Dirty Assets

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Dirty Assets Page 2

by Rumer Raines

  “No, there wasn’t. Frank really just handles the books and he really doesn’t let anyone go near them,” Alexis advises while again switching lanes to avoid hitting a truck trying to parallel park.

  “Alexis, can I ask you a question that I probably should have asked before?” Alexis looks over at me and nods.

  “How long have you had your driver’s license?”

  Alexis slams on her brakes as the traffic comes to a stop and looks over at me asking, “Why do you ask?”


  The bar is busy as hell tonight. I am watching the bartenders pour drinks and all the waitresses delivering them. I love standing at the top of the stairwell watching money be made. I look at the clock behind the bar and notice this new waitress is fucking late. It’s her first day and she is late. What the hell was Frank thinking to let Alexis talk him into hiring one of her friends? I can only imagine which friend it will be. I must be honest. I have fucked several of her friends, but I don’t want them working for us. I wait another ten minutes and head to Frank’s office.

  “Do you know what time it is, Frankie?” I ask and I can see his eyebrows practically touch his hairline. He hates when I call him Frankie. That’s the only reason why I call him that.

  “I do. Do you know what time it is, Alex?”

  I smirk and close his office door as I head inside to sit in the chair across from him.

  “This new bitch you hired is late. It’s her first day and she really needs a job, but can’t get her ass to work on time?” I practically spit out.

  Frank leans back in his chair running his hand across his beard.

  “She had car trouble. Alexis is bringing her in. They should be here soon.”

  “I don’t think I trust anyone stupid enough to get in a moving vehicle with Alexis behind the damn wheel,” I comment as I place my foot my knee.

  Frank laughs and shakes his head at me. “You’re the one that bought her the damn Audi SUV.”

  “I bought it because I felt better knowing if she had something bigger, people would see her coming. When she had that damn smart car, she drove me home one night and practically drove us under a damn semi.” I couldn’t sleep for three nights thinking about the drive. I knew Alexis needed something bigger on the road. I just hope she doesn’t flip the damn thing over.

  “They will be here soon, Alex. Please remember what I told you. Be nice to her and don’t fuck with her.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me, Frankie? She isn’t some undercover cop or something?

  “No, Alex, she isn’t. Lola said that she just seems down on her luck and that she and Alexis really want to help her.”

  “You know, Frankie, I thought you were soft before, but since the twins were born, you’re practically a pussy for this sentimental bullshit.”

  Frank laughs and leans across the desk.

  “You know, Alex, one day you might meet the woman who reaches down deep to find your cold heart.”

  “The only thing I want any woman to reach down and find, Frankie, is my dick,” I let him know and stand to walk out of the office to wait for this new employee.


  Somehow Alexis and I make it safely to Deluca’s. She pulls into the alley and parks behind a black BMW. I look over at her wondering if she is really going to block this car in and she puts her SVU into park and looks over at me with a smile.

  “Are you going to really park behind this car? What if they need to leave?” I ask and Alexis looks back towards the car.

  “That is actually Frank’s car. I should be okay to park here, I won’t be here long anyway.” She advises as she opens her door and hops out. I sit for a minute wondering if I should even get out. I obviously got the job because Alexis took pity on me. I am a charity case and nothing more. On one hand, I have my pride and on the other hand, I don’t really have the option of having pride. I notice that Alexis has a frown and is walking over to the passenger side, so I open my door to get out.

  “Are you okay, Adele?” Alexis asks.

  “I will be. I guess I am a little nervous about working here. What exactly did you tell your brothers about me?” I watch Alexis for any signs that I should bolt.

  I know I am just being paranoid because there is no way that she could have told her brothers much about me. I haven’t known Alexis very long and I don’t share anything about myself with anyone. I have visited her soap shop a few times to get free samples, which the store always happily hands out. I have gone there once a week for the past two months. After the first few weeks, it seemed I always got a few extra samples and we would start to talk about how it’s made and the ingredients.

  Eventually, I would visit the store and we were on the first name basis. I even started to chit chat with her sister-in-law, who also worked at the store. They both have always been so nice to me, but I should admit I was suspicious of both at the beginning. No one is nice without wanting something. At least, that is what Garth taught me. Everyone has an angle and no one gives without wanting to take something in exchange.

  Garth is the master at this sort of manipulation. He gave me love and attention and he took my soul. He broke me down to the point where I have walls that no one will ever be able to tear down. As much as I want to believe that Alexis is doing this to be nice, I just wonder if she wants something from me. I am not sure what she could want. I have nothing that she would want. I am living in my car that won’t even start and my only belongings can fit into a backpack. I feel my eyes water from thinking about the mess that is my life and I glance up to find Alexis staring at me.

  “Are you okay, Adele?” she asks again.

  I take a deep breath to fight back the tears and shake my head.

  “I am fine. I guess I am just a little scared.”

  “There is nothing to be afraid of. I am not sure If I mentioned this, but Frank used to be a cop. You couldn’t be in better hands. And to answer your question, I only told them that I have a friend that needs a job. I wish I could have hired you at the store, but we just don’t need anyone right now.”

  I am startled when she says that she only told them that I am a friend who needs a job. What else could she have mentioned to them? Am I wrong about Alexis? Does she know more than she’s letting on? I am about to ask when the back door opens and a big, intense-looking guy walks out. He is wearing black slacks and a blue button-down shirt that has the top buttons open. He looks over at Alexis and looks back to me and I notice he has the most intense blue eyes I have ever seen. He has dark hair that looks longer in the middle and the sides look like they were shaved.

  “Alexis? Why are you just standing out here?” he asks as he eyes me and I start to feel nervous.

  “Hi, Thomas! I was just giving Adele a pep talk. This is your new waitress. She’ll be starting tonight.” Alexis is practically giddy as this guy turns to look at me again and I am starting to think he already doesn’t like me.

  “I didn’t think we needed another waitress,” he advises and Alexis squints her eyes at him as she turns to look back at me.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that you’re not in charge of hiring the staff. I guess everyone would be overworked and there would be only one waitress. Frank hired her and there is a need,” Alexis says and I can tell there is a little attitude in her voice.

  “Does Alex know about this new waitress?” Thomas asks Alexis, but his eyes are narrowed on me.

  “Of course, he does, and we had better get inside or she’ll be late.” Alexis walks past Thomas to open the door and holds it open for me. He doesn’t even budge as I turn sideways to get past him. I hope to work here doesn’t cause me a lot of grief. I already have one angry man after me, the last thing I need is to have another one on my case.

  As we walk into the club, I am startled as the door slams shut behind me. I jump and bump into Alexis and she turns to look at me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay Adele?” she asks and I am tempted to tell her that I’m not. As I
am about to spill all the beans and tell her this won’t work out and this isn’t for me I hear a voice coming from behind her.

  “Alexis, I see your friend decided to show up for work today. It must be nice to be friends with the bosses’ sister and feel you can show up whenever the hell you want to.”

  Alexis turns around and when she does I see him. He must be at least 6 feet 2 and is wearing a black t-shirt with black slacks. He has dark hair that is cut short and has chocolate brown eyes. He has a scowl on his face, and he has the sexiest scruff on his jawline. He has his arms crossed and I can’t help but noticed they are both covered with tattoos. He obviously works out, because he looks built. I don’t think working here will be a good idea. I can look at him and tell there will be a problem. He is already being a jerk and judging from previous relationships, I easily fall for jerks.

  I hear two voices in the background, but I can’t make out the words. It sounds like they may be arguing and I should walk out and let them be. I really consider it, but I realize that I don’t have my car and that angry guy, Thomas, is still outside.

  “What the hell is wrong with her? Did you talk Frank into hiring a deaf mute?” Alex asks as I snap out of my trance and look over to see Alexis and Alex both standing in front of me.


  I practically stomp back downstairs to the bar after once again arguing with Frank. I don’t want some friend of Alexis’ working at the club. It will only lead to problems and you’d think that since Frank is the responsible brother he would know that. We have illegal shit going on here all time and the last thing we need is Alexis’ friend sniffing around. Alexis is completely innocent in all this shit and I want to keep her that way. I have the reputation of being the loose cannon in the family, the careless one and I will own that reputation. I am proud of it and would tattoo the word across my fucking forehead if I could, but I have limitations. I am very protective of Alexis and will kill anything that hurts her. If Alexis sheds a tear, whoever caused it will shed bucket loads of them before I pull the trigger. This reason alone makes me doubtful that this new waitress will work out. If she sees anything and runs to tattle back to Alexis, I will have no other choice but to kill her. I have a feeling that Alexis would be smart enough to realize that her friend has suddenly disappeared and will cause trouble. I have no idea why Frank can’t see that coming. After arguing with him for almost thirty minutes, I decided to give the fuck up and handle the shit on my own. I will have no other choice, but to make sure this new waitress quits on her own. This bitch needs to be out faster than she arrived.

  I am halfway down the steps when I hear Alexis. I find her and my unwanted new waitress standing in the bar. I can’t see her because Alexis is blocking my view. I reach the bottom of the steps and make my vicious comments about her finally being courteous enough to show up for her job and Alexis turns around to greet me. When she moves, I see the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid my eyes on. She is wearing a form fitting black skirt with a white shirt. The shirt almost looks uncomfortable as it buttoned up to her neck and her dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She has the most beautiful olive complexion and dark brown eyes. I look back into Alexis’ angry eyes and know she is pissed at my comments. We argue for a few minutes and I look back at this girl.

  “You do realize you can’t show up whenever the hell you want, don’t you?” I practically growl at her and Alexis hits me on the arm.

  “Can you please try to be nice?” Alexis asks as I look over my new waitress who doesn’t answer or even budge as we're standing here discussing her.

  I look back at Alexis, asking her what the hell is this girl’s problem and she finally snaps out of her little trance and looks between Alexis and me.

  “I had car problems. I do understand that I have a start time and I will arrive before that time.” She finally answers and I can’t help but notice how soft and timid her voice is.

  “How do you expect to get to work tomorrow night if you have car problems?” I ask her and for some reason, I feel a little guilty asking her.

  “I will get here on time, sir,” she answers and looks down at the floor.

  “Oh, my GOD. You don’t have to call him sir, Adele. His name is Alex and he runs the bar, but Frank signs your paychecks,” Alexis says and she is obviously trying to soothe this girl.

  I don’t like this shit at all. I have a bad feeling and I know I am right about it. I’m about to ask her more questions when the back door slams shut and Adele practically jumps out of her skin and bumps into Alexis.

  Thomas comes in with a smirk on his face looking at the three of us. He raises his eyebrow looking at Adele and back to me. Even he knows this shit won’t work.

  “I see you’ve met your new waitress, Alex. I didn’t think we needed anyone, but Alexis said I was wrong,” Thomas says as he looks over Adele.

  “You’re right, Thomas. We don’t need anyone, but you know how Frank likes to help charities.” My voice is cold and I look over and Adele and I can practically see her shiver from my voice.

  “Will you two please stop? Frank hired Adele because you do need help. Why don’t we head up to meet Frank? He is your new boss and he is much more pleasant to talk to.” Alexis grabs Adele by the arm and they head up to Frank’s office.

  I watch as they head up the stairs and notice that Adele glances back towards me. I walk back to the bar and pull a glass out to pour myself a vodka. I look up and Thomas is standing across from me shaking his head with a smirk on his face.

  “You know this will never work, don’t you?” Thomas comments as if I don’t already know this. I don’t even answer him lifting my glass to my mouth.

  “This girl will be trouble. If she is here, that means Alexis will show up more. If Alexis shows up she will start asking questions and sticking her nose in places it doesn’t belong.” Thomas looks at me and I remain silent. I reach under the bar and pull out the bottle of vodka, pouring more into my glass

  “Are you going to handle this, Alex, or do you need me to?” he asks as I place my empty glass on the counter.

  “I will handle it. She’ll be gone within a week,” I tell him as I glare up at Frank’s closed office door.

  I like to think I have mellowed since Frank took over. I haven’t committed any unnecessary crimes and I have kept my temper in check. I am no boy scout but when someone had to be handled, they’re left with broken bones, but they lived. I considered broken rib cages, legs, or backs the lesser punishments than I normally would have given. No one wants to fuck with me and I prefer it that way. I run this neighborhood. Any dealer that sell in this area gives the club a cut. We don’t deal drugs, but were damn sure going to take some of their profit. Frank prefers to stay out of it. He only knows the bar makes a lot of money and the other families bring their extra cash in and we make it look legit. He thinks we only take a cut of what they bring in and never questioned all my personal business dealings. Thomas and I handle this portion of it and it’s understandable why he doesn’t want this new girl and Alexis hanging around. If the drugs and money laundering isn’t enough, Oliver has that damn sex club upstairs too.

  I look back over at Thomas and nod.

  “She will be gone in a week.”


  Alexis was so right. Frank is much nicer than Alex. He made me feel so wanted and appreciated and I hadn’t even gotten started. He swore to me that I wasn’t the charity case that Alex made me sound like and advised that I was to talk to him if Alex gave me any problems. He reassured me that I work for him and not Alex. I feel so much better now that I have talked to Frank. He even asked me if my car would be fixed before tomorrow and if it wouldn’t be, he asked if I would need a ride. I really didn’t know what I would be doing about my car. I don’t have the money to get it fixed and won’t until my first paycheck. Frank and Alexis look at each other and I can tell they noticed my hesitation to answer his questions.

  “How about we start with this paperwork and we’l
l figure out the transportation later?” Frank pushes a few papers across his desk along with pen and I start to get nervous.

  I am okay with the name portion, but I freeze when I get to the address. I am fucked and my eyes tear up as I look at the blank form. I don’t know what I should do. I should have known that any employer would ask for my home address, but I didn’t prepare myself for the answer. I just need money so I can get a place. I am going to lose this job before I even start it. I look up and notice that both Frank and Alexis are staring at me.

  “Would you mind if I use the restroom?” I ask and Frank nods his head. Alexis jumps up from her seat indicating that she’ll show me where it is. I only hope it’s still on this floor and that I don’t have to go back downstairs to a hostile Alex. He’ll probably get offended that I would ask to use the bathroom since I haven’t even started to work.

  The restroom is two doors down from Frank’s office, so I am not sure why Alexis couldn’t have just said where it was. As I push open the door, Alexis grabs the door handle and keeps it shut. I look over at her and tilt my head.

  “What are you doing, Alexis?” I ask.

  “You don’t have to go to the bathroom, Adele. This is a stall tactic. Why did you get pale when you were filling out the employee records form?” she asks and I have to wonder if I went pale again.

  “I do need to go and I am not stalling. Can I go in now before I have an accident that Alex will fire me for? God knows the first thing out of his mouth will be Frank hires a grown woman who wets herself.”

  Once Alexis releases the door handle, I walk in and lock the door. She was right. I don’t need to go, but I need a few minutes to think. I don’t have a fucking address, but I need this job. I can’t use my old address because if I do and they send anything, Garth will know where to find me. I think back to my mother always telling me that honesty is the best policy, but I don’t know if this situation is one of those cases. What if they won’t hire me because I live in my car? I walk over to the sink and splash water on my face and realize what I should do. Alexis has been very kind to me and I don’t think she would harbor hard feelings towards me. Frank has been nice so far, so I think I can trust him enough to share my secret. I just should bite the bullet and let these two people in. I’ll make them promise not to tell anyone else, especially that Alex. I can only imagine what he would say. “You hired some loser that doesn’t even have a home.”


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