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Finding His Forever (Finding His Love Book 1)

Page 4

by Loni Ree

  When I wake to a throbbing dick and my warm woman wrapped around me, my heart is full. I hope to wake up this way every day for the rest of my life. Fiona stirs on the side of me, and I smile to myself. “Baby, I have to say, I do love your education methods.” She giggles at my joke, and then her hand slides down my chest followed by her head.

  “I need to give you another lesson.” Her words are muffled by the covers, and my eyes roll back in my head as she wraps her sinful lips around the tip of my eager shaft. My earlier soreness is forgotten as she runs her tongue along my sensitive flesh and sucks my dick until I’m ready to explode. She ignores my warning and continues sucking as I come in her wickedly sweet mouth. Fiona kisses her way up my chest then smiles into my eyes. “Your education is advancing more every day.”

  After rolling her onto her back, I slip into her tight core and groan, “It’ll never be complete.” When I circle my hips, she cries out my name. I take my time and slowly make love to her until we are both nearly insane with lust. The sounds of her soft cries fill the room until she leans up and bites my nipple at the same time her hands grab my ass cheeks and squeeze. The bite of pain destroys my control, and she can hardly hold on as I pound her little ass into the bed. A few minutes later, we come together with our screams filling the room around us.

  We’re having breakfast a short time later when I decide to lay everything on the line. “I love you and Charlie. My son loves you guys, and my mother just about has a stroke if she doesn’t see you guys every day.” Her stunned eyes meet mine as I continue. “I want to marry you so we can be together all the time. It kills me to leave your house at night. Now that we’ve made love, it will be even worse. You said yourself, you dread going back to work and leaving Charlie with strangers. Well, marry me and stay home with our boys.” By the time I finish, her mouth is hanging open and tears are running down her face.

  She takes a deep breath then sighs. “I love you, too, but it’s too soon. What will your mom and other people think? You’re rich. Everyone will think I married you for your money.” As she continues crying, I walk around the table to take her into my arms and wipe the tears from her eyes.

  Kissing her lips, I tell her, “If anyone is ever brave enough to say that, I’ll set them straight. My mom is praying right now that you say yes,” I reassure her as I pull the three-carat, emerald-cut, diamond ring out of my pocket and slip it on her finger. “If you love me, I’m going to take the decision out of your hands. We are getting married. Now, when anyone asks, you can tell them I forced you to marry me for our kids, and it’s the absolute truth.”

  She immediately negotiates but doesn’t refuse. “I want to marry you more than anything in the world, but we need to take things a little slower.” When I open my mouth to argue, she holds up her hand and signals for me to let her continue, and I bite my tongue to silence my argument as she assures me, “I just need a little more time before we actually get married. Please, don’t be mad. I want to be your wife more than anything in this world.”

  I lean over and kiss her pouty lips before soothing the lines of strain between her eyes. “Of course, I’m not mad. Just know, I’m going to make you my wife as soon as possible. Now, keep that ring on your finger until I slip the wedding band on next to it.” Another thought hits me, and I want to get it straight right now. "I know Charlie is still tiny, but we're gonna need to talk about getting rid of birth control. I'm ready to have tons of little ones whenever you are." By the time we finish our talk, Fiona appears completely dazed, but not disagreeable.

  We return home later in the afternoon and explain our plans to Mom and Cole. Fiona still appears dazed by the whole situation. I’m planning on marrying her and having many more children, as soon as she will allow it.


  Well, this morning, I found out the whole talking about discontinuing birth control sometime in the future isn't going to happen. I’ve been feeling out of sorts lately, but I’ve attributed it to taking care of a new baby and all the other changes happening in my life right now. Henry wasted no time moving us into his home, and we’ve all managed to settle into a fairly normal routine. May has been a huge help, making sure that Cole adjusts to life with a baby brother and stepmother.

  After three wonderful months of living together, I’ve been thinking about admitting to Henry that I'm ready to take the plunge and get married. I wake up feeling horrible and dash to the bathroom, barely making it in time before I throw up violently. The signs that my body has been displaying over the last month or so run through my mind, and I can no longer deny the truth. All the signs lead me to believe that there’s going to be another little one in the Grayson home.

  It takes longer than usual to get Cole to school and Charlie to May’s house, then a quick stop by the pharmacy confirms my suspicion. I spend the rest of the day on eggshells, waiting to tell Henry our good news.

  “Okay, what's going on?” Henry turns and raises his eyebrows. With his hands on his hips, he stands in our bedroom doorway, waiting for me to answer. “You've been jumpy throughout dinner and the entire time we got the kids ready for bed."

  I decide it’s best to show him, so I walk over to my nightstand and pull out the pregnancy test and hand it to him. He sways slightly and sits down on the edge of the bed. When he looks up at me, there are tears in his eyes as he whispers, “You have no idea how happy I am right now. Please, tell me that you are happy about our baby, too.”

  I don't even bother answering him. Instead, I tackle him onto the bed and start pulling his shirt over his head. Once his shirt is free, I frantically grab for his belt, but he stops my hands and asks, “Are you sure you feel up to this? Is this safe?”

  “Pregnancy hormones," I mumble before I go back to fumbling with his belt. As he helps me, Henry laughs, "This gets better and better. I get a baby and a horny wife for nine months.”

  I sit back and glare a little bit while trying to look offended before responding, “We need to work on the wife part of it, and when have you ever gone without?”

  Henry’s, “True, baby,” is lost in our simultaneous moans as he pulls me down onto his huge cock. Later, after I finish screaming from my third orgasm, I remember to tell Henry that it will be more like six months, maybe seven, when we get to meet our new little one.

  It takes all of my willpower to wait until dinner the next night to tell May about the coming addition to our family. I get Cole a T-shirt that reads, "I'm the big brother," and Charlie a onesie that reads, "I'm stuck being the middle child.” After bustling into the house in her usual state of excitement and without noticing their outfits, May gives each child a kiss then proceeds to help me get dinner prepared while I wait patiently for her to notice what the boys are wearing.

  Henry sits at the bar and smirks. "So, Mom, see anything new or exciting lately?”

  May looks at Henry like he's lost his mind then replies, "Is there something exciting for me to see?" And Henry just shrugs his shoulders and goes back to tapping his fingers on the breakfast bar as May scoots around the kitchen, busily working. Finally, Cole runs up and tugs on May’s arm. When she looks down, her eyes widen, then she looks over at Charlie in the baby seat, and her hand flies up to cover her mouth. She lets out a huge screech before she runs over and grabs me for a hug.

  “Okay, let's get dinner done and these kids to bed so we can make wedding arrangements. You're not putting me off any longer. Wait until Margo hears. Please, let me tell her.” When Henry looks at me and shrugs then mouths, “I told you so," I roll my eyes and return to fixing dinner. Life just doesn't get any better than this.

  Henry's two best friends, Karl and Beefcake, have been busy falling in love, too. We try to get together with them as much as possible, but between Beefcake’s hockey schedule and Karl’s busy CEO lifestyle, that doesn't happen as often as we’d like. At least, I get to hang out with Nina and Izzy a few times a week and complain about our guys’ busy schedules. We decide to invite our friends over to let them in o
n our little secret and to ask them to help us plan our wedding.

  Evidently, last fall was a busy baby-making time all around. Our friends will be adding to their families right about the same time as us. Beefcake and Izzy announce their good news over dinner, then Karl and Nina drop the bomb that they, too, are “in the family way.”

  Epilogue 1

  Fiona- Six and a Half Months Later

  If my husband doesn’t start fucking me like he means it, and soon, I’m going to lose my mind. At nine months pregnant, I don’t have the patience for his overprotective bullshit. “Fuck me. Move your ass faster,” I growl over my shoulder as he slowly rolls his hips, dragging his huge dick slowly along my grasping inner walls. He lifts my leg higher to get a better angle, which causes him to bottom out with each thrust, but he doesn’t increase his maddening pace. The sting of his teeth nibbling on my shoulder and his finger rolling my distended nipple push me closer to the edge, but I need him to pound the fuck out of me.

  When my patience runs out, I catch Henry off-guard as I stick my ass out suddenly, causing him to fall to his back since he’s so overprotective. Before he can recover, I lumber myself over and climb on top of him. The moonlight shining in the window illuminates the shocked expression on his face.

  “Since you refuse to accelerate, I’m taking over this drive,” I inform him while impaling myself on his cock. He throws back his head and groans as I start rocking. His large hands hold up my heavy breasts, and he tugs on my nipples as I rock us both to completion. The intense orgasm starts at my toes and races up through my body. When my wet center spasms tightly around his pounding cock, Henry loses control and thrusts wildly a couple of times before shouting as his warm cum shoots into my waiting pussy.

  “Fuck, Fee, you’re like thirty-nine months pregnant. You can’t do shit like that,” Henry growls once he lays me gently on my side.

  “I’m thirty-eight and a half weeks, Mr. Worrywart, and the doctor said it’s fine to have sex up until I start dilating,” I remind my husband as we head to the bathroom to clean up. As I lean over to grab a tissue, a gush of fluid runs down my leg. “Uh-oh,” I gasp, and Henry spins around to stare at me for a second before he glances down at the puddle on the floor.

  While his face loses all color, he swallows then croaks out, “Please, tell me you peed yourself.” My pained grimace answers for me, and Henry jumps into action. Before I can blink, he’s wiping my legs off with a warm cloth then carefully helping me dress. I check on the kids while Henry calls his mom. Since she has prepared for the possibility of this happening, I expect her to get here quickly.

  Twenty minutes later, we are flying down the highway, headed to the hospital. Henry has already called the doctor and decided to wait to call our friends when we have something to tell them. Since their wives are huge and pregnant, they don’t need to come to the hospital until we have the little one. We get to the hospital and find that Henry won’t need to make those calls later, after all. Nina and Karl, and Izzy and Beefcake have already beaten us to the hospital. Seems like they tried the “vigorous sex suggestion” we all found this morning when we searched the bringing on labor section of the modern pregnancy blog. Wow. That shit really works.

  The next morning, three terrified fathers are pacing the halls of St. Joseph’s Medical Center, wondering how the fuck they are going to manage their daughters. Each one of them was convinced that God would never do that to him. Boy, were they wrong.

  Epilogue 2

  Henry—Three Years Later

  Three years and going strong. I’ve managed to learn how to handle little girls, and she somehow manages to keep up with my busy work schedule and four kids. My mom helps out, but Fiona is determined to be the best mother in the world to our little crew. Our second baby girl is only three weeks old, so I worry Fiona is going to overdo things and end up hurting herself. My mother has volunteered to stay over during the days to help out with Harley and the boys, so Fiona only has to worry about Harlow.

  “Charlie, you must be very gentle with your baby sister.” My mother’s words meet me at the door as I walk in through the garage door. I find Charlie and Harley standing over the pink bassinet, looking in at our new baby, while my mother looks on and watches them. When they see me, Charlie takes off across the room, screaming, “Daddy,” at the top of his lungs. His scream startles Harlow, and her terrified screeches soon fill the room.

  While my mom soothes the newborn, I turn to my son, “You have to use your inside voice. Harlow is scared of loud noises.” Harley sucks her thumb and curiously watches the action.

  Cole and Fiona come in from the backyard a few seconds later. Cole runs over and grabs my hand. “Dad, you need to come see what Mom and I have been working on for my school project.” After kissing my wife, I pick up Harley, and Charlie follows along as Cole drags me out the back door onto our large patio. Waiting on the patio is a life-like replica of volcano.

  I set Harley on the ground, and she runs over next to Charlie and Cole to look at the volcano. Then, shaking my head, I walk over to whisper in my wife’s ear, “You’re supposed to take it easy, not build volcanos. After you’re fully healed, I can see a spanking in your future for failing to listen to instructions.”

  “You need to learn better threats. I see more education in your future, Henry,” she promises before we turn back so Cole can show us all his project.

  Life has been spectacular since the day I went to pick up Cole and ended up Finding my Forever along the way.


  To the Sprint Group: Brynn, Haven, Tory, Mercedes, and Dakota. Thanks for listening to me complain and motivating me to keep moving. Your advice and support means the world to me.

  Thank you, MK Moore and KL Fast for another great series! Love you guys.

  Ashley Lewis, you’re the best. Thank you for always being available to help whenever I need anything. I appreciate your ongoing support!

  About the Author

  Loni Ree is an emerging author of Contemporary Romance. She plans on releasing several books in the upcoming months that will be available on Amazon.

  Loni Ree is a very busy mom of six who loves to read, and she finds that it helps her escape the chaos of everyday life. She likes quick reads that are red-hot and on the excessive side. Writing has also been a passion of hers, and Loni decided to share the stories floating around in her mind. Her short, steamy stories are a little over the top because she believes reading should be an escape from real life. She writes steamy romance that turns Alphaholes into pussycats, and her books always have a happily ever after, guaranteed!


  I’d love to hear from you! You may write me at:

  5636 Telegraph Road


  St. Louis, MO 63151

  Also by Loni Ree

  Lukas’ Angel (Ryan Family Book 1)

  Blake’s Bombshell (Ryan Family Book 2)

  Drew’s Undoing (Ryan Family Book 3)

  The Merger: The Ryan Family Books One-Three

  Sideswiping Mr. Lane (Fielding-Stone Gallery Series Book One)

  Blindsiding Mr. Quinlan (Fielding-Stone Gallery Series Book Two)

  Professor Maxwell

  Packaged Love

  Nerd Boy

  Love at First Sight

  Hungry for Red

  Christmas Kisses




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