo. A total do over.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Ryan asks.

  “The night we should have had. So you two, Skippy Lee’s, and a movie. Also reintroducing myself to her dad. I can’t believe I fist bumped him. What was I thinking?” I pull my fedora over my face and hide.

  “Not one of your finer moments,” Ryan says.

  Lexie pulls my hat away from my face. “Kaylee likes you, Nate. She likes your card tricks, the passion you have for all magic.” Lexie pulls my suspender and lets it snap against my chest. “She loves your suspenders and the way you get nervous around her. Trust me on this. The girl likes to talk, and she holds nothing back. The point is she likes you.”

  “I know that now.”

  “Good. Now as far as the do-over. I can’t. Mom flaked on the rent this month. All my money is going toward that. My extra shifts aren’t even going to leave me with a dime this month.”

  “I’ll pay,” Ryan says, and Lexie shakes her head.

  “No. Absolutely not. I already had to borrow lunch money from you. I couldn’t…”

  Ryan grabs Lexie’s hand, cutting off her words. She lo
oks into his eyes, and I swear I don’t understand why these two don’t do it already. “It’s no big deal, Lex.”

  Oh Ryan. Big mistake. Even I, the clueless guy with no game, know that.

  “It is a big deal!” Lexie yells and I step in between them before World War III breaks out in the halls.

  “I want the do-over. I’m paying.” Before Lexie or Ryan can argue, I hold up my finger and act as stern as possible. “No questions asked.”

  Lexie and Ryan look at each other, and after what feels like an eternity, smile at me. “It’s the least you could do. I mean after making me stare at your nipples all night,” Lexie says.

  “Please tell me you burned that shirt?” Ryan asks.

  “And tossed the ashes into the trash.”

  “Thank the lord!” Lexie shouts.

  “For what?” Kaylee’s voice floats across the halls and into my ears, warming everything from my cheeks to my insides.

  I narrow my eyes at Lexie. I hadn’t had a chance to tell them the do-over is a surprise.

  I’m now thanking the lord for having friends that can read my facial expressions as if they are words on a prompter because Lexie waves her hand in the air. “Ryan is going to get a pedicure with me.”

  “I am?” Ryan exclaims and Lexie gives him the evil eye. “I mean. I am.” He keeps a smile on his face until Kaylee turns her attention to me then his eyes narrow, lips purse and all but silently stomps his foot at Lexie to show his displeasure.

  Kaylee bounces over to me, wrapping me in her cucumber melon scent. She kisses my cheek shooting instant heat through my body. “What else have I missed? Mr. Pippi knocked his water bottle off the cage again, and it made a mess. I couldn’t leave the poor thing in there like that all day. Totally put me behind schedule. I hate being late.” Words fly out of her mouth a mile a minute, but I’m still stuck on Mr. Pippi.

  I scratch my chin. “What’s a Mr. Pippi?”

  “My gerbil.” I don’t know what’s cuter. The fact she has a gerbil or the way her voice squeaks when she says it.

  “Mr. Pippi is my buddy. We go way back.”

  “How far is way back?”

  “Freshman year. Right after my mom left.” Sadness fills her tone, and I’m now certain of one thing. She deserves to be happy all the time. So I snake my arm around her and pull her tight against me.

  “I’d love to meet him,” I say against her ear and the sadness gives way to a huge smile.

  She bites her lip, and gives her best attempt at a serious face. “Well you know. Mr. Pippi doesn’t just meet anyone. He’s royalty after all.”

  “Royalty? I had no idea.”

  “Oh yes. He comes from a long line of gerbil kings and queens. I’ll have to check his schedule, but for you…” She glances up at me, her green eyes so big and bright. “I’m sure he’ll make time.”

  “What are you guys doing Saturday night?” Lexie asks, and I want to tackle her in a bear hug because I know she’s helping me set up the do-over.

  Kaylee twists one of her braids around her finger. “I don’t have plans yet.”

  “You do now,” Ryan says, tossing his arm over Kaylee’s other shoulder.

  “Anything specific?” Kaylee asks. “You know, so I know what to wear.”

  “A little bit of this. A little bit of that. A ball gown will do,” Ryan says.

  Lexie smacks Ryan upside the head. “Dress in whatever you’re comfortable in. We’ll swing by and pick you up at seven.”

  “That is if Mr. Pippi is free?” I say, wanting so bad to meet this creature that fills her with so much joy.

  “Like I said before, he’ll make time for you.”


  Deep breath. Deep breath. You can do this. Just be yourself.

  I stand outside Kaylee’s house, my hand hovering mere centimeters from her door. I just have to knock, but after our last date and the way I made a total fool of myself, I can’t seem to tap my knuckles against the wood.

  “Knock already!” Lexie calls from the front seat of Ryan’s Lincoln. Ryan’s hand wraps around her mouth and pulls her back into the car.

  I can do this. Parents love me. Not that I ever fist-bumped any of them.

  Before my thoughts talk me off her steps, I fling my knuckles against the grain and wait. The door opens as if her dad was just waiting for me to knock. His arms are crossed against his large chest, and I swear it makes his biceps larger than my head. He’s going to kill me.

  “H-Hi sir,” I manage to get out.

  He nods toward the foyer and shuts the door behind me.

  “I see you found a shirt that fits,” Mr. Sperling says. I’m never going to live that damn shirt down. Thank god no one took pictures. At least I don’t think they did. Note to self: Check Lexie and Ryan’s phones.

  I need to fix what I did. Need to undo every memory he has of me up until this point. I decide to just say exactly what I feel.

  “Mr. Sperling.” I hold my hand out. “I wanted to introduce myself.”

  He doesn’t take my hand, instead crosses his arms again, making his biceps bulge.“If I remember correctly, you already did. Quite memorably actually.”

  “That’s the thing sir. That wasn’t me. I mean. It was me, but it wasn’t me.” He looks at me like I’m crazy, and I don’t blame him. This is not coming out right at all. “The thing is, I really like your daughter, and I wanted to impress her, but instead of impressing her, I made a total fool of myself. I tried to be someone who I’m not because I thought that’s what Kaylee wanted. I was wrong. She doesn’t deserve someone who pretends to be someone they’re not. She deserves a guy who will be a hundred percent real with her. Who will never for a single second take her for granted. You need to know. I’ll never ever take her for granted.”

  The tension in Mr. Sperling’s biceps eases as he lets his arms fall to his side. “That was quite a speech young man.”

  “I was never one for subtlety.”

  “Don’t change that,” he says and holds out his hand. I instantly take it and try not to wince when he shakes a little too hard. He pulls me toward him and leans down. “You hurt my daughter, and I’ll break your legs.”

  “Sir, if I hurt your daughter, I’ll help you break my legs.”

  “Hey sweetie,” Mr. Sperling says over my shoulder.

  I turn and can’t keep the smile off my face. Kaylee walks down the last step in a tight pair of skinny jeans and a hot pink t-shirt. Her lips are glossed and her braids bounce with her steps. Perfect combination of casual and dressed up. She’s perfect. Beautiful.

  “How much did you hear?” I ask, heat filling my cheeks.

  She slips her small hand into mine and gives it a squeeze before turning and staring into my eyes. “Enough. And thank you.”

  “Where exactly are you taking my daughter tonight?” Mr. Sperling asks.

  I smile. “On the first date I should have taken her on the last time.”

  Kaylee glances at me, curiosity putting cute wrinkles above her nose.

  “Tonight, we’re having a do-over. Same plans, as if that first date never happened.”

  “I like this Nate much better,” Mr. Sperling says.

  Kaylee nods. “Me too.”

  “Have a good time sweetie.” Mr. Sperling kisses Kaylee on the head. “It was nice meeting you, Nate.” He holds out his hand and did he just smile? I must have a rabbit foot in my pocket because it’s my lucky day. I shake his hand before he changes his mind and tucks it under those massive biceps.

  “It’s been a pleasure, sir.”

  He pats my back and walks into the living room.

  “So,” I say, turning to Kaylee. “Is Mr. Pippi ready for visitors?”

  Kaylee grabs a sweater out of the closet and smiles. “Not tonight.”

  “Why not?” I ask, scared that I’m no longer worthy of Mr. Pippi’s time.

  “Because he wasn’t free last Saturday night and since this is a do-over...” She shrugs then laughs the cutest of laughs.
  I take her sweater and hold it for her as she slips her arms in. When it’s in place, I take her hand and place a kiss on her knuckles. “Ready for our first date?” I ask.

  She jumps up, planting a kiss right smack on my lips. “I’ve been ready since the first day I laid eyes on you.”

  Chapter 11

  “EEEEEEEWWWWW!” I shriek, pulling my hand from under the bed. Something gooey slides between my fingers, and I choke back the giant Slurpee I had for after-school snack. “Gross, gross, gross.” I chuck the week old half-eaten orange in the Hefty. Mr. Pippi squeaks from his cage, and I lean back on my knees, frowning at my now diseased hand.

  “Okay, I’m sorry,” I tell him. “But in my defense, the stench usually is your fault.”

  A large sigh vibrates my lips, and I make my way to the bathroom to scrub. I send out mental apologies to my mom who constantly hounded me to clean my room when she was here. I would’ve grabbed Nate by those suspenders and hoisted him directly to Mr. Pippi’s cage if it weren’t for the disaster of my bedroom—which could probably be featured in the very first episode of Hoarders: Teenage Girl Edition.

  Our date was perfection though. I’m still floating from the goodnight kiss he gave me.

  I blow out another sigh when I get back to my room. Doesn’t even look like I’ve made a dent in it. But the clock on my nightstand says I have 4.25 hours till Nate gets here. So I tighten up my braids and slap on the rubber gloves.

  “Let’s do this,” I tell Mr. Pippi. His response is to pee all over the magazine in his cage. A grumble rips from my throat, and I throw the window open.

  Yeah… definitely missing Mom’s hounding right about now.


  The clock keeps ticking down, down, down to when Nate’s supposed to be here. And I’m standing buck naked in the center of my now clean room—minus the ten million outfits I’ve strewn on my bed. At least it smells like strawberry air freshener now and not rotting fruit.


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