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The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series

Page 104

by Miller, Cassie-Ann L.

  I swear if any man tries to grope my ass today, that old bastard is going down!

  Anyway, the song switches to an old school Gwen Stefani song. Reese and Viv start howling from the other end of the counter.

  “Pregnant lady dance-off!” Reese hollers, throwing her arms up in the air and thrusting her hips, causing her belly to jerk up and down.

  Vivian won’t be undone. She grips the bottom of her baby bump and moonwalks right into me. “Sadie, you’ll be the judge. Okay?”

  “Uh, umm. Maybe this isn’t the best idea…”

  Both of these women are pregnant enough to pop. The last thing I want is to end up have to perform a double delivery on the coffee counter.

  Viv waves me off. “Ah, it’ll be fun!” And suddenly, I’m reminiscing about the good old days when Vivian was an uptight, prissy princess with a stick up her ass. At least back then, she wouldn’t be trying to force me into the middle of this fuckery.

  Well now, all the customers are gathered around the counter, hooting and cheering. “Dance-off! Dance-off! Dance-off!”

  Reese launches into a vigorous round of full-body krumping. Viv follows up with a series of shamelessly ridiculous white girl moves. Overdramatic hip sways. Way-too-enthusiastic air-punches. And a runway strut that would make RuPaul do a double-take.

  I have to duck out of the way to avoid taking a flapping elbow to the face.

  Oh my god—please don’t start having contractions.

  Try as I might, I can’t stop my lips from curling into a reluctant smile.

  Vivian peeks over her shoulder at me with a look of victory on her face. “Ah! There it is! A smile!”

  I bite back my grin. “Okay, I’m gonna go next door and get your baby daddy before something irreversible happens.” I round the counter with every intention of popping into Clinton’s barbershop next door and telling him to come get his woman.

  She sticks out her tongue and keeps on dancing.

  I push through the crowd to the entrance and just as I’m stepping onto the sidewalk, the first black SUV pulls into the parking lot outside.

  And then the second.

  The third.

  A whole damn motorcade.

  My hands go to my chest, gripping my heart through the knitted synthetic fibers of my uniform shirt. I stand on the sidewalk, frozen as about a dozen identical vehicles halt in the parking lot, leaving an empty space in the middle. A dozen tall, suited, sunglasses-wearing men stand emotionless beside the cars. It’s like a scene from The Matrix.

  I jolt when a trumpet sounds loudly from the end of the parking lot and when I look that way, I see a four horse-drawn carriage entering the lot.

  And I think I’m dying. I see Xavier in the coach, standing tall and regal, looking absolutely majestic. Even from this distance, I can feel his eyes peeled to me. The carriage pulls up into the empty parking space right in front of where I’m standing.

  He’s draped in a thick velvet cape trimmed with fake fur, braided ropes and sashes running across his chest, a double row of coppery buttons running down his broad chest. And of course, an enormous gaudy crown.

  My head is so light I think I might faint as Xavier dismounts the wagon and his purposeful steps bring him in my direction.

  He stops right in front of me, so close I can virtually see his heart beating beneath the thick fabric of his red frock coat. His shoulders heave with relief and he gives me a lopsided grin. “Hey there, good-looking…”

  Chapter Forty-One


  I’m sweating like a damn fool in this over-the-top costume. But just seeing the intrigue and amusement on Sadie’s pretty face is already worth the trouble.

  “Xavier—what are you doing here?” She tilts her head to the side and her eyes scan my outfit from top to bottom. “And what the hell are you wearing?”

  My skin tingles at the sound of my name on her breath. I never thought I’d hear it again.

  I chuckle, choosing to address her second question first. “What? You don’t like it?” I spread my arms out around me to show off my attire.

  “Well, you look very handsome in it. Did the Burger King mascot put out a new clothing line?”

  I psht. “The Burger King mascot never had this much swagger…” I got the thing off of Ebay. It’s the best I could do on such short notice.

  Y’see, I couldn’t wait one second longer. I had to get to Sadie as soon as possible. I had to bring the fairytale to her, right here in Middle-of-Nowhere, U.S.A. And to achieve that, I had to dress the part of the fairytale prince. Hence, the outfit.

  She covers her lips with her fingers and laughs, her eyes still broadcasting her shock and bewilderment. “I—I’m just trying to understand what’s going on.”

  What’s going on?

  What’s going on is that I finally pulled my head out of my arse and decided to stop punishing myself for something that happened when I was still a 17-year-old child. I realized that being alive is pointless if you’re not really living. I realized that I can’t live without her. I refuse to live without her for one more second. I’m just hoping she doesn’t make me grovel too much.

  Grovelling is hard when you’re carrying around three-pound headgear and a thick synthetic velvet cloak in the hot Illinois summer sun.

  After my conversation with Stanley, I realized I had two choices. One was to drink that fucking bottle of brandy. And then drink another and another until my liver split in two.

  The other option was to go find her. And claim her once and for all…despite the obstacles telling me I can never have her.

  “Where’s your fiancee?” she whispers, her voice sad and low.

  I swallow and look her right in the eyes. “I couldn’t go through with it,” I say. “I couldn’t marry another woman just so I could take the Throne.” I run the back of my finger down her cheek and I say a silent prayer of gratitude when she leans into my touch instead of pulling away. “I couldn’t bring myself to do that while I’m so very in love with you.”

  Her breath stutters and she looks like she might swoon. But then, her eyes widen with fear. “Xavier—you didn’t do anything stupid, did you? You didn’t abdicate the Throne?”

  I laugh lightly. “I’ve done many stupid things. The dumbest one being that I walked away from you. I shouldn’t have done that…And as for the Throne, I’ll only take that seat if you say ‘yes’ to taking the seat right beside me.”

  A long breath quivers out of her. “What are you saying? You’re being so crazy right now.”

  Taking both of her hands in mine, I press my lips to her knuckles. “This is my grand gesture, Sadie. And I look like a clown. I’m sweating like a whore in the front pew of a cathedral.” My heart lights up when she giggles. “I don’t care. I’m here for you. To apologize. To lay my soul bare at your feet and beg for the key to your heart. Because I’ve been afraid of my destiny for so long. What I didn’t realize is I can do it. I can be king…I can do anything if you’re there right next to me.”

  Time to break out the big guns. Drawing in a lungful of air, I drop to one knee right there on the pavement and pull the velvet ring box from my pocket. I snap the top open, revealing the dazzling emerald ring inside.

  I hear total hysteria break free inside the bakery. My guards block the door to keep the crowd inside.

  I’m pretty sure that’s not legal. We’d better speed things along.

  Sadie is trembling visibly now, long tears rolling from her eyes. She shakes her head. “I can’t be your queen, Xavier. I—I don’t know how to be a queen.” Her expression drops. There’s so much earnesty in her eyes. “I love you so much and if you were just a regular guy, I’d say ‘yes’ without hesitation but I have tattoos. And I’ve never seen a queen with hips wide like mine. And I don’t even know who my parents are and…” She pushes back tears with her knuckles. “Your grandmother would never accept me. Everything about me screams ‘No. Not a queen.’”

  I hate hearing her speak about herself li
ke that. She obviously doesn’t see herself the way I see her. I hate that the world has shaken her spirit, that her parents left her doubting herself, that her ex led her to believe that his mother’s approval was a prerequisite for his love. I’m going to prove to her that they were all wrong.

  “Yes, you are a queen, Sadie. My queen. You have all the qualities I require. You’re kind and you’re smart. You know how to laugh at yourself. You make me see reason when I’ve got my head up my arse. You cut me down to size when my ego grows too big…And that arse? That arse is definitely a ‘yes’.”

  She laughs and those caramel irises glitter.

  “I don’t care what my grandmother says or what anyone else says, for that matter. Everything about you is a ‘yes’ for me.” My eyes beg. My heart begs. "Be my queen, Sadie. Say yes. And anything you want, I'll give it to you. Because it doesn't matter where we are—whether it's my majestic palace in the sprawling hills of Folkshire in Ridgeland or the smelly, damp apartment above the fried chicken shop in Copper Heights—wherever you are is my kingdom. Whenever you smile at me, I feel like a king.”

  “Oh Xavier…” She clutches her heart and struggles for words. Her hesitation is killing me.

  I hear a voice bleed out from behind the closed cupcake shop door. “SAY ‘YES’!”

  We turn that way and find Natalie there in the crowd rooting for her friend.

  Sadie and I turn to each other and laugh. The widest smile pulls across her face. “I love you so much…”

  “Then, say ‘yes’ to me, darling. I have to be with you. Please. In this big, cold world, it's the only thing that makes sense." I take her hands in mine and look her straight in the eyes.

  My heart swells to the size of a continent when she whispers through her tears. “Yes. Of course, it’s yes. It will always be yes for you.”

  My hand shakes as I slip that ring onto her finger. And I swear I hear the birds chirping just a bit louder and the sun shines just a bit brighter.

  I’ve claimed my Queen. Finally, she’s mine.

  All is right in the world.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  My foot taps at a hundred beats per minute. I'm sure the soles of the brand new leather brogues on my feet will be worn out by the end of the day. I grip the edge of the coffee table to keep from tapping my fingers, too, because that will surely be the trigger that will push Lord Kent over the edge.

  He sits rigidly beside me, his lips thinned, his brow stern, the archetype of the surly lawyer. He's got on a gray three-piece pinstripe suit with a satin tie, a pocket watch, the works. He looks rather official and intimidating. And angry. Very, very angry.

  The palace’s PR team is huddled in the corner of the drawing room. They’re pretty pissed off, too.

  I didn't follow their advice. When I went to them to tell them that I'd be going public about what really happened the night of Charlene's death, the lawyer advised me to stay quiet. The publicists agreed. But I couldn't. The secret has been eating at me for too long. I had to get it out in the open, to unload my conscience.

  So with Sadie sitting at my side, I made a video, I confessed everything, I told the people of Ridgeland the truth. If they're going to have me as their king someday soon, they deserve my candor.

  The confession went viral and quickly led to Parliament calling for a public referendum vote. The question on the ballot is simple.

  Do you agree that Crown Prince Xavier should become the next King of Ridgeland?

  The public gets to decide. No more beating myself up about whether I deserve to inherit the throne. My people will answer the simple ‘yes or no’ question and decide my fate.

  Grandmum thinks that the whole idea is preposterous. She threw an epic fit from her recovery bed when she learned of my decision. I interpreted her temper tantrum as an indicator that her health is improving. So there you go—silver lining.

  I understand where she’s coming from, though. The vote is unprecedented. Nothing in the constitution requires the population to vote for the king. It’s a position that is inherited by birthright, not by election.

  I'm prepared to accept the results of the vote either way. Yes, it's scary as shit but at least I'm not facing a criminal trial. Stanley and his family decided not to press charges. In his statement to the press, Stan said that all he wanted was closure in the form of a public acknowledgment and an apology for what had happened. I don't think that's too much to ask.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and my skin buzzes at the familiar touch. I glance beside me and Sadie is sitting there. She smiles at me, infusing me with a fresh shot of confidence and renewed optimism. "I love you," she whispers just loud enough for my ears only.

  I reach for her hand over my shoulder and press a kiss to her knuckles, the heirloom emerald stone engagement ring on her finger scraping gently against my lips. "I love you, too."

  This woman gives me strength. It was her love that gave me the courage to finally face my past, to own up to my mistakes. It was her faith that showed me that I am ready to take the Throne, but I have to be honest with my people first of all. If I'd never met her, I'd still be hiding, trying to evade my responsibilities but her love has empowered me more than a crown ever could.

  There's a knock at the door and Thomas enters. "Your Highness, the results of the vote are in..."

  Lord Kent gestures for the note in the secretary's hand. Thomas scurries over to deliver it. The envelope is sliced open with a letter opener and the lawyer carefully removes the sheet of paper inside. My fingers lock with Sadie's. Everyone holds their breath.

  We wait.

  The lawyer's narrow shoulders drop with relief. His eyes come to mine. "Well, bloody hell, Your Highness. Seventy-eight percent of the population deem you fit to lead the nation. Congratulations. You're about to become the next king of Ridgeland."

  I leap to my feet hauling Sadie up along with me.

  "You're going to be king, baby." She throws her arms around my neck and squeals. "You've got the people behind you!"

  My heart races with pure excitement as I slide my mouth over hers in a celebratory kiss.

  I'm going to be king. I've got the people behind me. And I've got Sadie by my side.

  I can't lose. I'm inconquerable.



  Folkshire Palace, Ridgeland

  Three years later…

  I stroll into the main south wing drawing room and drop my backpack to the floor with a thud. I’m exhausted after a long day of classes.

  Xavier’s booming voice comes from behind the massive desk where his chair is turned to face the window. “Thomas, get the Foreign Minister on the phone. We need to set up a phone call with the Portuguese ambassador because the terms of this proposed trade agreement are just preposterous!”

  God—it turns me on when he roars like that.

  Unfortunately, his roar usually doesn’t have the same effect on the Portuguese ambassador.

  Anyway, I walk around the desk and come into Xavier’s line of vision. “Well, their demands might be preposterous but you’re not going to win any concessions if you make the call in that frame of mind.”

  My husband’s eyes dart up from the thick sheaf of papers in his hands and a lustful expression takes over his features. “Mmm…Queen Sadie, do you have any suggestions for helping me improve my state of mind?” he asks teasingly as he flings the pile of documents onto his desk and pulls me into his lap. “A quick hand job, perhaps? Or better yet, a blowie?” His fingers are already climbing under the hem of my psychedelic-print shift dress. (Don’t judge me—I paired it with a string of pearls.)

  I roll my eyes and slap him on the chest even as I allow him to draw me into a wet, stirring kiss. “That’s not what I meant, you perv.” I mess up his sexy hair with my fingers. “I was offering to be a sounding board, in case you want to bounce some ideas around for the trade negotiations.”

  His expression morphs impishly. “Oh, right.”
br />   “In fact, a few weeks ago in class, we discussed balancing divergent interests in cross-border trade agreements. I might be able to help.” I draw my fingers across his forehead, smoothing away the stress lines there.

  He sighs in frustration. “Give it a go, darling.” He hands the document over to me and I flip through the proposal, skimming quickly.

  “You’re right. These conditions are pretty demanding.”

  “Exactly,” he says furiously. “They’re being completely unreasonable.”

  I examine the papers more closely from my perch in the king’s lap. “But maybe if you offered to reduce the tariffs on these items—” I point to a long column of Ridgish exports. “Then, maybe you can get them to be more flexible on these items.” I flip the page to draw attention to a column of items that we import from our European neighbors. “Toss in a few incentives to sweeten the deal.”

  Xavier considers quietly for a minute, his fingers dancing up my spine. “You have a point, sweetie…I’m thinking that might work.” He drops a kiss to my shoulder. “How did I get so lucky? My girl is smart, she’s beautiful and she has hot tits. Life is good, darling.”

  Life is good.

  I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wanted and more. Xavier is thriving in his role as king. He’s wildly popular with the people and on the world stage, he’s respected and admired. His grandmother is so proud of the work he’s doing as she enjoys her retirement.

  As for me, I’m just a few classes away from finishing my business degree under the tutelage of some of the best professors in Europe. Plus, I just finished helping Reese and Viv organize the grand opening of The Broken Cupcake’s very first Ridgish location. Also, I’m spearheading Xavier’s multi-national philanthropic endeavours, overseeing the Rochdale Estate umbrella of charities.

  My dad has been in excellent health and in excellent spirits since he had his device implanted. And as it turns out, having a nurse for a live-in girlfriend isn't the worst decision he's ever made. It might be one of the best. From what he tells me, she provides wonderful inspiration for his successful writing, too, but I’m not eager for details on what that implies.


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