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Brock's Hellion

Page 8

by Nicole Austin

  Zeke taking hold of his cock… Christ! He didn’t even want to consider the wild, lusty look in Zeke’s eyes. His chest grew unbearably tight and he could hardly breathe. Brock thought he was having a heart attack and figured his dick would lose all interest in sex and shrivel up. But his cock had a mind of its own, shocking him by jerking within the tight fist and growing harder. At a man’s touch? He ignored the implications of his body’s response.

  As Tink slid down tortuously slow, taking him into her virgin ass, he was snatched from the depths of hellish torment and landed smack dab in the middle of nirvana. So hot and tight, firm muscles sucking at him, drawing him deeper. Taking all he was and reshaping his world.

  Somehow he’d known this prickly, obstinate, frustrating woman was the biggest danger he’d ever faced. He was powerless to resist her luscious body. And he realized that he’d give anything, do anything, to remain right where he was.

  He had no idea how Zeke managed to forge his way into the tight clasp of her pussy, but with the two of them filling her, she damn near strangled both Brock’s cock and the beast. He found himself in an unfamiliar, uncomfortable position of surrendering to another’s will. In that moment, anything the hellion desired he’d gladly provide, even if that meant offering up his skittish heart.

  Brock stopped thinking and gave himself over to the natural rhythm of one cock surging forward as the other retreated. Considering their positions, Tink taking Riley into her mouth put his friend’s cock and balls a lot closer to his face than Brock cared for. Yet as Tink was taken by the three of them—or perhaps he had it backward and she took them—it was his name she moaned, which soothed the beast as nothing else ever had. His name on her lips took the sting out of the realization that much of her enjoyment came not from him but from Riley and Zeke.

  Five, ten thrusts into her ass started a different war within him. One to hold back the exquisite pleasure and wait for her. He refused to come before she did.

  Releasing her breast, his hand skated along her generous curves and over her hip to the silky soft folds of her waxed pussy. His finger circled her clit and ran into Zeke’s, which was already there. That rankled but Brock shoved aside his irritation in favor of giving Tink all the pleasure she could handle. He and Zeke each moved a finger to one side of the taut nub and matched the rhythm of them fucking her, moving in counterpoint, stroking her needy clit.

  Tink’s sweet body tightened and froze before she was propelled into a screaming orgasm that brought all three men along for the ride. Brock’s cock pulsed, filling the condom with his cum. He shuddered at the increased warmth radiating through the thin tissue separating his dick from Zeke’s. Seconds later Riley shouted his climax. The idea of Tink swallowing the other man’s semen reignited the possessive rage he’d struggled to tamp down.

  Long after they all stopped moving, her body continued to spasm and flutter with wonderful aftershocks that had him rapidly hardening again. He wanted nothing more than to start thrusting again, fucking her ass, but she’d be sore and needed to be taken care of.

  Since Zeke was the most tender among them, the task of soothing a woman they’d shared usually fell to him. Not this time. Regardless that he dare not stake a claim on Tink, she was still Brock’s to care for. He would not give up that right.

  As they carefully separated their bodies, he lifted Tink into his arms and, ignoring his friends’ shocked expressions, carried her into the communal showers. Once they were alone, tender emotions swelled, threatening to overwhelm him.

  Tink’s sated body slid along his and when her feet hit the floor she swayed. He kept one arm banded around her waist, holding her close as he started the water. His soapy hands glided over her sensual curves and he longed to take her down to the shower floor and drive his still stiff and aching cock into her soft, damp body.

  “Lord, woman. You really are my biggest weakness.”

  Her wet hand slapped over his mouth and slumberous blue eyes stared up at him, revealing more emotion than he’d ever seen from Tink. “Never reveal a weakness,” she mumbled. Then her mouth opened to emit a jaw-cracking yawn and her head thumped down on his chest. He didn’t want to let her in, to form an attachment. But his heart stuttered, stalling out as she stole her way inside and took over the impulsive organ.

  “Okay, sleepyhead.” He shut off the water and cradled her against his chest. She put up a token protest, which he quickly silenced. “Now you’ve gone and discovered another of my weaknesses. I like taking care of you.”

  He groaned as her lips moved against his chest and warm breath feathered over his nipple. “I’ll never tell. Your secret’s safe with me.”

  * * * * *

  Ranch living made folks lax about things such as locking doors and closing curtains. It worked in his favor, granting easy access to any place he wanted to be on the Shooting Star. He also had a clear view of the late-night activities in the bunkhouse.

  He’d had doubts about many of his uncle’s wild claims and accusations. Not anymore.

  Holy shit! The purty little lady was fucking the hired hands. All of ’em. At the same time.

  Standing outside in the cold and dark, he watched in fascination as the greedy slut took control of those cowboys and had them fucking all her hungry holes. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to tell she was lovin’ every second too, moaning and arching like a bitch in heat.

  He didn’t think twice about freeing his aching dick from his pants and fucking his fist as he watched the kinky scene, imagining how soon he’d be the one fucking her. No reason he shouldn’t get some of what she was freely givin’ out. Hell, he might even call his cousin over. There were a few things they could show her about being fucked by more than one man at a time.

  He licked his lips and shot his load into the bushes, knowing that soon he’d fill the blonde up with his spunk as she screamed, then watch it drip from her well-fucked body.

  Chapter Five

  Oh yum!

  Something damp and warm lapped at the tingling folds of her pussy, waking Tink in the most delightful way. Her body felt sore in some interesting places and scintillating memories from her earth-shattering ménage flittered about in her head. Mmm… She wouldn’t mind going for a repeat performance.

  She shifted her hips and began to stretch only to be stopped short.

  What the hell?

  Blinking bleary eyes, she lifted her head from the pillow and scanned the length of her arm to find black rope encircling her wrist. The rope extended to the bedpost where it was secured by a complicated knot. She didn’t have to look at her other wrist to know it was also tied to the bed. Flexing of her legs resulted in a tugging at her ankles. A glance at a nearby window showed it was still dark outside so she hadn’t slept for long.

  Question was where she’d fallen asleep and how she’d wound up tied to a bed, spread-eagle on her belly, hips propped up on pillows. With someone giving her mouth-to-pussy resuscitation. Not that she was complaining.

  A tongue licked from her clit all the way to the base of her spine. Soft facial hair generated an abrasive caress on her skin that felt too damn good. Brock. She shivered as hot juices saturated her tender folds. Without warning, two fingers slammed into her pussy, twisted and went right for her G-spot.

  “Holy shit!” Intense pleasure blasted through her and Tink would have shot right off the bed if she hadn’t been tied to the frame.


  An open palm landed a resounding, stinging slap to her bare ass.

  “Quiet, hellion. You haven’t been given permission to speak.”

  Oh, hell no. He did not just paddle my ass.

  “What the—”


  Again? He had just slapped her again. Tink’s body thrashed and she pulled at the restraints. She’d been okay with the kinky thrill of being tied up until he smacked her ass. Oh, hell, his palm striking her butt twisted her up inside. Her pussy clenched and she didn’t want to consider what that meant. “You miserable—�

  Thwap. Thwap. Thwap.

  Her hips jerked with each blow landing in rapid succession. She gasped as a calloused palm caressed the stinging globes, increasing the sensation and turning it into a blistering heat that spread from her ass to the quivering walls of her pussy.

  No. No way. She would not be turned-on by a spanking. Unacceptable. How could she submit to this, even if she wanted it more than anything she had ever dared to imagine?

  “Stop this instant, you bas—”

  Brock’s palms landed on her ass over and over. To Tink’s utter mortification, her hips began thrusting of their own volition, lifting her ass into each slap.

  “A spanking is long overdue, hellion.”

  “My…name…is…Tink,” she panted between swats, partly to remind herself and attempt to restore her normal detachment.

  “I warned you how it would be, what I’d expect of you in my bed.”

  He had and secretly she’d craved this ever since.

  “Do you remember your word, how to stop this?”

  Red, yes, she remembered. Not that the word would pass her lips.

  “If you’re going to use it, do so now, because I may not be able to stop in another minute.”

  Tink clamped her lips shut, unsure if she wanted the erotic torture to continue but unwilling to make it stop. A whirlwind of tangled emotions rose within her and she ruthlessly shoved them into a box, nailing the lid shut tight to prevent their escape. She was vulnerable enough and had to keep her weaknesses hidden.

  Instead of complaining, she began plotting her revenge. She would come up with the most devious plan of all time and make Tex pay for each and every slap. A sinfully erotic torture beyond compare.

  To make matters worse, he started rattling off a bunch of ridiculous rules he expected her to follow. Ha, not in this lifetime! She lived by her own terms. “You will not speak or move unless given permission. When I tell you to do something, you will immediately follow my orders without hesitation or question. This is my body to use for my pleasure however I see fit. Understand?”

  Did he have no idea who he was dealing with? She wasn’t one to fall in line and follow some domineering jerk’s rules, no matter how wet his shocking behavior was making her. “Fuck you!”

  She bit her lip. Okay, that had probably been pushing him too far but she longed for his ironclad control to slip.

  “I plan on fucking you, hellion. Eventually.”

  The mattress shifted as he left the bed. She craned her neck in a futile attempt to see where he’d gone. If Tex had left her naked and tied to his bed— Well, she wasn’t sure what she’d do.

  She heard a whoosh of air a split second before something snapped against her tingling ass. It took another split second for the intense sting to reach her pain receptors, causing her outraged scream to strangle in her throat. To stop her mouth from egging him on further, she bit down on a pillow and allowed the foreign sensations to saturate her senses.

  Over and over, she heard the whoosh and then another small section of her ass burned as if she’d sat on hot coals. When she got free, Tex better run for his life, because she was going to shove whatever he hit her with up his ass. Or maybe she’d use it on his ass and let him experience the erotic sting. Right after she fucked him, that is.

  He finally dropped the offending object to the mattress. Catching sight of the riding crop from the corner of her eye almost brought on an outraged shriek, which she barely managed to hold in check. He’d beaten her ass with something they used on horses. And the worst part—she was perverted enough to be aroused by his authoritative manner and harsh treatment. She was so not going to think about it now. Maybe never.

  His big hands stroked her inflamed ass again, creating intense waves of electrified heat that quickly spread outward to enliven all her erogenous zones. Soon her entire body hummed and crackled, anticipating his next move. Surely he would fuck her now. She was desperate for him to fuck her.

  “Good girl!”

  The praise filled her with pride and made Tink long to earn more of his approval. Looked as if she’d be spending a lot of time and money on therapy in the not-so-distant future, because her reactions were freaking her out. He’d somehow found a way to short-circuit her normal response to being controlled and had Tink anxious for more. The man was a true danger because he got her in ways no one else ever had. Not that she’d admit to him how intoxicating this was for her.

  Hard-ass bitch to the core—that’s the vibe Tink very successfully put out. But he’d seen through the smoke screen. The bitch was real, but he wondered what had caused her to create the protective mechanism. He’d wager it was sparked by a strong survival instinct.

  His chest ached with compassion for the strong woman who had learned and adapted, likely due to some bastard abusing his power over her. Still, beneath that tough exterior was a woman who craved tenderness balanced by a firm hand, who longed to trust, to surrender herself into another’s care.

  For years, Brock had managed to keep his Dominant nature under tight restraint. The fiery hellion threatened his control but he’d won the battle. Until tonight.

  First she’d pushed him by giving him control over the ménage, regardless that he’d had to let Riley take over. Watching Zeke and Riley pleasure her body had damn near finished the job. He was glad she’d enjoyed the ménage because it had been her first and last. He wouldn’t share her again.

  But what he couldn’t get over was how when the sex was over she’d trusted him to care for her and provide for her needs as he saw fit. Hanging on to the ledge by his fingertips, he’d somehow managed to hold back as the steel cage disintegrated to ash.

  As he laid her naked body on his bed and slowly backed away, Tink had unlocked the beast’s chains by sweetly begging him to stay. To please hold her. Without his friends there as a buffer, there was no denying his baser nature.

  While he had not doubted her true submissive tendencies, her beautiful response to his Domination sealed the deal.

  Her breath came in rapid pants and her body moved sinuously, following his touch. Slick cream glistened on her thighs and left a large damp spot on his pillow. Tink wanted to be mastered. She needed it. Longed for it. And he was just the man—the only man—to give her what she desired. He was staking a claim—one he would not easily surrender. There’d be no more holding back.

  “Damn, hellion. I tried to resist this.” His fingertips caressed her slick thighs as he pressed her legs farther apart and lifted her hips higher. “Fought it tooth and nail. But there’s just no turning away from the submissive hiding behind the bitch.”

  At his words her muscles tensed and he held his breath, uncertain how much more punishment she could handle. Thankfully, she remained silent and still. Leaning over her, caging her body beneath his, Brock kissed the delicate curve of her neck, imagining his collar resting against her throat. Soon.

  “You’re mine now, hellion. There’s no going back.” She didn’t utter a single word of denial, which encouraged him to continue.

  He wanted to take her ass again and ensure she’d feel his possession for hours if not days. But that pleasure would have to wait. The need to claim the rest of her rode him hard.

  He circled the tight pucker with a damp finger. “This ass is mine. I’ve already claimed it.” Keeping the pressure there, he thrust two fingers of his other hand between her puffy folds and deep into her core. “I’m going to claim this pretty pussy too. No other man’s cock will get a taste of this without my permission.”

  The pillow muffled her moaned response and he decided that was probably a good thing until she fully understood his intentions. She wasn’t ready for another punishment.

  Brock rose from the bed and moved around to the side, fisted her hair and turned her face toward him. “This mouth is also mine, and I know the perfect way to keep it quiet.”

  As he expected, she parted her lips, possibly to protest. He didn’t give her the chance. The time for denials or tur
ning back had passed. He filled her mouth with his cock, effectively cutting off whatever she would have said. Her gaze shot to his, those expressive eyes flashing irritation and blazing desire. Even with her mouth stuffed, her full lips spoke to him by closing around his shaft and sucking him deeper into her throat, signaling her consent.

  She swirled her tongue around his cock as she slid her lips back and forth, learning his shape, finding all his most sensitive spots. He allowed them both a few moments to relish the experience before pulling out with a loud pop.

  “Hey, I wasn’t done with that.”

  Brock ignored the complaint and grabbed a condom from the nightstand, rolling it on as he climbed back onto the bed between her quivering legs. The wet spot had grown bigger and her hips rolled against the pillow in an attempt to ease her need. He had to get inside her again. Had to feel her hot pussy clamp down on his cock and hold him tight within. Had to be a part of her. He would never get enough of her.

  Grabbing her hips to still her movement, he drove forward, filling her in one fluid thrust. Their simultaneous moans filled the air as they savored the moment.

  It was a good fit—perfect. His crown nestled against her cervix, her hot walls stretched around his shaft, strong muscles holding him securely.

  “Mine!” he said again.

  “Move,” she demanded. “Damn you, Tex, fuck me.”

  Even though he shared her same compulsive need, he would not honor her demands. Brock held still, waited, counted to seven before she surrendered.

  “Brock, please. Fuck me before I go insane.”

  A bit of command filled the request but he’d take what he could get, for now. Earning her trust and true submission would take time, patience and a lot of work. Later. Because if he didn’t give in and fuck her now, he’d be the one to go insane.

  “You’ll learn the correct way to get what you want, hellion, but for now that will do.” He didn’t give her a chance to toss out one of her snippy comments. Brock pulled back until only his crown remained inside her then drove forward. His body screamed for him to take her hard and fast, leaving no doubt as to who controlled her pleasure.


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