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Cold Hands, Warm...

Page 2

by Jade Falconer

  Billy's hand slid further around Paul's waist. " don't mind...this?" He leaned closer, wriggling a little further under Paul's arm, shifting down the mattress by a few inches so he was pressed against his side.

  "N-no," Paul replied shakily. Was Billy trying to kill him? The warm body pressed against him was not helping Paul to sort out his own feelings. There was another boy pressed against him, but his body didn't seem to care, and went on being aroused. He tightened his arm around Billy's shoulders.

  Billy was unsure. Paul's reaction was tentative, but he wasn't rejecting him. "Does that like it?" he asked, smiling a little.

  Paul could feel the chill of the outside room, and it was cozy under the blanket. But he knew that wasn't what Billy meant. "I...I think so," he whispered, blushing bright pink and closing his eyes. "It's...I've never..."

  Billy was encouraged and he nuzzled Paul's cheek. "I'll stop if you want me to," he whispered. He hoped Paul didn't want him to stop. He wanted to go further.

  Stop? Stop what? What were they doing? Paul didn't have a clue and he was afraid to ask. But it felt good and he was so hard that he could barely think. "D-don't stop."

  Billy smiled. Even if Paul wasn't completely sure about it, he wasn't dismissing it. He was curious. Billy ducked his head and pressed his lips against the side of Paul's neck. "You can tell me to stop any time." he said.

  "Oh, God," Paul whimpered, lifting his chin to give Billy more access. Billy's soft nuzzles seemed to go straight to his erection, and his eyes rolled back in his head. A guy was kissing his neck. And he wanted it.

  Billy's fingers traced the edge of Paul's belt buckle through his T shirt. He couldn't quite believe his handsome roommate was actually into it. He nibbled on his earlobe, aching to hear that beautiful voice again.

  This time Paul moaned out loud, and he didn't try to quiet down. "Billy," he gasped, panting now. That hand was so close. He couldn't voice what he wanted, though. Not yet. So with a trembling hand he took Billy's hand, and gently moved it lower to his very obvious arousal. He wanted Billy to know how affected he was.

  That made Billy whimper a little. He could tell he was into it, but he didn't realize exactly how into it he was. He rubbed the heel of his hand slowly and firmly up and down the hard line. "I...I've thought you were hot since school started," he whispered.

  Paul was lost already, moaning at the touch. "Oh God, I...I didn't know," he panted. The thought that his roommate had been thinking about him...about this...was extremely hot right now. "Feels good..." He wasn't completely inexperienced, but he'd only had one girlfriend back home and she'd never touched him like this.

  Billy really wanted to kiss him, but he wasn't sure if Paul was quite ready for that. He cuddled down under the blanket some more, and tugged Paul's belt buckle open. "Is this okay?" he asked.

  Paul tried to reply, but his voice came out as a squeak, so he tried again. "Yes," he finally said, swallowing hard. "Oh God," he moaned, trying to mentally prepare himself for Billy touching his cock. He hoped he wouldn't come right away. He ached.

  Billy deftly unbuttoned and unzipped him. He watched Paul's face, drinking every detail of every expression. He was so handsome. He slid his fingers inside, and gently curled them around the hot hard flesh.

  Paul cried out, gasping Billy's name. No one had ever touched him like this, and he wanted it so badly. There was a hand on his cock, a boy's actual hand, and already he was close. He arched up into Billy's hand, gasping anew at the friction that it brought.

  Billy whimpered. Paul's reaction was better than anything he'd ever seen. He sucked wetly on the other boy's neck as he started to stroke him. He'd done this before, but only a few times. He pushed his body more firmly against him under the blanket until his own erection pressed against Paul's hip, which made him moan aloud.

  Paul became dimly aware of a hardness against him, and it was a moment before he realized what it was. It was Billy's...oh, God, Billy was hard from this, too. He moaned more loudly and instead of upsetting him it just aroused him more.

  Billy realized that there was no good way to do this without some kind of lubrication. He looked at Paul's face with a little uncertainty, then burrowed under the quilt. In a moment he was bending over Paul's body in the dark, close warmth. He swirled his tongue around the head of Paul's cock daintily, wetting it.

  Paul almost screamed then; it happened so fast he had had no time to prepare himself for Billy's mouth on him. He'd definitely never experienced this before, and it blew his mind as he felt the wet heat of the mouth on him. It felt so far beyond good that he knew he was only going to last moments.

  Again, Paul's reaction spurred Billy on. He'd never imagined what a turn on it would be to give someone so much pleasure. He sucked him into his mouth as far as he could, pressing his lips firmly around him.

  It just got better and better, and Paul thought he was going to die. Well, at least he'd die happy. There was heat and wet and suction and suddenly he had to see what it looked like. He lifted the blanket, looking underneath, and that made him moan even more. His cock was in his roommate's mouth. "Oh, Billy, I'm gonna..." He could feel it, he was coming, and he couldn't stop it if he tried.

  Billy whimpered a little and sucked harder, bobbing his head a little as he felt Paul's cock pulse into his mouth. He swallowed clumsily. He knew something about blowjobs, but this was the first time he'd ever actuallyattempted one.

  Paul was nineteen years old. He wasn't a virgin. But nothing in his limited sexual experience compared with this. The sheer eroticism of coming in Billy's mouth, watching it, was something he'd never imagined. It seemed to last forever, thebest climax of his life.

  Billy slowly pulled back. He felt embarrassed all of a sudden, and he lowered his eyes as he straightened up. He tugged Paul's boxers up and pulled the covers up over them again. He looked up at Paul shyly. It suddenly occurred to him that they had the whole rest of the weekend together and his heart skipped a beat.

  Paul slumped back to the bed, still breathing hard. He looked at Billy, stunned. He knew he had to say something, but he didn't know what. He settled for, "That was amazing." He licked his lips. "I...I've never felt anything like that." He blushed again, and tried to smile. He could barely move.

  Billy smiled and pulled the quilt up over Paul. He leaned back against the headboard, wanting to give him a little space. "I'm glad you're not freaked out," he said. "I don't usually...I mean...I've never done that before."

  "Really?" Paul blurted, then smiled. "I mean, it was very good," he added sheepishly. "Not that I've ever felt that before." He looked shyly at Billy. "It would be kind of hypocritical of me to be freaked out now, wouldn't it?" Strangely, he felt centered right now. As if things were becoming more clear.

  Billy smirked a little. "I guess so," he said quietly. He was still ragingly aroused, though he felt like he could almost get his body under control. "You've"...had a blowjob? Liked a guy? He wanted to ask so many things, but he wasn't sure how. But above all, he wanted to know if Paul liked him, specifically.

  Paul was feeling sated. "I've never done a lot of stuff," he admitted, reaching out shyly and putting his hand on Billy's hip. He wanted to return the favor. His thumb slipped under Billy's T-shirt, and he traced the soft skin over his hipbone tentatively.

  Billy's breath hitched as he stared into Paul's eyes. "I...I really...l like you, Paul," he said. Paul was voluntarily touching him, and he wanted to sob with relief.

  "I like you, too," Paul breathed. "I wish we'd spent more time together this year," he said. Maybe this would have happened sooner. But now..."But I guess we can make up for lost time this weekend, huh?" He smiled; the way Billy looked at him made him feel good. He moved his hand to the other man's stomach, pushing up his shirt and touching the silky skin.

  Billy nibbled on his bottom lip, smiling hopefully at the other boy. "Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly. His heart was pounding and his young body was almost trembling with des

  Paul's eyes widened. He hadn't thought of kissing. "Of course," he said, leaning close. He hadn't even kissed anyone in ages. He wondered if it would feel different to kiss a guy.

  Billy reached up and let his hand rest against Paul's face. He leaned closer and pressed against his lips. His eyes fluttered closed, and he felt as if he'd died and gone to heaven, alone in his room with a handsome boy who liked him.

  It didn't feel like kissing a girl. It felt better. Paul whimpered a little and kissed back, scooting closer to Billy on the bed. His hand went to Billy's back, stroking softly.

  They were definitely making out now, and Billy melted against Paul. He slid his hand around Paul's neck and parted his lips, stroking the tip of his tongue over Paul's. He turned towards him more, sliding his knee up over Paul's thigh.

  Paul parted his mouth readily, suddenly eager to be as close as possible to this sweet boy. The warmth of his body was amazing and he couldn't get enough. The feel of Billy's arousal against him was different, but not upsetting. He pressed closer.

  Billy took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue into Paul's mouth. He moaned quietly, wriggling against Paul's body. He lost all concern over whether things were moving too fast, or whether Paul was really sure that he wanted this. His body only wanted one thing, and his thoughts turned to that.

  Paul moaned, his tongue meeting the other man's. Billy's body against him threatened to arouse him once again. He wanted more, more contact, and impulsively he moved, rolling on top of Billy, carefully, because the bed was small.

  Billy whimpered. The pressure of Paul's body on top of him was amazing and he wriggled a little to spread his knees apart. When he did, their cocks ground together and he whimpered again into Paul's mouth. He could feel that the room was still chilly, but beneath the blanket it felt blisteringly hot.

  Paul pulled back from the kiss, panting. It felt so good to be on top of Billy, but he wanted to be sure. "Is this okay?" he asked, rapidly hardening at the intimate contact.

  Billy nodded, panting softly. " you..." He bit his lip, feeling shy again. "It would be better...without clothes," he said, flushing at his own boldness.

  "Oh God," moaned Paul, fully hard again. He smiled and said, "We'll really have to try hard to keep warm, then." The room was even colder than before. The college must have shut off the heat to the whole building, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

  Billy giggled a little. He nodded. "Yes. Very hard," he breathed. He licked his lips, turning serious for a moment. "I know this is all really fast, but I really want you."

  Paul just looked at Billy for a moment. "You mean..." He trailed off. He wanted to be sure what Billy was asking for.

  Billy reached up and combed his fingers through Paul's soft bangs. "Please, I want you to fuck me," he whispered, his cock throbbing as he said the words.

  Paul gasped softly. It was the most arousing thing he had ever heard, and he suddenly wanted it more than anything. "Oh, Billy," he panted. "Have you ever..." He had had sex with a former girlfriend, but only a few times, and he suspected things would be different with a boy. But at least there was no question about how it would go. Billy was asking to be fucked.

  Billy shook his head. "No. But I know what to do. I" He glanced over at his bed, to the small plastic case beneath it. He turned his eyes back to Paul. "I have everything we need. If you want to," he added. "Do you?"

  Paul didn't even hesitate. "Yes," he said immediately. "I want it. I want you." He rocked against Billy, the idea of fucking him making him pant.

  Billy breathed a sigh of relief and smiled up at Paul. Now that he knew that Paul wanted him, he felt reassured. "You want to fuck me, Paul?" he asked. "You want to slide your big, thick cock inside me?" He was only torturing himself, but it was delicious. It had been so long since he even touched another human being, he was starving for it.

  Paul's eyes went wide. He'd thought he couldn't get harder, but Billy's words were making him breathe hard. "God, yes," he whispered. "You're so fucking hot..." Something about Billy just tapped into his most secret fantasies. He hadn't even admitted it to himself, but he'd been fascinated with Billy since they'd first met.

  Billy ran his tongue along his lips again. "Would you get off of me for a couple of minutes?" he asked. He was loathe to venture out from under the covers, but he knew it would feel wonderful when he got back under them again.

  "Do I have to?" Paul grinned, but he rolled off Billy. He took the opportunity to pull his shirt off as he did so. He was aching once again, with the thought that he was going to fuck his sexy roommate.

  Billy wriggled out from under the covers, and unzipped his thin hoodie, then pulled off his long-sleeved T-shirt. He grabbed the box from under his bed and fished out a little tube and a foil packet, placing it on the small nightstand next to Paul's bed. He moved quickly, because it was freezing in the room, and shed his jeans, boxers and socks, before diving shyly back under the blanket. He smiled at Paul. "Brr," he said, smiling.

  Paul only caught a brief glimpse of pale bare skin before it was covered again. He felt a little sad at that. He'd wanted to look. But it was very cold. He wiggled off his jeans and boxers under the covers, and suddenly realized he was naked with another equally naked guy.

  Billy pressed up against him under the covers, meeting skin to skin for the first time. "You're warm." He slid his arm around Paul's middle and ran his hand over his smooth skin.

  Paul could only moan; Billy's skin felt like silk against him and he wrapped his arms around him. Their bare cocks met and he gasped. They were going to have sex. It was really going to happen. He leaned down to kiss Billy again.

  Billy kissed back, opening to Paul. His cock was aching but he knew they would be making love, soon. When he broke the kiss, drawing a deep breath, he gazed into Paul's eyes. He reached over to get the condom, tearing it open.

  Paul watched; somehow the condom made it all the more real. He was almost panting, just from the lithe body pressed against him, and the anticipation. "Want you, Billy," he whispered, in case it wasn't obvious.

  Billy smiled and slid his hands under the blankets. "Maybe when they turn the heat back on we can get a good look at each other," he whispered. His fingers found Paul's cock blindly and he rolled the condom down his hard length.

  Billy's hand on him made him groan, and Paul said, "Never...Been this hard...Billy..." He was too turned on to be nervous.

  "Me, either," he whispered, though there was no one around to hear. He reached for lube and uncapped it, spreading some in his palm and letting it warm up in his hand before he slipped his hands back under the blanket. He looked into Paul's eyes as he reached for him again, slowly stroking the slickness up and down the length of him.

  Paul's eyes widened a little. He hadn't thought of the practicalities. He whimpered little as Billy touched him. "Is it different?" he asked softly. "I don't want to do anything wrong."

  "You won't. It's almost the same. I mean, I've never done it before, but, um..." Billy blushed a little and his hand stilled. He looked at Paul's handsome profile. “Do you not want to anymore?”

  Paul looked back at Billy quickly, and his heart wrenched. "I do," he said after a second. "Want you so much, Billy. It's just...all so new." He pulled him into another hot kiss.

  Billy whimpered quietly and urged Paul on top of him again with a gentle tug at his hip. They were so close. He wanted to lose his virginity to this boy. He'd never wanted anyone more.

  Now Paul was on top of Billy again, but with nothing between them. It was immeasurably hotter. "Oh," he gasped as his cock slipped between Billy's legs. He felt clumsy and awkward but he wanted this so much.

  Billy pulled his knees far apart and up as high as he could manage, trying to get the angle just right. He was panting hard, gazing into Paul's eyes. "Want you, Paul. Please, take me," he gasped.

  Paul reached down, guiding his cock. He pressed against Billy's entrance, hoping he had it
right because he couldn't see. He pushed, and began to slide into incredible, tight heat.

  Billy gasped and looked up at Paul, wide-eyed. He told himself to relax. It was so tight it felt like there was no way Paul's cock was going to fit. But he wanted it so badly.

  "Is this okay?" Paul said, his voice strangled from the effort to go slowly. It really did feel as if he would never fit, and he watched Billy's face anxiously. A deep moan escaped him as the head slipped in.

  Billy nodded. "Yes," he croaked. "Just go slow. It's supposed to" He inhaled a shuddering breath. "God, you're so...big."

  Paul knew he wasn't that big, but Billy's words right now made him feel like a god. "You're so beautiful," he breathed, and though Paul wasn't usually given to hyperbole, it was the absolute truth to him. He slid deeper, biting his lip against the pleasure.

  Billy whimpered a little. He was growing more used to the feeling of being full. He smiled breathlessly up at Paul. "You're inside me," he whispered in wonderment. "Feels good, Paul." Instinctively, he bore down and it got even easier.

  Paul slipped in deeper and moaned loudly. It was a very good thing they were all alone in the dorms tonight, because Billy made him want to be loud. He thrust gently, gasping at how good it felt. He supported himself on his arms so he could look at Billy.

  Billy wrapped his legs around Paul's body. He'd never felt so close to anyone. They were connected completely. Then Paul pulled back and thrust in again and Billy felt an electric shock of pure pleasure. He cried out, his body tightening for a moment as his cock throbbed. "Oh God," he said.

  "Is that good?" Paul asked, moaning. He thought maybe it was a silly question but he wanted to be sure. He thrust again, eyes rolling back in his head; it felt like nothing he'd ever experienced.

  Billy moaned, writhing a little. "Yes," he gasped desperately. "Good. More. Paul, pleeeease." He wanted to feel it again. He was frantic for it.


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