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Sanctum (The After Light Saga)

Page 2

by Cameo Renae

  I had no weapon and was still weak from my injury and the medication. Where was Dr. Banks? Where were my parents? Please God, someone find me.

  My legs started to feel tingly, my breath quickened, and I felt weak and helpless. What the hell was happening to me? I was falling apart at the seams.

  He yanked my arm roughly and turned me around, quickly locking my arms behind me with a zip tie. It was so tight, I immediately felt the blood pooling in my hands.

  I wanted to cry out, but I dared not say a word. My parents needed me. Finn needed me.

  I felt his breath on the back of my neck. “You’re all mine now,” he hissed. “And believe me…payback will purely be my pleasure.”

  I allowed my hatred to fester inside. Right now, it was the only thing keeping me in the moment. I knew if I fed the flame, it would make matters worse. For now, I had to keep my wits, and remember everything Uncle Frank had taught me. I prayed there would be a chance, even a small one, to fight back.

  He thrust me down the hall.

  The hallway was empty. There were no signs of doctors or patients. I tried to stall, to walk slowly, but he only tightened his grip, pushing me forward, the gun pressed tightly to my back.

  I glanced up at a clock on the wall. He was ten minutes early. That’s why he was pushing to get me out of the infirmary as quickly as possible. I purposely tripped and fell down.

  “Get up, bitch!” He yanked me back up with such force it felt like my arm disconnected from my shoulder. We stood there, face to face. Sweat dripped from his brow. The veins in his eyes were bright red with fury. “If you hesitate again, I’ll kill you. Do you understand?” Spittle sprayed my face.

  I nodded.

  This dude had completely lost his mind. He’d snapped, and now he was taking it out on me. I must have been the first person who ever stood up to him, and most likely embarrassed him in front of the other guards. They’d probably harassed him about the damage to his face, put there by a girl.

  My hands were now completely numb, and there was no way of getting relief.

  As we left the infirmary, all hope of being rescued, died. He led me down a series of empty hallways, ushering me further and further away from those who could rescue me. For the first time in my life, I felt completely helpless. I was weak, powerless, and unable to defend myself. Fear wrapped itself tightly around me, strangling me from the inside out.

  This can’t continue. Don’t let him defile you.

  He swiped a card along a box, which opened another door.

  “Get in,” he demanded, pushing me so hard I flew to the floor. I couldn’t catch my fall, and my head hit the ground. Before I could get my bearings, the door shut behind him. We were in the dark. He was suddenly on me. This was my hell.

  He grabbed my hair and dragged me deeper into the darkness. Tears pooled in my eyes, but I held it all in.

  Freaking bastard!

  I immediately envisioned Hellfire in my hands, pointed directly at the middle of his face.

  A dim light was turned on. I was thrown onto my back and in a flash, he was on top of me, straddling my stomach. A sharp blade, unsheathed from his back pocket, was pressed into my neck. I felt the sting and froze.

  “Scream…and I will gladly swipe this blade across your throat. It would be so easy.”

  Fear gripped every single part of me. There was nothing I could do. My hands were fastened behind my back, completely numb, and his weight kept me from moving. There was no way for me to fight.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked. My voice, shaking.

  “Bitch, you shamed me in front of friends and authorities. I have been ridiculed, because of you. Look at my face!” His eyes were dark and evil, and I saw something familiar in them. Something I’d seen in the Arvies. Revenge and hatred. Right now, he wasn’t any different than them.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, trying to diffuse the situation. But inside, I was letting my own hatred and disgust burn. I wished with all my heart that whatever I was feeling inside would jump out and strangle him, or at least get him the hell off of me.

  “Sorry?” He growled, gritting his teeth together. “Here’s to your sorry.” He balled his hand up into a fist and cocked it back. I knew, right then, I was in deep trouble. I tightly squeezed my eyes shut, not only to block out the evil in his eyes, but also the impending doom.

  I’d been hit before in training, but never on purpose, or with so much hate and vengeance behind it.

  The power of his strong fist came crashing against the left side of my face, immediately turning my world black.

  I was violently shaken, and thrust back into consciousness. He was forcing me to be awake for this nightmare. Everything around me had become a blur; my head and face were throbbing, and there was not one thing I could do.

  My own demons assisted him, shredding whatever layers of strength I had left inside. I tried to hold back my tears, refusing to give him the pleasure of watching me cry, but I couldn’t keep them from falling.

  The pressure of him on my stomach was almost unbearable, my hands felt like they were about to be cut off from my body as the ties tore through my skin from the pressure.

  He started unbuttoning my shirt, the action confirming this evil bastard was about to destroy my life.

  I hated this new world. Every part of it was cruel and diseased, or at least the parts I’d experienced.

  I thought we were all supposed to be survivors—allies. But I was quickly learning that some of these survivors were worse than the Arvies. At least the Arvies had a good reason to be so wicked and hate-filled.

  “Help,” I croaked, not realizing I’d spoken it out loud. That single word was a silent prayer, and had simply escaped my lips in hopes of reaching someone. Anyone.

  He roared with laughter, bone chilling and vicious. “No one can help you now, bitch.” He leaned down and forced his cold lips on mine. Sweat that had been threatening to drop from his nose, was now leaking to my lips. I gagged as I tasted the saltiness.

  Flinching, I finally turned my face away from him. Blood from an open wound, on my battered cheek, dropped into my eye, blurring my vision even further. I shut them, trying to ease the burning sensation.

  “What? You’re not enjoying this?” he spat. “Look at me, bitch!” He squeezed my face.

  I opened my eyes, and blinked rapidly, trying to clear the blood and tears. Behind him, I swear I saw a light and the silhouette of an angel standing in the doorway. But it couldn’t be. There were no angels in hell, only demons.

  I closed my eyes, wishing the angel had come to carry me somewhere far, far away from here.

  My thoughts immediately went to Finn.

  I’m so sorry. I love you.

  “Titus! What the hell are you doing?” A deep voice yelled.

  Did I actually hear that, or was I lost in my dream?

  Then there was definite yelling and cursing, and suddenly, the heavy weight on my chest was released.

  “Get that lowlife out of here,” the same voice yelled.

  I heard a scuffle off to the side of me. I struggled to open my eyes, but couldn’t see anything past the hazy liquid. I felt someone kneel down beside me, and cover up my chest.

  “Abi, are you okay?”


  “Yes. Where are you hurting the most?” he asked.

  “My hands. I can’t feel them,” I whimpered. My voice was trembling, almost as much as my body. Tears of relief and deliverance streamed from my face. He’d saved me. He came to my rescue and kept me from danger. He was an angel, my angel.

  Pike cursed under his breath, and then carefully lifted me to my feet. In a few seconds, my hands were free.

  “Looks like we made it just in time,” he sighed.

  “Thank you.” I sobbed, carefully rubbing my hands together to help get the blood flow back into them. The zip ties had cut into my skin, leaving each wrist cut and bloodied. They stung and ached. After a few seconds, it felt like thousands of n
eedles pricked my skin as the blood rushed back into them.

  “Let’s get you back to the infirmary,” Pike said, taking hold of my arm.

  Everything inside of me suddenly caved. The walls I had so desperately tried to build up around me had suddenly collapsed and came crashing down. My body started shaking uncontrollably, and everything around me began to spin. My head was on the brink of exploding. The air around me was thick and suffocating. My heart was racing, and I started to feel hot. I needed to get out of this dark room. This cell. My personal hell.

  It was the weakest I’d ever been. Mentally and physically—I was broken.

  I gasped for breath. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. Pike bent down and gingerly lifted me, cradling me in his arms. I felt like a shell that had been dropped, cracked but not completely broken.

  “Escort that bastard to the cells. Lock him up and I’ll deal with the paperwork later. In case anyone asks, I’m taking her back to the infirmary,” Pike ordered.

  The two others who’d come in with him had Titus in custody. His hands were tied behind his back and each of them had a firm grip on his biceps. His face was hard, his brows were pulled down, slanting inward. His bright red eyes, filled with hatred, narrowed on me and Pike. I turned my head toward Pike’s chest. I didn’t want to look at him again, for as long as I lived. I hoped he would rot in a cell, or get called out to duty and eaten by an Arvy. He deserved it.

  “What if the General asks?” one of the guards questioned.

  “If he does, tell him I’ll explain everything when I get there,” he replied.

  “I didn’t do anything,” Titus barked.

  I kept my forehead pressed into Pike’s chest. I didn’t want to show him any emotion.

  “Shut the hell up. You should be shot. You broke multiple rules, and crossed a moral line. I’ll see to it personally that you are locked up for a very long time.”

  “Screw you,” Titus spit. “We’ll see who has more clout with the General. Me, or the one trying to nail his daughter.”

  “Get this worthless, low-life, piece of shit out of here,” Pike growled.

  The two young men nodded and forced Titus out of the room. They were much larger and stronger than he was, and I could hear them slapping and taunting him.

  “How did you know we were here?” I questioned, my voice still weak.

  “I was the one in charge of collecting you. When you weren’t in your room, I had a sinking suspicion Titus might have gotten to you first. Thank God he can’t keep his pompous mouth shut. Apparently, he started bragging, telling a few others what he was planning. Just so happened, a friend of mine overheard his plan. He is the one who saved you. If he hadn’t come forward, there is no way I would have found you in time.”

  My pulse started to race and my emotions went haywire again, knowing my life had been teetering on a string. If Titus hadn’t talked, or if Pike’s friend didn’t hear, or share what he heard, my life would have been over. Titus would have killed me. I knew it. I could see it in his eyes. I would’ve been his conquest and his only witness.

  The thought sent an unnerving shiver through my body.

  “Could you please tell him thank you for me? I owe you both. I’m pretty sure it was all going to be over soon,” I said, my eyes burned again with tears.

  “You don’t owe us anything, Abi. We were only doing our jobs. I’m glad you’re safe,” he said.

  “Well, thank you anyway.” I tried to smile, but even attempting that was quite a task. I was completely sapped, and too weak to move.

  I wished, for a moment he was Finn, but I appreciated his kindness and heroism. I knew Finn would also be grateful.

  Pike quickly carried me back down the halls toward the infirmary.

  “Have you heard from Tina? Is she alright?” My voice came out in almost a whisper.

  “Yeah, she’s fine,” he answered. “She’s still in her cell, but I think she’ll be out soon.”

  “How can she be fine in a cell?” I gasped.

  He rolled his eyes. “Her father is the General. Do you think he’d let her rot in a dark cell? Tina has a room fit for, well…a general’s daughter. She has a soft bed, is well stocked with books, and served food and drinks whenever she wants. She’s got it made. Her punishment is more like a mini-vacation from the main population. She’s actually enjoying it.”

  I smiled, thinking about her lying down, reading a book, and not having to worry about anything. “I’m glad she’s okay. So, what do you think the General has in mind for me?”

  “Probably to rot in a dark cell all alone,” he laughed.

  I sighed. “Yep. Figures.”

  “Well, he won’t be taking you today. You’ll be back in the infirmary for a while.”

  “Is my face really busted up?”

  “It’s seen better days. But the bloody tears are pretty wicked,” he joked.

  “I can handle a messed up face. I’m just glad you came when you did because it could have been a lot worse.”

  “I’m glad too. Tina would have never forgiven me if I didn’t find you,” he said, swiping his card to enter the infirmary.

  When the doors slid open, Dr. Banks came running toward us.

  “Jesus! What happened?” he asked. As soon as his eyes locked on my face, a deep look of concern filled them.

  “I’m fine,” I said, my voice still shaking, giving away my true feelings.

  “She was assaulted,” Pike said.

  “By whom?” Dr. Banks’ face pinched tightly. “Abi, who did this to you?”

  I shook my head, tears rolling down my face. I just couldn’t speak his name.

  “It was Titus Fordthorn,” Pike answered. “He was in the process of violating her, but we caught him just in time.”

  Dr. Banks exhaled. “Wait ‘til your father hears about this. The General better put that guy in protective custody.”

  “He should be more worried about Finn finding out. But, please don’t tell him right now. I don’t want him to worry about me. Not while he’s still recovering,” I pleaded.

  “He’s going to find out one way or another. Word travels quickly in this place,” Pike said. “I wouldn’t doubt if half the population hasn’t already heard by now.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “I don’t know exactly, but when there is any kind of trouble or excitement…they find out the details. It’s pretty scary.”

  I sighed. “I’ll tell him when the time is right. I know if he found out, he’d try to leave his room, and would probably be thrown right into a cell, or worse.”

  “Fine. We’ll let you tell him,” Pike agreed with a grin. “I’ll go make sure that bastard gets what he deserves.”

  “Thank you, Pike,” Dr. Banks said, shaking his hand. “I’ll take care of her.” He wrapped his arm around my waist when Pike gently set me down.

  “Yes, thank you,” I whispered. “You saved my life today. In more ways than one.”

  “It was nothing. I’m glad you’re okay,” he smiled.

  We parted ways and Dr. Banks slowly escorted me back to my room.

  “When will I be able to see Finn again?”

  “I’ll try and see if I can work something out soon. I have a feeling the General will be back here with questions, so I need to get you back into bed.”

  I didn’t question him because I knew he was right. My insides began to twist in knots thinking about the General visiting again. When would this madness end?

  Dr. Banks gently cleaned the wounds on my wrists and bandaged them. Then, he moved to my cheek. After a couple of stitches, he rubbed some kind of medicine over it which had a dreadful smell, but was supposed to help minimize the bruising.

  “Abi, did he violate you?” Dr. Banks asked. I knew he wanted to be certain because he would have to explain to my dad.

  “No. Pike came in just in time,” I said, still shaken up. It felt like a horrible nightmare. I still couldn’t believe it was over.

  “Let me go
get something to help settle your nerves. I’ll be right back,” he smiled.

  As soon as he left, I heard voices call to Dr. Banks. Concerned voices.

  I braced myself for a million questions. How was I going to explain it all to my parents? I knew they would be horrified with the details, and my mother would freak when she saw my face and my wrists. I could already envision her horrified look.

  Right on cue, as soon as my mom rounded the corner, her eyes widened, and a terrified look swept across her face.

  “Oh my God, Abigail! Are you alright?” She used my whole name, which meant she was serious. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and her fingers gently reached out, barely brushing the side of my face. “What—what happened to you?”

  “I’m fine, mom. Nothing really happened,” I tried to appear like I was alright.

  “How can you tell me that nothing happened? There are stitches, and your face is bruised and swollen. Oh! And you have bandages around your wrists. Who did this to you?” she pressed. Her voice was shaky and filled with dread.

  “I know it looks bad, but believe me, it could have been much, much worse.” I tried to reassure her, but at this point, I could see the reassurance wasn’t working.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. My baby,” she cried.

  “Mom, I’m fine. Really.”

  My dad entered and stood next to my mom. His brow furrowed, his eyes narrowed, and his lips turned down. I knew he’d just received a full run-down of what happened from Dr. Banks. His fingers gently pushed away strands of hair from where I’d been hit. I could see the many questions swirling within his eyes.

  “Dad,” my voice trembled, and hot tears instantly welled and fell from my eyes. Looking at him, I couldn’t keep it in, but I didn’t know what to say or how to explain it. This was the worst experience I’d ever encountered in all my seventeen years. The bunker, the Arvies...they were nothing compared to what I had felt inside at that very moment. I’d never been more afraid, hopeless, or brittle. It made me realize I wasn’t as strong as I’d previously thought. I was alive, but changed, not knowing if it would be for better or worse.


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