Book Read Free

Reborn 1-5

Page 15

by D. W. Jackson

  “We try to keep prices low and in exchange the school sells materials cheaply to us,” the shopkeeper replied as he counted out Ash’s change. “Here you are sir ninety-eight iron pennies.”

  “I think that should take care of everything we needed. What a handy place to have close to a school,” Ash said as they exited the shop.

  “What are you saying?” Emelia said with a click of her tongue. “Yuki will need clothes. I had the maids pick her up one set, but you don’t expect her to wear the same thing every day do you? And you are still lacking a few things yourself. How long have you been wearing the same set of shirts and pants? Every night my maids have to wash them for the next day.”

  Ash blushed and looked away while scratching his cheek. “As long as they hold together it should be ok.”

  “It is not ok,” Emelia said with a deep frown. “Men, I swear. Do you not have any sense or do you only care about fighting?”

  For the next three hours Ash learned what hell truly was as he was dragged all over the town from shop to shop and forced to try on clothes. While he was suffering, Yuki and Emelia seemed to be enjoying themselves. In the end, Ash only had to spend 427 copper and 272 iron pennies. It would have been much more but whenever Emelia bought clothes she would pay the full balance. Even with Emelia paying for most of the clothes, Ash still was only left with 382 copper and 891 iron pennies. Seeing all his coin disappearing ash felt his stomach tighten.

  Even though the loss of so much coin hurt him, he couldn’t complain. He now had two new cloaks, eight shirts, three pair of pants, ten pair of socks and ten pair of undergarments. Ash was happy with what he had, but still Emelia and Yuki brought over more and more clothes but he refused. Seeing the large amount the two girls bought sent a shiver down his spine. “Why do you need so many clothes?” Ash asked shaking his head.

  “A girl can never have enough clothes, right Yuki?” Emelia said smiling at the little fox girl.

  “Emu…I will wear whatever master wants, but…The more clothes I have, the better choices to please master,” Yuki said with a slight blush.

  Knowing Yuki, Emelia had put that idea into her head. Ash wanted to complain, but since Emelia had bought most of it on her own, there was little that he could say. At least now she had undergarments so the chances of him being assaulted by the sight of a nude Yuki in the morning was diminished.

  After the clothes were finally finished, Ash thought that the torture was over, but Emelia destroyed his hopes. “Now we need to see about better armor and accessories.”

  “More shopping,” Ash said, though he kept it quite enough that no one could hear him.

  The next shop that Ash was brought to was far different than any of the others. It looked a little like an equipment store but there were also a number of rings, bracelets, and necklaces.

  “Ash I think these would fit you well,” Emelia said pointing at a set of dark studded leather armor for legs. Touching it the stats popped into his head.

  [Studded Liro leather pants: made from thee tough hide of a Liro lizard. Durability 30/30, defense +7, endurance +2, agility +1.]

  “They are excellent how much are they?” Ash asked as he lifted up the small tag attached to the pants. “45 silvers.”

  Ash didn’t notice as he moved away but Emelia had a small smile on her face. “Just look around that’s half the fun of shopping.”

  Taking Emelia’s advice Ash began walking around the store looking at the different items in the store. Close to the counter he found iron, copper, silver, and gold guild emblems. “Miss, do you have any emblems for the gambler’s guild?” Ash asked the young lady behind the counter.

  “Oh, we do, but since we rarely have anyone wanting them we have them in the back. What rank are you?” She asked with a surprised look on her face.

  “Novice gambler.”

  The young woman disappeared through a door and after a few minutes returned holding an iron emblem. “That will be two silver coins,” She said placing the emblem on the counter.

  Sighing Ash reached into his new cloak and pulled two hundred copper coins from his inventory. “Sorry all I have is coppers,” he said placing a bag full of copper coins on the counter.

  “That is fine,” she replied smiling. “There is always a use for small coinage.”

  Picking up the emblem, he pinned it on the right side of his tunic.

  [Iron gambler’s emblem: emblem signifying that one is a novice of the gambler’s guild. Durability 10/10 luck +1.]

  After getting the emblem, Ash continued to look around and found a number of items that could be useful but he didn’t have enough coin to buy anything else.

  It was really a shame since there were a number of accessories that could boost all kinds of stats. Unlike armor they weren’t bulky and rings could be worn on more than one finger. The downside was that they cost a lot. Even the cheapest ring that only boosted a stat by 1 point still cost two silver while those that boosted stats by 5 cost 1 gold.

  “All set,” Emelia asked as she walked up to him carrying a brown bundle in her arms. “Ummm…I bought the armor for you.”

  “But it cost a lot,” Ash replied as the bundle was pushed into his hands.

  “What are you saying? It didn’t even cost a single gold. If I wanted to buy you something expensive, I would have bought you some dwarven made mithril leggings,” Emelia said, turning her face away from him.

  “Thank you,” Ash said happily.

  “I want to get something for master…Muuuu,” Yuki said with a pouting look.

  “Once Yuki becomes a good adventure then she can save up her own coin and buy whatever she wants with it,” Ash said patting her head.

  “Muuu, I will become a great adventure and then buy master the best armor.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Ash said laughing, making Yuki puff out her cheeks.

  With the shopping done, the trio ate a small lunch at a nearby restaurant. After eating they returned to the manor. With his sword and armor being repaired Ash didn’t have anything to do and found himself completely bored. With nothing to do he made his way to Emelia’s study.

  “Did you need something?” Emelia asked as he entered the room in a surprised voice.

  “I was just thinking I should read a little to pass the time,” Ash said as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

  “What kind of book do you want to read?” Emelia asked as she sat aside the papers she had been going through.

  “Something that might tell me a little bit more about this kingdom or the others. History would be ok as well,” Ash said after giving it a lot of thought. Without having friends, Ash had spent the bulk of his time working or studying. Information and knowledge was the key to survival in any world.

  Emelia went over to one of the shelves in the middle of the room and pulled out three different books and sat them on the table. Taking a seat on a long couch next to Emelia as she patted the spot next to her Ash began to read.

  Time flew passed quickly and before he noticed it, night had already come. Setting aside the book about the Western Kingdom, Ash stretched his stiff muscles to find that Emelia had fallen asleep and her head was lightly resting against his shoulder.

  Ash quietly called one of the maids to carry Emelia to her room and the quickly returned to his own. He found his sword and armor laying on the ground next to his bed when he entered. Setting everything to the side Ash quickly went to sleep.


  Ash woke the next morning as the sun streaming through the window reached his eyes. Quickly looking around the room, he found that the little fox was already gone and breathed out a sigh of relief. He didn’t know how many more times his heart could take waking up to her clinging to him.

  After putting on his armor, Ash went to eat but was served before Emelia appeared. He had woken up a little late so he told himself that she had most likely already eaten. Without any company, Ash quickly finished his meal and rushed toward the labyrinth.

  Ash went straight back to the sixth floor and started his hunt of the spiders. With his new ability to sense where the monsters were, hunting the spiders went by quickly and Ash once again found himself having to wait for his MP to be restored. He often ate the honey cakes, but they were starting to run out and since it had been a few days since they had been made they had hardened slightly.

  With his current level of MP, Ash could absorb ten spiders before being forced to rest. Between fighting and resting, it took just under an hour to hunt ten spiders. Though it was a pretty hectic pace, Ash pushed on until he had killed 100 spiders and gotten its remaining two skills.

  [Poison: cost 10MP- ability to make a small amount of toxin that paralyzes. Can be placed on weapons.]

  [Poison resistance has increased by 5%.]

  [Sticky thread: cost 15MP- shoot out a stream of sticky thread to trap opponents.]

  After getting the skills he wanted, Ash left the labyrinth. By his guess he had spent almost 12 hours inside, and even though his stamina slowly recovered, that didn’t help with normal fatigue for the prolonged fighting. Outside the sun had already gone down, blanketing the city in moonlight.

  Feeling good, Ash took a slow walk back to the manor and decided to stop beside a small fountain that was near the adventure’s guild. Pulling out an iron penny, Ash tossed it into the water. “I wish that I can continue to enjoy every day.”

  “That is a rare wish for a man so young,” a voice said from behind Ash.

  Turning around Ash found an elderly woman in her twilight years with light grey hair. “Sorry miss, I didn’t mean to bother you.”

  “Pah, you aren’t bothering me son,” the woman said shaking her head. “If it really bothers you, then you can help see this old lady to her house. The streets are not as safe as they used to be.”

  “It would be an honor,” Ash said smiling as he held out his arm for the elderly woman.

  “Such a nice boy. I’m Helen,” she said taking his arm.

  “I’m Ash…So where do you live Helen?”

  “In the south district,” she said pointing the way.

  As they walked, Helen talked to Ash, telling him stories and asking him a number of questions. Though he was forced to walk slowly, Ash was enjoying his time with the older lady. Shortly after they entered the southern district a young girl that was close to Yuki’s age came running toward them. “Grandma,” she yelled as she hugged the older lady. “Where were you? Mama has been worried.”

  “Just spending a little time with a young gentleman Tina,” Helen said with a light smile.

  Tina looked at him with a scathing glare that made Ash flinch. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Ash. I was just escorting this young lady home since it was already late.”

  “My, my,” Helen said touching her cheek and feigning embarrassment.

  “Grandma lets go,” Tina said pulling Helen’s arm.

  “Don’t be rude young lady,” she said with a stern voice. “Ash, it’s already late and I am guessing you haven’t eaten yet. Would you like to join us for diner?”

  “Is it ok?” Ash said, noticing the disapproving look in Tina’s eyes. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

  “It’s no bother,” Helen said. “Now come along.”

  Though Ash had never had a family of his own, one of the few times in life he had felt happy was when an old lady had taken him in as a foster child. Most of the time Ash had to help the woman take care of chores, but she always treated him nicely. That time in his life had left him with a favorable impression to the elderly, so since that time he had went out of his way to help them. With those feelings still in him, Ash obediently followed Helen into the small house.

  The house was not in the rich part of town that was mostly occupied by merchants and nobles, but neither was it in the slums. It was a middleclass part of town and while not as nice as Emelia’s manor, it had its own quaint charm.

  As soon as Ash stepped into the house, the smell of food assaulted his nose, making his mouth water. The smell reminded him of stew though he could tell there was a bit of spice in it as his eyes watered slightly. A woman in her mid-thirties with light silver hair and dark grey eyes entered the room while wiping her hands with a towel. “Mother, who have you…” the woman started to say then her eyes widened when she noticed Ash. “Lord Ash, what are you doing here?” She asked as she quickly bowed her head.

  “A lord huh?” Helen said, looking me over again. “Pah, if a tenth of the lords had this boy’s charm I’d have bedded one instead of your woman crazy father.”

  “Mother,” the woman said with a fearful look on her face. “I am sorry lord Ash, my mother’s age makes her forget her manners.”

  Looking at the scene, Ash was confused then it hit him. A large number of people had been at the party when Emelia had declared him her fiancé, and even more had shown up for his bout with Julien. “Miss, I am anything but a noble. Lady Emelia just took a liking to me that is all, so please don’t treat me special.”

  “Good for Lady Hawkwing,” Helen said. “Seems like she has better taste than most the fops that call themselves ladies.”

  “If Lord Ash says so,” the lady said, bowing again. “Diner is ready, so if you would please take a place at the table it would be our honor.”

  Helen grabbed Ash’s arm and made him sit beside her and across from the young girl whose eyes still started daggers at him. Trying to smile, Ash ate a big spoonful of the soup. Though his tongue burned slightly from the spices, it had a tasteful and unique flavor. “The food is delicious.”

  “It is an honor Lord Ash,” the woman said, bowing her head so that it was almost in her stew.

  “Please stop with the Lord Ash. I am just an inexperienced adventurer who captured the notice of a woman well above my level.”

  “If you insist Lord…I mean Ash,” the woman said hesitating.

  “Mom, why are you acting so polite? You are three times the adventure than this weak man is,” the little girl said frowning.

  “Sorry Lo…Ash,” the woman said blanching.

  “Tina doesn’t get along well with men. Her father left when she was just a babe and having to watch a family of women has given her a bad attitude. One day though she will find her own knight and fall in love,” Helen said in a needling fashion.

  “Mother,” the woman said.

  “Grandma, I will not,” Tina exclaimed in a pouty fashion.

  “Susan, you could do with finding another man yourself,” Helen said elbowing me. “If this man wasn’t already engaged to the young miss I would suggest you take him for a row. If I was twenty years younger, I might give him a go myself.”

  “Mother, please stop,” Susan said, blushing to the tips of her ears. “Ash, please don’t mind her. She was always a little wild, and sadly age hasn’t mellowed her nature at all.”

  With Susan looking at him with worried eyes, Ash couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t know of a man who would complain about such a lovely woman giving him such a complement. If I thought I was good enough, I might take her up on the offer,” Ash replied giving the old woman a wink.

  “My, my, what a sweet boy,” Helen said patting Ash’s arm.

  “I don’t see what’s so good about him,” Tina said, sticking out her tongue. “In a few days I am going to join the adventure’s school and be stronger than any guy so I can take care of mom and grandma.”

  “You are starting with the next class?” Ash asked slightly surprised.

  “Yup,” Tina said, sticking out her small chest. “Amazing isn’t it. Mom knows one of the teachers and she has been teaching me since I was little so I will be the best in the class and become an S class adventure in no time.”

  “Then you will be in the same class as my Yuki,” Ash replied.

  “You already have a daughter, but you look so young,” Susan said with wide eyes.

  “N-no not a daughter,” Ash quickly explained. “She is my slave, a little fox girl.”

/>   “Oh…a child of the fox clan, how rare. You really are a noble,” Susan said.

  “I got her really cheap and she is a really sweet girl, I hope her and Tina can be friends,” Ash said. “It would make me feel a lot better if she had someone to watch her. She can be a bit reckless at times.”

  “Humph…I will keep an eye on her,” Tina declared. “If she has a weak master like you she will need to be strong.”

  “Tina,” Susan said, her face blanching again. “Ash, she is just a child so please forgive her.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Ash said with a smile. “Kids should be a little spunky. It keeps the parents young, as should be evident since you are still such a beauty.”

  “You flatter me,” Susan said with a light blush.

  “Not at all,” Ash said honestly.

  “Ash, why don’t you drop the pampered little duchess and marry my Susan. She might have a few years on her, but she is still twice the woman,” Helen said with a wry smile.


  “It’s not a bad idea, but I don’t think it would last long. Emelia might have my head on a pike by the end of the first day.”

  “True, young ladies tend to have a jealous streak in them,” Helen said, letting out a heavy sigh.

  After the meal, Ash was seen to the door by the whole family. Susan, and Helen waved to him while Tina hid behind her mother, sticking out her tongue at him. “For a fourteen year old child, she acts more like she is eleven. Then again, I haven’t spent much time with kids outside the group homes so maybe they all act like that.” Ash talked out loud since the streets were mostly empty.

  The walk from the southern district to the manor was slightly longer than from the labyrinth and given the time, Ash quickened his pace.

  “Master,” a light voice said before tackling Ash as he entered through the door.

  Sitting on the ground, Ash rubbed Yuki’s head softly making her tail wag furiously.

  “Yuki, what are you doing?” Emelia asked coming down the stairs at a fast pace. “And you, where have you been?”


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