Dirty Assets

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by Rumer Raines

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  Dirty Assets

  By Rumer Raines

  Copyright 2017 Rumer Raines

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.





























































  I don’t know if I can handle another fucking meeting. My brother, Frank, took over the family business and he is starting to turn this shit into a job. We all know what the hell we’re doing, but I guess we should humor him and let him take charge. He wants Friday morning meetings? I’ll have no choice but to drag my ass out of bed and come to DeLuca’s for Friday morning meetings. I thought I would be angry when Frank took over DeLuca’s, but to be honest I was a little relieved. I hated having the responsibility and with Frank and Oliver getting involved I can focus on what I really want to do. I want to focus on the bar. I have always wanted to own a bar and thankfully, that is the area that Frank put me in charge of.

  “ALEX! Will you get your head out of your fucking ass and pay attention?” I look up and see that Frank, Oliver, and Thomas are all looking at me. I guess paying attention to this shit is all part of humoring Frank. Again, I am not sure why he chose a fucking Friday morning for a meeting. No one gives a fuck on Friday.

  I close my eyes and look over at Oliver who has a fucking smirk on his face and back to Frank. “I am paying attention, Frankie. Continue.”

  “You're bullshitting me, Alex. I called you twice before you even noticed your fucking name was being called.”

  I once again turn to look back at Oliver, who still has the smirk on his face and he nods his head letting me know that Frank did call me more than once.

  “Don’t blame me for that shit, Frank. Who in the fuck calls a Friday meeting? As a matter of fact, why are we even having fucking meetings? We all know what the fuck we’re supposed to be doing anyway.”

  Frank puts his hands on his chin and sits back in his chair, which used to be my chair and squints his eyes at me. “You’re getting a new waitress. She starts tonight and don’t fuck with her like the last one. “

  Now I’m the one sitting back in my chair and wondering why the hell he’s hiring people for the area that I am supposed to be running. “I prefer to hire my own people, Frankie.”

  “Will you stop fucking around Alex? You know I hate that shit and you are getting another waitress. She is a friend of Alexis’ so be careful not to let her see shit and don’t touch her.” Frank orders.

  “Why in the fuck would you hire a friend of Alexis? I swear, Frankie, sometimes I think we need to remind you what actually goes on here.”

  “Alexis called me and gave me a sob story about this girl and I couldn’t make up an excuse good enough to keep her ass out of here. Just know that Adele Jameson will be here tonight for her first shift. She’ll give you her hours.”

  I look back over at Oliver and Thomas shaking my head. “When the fuck does the employee dictate what hours they will work? Shouldn’t we be telling her when to get her ass in?”

  “Not this time. She will give you the hours and you just need to work her in. “

  Everything that was said during our little meeting really went in one ear and out the other ear after that statement. I need to work her in? What the fuck was he thinking letting Alexis talk him into this shit anyway? Once Frank dismisses our fucking meeting, I can’t wait to get back downstairs to the bar. I can’t believe that I had to roll my ass out of bed where I was perfectly comfortable with Hailey, to find out Frank is butting into my area of the business. I hate to sound like a kid, but the bar is my fucking area and I oversee who works it. I don’t stick my nose into Oliver’s area, I don’t stick it in his or Thomas’ areas. Frank needs to stay the fuck out of mine.

  I walk behind the bar and pull out a bottle of vodka and a glass and notice that Oliver is now standing across from me. I fucking hate that smirk that he has on his face. “What the fuck do you want, Oliver?” He chuckles and steals my glass of vodka, drinking it in one gulp. “Just making sure you’re not going to do anything stupid. You don’t make the best decisions when you're mad.” Oliver says.

  I pour myself another glass and gulp it down before he decides he needs another drink. “I guess that’s why I stopped here for my medicine first.” I let him know as I lift my glass saluting him. Oliver gives me that fucking smirk once more before he turns and walks out of the club. I throw our glasses into the sink and wash them out before leaving. The vodka is leaving with me. I can only hope that Hailey is exactly where I left her, at my place, in my bed. I have some anger I need to work the fuck off.

  I weave in and out of the Chicago traffic like a fucking lunatic. At least, that is what I would call anyone else that drove like this, but now, I really don’t give a fuck. I am mad as hell at Frank and I just need to get home before Hailey leaves. I live twenty minutes from the club in downtown Chicago and I love the area. I love being near the action and close to the club. Of course, when I first bought this place, I was running the entire club, but with Frank assuming his role in the family now, I only run the bar. I pull up outside my townhouse and thankfully Hailey’s car is still here. I can’t wait to get inside and take some of this shit out on her.

  I head upstairs to my bedroom and she is exactly where I left her. Hell, she is probably still trying to come off her high. I normally won’t fuck with any of my employees, but Hailey is the exception. Frank will not let me forget it either. She was one of our best bartenders and got into a fight during her shift with another girl I was fucking with. The two should have never met each other, but sometimes shit happens. I had to fire Hailey, but for some reason, she still talks to me and we hook up often. It probably helps that I supply her with the coke that she seems to crave. I would have had to fire her eventually anyway since Frank would have gotten rid of her the minute he suspected her of doing drugs.

  I strip my clothes off and climb into bed with Hailey and she doesn’t even budge. I pull her into me hoping my hard dick will nudge her awake and luckily, she softly moans as I put my leg be
tween hers and push two of my fingers into her. Hailey is now fully awake as she pushes back against me and practically starts to ride my fingers. She turns her head to say something, but I really could care less about anything she should say at this moment. I put my mouth over hers to keep it closed and push her onto her back. I pull my fingers out of her wet pussy and place them into her mouth so she can taste herself on my fingers. As she is sucking them dry, I climb between her legs where I plan on staying for hours and force myself into her.

  I can feel my anger over this new fucking employee start to slip away as I pound into Hailey.


  One black skirt and One white blouse. This is the only thing that I have nice enough to wear for my first night at DeLuca’s. I am so happy that Alexis took pity on me and got me the job. I am sure she had to twist her brother’s arm to hire me, but I will make sure to pay her back eventually. He even gave me the job without an interview and knowing what hours I can work. I will do a good job, I have no other option. I am sure her brother will love me. I am going to volunteer to work nights. I am sure they don’t have many people wanting to work evenings until close.

  I park my beat-up Chevy in the mall parking lot and head inside to the ladies’ room with my backpack. I wave as I walk past Alexis’ soap shop that she owns with her sister-in-law. They both look busy and happy inside their little store. I am so envious of them. I head to the ladies’ room and thankfully it is empty. The last thing I need is the look of pity from others. I grab a paper towel out of the dispenser and wet it enough to wash my face and wash up before going to DeLuca’s. I have a few hours before I should go in, so I wanted to get cleaned up and changed a little early. I pull off my t-shirt and turn to look at my side in the bathroom mirror. My bruises are still fresh and still sensitive to the touch. I freeze at my reflection as I have a flashback of Garth shoving me to the ground. He didn’t start out as abusive, but he gradually became that way. I fell hard and fast for him and I didn’t even see the warning signs that everyone warned me about. Eventually, Garth had me get rid of all my friends because he was convinced they were poisoning my mind against him. If I had listened to them, I wouldn’t be in the mess I am currently in.

  I am still looking at my bruises when an older lady and little girl wanders into the ladies’ room. The lady looks at me and immediately notices the bruises. Her eyes go soft and she rushes the little girl into a stall. Once the little girl is tucked inside, the lady comes over to me and ask if I need help. I tell her that I am good and put my few belongings back into my backpack and put on my white blouse. Once the two have left the bathroom, I change into my black skirt and leave the bathroom to head to the closest makeup counter. You never would believe how convenient department store makeup counters can be. I don’t have any money for makeup, but since I am starting my new job today I know makeup will be mandatory. I walk around the makeup counter waiting for the salesgirl to offer to help me. Once she finally comes over I ask her questions about the line and ask if I could try a foundation, mascara and lip gloss. Most counter girls are all giddy if they can put their makeup on you because they assume you’ll buy the products. Today, I am only looking for a free makeover so she will be very disappointed. I will take her name and come back later to purchase after I get my first paycheck. Right now, my mission is only to look presentable for my first day at the club.

  Once I am all made up and have disappointed the sales girl, I head out to my trusted Chevy. I have a new job to start and I want to be a few minutes early. I get to my car and throw my backpack in the trunk, pulling out my keys to start the car. The car engine stutters and goes dead. I turn the key one more and the same thing happens. This can’t be happening! I say a silent prayer pleading with God to let the car start. I turn the key once again and the same thing happens. I beat on the steering wheel and start screaming wondering what I have done so wrong in life that it keeps shitting on me? I look at my watch and notice I have one hour to be at DeLuca’s and I can’t be late on my first day. I think of Alexis and how nice she was to get me the job and realize that I must ask her for another favor. I get out of the car slamming the door and tempted to kick the door and grab my backpack out of the trunk. I head to Alexis’ soap shop hoping and praying that she will let me borrow her phone. I should let someone know I will be late. I will be late on my first day. I hope they don’t fire me and I hope Alexis doesn’t regret helping me in the first place. When I reach the soap shop, Alexis is at the cash register ringing up a customer and her sister-in-law is talking to someone. I smile at her and she waves at me as I head toward Alexis. She is going to hate the day she met me by the time this is over. The customer picks up her bag and walks away as Alexis looks up at me with a smile.

  “Hey, Adele! Don’t you start at DeLuca’s tonight?” Alexis asks with the biggest, yet most annoying, smile I have received today. I know Alexis is nice, but right now my life sucks and I am in bitch mode.

  “I do. I actually have to be there in one hour.”

  Alexis looks over at the soap shaped clock on the wall and narrows her eyes at me. She is obviously wondering what the hell I am doing at the soap shop when DeLuca’s is at least thirty minutes away and that is with light traffic.

  “I have a problem, Alexis. My car won’t start. I know you have already done so much for me and got me the job, but do you think I can borrow a phone? I just want them to know I will be there, but I will be late.” By the time, I finish my sentence I am practically in tears. I can’t lose this job and being late on my first day won’t impress my new boss.

  Alexis leans behind the counter and grabs a tissue and hands it to me. As I wipe my eyes careful not to mess up my makeup, she has taken off her smock and heads toward her sister-in-law. They both look at me and smile, then Alexis heads back over to me.

  “Let’s go, Adele. I will give you a ride and you won’t have any issues with Frank or Alex.” I look at her, confused, and wonder how she can possibly be so nice and so understanding. This girl obviously hasn’t lived the life of hard knocks the way I have. “How do you know I won’t have any issues? This is my first day and I am going to be late,” I ask.

  Alexis laughs and puts her arm around my shoulder. “Have you ever met my sister-in-law?” she asks and I shake my head. She walks me over to her and introduce us. “This is Lola. She is Frank’s wife. Frank, as in the man that runs Deluca’s. She will be calling him to let him know you had car trouble and I will be bringing you in. He will NOT give you any problems.” Lola gives me another smile and pulls her cell phone out of her back pocket heading towards the register.

  “What about the other guy? Won’t he be pissed that I am late?” I ask her.

  “Frank will protect you from Alex. Besides Frank hired you, so there isn’t much that Alex can do anyway. Let me grab my purse and I will take you.”

  Alexis leads me to her Audi SUV and I don’t even feel deserving enough to sit in it. How much money can someone make from owning a soap shop? I look over at her as she drives rather recklessly through traffic and suddenly realize why she is so nice. This girl probably has everything handed to her on a silver platter. We should be close to the same age and here she is with her own successful store in the mall. She drives a damn Audi SVU, her brothers own a club, and then there is me. I am such a loser and have never caught a decent break in life. I am on the run from my abusive husband and I’m living in my car. I thought I lived the good life. I met Garth right out of high school. He was my first real boyfriend and a few years older than me. What girl doesn’t want the older man who has his head on straight?

  I didn’t want the high school graduate. Yes, they were closer to my age than Garth, but I wanted experience and he had plenty of it. The first-time Garth hit me, I thought I did something wrong. He even told me that I made him do it. I tried to improve my behavior and he would reward me for it. With each reward, it seemed the punishments got a little worse. My major reward was beautiful home that he purchased for us. The house soon be
came my prison. Once we moved in together, his rules got more intense. At first, I couldn’t have friends over, then I couldn’t have my parents visit.

  I had a job that I loved, working at an insurance company and Garth thought one of my male co-workers was too attractive and I soon had to quit that job. Garth took control over my entire life. I couldn’t go to college. I could barely leave the house without Garth. If I did leave the house, I had a certain time to be back. It was hell to go to the grocery store and have two lanes open with coupon clippers. One night, Garth allowed me to go on my own to pick up steaks. There was only one lane open and the cashier had to get a price check. Once I got home, Garth met me at the door. I was late and he broke my nose. I guess that is probably the reason he wanted me to quit the insurance company. My co-workers would have noticed if I showed up constantly with bruises.

  “HELLO! Are you still with me, Adele?” I look up and notice we are at a stop light and Alexis is looking at me smiling.

  “Where did you go, Adele? You haven’t said two words for the last ten minutes!” Alexis chuckles.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I am nervous about starting at the club.”

  “You have nothing to be worried about. Frank will treat you well. You might have problems with Alex at first, but if you do let Frank know. He will address it with him.”

  “Why do you think I’ll have problems with Alex? Does he not want me there?” The light turns green and Alexis hits the gas so hard, my head snaps back.

  “Alex can be difficult, but don’t take it personally. He’s like with that everyone. Once you get to know him, he will still be difficult. His bark is a lot worse than his bite,” Alexis advises.

  “Ok. Note to self: Stay away from Alex.” I turn to look back out the side window.

  “There is one other thing you should know before you implement that plan. Alex is actually the one that runs the bar,” Alexis says before switching lanes to avoid rear-ending another car.

  “What? There wasn’t anything open under the nice brother?”


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