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Alien Romance: Caged By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Mates Book 4)

Page 13

by Marla Therron

  "Excuse me," Alice spoke sharply and Erena looked over to see one of the bigger, more brutish looking aliens pulling at the captain's clothing, "I don't know if you can understand me but that is not polite. I do not want you to do that. We are explorers representing the human race. If you would allow us, we would like to-"

  She was cut off once again as the large alien, with a grunt of annoyance, punched her in the face, knocking her out. The rest of the team exploded into shouts of anger.

  Sergei tackled the alien nearest him and Paolo and Finn rushed to help him. Erena was still trying to get her bearings back from hitting her head on the seat, but she snapped into focus as she saw the thinner alien trying to drag Alice away.

  "Hey!" she shouted, running at the creature, "Let her go!"

  A whip like tail appeared behind the alien seemingly out of nowhere and struck Erena in the neck before she was even within arm’s reach of the creature. At once she staggered, a weird heat blossoming from where she'd been punctured, which slowed her down and made her stumble, falling to her knees, and then to the ground completely, unable to move her body.

  The last thing she saw as the creature dragged her and Alice away was the brutish alien pulling some kind of weapon on the other three members of her team. There was a flash of light, and then darkness swallowed Erena entirely.

  Chapter Two

  She woke in a cage to the sound of strange drums. A whip cracked in the distance, making her jump, and outside the cage swarms of beings too strange to identify bustled and shouted.

  She was naked, and her skin felt raw as though she'd been washed, scrubbed down. She burned with humiliation, but she didn't have the strength to move or even cry out. She'd been drugged, or maybe it was still the poison from the alien's stinger.

  The drumming, driving music pounded like her heart beat, panicking. Where was her team? What was happening to her? Sergei and Finn and Paolo. She'd seen the alien fire that weapon at them. Were they dead? And where was Alice? She knew she and Captain Harper had been taken together, so where...?

  She could only move her head a fraction, the drug making her limbs too heavy to shift, but on either side of her there were only more cages, none of them containing humans.

  They held other aliens, looking as naked and drugged as she was, their hands and feet shackled with pretty silver chains, collars around their throats. Blinking down at herself, Erena realized she was wearing the same kind of chains. What was this place?

  She felt tears stinging her eyes as she realized the rest of her team was probably dead. She'd been kidnapped by aliens and they'd murdered her team. She didn't want to think about what it meant that only the female team members had been taken alive.

  She was millions of light years from home, the only one of her species in this solar system probably. She was almost certainly never going to see another human face again. She would have sobbed if she'd had the strength. As it was, she couldn't even resist as someone reached into her cage and dragged her out.

  She knelt on the stage, too drugged and frightened to disobey, as the auctioneer praised her long hair and pale skin, using a few of its extra limbs to grab her wrists, spreading her out and putting her on display for the buyers.

  She blushed with humiliation, but there wasn't much else she could do with barely the strength to hold herself up. Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared out into the audience, seeking out those piercing eyes again. Even if they couldn't save her, they were something to focus on besides the helpless shame and despair she was experiencing.

  Her price climbed higher as she searched for those eyes. But when she found them again, the man suddenly turned away. Her heart broke at this final abandonment.

  Whatever nightmare was waiting for her would probably make this place seem like a dream, and yet Erena couldn't help praying for this to be over. She just wanted to be off the stage and out of sight of all these eyes.

  "One hundred million!" someone shouted, a much higher price than she'd heard so far.

  Erena looked up in confusion, searching for the bidder, but she was too dazed to see anything. The darkness was closing in on her again as the auctioneer cried.


  She woke lying on something soft, a blanket around her shoulders.

  “I can’t believe you actually bought that thing,” someone was laughing, “I’ve never seen you buy anything from the auctions.”

  “It was an impulse buy.”

  “A hundred million credit impulse buy?”

  “I can be very impulsive.”

  “You know Rokir isn’t going to let you bring it on the ship. Ugly bug makes me miss the old captain. I don’t know why you ever let him take over. You could have been captain just as easily.”

  “And have him crawling after me, the way he crawled after the old captain, just waiting for a chance to put powdered glass in my coffee? No thanks.”

  “Anyway, he’ll probably insist you give it to him when he finds out you have it.”

  “I will eat it before I let Rin’rokir have it.”

  “I don’t doubt it for a minute,” the first voice laughed, and Erena heard footsteps, “Whatever you’re going to do with it, take care of it fast and get back to the ship. We’re heading out soon.”

  There were a few more murmured words, then a door slammed and Erena, realizing she had the strength to, slowly sat up.

  She was in what seemed to be some kind of home, if she was guessing right. She was lying on a low fabric platform like a mattress on the floor in front of what she thought was a sunken fire pit, mostly based on the blackened interior and the set of metal pokers beside it. Possibly electric or gas, judging by the buttons.

  She was indoors, the room spacious and clean and full of objects she couldn't identify. Were they decorations or furniture or something else? From what she'd seen at the auction, they might be people for all she knew. There was a wide window behind the couch mattress thing, and a balcony, and beyond it a view of a dense, tangled urban sprawl, not unlike photos she'd seen of the Kowloon walled city.

  This apartment must be high up to be able to look down on it like that she thought, pulling the blanket closer around her. She was still naked, she realized, taking stock of herself, and still wearing chains. She was also desperately thirsty. She felt it must have been a few days since she'd drunk or eaten. She felt weak with hunger.

  A moment had passed since she'd heard the door slam, and she turned quickly as she glimpsed someone coming through the open archway at the opposite end of the room from the window.

  The man was humanoid, more so than any others she'd seen so far. He was tall, with a broad chest and powerful arms beneath the simple black one piece suit he was wearing, whose sleeves ended just above his forearms.

  His skin was a deep russet color at his hands and above his eyes, fading into a lighter tan. Proud, sweeping horns grew from his brow back over his long, dark hair.

  But other than the horns and coloration, his features seemed very human. When he looked at her, fixing her with a piercing stare, she realized at once that he was the man she'd been staring at from the stage. Then, he took a step towards her.

  Erena darted at once, realizing she might not get another chance to escape. She sprinted over the mattress and towards the window and the balcony, scrambling to find the latch.

  "Oh no you don't!"

  She'd just managed to throw it open before strong arms closed around her waist, picking her up and pulling her away as cold air blasted through the open door.

  She shouted, struggling and trying to escape his grip, but he only held her tighter, turning away from the door and moving back towards the mattress.

  "Let me go!" she shrieked, "Let me go! You're not going to eat me!"

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  Chapter One

  Warmth. Something everyone always went to for comfort, to ease them in a stressful situation. As red, warm blood flowered down from the point of his blade, getting on his slender fingers, D’Anil Troga didn’t consider the feeling comforting. Then again, he hadn’t felt really comfortable in a very long time. The target didn’t look so comforted either, looking at him with fear and confusion in her eyes.

  They were green, a pretty color, but they were losing their beauty as the life drained out of them quickly. In one smooth movement, D’Anil withdrew his blade, wiping it cleanly with a rag. The target fell to her knees, the blood seeping into her dress as her fingers clutched for her neck.

  Pointless, he thought to himself. D’Anil had given her a mercy killing, slashing deeply into the major artery on the woman’s neck. She’d be completely bled out in only a minute more. He didn’t stay to watch though. Killing wasn’t a sport to him; it was a job.

  D’Anil spent only three days finding the target. He didn’t call her by her name ever. He didn’t do that for any of his jobs, only using their names when he would casually ask for them at a marketplace, or with one of the children running around on the desert streets of Dlahik.

  That was how he knew where to corner this one today, how to get her into an alleyway where no one could see them. She hung up her laundry to dry outside of her window in the early afternoons. With her hands preoccupied with pinning them onto the clothesline, she didn’t even have a chance to fight him when he came up behind her, a blade to her throat.

  Alem would be pleased at his speed for this one.

  The assassin made his way to the justice building. Dlahik was like most cities on the planet of Imdali. It was a desert world, the planet almost too close to their sun to survive. The civilizations that existed were far apart from one another and separated by an expanse of desert.

  D’Anil had lived there his entire life, never stepped foot off of the orange, sandy world he was born into. He was used to surviving, as many others of the Drunae, the people of Imdali, were. Though they had parts of their city above ground, like the justice building, most of the city was actually beneath, hiding in underground caverns.

  D’Anil swiped the sweat from his brow as he reached the tall pyramid. It was made of stone, the same stone from the underground caverns, and could keep the heat out. He breathed softly as the air conditioning hit him.

  The receptionist behind the desk stood up from her chair. She seemed nervous, always did whenever he arrived. D’Anil didn’t know if it was because she knew what he did for her boss, or if she still wasn’t over the fact that they’d slept together one time. She’d only mentioned the latter once, and he’d shut her down completely. D’Anil didn’t do relationships, even with pretty blondes. “Chief Nobe wasn’t expecting you back so soon, Lieutenant Troga.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “I’m not going to take that as an insult, for his sake,” he said slowly, then nodded towards the stairs. “I’ll be in there shortly, if you want to tell him to ‘expect’ me at his door within the next five minutes.” She opened her mouth but thought better, closing it again before giving a tight nod.

  Alem Noble was the Head of Justice, the leader of the city of Dlahik. He was well-respected amongst his people, very popular. But they didn’t know him like D’Anil did. Alem never told him how he found him, but he did. And ever since then, he gave the soldier-turned-assassin odd jobs for large amounts of money.

  Every job was completely confidential; a job that no other guard, watchmen, or soldier wanted to do. And every job was completely illegal. If anyone were to find out about the things Alem had him do, he would be out of his position and most likely tried as a criminal. Luckily, D’Anil liked money, and he could keep his lips locked tight if there was something in it for him.

  “D’Anil!” the Chief greeted. Alem was an older man, his bleach blonde hair streaked with silver that shone in the fluorescent lighting of his office. He kept his hair cleaner, combed back, and his mustache trimmed. It was more presentable than D’Anil, whose dark hair was always kept shaggy from the fact that he was the one that cut it, and he often found himself too busy to deal with his facial hair, brown, bristly hairs covering his chin and cheeks.

  With Alem, there was always a professionalism that D’Anil appreciated. He didn’t go for hugs or pats on the back. On the contrary, as soon as he entered the large, dark office, which was covered with photos of his family, mate and children, books, and old furniture, all Alem did next was usher him into the chair across from him at the desk. “My men just received the report of a dead body in the Outskirts, a female.”

  “Are you going to have me wait for them to ID the body?” he asked.

  The Chief chuckled, shaking his head as he fished in his drawer. D’Anil could hear the clinking of metal coins.

  “I think we’ve worked with one another long enough that I can trust you got the job done,” he said. He tossed a red bag onto the desk, and D’Anil took it, pouring out the contents to count them. “I guess the sentiment isn’t returned.”

  D’Anil didn’t even look up. “Double-checking all my bases is what you like about hiring me,” he said simply. The brunette finished his counting and gave an approving nod before he poured the coins back in. Looking up, “Three-hundred and fifty imdallions… That’s a large quantity. Meaning a higher chance of a simple miscount.”

  “Well I have another opportunity for you if you’re ready,” Alem said dismissively. He kept standing, though his hand reached for something to write with, and a small piece of parchment. Because they both knew that D’Anil was ready for the next job.

  “Another court case you think you’re going to lose?” he teased, arms folding over his chest, “I’m getting a little bored… Three witnesses in a row-“

  “And now I have a guaranteed win.” D’Anil didn’t reply, Alem starting to sound a bit irritable. He learned that though the politician was willing to do illegal things to get himself ahead, he wasn’t exactly keen on owning up to it, even with the man he hired to do said illegal things.

  “No, it’s something different to keep you interested. You won’t even have to kill anyone – most likely. If everything goes well, you’ll just be a dignified guard.”

  D’Anil’s eyes narrowed. He leaned forward, putting his coin pouch in his pant pocket. “Fine, I’ll bite. What’s the job?”

  The Chief cleared his throat, looking down at his desk as he started to write. “I need you to go to an old military base south of here. I can get you a transport there, no more than a day’s ride.” He was stalling, avoiding the “owning up” portion. This only made D’Anil more interested, as it meant that it was a job that he’d never done before for his employer.

  “There are a few… Merchants. That you’ll be traveling with. You’re to help them secure their product and make sure they get back here unnoticed, unbothered, and with all of their products intact.”

  “What’s the product?” D’Anil asked. He needed to know how difficult it was going to be to keep whatever it was away from raiders.

  The Chief handed him the paper and put down the pen. He leaned back in his chair and sighed again. “Slaves, Lieutenant Troga. We have slaves coming in from all over the galaxy. They’ll be female-“

  It was starting to dawn on him. D’Anil’s brow furrowed, having actually been caught by surprise. He’d been expecting some sort of weapon that they weren’t technically allowed to have, in compliance with the United Empire of the Milky Way. “You mean sex slaves.”

  It wasn’t a question, definitely a statement. Everyone in the city of Dlahik knew about the sex trade. It was an ancient tradition, women being used for the pleasures of men, or even other wealthy women if their mates so allowed and they had the money for it. The sex trade was its own underground society, part of the dark underbelly of the city that everyone chose to ignore, including the Chief himself.

  “Yes,” Alem carried on, then eyed D’Anil, “The market has since reached outside of our planet, giving
into other people’s… Tastes. As such, there’s more than one group you may have to look for. I was told by one of the smugglers that some of the other planets are starting to catch on. If they find out what’s going on-“

  “It could lead to a war with only us fighting for ourselves,” D’Anil finished for him, “And the expulsion from the United Empire.”

  “Without the Empire’s support, we’d go back to how things were before, when thousands of us died in the summers. We can’t go back to that.”

  The brunette alien nodded, processing the information. “Price?”

  “The smugglers offered 1,000 imdallions if you make sure that everyone gets there safely, the auctions run smoothly, and you swear to secrecy.” Alem cleared his throat again and offered a shrug. “You’re also invited to try out any of the products for yourself along the way – it’s a long trip, after all.”

  He didn’t plan on trying the merchandise. The slaves that he’d seen were dirty-looking, and he didn’t trust them not to turn on him, even if it meant certain death for them. But the money was just about three times what he’d made in the past month going after witnesses that Alem wanted taken out. In fact, it was the biggest pay he’d make if he took the job.

  D’Anil looked at the paper given to him, the name of the base he was going to and a short list of directions. “I’ll do it.”

  Chapter Two

  “I will kill them!” Her voice was thickly accented, and it took four days to figure out where it was from. And Jayne only knew because the woman had to tell her herself. In fact, once she told everyone who she was, she never really stopped. “They do not know who I am! My people will not let Meta Vani die!”


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