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The Key of Creation: Book 02 - Journey to Khodara

Page 18

by M. D. Bushnell

  Phalstave managed to cease his sniveling long enough to blurt out, “I have…f-found Prince Garrick.”

  Sargon gestured, and the guards holding Phalstave released him. Phalstave felt certain he would collapse to the cold stone floor, but an invisible force held him aloft, even lifting him slightly into the air. A mysterious force began to squeeze him from all sides, and his eyes bulged from the pressure.

  “Speak quickly before I lose my patience.”

  Phalstave gasped for air. “Garrick…the prince. Prince Garrick. I know where…I found him.”

  “Where?” The shadow mage growled.

  “He has been crowned the new king of Asturia.”

  Sargon stared for a moment before releasing his hold on the weeping man and rising from the throne. “The next time I see you, you best have the boy with you, or you need not bother returning.” Gesturing to a leering guard next to the throne, the shadow mage spat, “get this midden heap out of my sight.”

  As the guard dragged Phalstave from the room, Sargon turned to a robed man with a shaved head who had been watching silently from the other side of the throne. “Gather what forces you have prepared and fetch me the new king of Asturia.”

  To be continued…

  Look for the conclusion to the ‘Key of Creation’ trilogy in “The Temple of Kian”, coming May 21st, 2013.


  Adrias, son of Aldrick: (Ay-dree-us) Son of Aldrick and Jelénna. At the start of the Tournament of the King, he is ten Summers old.

  Aej’dehus: (Aye-day-hoos) Kemettan word for a great serpent.

  Ae’lax Andretta: (Ay-lax An-dret-tah) Capital City of Kemett

  Ae’roya Jost: (Ah-roy-ah-joste) Kemettan word for dream journey

  Akkadia: (Ah-kay-dee-ah) The capital city of the country of Asturia and home to Brodan, Tiberius and the Tournament of the King.

  Aldrick, son of Tiberius: (All-drik) The son of the noble Tiberius, advisor to the regent Brodan. He gave up the life of a noble to become an investigator in the lake town of Ubarra, where he lives with his wife Jelénna and his son Adrias.

  All Father: Creator of all existence.

  Anu: (Ah-new) First child of the All Father, who embodies the sky above and the spirit within.

  Ar’Nas: (are-nass) A card game.

  Asturia: (Ass-tour-ee-ah) The home country of Aldrick, Tiberius and Brodan, which lies to the south of Illyria. Split in twain by the mighty Tianna River, its capital city is Akkadia.

  Asturian Mint: A painkiller, usually administered in the form of a tea.

  Berach: (Bear-ack) The head cook in the palace of Akkadia.

  Brandt, son of Paulinus: A pompous noble in Akkadia that Aldrick meets at the Tournament parade.

  Bor’asin: (Bore-ah-sin) Kemettan word for an animal resembling a burro or donkey.

  Brodan, son of Hermanus: (Bro-den) Son of the late King Hermanus. Currently, he acts as regent of the country of Asturia, residing in the palace in its capital city of Akkadia. He is a childhood friend of Aldrick.

  Cailyn: (Kay-linn) Warren’s sister.

  Calddean Sea: (Call-dee-ann) Large body of water to the west of Asturia and Illyria.

  Celynn, son of Torben: (Sell-lin) Finalist in the Tournament of the King, with his second Ahoth, son of Mogann.

  Clavis: (Clay-viss) Official name for the artifact found by Aldrick.

  Crown Run: The name of the final phase of the Tournament of the King, wherein the five finalists are given a riddle that points to the hidden location of the crown of Asturia. The first to return with the crown is chosen as the new king.

  Dathan, son of Garath: (Day-than) Gate guard in the city of Kishen, and a friend to Warren.

  Doctor Quintus: Jovial physician in the city of Akkadia.

  Do’daram: (Doh-dah-ram) Kemettan word for sex

  Durin: (durr-in) Small mining village to the west of Kishen. Documents discovered there seem to prove that Sargon was behind the Great War and invasion of Asturia by Illyria, not the king at the time, King Ninevall.

  Elias: (El-ee-ass) Legendary archer who slew Sargon the Destroyer with but a single arrow.

  Elior: (El-ee-or) A king’s guard.

  Erimar: (Air-eh-mar) The main city of the Kannes region.

  Felinus: (Fell-eh-nus) Arrogant advisor to the regent Brodan.

  Garrick, son of Zabalan: (Gare-rick) Son of the king of Illyria. He is described as a lady’s man, and as a man who doesn’t take things too seriously. Dathan believes he may have fled the country with his friend Warren.

  Ghandahar: (Gan-dah-har) A country that lies to the distant south of Asturia. This far off land is covered with jungles, and brave souls navigate there along the Tianna River to trade exotic goods such as cocoa and ivory.

  Ghandaharian sloth: A type of tree sloth known to originate in the far off land of Ghandahar.

  Gilmoure, son of Zakhar: (Gill-more, son of Zack-car) Commoner who competes in the Tournament of the King. He is sponsored for the Tournament by a noble family from the Kannes Region, represented there by Warren, son of Bryce.

  Gorg’gron: (Gorg-gron) Kemettan word for a species of animal similar to wolves.

  Gormond, son of Gormond: A corpulent, simple noble who accompanies Brandt to find Aldrick at the parade for the opening ceremonies of the Tournament of the King.

  Great Fens: Large marshy swamp to the south of Asturia and to the east of the Lost pyramids of Aegizeh.

  Hermanus: (Her-man-us) Former king of Asturia, and the father of the regent Brodan. His recent death, under somewhat unusual circumstances, prompted the new Tournament of the King.

  Holmes, son of Adler: One of the nobles listed on the parchment Aldrick discovers and shares with his father.

  Illyria: (Ill-ear-ee-ah) Country immediately to the north of Asturia. Bordered to the north by the towering Kalligros Mountains, it is the home of Prince Garrick.

  Iokan Extract: (eye-o-can) A deadly poison.

  Jahann: (Jay-han) A middle-aged, emaciated, bald advisor to Brodan. He dresses all in black, and one bony cheek sports an odd reddish scar.

  Jarvus: (Jar-vus) The cantankerous servant at the palace of Akkadia. The thin, older man has a hawkish face and an aristocratic nose, which supports a pair of round reading glasses.

  Jelénna: (Hell-ay-na) Beautiful wife of Aldrick, and the mother of Adrias.

  Kalligros Mountains: (Ka-lee-gross) Mountain range north of Kishen, which creates the northern boundary of the known world.

  Kannes Region: (Cons) A region in the northern part of Asturia.

  Karkerech: (Car-ka-resh) Large city in Southern Illyria, which is the hub of all trade between there and Asturia.

  Kemett: (Kem-met) Southern desert country to the south of Asturia and the Fens. Populated by nomadic tribes.

  Khelvar: (Kel-var) Short, wiry assassin who traveled in the company of a Triad and their robed leader.

  Khodara: Mythical place of healing and mystery.

  Kian: (Kee-an) Second child of the All Father, who embodies the strength of the land, as well as logic and reason.

  King Ninevall: (Nin-eh-vall) King who led the Illyrian invasion of Asturia during the Great War. Recent evidence suggests it was Sargon, and not Ninevall, who was the cause of the war, in which case Ninevall may have only been a pawn.

  King’s Sanctum: Special area in the library of Akkadia where only the king of Asturia has access. The Sanctum contains the oldest and rarest documents, books, scrolls and clay tablets.

  Kishen: (Kish-enn) The capital city of the kingdom of Illyria, which lies to the north of Asturia.

  Lake Parime: (Pah-reem) A large lake in eastern Asturia. Aldrick lives in the lake town of Ubarra, which lies on the western shore of Lake Parime.

  Lanford, son of Eddings: (Lan-ford) Noble in Akkadia and friend of Tiberius.

  Lewin: (Loo-in) A king’s guard.

  Lost Pyramids of Aegizeh: (Ah-gee-za) Recently discovered ruins of pyramids, which lie in a forested area west of the Great Fens.

Marinus, son of Cefin: (Mare-in-nus, son of Keh-fin) A noble from Ubarra, contestant in the Melee Tourney, and finalist in the Tournament. His second at the Crown Run is Elrick, son of Alphonse.

  Mother Zam’mana: (Zah-mah-na) Kemettan creator.

  Mount Zagrias: (Zag-ree-azz) The site of the Oracle Stones and the last battle of the Great War, where Sargon was defeated.

  Moush’rin: (Moush-rin) Kemettan word for a small rodent that lives in the desert.

  Narrek son of Donaldson: (Nair-rick) Noble in Akkadia, and friend of Tiberius.

  Nizar: (Ny-zar) Third child of the All Father, who rules Urkalla, otherwise known as the underworld. He embodies jealousy, hatred and death.

  Oracle Stones: Remains of the Temple of the Oracle.

  Paden: (Pay-den) A serious-looking young man, who works for Tiberius.

  Phalstave, son of Parris: (Fall-stave) A noble in Akkadia.

  Ra’jahankar: (Ra-ja- han-car) A mysterious sorcerer.

  Raleigh, son of Brenton: (Ra-lee) Contestant in the Melee Tourney, and finalist in the Crown Run. His second is his son, Silas, son of Raleigh.

  Sargon the Destroyer: (Sar-gone) Powerful Mage who fought on the side of Illyria during the Great War. He led a campaign to subdue or destroy any magic that he and Illyria did not control.

  Simon: A guard of the city of Kishen, and partner to Dathan.

  Summers: The primary unit of measurement for the passage of time.

  Thallium Powder: A deadly poison, originating from the mines near Kishen, in Illyria.

  Tianna River: (Tee-ah-na) The large river dividing the country of Asturia, which flows down from Illyria and the mountains to the north. The river provides a central trade route between Asturia and Illyria, as well as distant lands to the south, including Kemett and Ghandahar.

  Tiberius: (Ty-beer-ee-us) Father of Aldrick, and an advisor to the king of Asturia for Law and Tradition. He currently serves the regent, Brodan. He has short white hair and a close-cropped white beard, and dresses simply. He is described as very intelligent, with a friendly face, but lacking in commonsense. Smokes a pipe.

  Tritaph: (Try-taff) The legendary artifact created by the All Father as the Keystone for all existence. Legend says the All Father rent it into thirds in order to protect its power from being abused by his child Nizar.

  Trump the King: A card game.

  Tybalt: (Ti-balt) A Captain in the Illyrian army.

  Ubarra: (Oo-bar-ah) A lake town on the western edge of Lake Parime, and home to Aldrick, Jelénna and Adrias.

  Urkalla: (Err-kah-la) A plane of existence ruled by Nizar, known to men as the underworld, or the land of the dead.

  Warren, son of Bryce: Clumsy squire and companion of Prince Garrick of Illyria.

  Zabalan, King: (Zah-bah-lon) King of the country of Illyria, and father of Prince Garrick.


  As authors, we always hope our work brings as much enjoyment to the readers, as we had writing it. But no work is ever completed without the help of those who are in our lives. Here are just a few, without whom this book would not be what it is today.

  In no particular order:

  Carrie Wetzler

  Buffy Kaufman

  Kathryn Bushnell

  Don Aaker

  Ruth Bushnell

  Roger Aguilar

  Steven Williams,

  Thomas Duder, ‘Author Of “The Things,” that bastard from Bellingham’

  Karen Sherard (KB Lever)

  Andrew T. Kuligowski

  Ozzie Fazaeli

  Karina Ward

  Kevin William Wilson

  Rahim Vossoughi

  Omid Vossoughi

  Anna Bushnell

  Raymond Bushnell

  Blade Redwind

  Ryu Levigne Ryan

  Arielle Hardy

  Alain LeCaro

  Kevin Bradshaw

  Jennifer Arnold

  Jason Arnold

  Allison Arnold

  Bella Arnold

  Juliana Arnold

  Mike Wetzler

  And last but definitely not least, Fran Wetzler, my second mom, and K Vossoughi my first

  Books Recommended by the authors

  The Generalist: Taboo 0: Cliche of Memories (Volume 1) by Thomas Duder.

  Executing the List (The Immortal Companion Series) by K.B. Lever.

  Dhellia Has a Conscience (Paranormal Urban Fantasy) Book 1 (The Dhellia Series) by April M. Reign.

  Hugo - A Quest for King Borin (The Hooded One) by Tony Gilbert.

  Rise of the Destroyer Book I (The Key of Creation series) by M.D. Bushnell & A.R. Voss

  Somnambulism: The Poetry of James Ferace.

  The Curse of Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare Tales) by Cyma Rizwaan Khan.

  Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (a young adult epic fantasy adventure) (The Five Kingdoms) by Beth Barany.

  Seven Sisters Moon by D. VonThaer.

  Everville: The First Pillar by Roy Huff.

  Shadowflesh by Shawn Martin.

  Dynasty O'Shea (The Throne of Gammalon) by Clarissa Cartharn.

  God Attacks! By J.R. Kiefer.

  Unseen by Kate Gray.

  The Gemini Divergence by Eric Birk.

  Enigma Black (Enigma Black Trilogy #1 by Sara Furlong-Burr.

  The Goddess's Choice by Jamie Marchant.




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