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Dirty Assets

Page 10

by Rumer Raines

  After being ignored by Adele, I start to lock up and I call the hotel manager. I know they won’t give me the room number at the desk. I just need to talk to the manager and encourage him to do what’s right. I send her one final text. I tell her that I am coming to get her. I don’t even care if she reads it. I’ll be a surprise knocking on her fucking door. She will be coming home with me tonight even if I carry her kicking and screaming through the lobby.

  When I am on my way to pick up Adele my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and I see that it’s her. I answer the phone and start to talk before she does

  “Adele… I’ll be there in five minutes,” I tell her and hopefully, she’ll be ready when I get there. Adele tries to tell me that she is staying with Nick. This only pisses me off more because I never even considered they may be in the same room. I again inform her that I’ll be there in five minutes and hang up on her. When I get to the hotel, I park in front and head up to her room. The closer I get to the room the angrier I become. She left with this guy and came to a fucking hotel with him? When I finally get to her room I don’t know whether I should knock or kick in the fucking door. I take a deep calming breath and start to bang on the door yelling, “Adele! Open the FUCKING door!”

  Adele doesn’t answer the door. Nick opens it and he is only wearing boxers. I close my eyes and hope like hell Adele is fully dressed or I will snap this guy’s neck. I don’t care what family he belongs to or how he is connected. I will snap his neck and have his body taken care of before the housekeeper shows up tomorrow morning. He holds out his arm for me to come into the room and I narrow my eyes at him. I don’t know if I should walk in or just tell him to send Adele out. Will she even come out? I close my eyes and walk into the room, past this guy and it takes everything in me not to elbow him as I do so.

  Adele is sitting on the bed and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see she is dressed. I guess Nick can live tonight and I can get Adele out of here without her looking at me like a murderer. As I walk towards her I notice there is another door open in the room, they had adjoining rooms. I close my eyes briefly as I continue toward Adele. I turn back to Nick and ask if he can give us a few minutes to talk. Nick looks to Adele for permission before he leaves and she nods that it’s okay. I walk over and sit next to her on the bed. I can feel her stiffen as my arm brushes hers.

  “I don’t know where to start with you,” I say to Adele because I don’t know what to say to her. I am not used to having to explain my actions to others. I am not used to wanting to say the right thing to anyone.

  “You don’t have to start anywhere. You can just leave and forget about me. Nick is here and I’ll be ok,” Adele says softly and I shake my head and pinch my nose.

  “That’s the thing, Adele. I don’t want to leave you, and I sure as hell can’t forget you. I have never felt this way before so I don’t know exactly how to deal with it. All I know is, if you decide you’re staying in this room tonight, I am staying with you. I would prefer you come home with me, but It’s up to you where we stay,” I tell her, and as I say these things to Adele and I feel ripped open. I just gave her what she needs to hurt me.

  I look over at Adele and she is watching me with watery eyes. She tilts her head and glances around the room. Adele stands up and walks over to her backpack.

  “I guess it would be silly of me to waste the groceries you bought for us. I didn’t even get a chance to cook most of it,” Adele states and I stand up to walk toward her. I stop within inches and place my hands on her face and tilt my head as I move closer to her. This is the first time my lips touch hers and she opens to me as I taste her. She moans as she leans closer to me and I pull away to look into her eyes. This was the first time I got a taste of Adele, but I can promise this won’t be the last time.


  I roll over to check the caller ID to my phone and it’s Alexis. I look over at the clock on the nightstand because it seems early for her to be calling me. It’s eleven thirty so I suppose it’s not that early, I just got in late last night.


  “Good morning, Adele. How are you?” Alexis asks.

  I move to my back and stare at the ceiling as I decide how to answer her question.

  “I am okay. How are you?”

  “I am okay, but confused. Frank said you would be staying at Lola’s old house. It doesn’t look like you’ve been staying there?” Alexis confusion in her voice and I must wonder how she would even know this.

  “How do you know I haven’t been there?” I ask as I sit up in bed.

  “Well, you went radio silent so I wanted to check on you. I don’t want you to be mad, but Lola gave me a key before she and Frank left town. She gave it to me for emergencies.”

  “Emergencies?” I question.

  “Yes. She said in case you didn’t show up for work and Alex started acting suspicious.” Alexis laughs but I know she is being serious “SO where are you staying, Adele?”

  “I had a problem at the house, so I am actually staying with one of the girls from the club.” I lie.

  “What kind of problem did you have and which girl are you staying with?” Alexis asks.

  “It’s a long story, but I am staying with Brenda,” I tell her as I hope she isn’t friends with Brenda.

  “Oh okay. What time do you have to go in tonight?”

  “I actually don’t have to be in until five,” I tell her.

  “How about we have a quick lunch? I would love to get together and talk,” Alexis offers and truthfully, I would love that too. I just need to do normal for once.

  “That sounds great, Alexis. Is two a good time?” I ask and Alexis agrees to meet me at a pizza place that is a block away from Deluca’s.

  I take a shower and rip the tags off one of my new outfits. As I prepare myself mentally to head downstairs, I say a silent prayer and hope that Alex is not in a bad mood. If I am lucky he is not even here, but I doubt he’d leave the house without telling me so I know that is a stupid thought. As I get to the bottom step the front door opens and Alex walks in. He is dripping wet from sweat and he is wearing workout pants but no shirt. He wipes the sweat off his forehead as he pushes the door closed and looks at me.

  “Are you going somewhere?” he asks as he looks me over.

  “Yes. I am actually having lunch with Alexis,” I tell him and his eyebrows rise.

  “Where are you two going?”

  “That pizza place that’s a block away from Deluca’s. I figured I could have Uber take me and then walk to the club afterward.”

  Alex narrows his eyes as if he is suddenly deep in thought. “I’ll drop you off and pick you up when you’re done,” he states and heads upstairs. I shake my head deciding if it would be wise to follow him up, which it wasn’t. When Alex walks through his bedroom door, he starts to pull off his shorts and I gasp in the doorway. He pulls them back up and turns around to face me.

  “Adele?” He questions as his eyes darken when he turns towards me.

  “Alex, I really would like to take the damn Uber.”

  “Adele… this really isn’t up for discussion. I haven’t tracked down Garth and we know he’s in Chicago and looking for you.”

  “You think he drives Uber?” I ask and Alex narrows his eyes at me.

  I finally win one and Alex agrees to let me take Uber to the restaurant. I only had to promise to text upon my arrival and when I leave the restaurant. Alexis is waiting for me at a table. We have three hours before I must be at the club. We talk and I laugh more than I have in months, if not years. Alexis talks about her store and about growing up with Frank and Alex. She talks about how overprotective they were with her being the only girl. I can completely understand it because it feels like they are being overprotective of me as well. As Alexis starts to talk about her niece and nephew I hear my phone beep. Oh shit! I forgot to text Alex when I arrived. I pull out my phone and text him letting him know that I made it safe and sound.

  Our waiter comes to
the table and we order a large pizza and two medium sodas. We both notice how attractive he is and he is obviously a flirt. He manages to flirt with us both and I notice Alexis blushing. He gives us both a big smile displaying his dimples and leaves us as we both watch him walk away. Alexis picks up her napkin and pretends to fan herself. I want to ask Alexis if she has a boyfriend, but I don’t want to touch the subject of men with her.

  “Do you think we can pick up a little more than pizza?” Alexis asks as she continues to fan herself.

  “I think you could. He looked interested.”

  Alexis squints her eyes at me and puts the napkin down

  “I’m sorry, Adele. The last thing you’re probably interested in is men.”

  “It’s okay. I still have needs and urges. I just ignore them right now,” I tell her.

  “Really? There are a lot of attractive men at Deluca’s. Teddy is hot and Thomas is cute if you overlook him being a jerk. Even the frequent customers aren’t that bad. None of them make you want to give men a second chance?”

  My mind immediately goes to Alex. I wonder why she didn’t bring him up? He is very attractive and her brother. Maybe she doesn’t see him in that way since he is her brother? Or maybe she doesn’t think I should get too involved with him because he is like Garth.

  “You didn’t mention Alex? He’s attractive too,” I advise and her eyes widen.


  “Yes, your brother, Alex. You didn’t mention him, why not?” I ask as I tilt my head watching her for the response.

  “Well the last time I was at the club, he wasn’t very nice to you,” she advises.

  “Neither was Thomas, but you mentioned him.”

  “True. I guess I just think Alex isn’t a long term romantic relationship type of guy. He is more of the love ‘em and leave ‘em type. To be honest, he’s not even that, he’s more of the sleep with them then ditch them type. I couldn’t see any decent girl having a chance with him. You’re not interested in him, are you?”

  “No. He’s a jerk,” I lie as our pizza is delivered to the table. As we both grab our first slice of pizza, Alexis’ eyes narrow on me.

  “How is the club working out for you? Is everything okay with Frank being gone?” she asks and I put my slice of pizza back on my plate.

  “It’s okay. I am having issues with one of the other girls, but other than a little female bitchiness all is good.”

  “It’s Angie, isn’t it? Alexis questions and I tilt my head looking at her.

  “How did you know that?” I ask.

  “Angie is known for being a bitch. I don’t know why she is still working at the club. I guess sleeping with the boss helps.” Alexis rolls her eyes and takes another bite of pizza.

  After we have finished half of our pizza, we ask the cute waiter for a box to take the rest with us. I notice Alexis watching him as he walks behind me to the back. She has a huge smile on her face and I can’t help but think she is a shameless flirt. I lean over the table to get her attention.

  “Can you be a little less obvious?” I tease.

  “Umm. I have moved on. I am looking at the hot blond guy that keeps staring at us. Don’t look now, but he’s on his way over.”

  I sit up and notice there is someone now standing by the table. I look up and meet the angry eyes of Garth.


  Despite my better judgment Adele uses Uber to meet Alexis. I walk her to the car once Uber pulls up and honks for her. I advise him where she will be dropped off and tell him to stay in the area to pick her up. He didn’t look impressed with me giving him orders, but if he doesn’t follow them he’ll wish had. I don’t know what to do with Adele out of the house. I normally have company when I’m here at the house. It’s always some girl who is too eager to please and it always killed a lot of time. Now I don’t have any interest in having any girl here other than Adele. We didn’t talk about the kiss when we got back to my house. I had the feeling she would prefer to forget it happened if she can. Adele is breaking down walls that I enjoyed having. She is getting under my skin and it’s really starting to bug the hell out of me.

  I walk into my home office and sit at my desk. I turn on my computer and decide to do some research on Garth. We can’t find squat on the guy. He has no social media and even looked at the online court records and can’t find shit on him. I slam my fist on the desk and start to pace my office. I decide to go into the kitchen to find something to eat. There must be something in there that’s easy to whip up. I open the refrigerator and nothing looks appealing to me. As I slam the door shut, my cell phone rings. I glance at the caller ID and see that it’s Oliver.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “I have good news for you. We found him,” Oliver tells me and my heart starts to race.

  “Where the hell is he?”

  “Right now, he’s at Marcello’s. He’s been in Chicago this whole time,” Oliver says and I hold my head down wondering why Marcello’s sound so damn familiar.

  “What is Marcello’s? It sounds familiar,” I ask Oliver.

  “It should sound familiar. It’s that pizza place that is a block away from Deluca’s,” Oliver says and I rub my hand through my hair as I grab my keys and run towards the door.

  “We need to get someone to Marcello’s right now. Adele and Alexis are there. He’s after Adele,” I yell into the phone as I hop into my car and pull out of my driveway.

  “I can be there in five minutes, Alex,” He replies and I hang up the phone. I feel too far away and useless. I realize it’s a twenty-five-minute ride, but every second that Garth is near Adele she is in danger. Thankfully, she is in a public place. Hopefully, she’ll stay there. She also has Alexis there, but I am not too happy with that either. I run the first stop light and look in the rear-view mirror to make sure there isn’t a cop behind me. I cut off cars and push the legal limits regarding my speed. When another car cuts me off and stops at the light I pull out my phone to call Adele. The phone rings three times and when I get ready to toss my phone she answers.

  “Hello,” Adele answers and I can tell something is wrong.

  “It’s me. Is he there with you?” I ask knowing she’ll know who the hell I am talking about.

  “Yes,” she answers quietly.

  “Is Alexis still there?” I ask.

  “Yes,” Adele answers and it tears me up hearing the fear in her voice.

  “I need you to listen to me, Adele. I am sending someone to the restaurant. His name is Oliver and Alexis knows him so she’ll acknowledge him when he arrives. Don’t leave the table. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  After a minute of hesitation, she finally responds “Okay.”

  Adele hangs up and I call Oliver to ask where he is. He tells me he’ll be there in two minutes and I take a deep breath hoping he gets there quicker than that. I make one last call and that is to Alexis. She answers on the first ring.

  “Yes, Alex,” she answers with annoyance in her voice.

  “Alexis... The guy that is with you is Adele’s husband. Don’t leave her alone with him. Oliver is minutes away and I’ll be there soon,” I tell her as I hit my break to avoid rear ending a car.

  “I don’t understand how do you know that,” she says and I notice that she is quieter than she was a minute ago, so he is very close.

  “We were looking for him and found him heading into that restaurant. I just got off the phone with Adele and she confirmed that he’s there with you.”

  “Okay. I understand, honey. I really need to go,” Alexis says and I know that he must be getting suspicious.

  “We’ll be there soon,” I tell her and hit the gas.


  My heart stops for a few seconds when I look up and meet the angry eyes of Garth. I can hear Alexis talking to him in the background, but I don’t comprehend what she is saying. I am wondering how he’ll force me out of this restaurant. Will he whisper threats in my ear that will have me going home with him? Will he grab me by the
hair and pull me out as I scream? I guess the second option isn’t really his style. Garth was an abuser, but he could appear to be so captivating to everyone else. He would never pull me out by my hair, he wouldn’t want to look bad in front of others. He always was a charmer and he is obviously charming the hell out of Alexis. I close my eyes briefly as I hear her laughter and turn to look at her. The moment I do, she slides over and Garth throws his arm over the back of her chair and turns to look at me.

  It should be illegal at how he can switch personalities. One moment he is laughing and bewitching the hell out of Alexis and the next minute he glances at me and there is such hate. I am not sure why Alexis would invite him to sit with us. Apparently, someone never heard of stranger danger. I turn to look at the door and wonder if I would even make it out. I know I can’t make a run for it though because if he didn’t come after me, he’d be here with Alexis. I can’t put her in that kind of danger.

  “I have obviously won the lottery. Not one, but two beautiful women.” I hear Garth say.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls, Garrett.” Alexis laughs as she softly hits Garth on the chest.

  “I’m sorry. Garrett?” I close my eyes and shake my head.

  “I knew you weren’t paying attention! You totally zoned out when introductions were being made Adele. This is Garrett. He didn’t want to eat alone so I invited him to our table.” Alexis says as she smiles back over at Garth.

  “We’re done eating. We’re just waiting for a box and the check.” I say.

  “Don’t be rude, Adele. Besides if you must leave, you can go ahead and I can sit and chat with Garrett.”

  I look back at Garth and he has a smug look on his face. There is no way in hell I would leave Alexis here alone with him.

  “Are you in a rush to get somewhere? I’d hate to be interrupting something,” Garth says as he squints his eyes at me.

  “I don’t. Adele needs to get to work soon.”


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