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Sexy Appetites

Page 6

by Nikki Sins

  He makes a deep groaning sound beneath me. The sounds of his distress bring me that much closer to cumming. Just a few more seconds now.

  But I’m not sure if he can hold out. His entire body is tense, like he’s flexing every muscle at the same time to keep from cumming.

  “Just a five more seconds,” I say, riding his face even harder as my breath rate increases. Between groans I count them down. “Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

  I tense up for a moment then let out a little shriek as my body releases, my pussy squirting juices all over his face while he makes a guttural, animalistic sound beneath me. His legs quiver as his cock releases it’s bounty, shooting white sperm high up into the air. It splashes down on his chest and the floor around him, some of it getting on my arm. His cock spasms at least five times, sending ever decreasing amounts of his cum into the air every time, until finally it runs dry.

  But still I continue jerking him off, fly hand flying up and down his cock while his body shimmies and shakes from the discomfort. Eventually he’s able to twist out of my grip, pulling the dildo from my pussy at the same time. Laughing, no longer playing the role of the dom, I roll off him and take a seat on the floor as he slips the dildo mask off his head.

  “Well, what do you think?” I ask, looking at his red, sweaty face. His chest is heaving and his body is still shaking a little bit.

  “I think you’re fucking awesome,” Mark says, looking over at me.

  “It wasn’t too much?” I ask.

  “Hell no,” he says, smiling profusely. “It was perfect.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that,” I say. “I was starting to feel sorry for you there for a little while.”

  “No need to,” he says. “I knew what I was getting into.”

  “So you’ll let me do it to you again one of these days?”

  “Let you?” Mark says. “Hell, I’ll be begging you to do this to me again.”

  I lean over and give him a little kiss. “Ahh, you’re so sweet.” I climb to my feet. “Now let’s go hop in the shower and get cleaned up. Then we’ll go get something to eat. I figure after what I did for you tonight, the least you can do is buy me some dinner.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” Mark says.

  “I know it will,” I reply, holding out my hand. He takes it and I pull him to his feet. With my arm around his waist, we make our way to the bathroom to go get cleaned up.

  Just another night in the life of a dirty little slut.



  I had just parked my car and was on my way down the hallway towards my apartment when I saw Eric coming my way. He had a load of laundry in his hands, blocking his upper body from view, but his gym shorts showed off his incredible, muscular legs.

  I found myself staring—as I always did whenever I saw him—at his gorgeous, sharply-lined face with his seemingly permanent two-day old stubble and dark hair and killer body. And, as always, he just gave me a wry smile in return.

  But then he seemed to sense something, which wasn’t a surprise, based on my mood. I was coming off an extremely shitty first date, even by my standards, which were extremely low after more than a year of constant relationship disappointments.

  “Is everything okay?” Eric asked, clearly concerned.

  Trying to play it off, I nodded.

  He just laughed. Not in a mean way, but like he wasn’t fooled. “Don’t give me that crap,” he said. “What’s the matter.”

  “Oh, just guy problems,” I said, waving my hand, pretending like it was no big deal.

  “Yeah, pretty much every one I know is a real asshole,” Eric said.

  “Tell me about it,” I said.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head, even though I really did. I felt like having a few drinks and just spilling my guts, bitching and complaining about everything. I just wanted to vent. But I didn’t know Eric well enough to feel comfortable doing that to him.

  “Bullshit,” he said. “You’re a bad liar.”

  I laughed softly and gave him an aw-shucks shrug. “You’ve got me there.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Eric said. “Take half an hour to get yourself together, and then I’ll come over. We’ll have a few drinks and you can let off some steam. Tell me whatever you want. I’m a surprisingly good listener.”

  “I don’t know . . .” I said, letting it hang out there, just wanting to make sure he really meant it.

  “Yes you do,” he said. “Stop playing so hard to get. You’ll feel better after you vent. I always do.”

  I gave him a little smile and nodded my head. “Okay. You win.”

  “Cool,” he said returning my smile. “Then I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”

  “Okay,” I said, staring into his big blue eyes. He really was a great looking man. Too bad he was gay.

  Eric turned and started down the hall, only to stop after a few paces. “Oh, and what kind of wine to you prefer? Red or white?”

  “Red all the way.”

  “Me too,” he said, his smile growing a little wider as he turned to walked away.


  Eric arrived precisely on time. He brought two bottles of wine. Damn good wine, too. One bottle of Napa Valley Silver Oak and one bottle of Cask 23 from Stag’s Leap.

  The Silver Oak had been breathing for half an hour, so we dipped into that first.

  “This is amazing,” I said. “You sure have good taste in wines.”

  “It’s a bit of a hobby of mine,” he said, taking a sip himself.

  Again I thought to myself how much of a shame it was that he was gay.

  We dusted off the first bottle in fifteen minutes, making small talk the whole time. It was only after we were halfway through the second bottle that I was ready to get down to business.

  I turned to him and said, “Do you really want to know what’s going on?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  “Okay,” I said. “But I’m not going to hold back, okay? If I’m going to vent I need to do it properly. Without any restraint.”

  “That’s that whole point,” Eric said, pouring me another glass of Cask 23. “Say whatever you need to. I can handle it.”

  I took a long drink and readied myself to bare my soul this man I’d only known for less than an hour. Strangely, it didn’t seem awkward at all. Whether or not that was because of the wine or not, I wasn’t sure. But it didn’t really matter in the long run anyway. What was important was that I was comfortable around him.

  “Okay,” I said. “So here it is. I’ve spent years looking for a man that can give me what I need without any hint of success.”

  “And what is it, exactly, that you need?” Eric asked.

  “Well, sometimes it’s just a good, hard pounding,” I said. “Sometimes it’s more.”

  “How much more?”

  “It all depends on the day,” I replied, “Some days I like it rough. Other days gentle. Sometimes I like to be in charge, other times the submissive. What I really need is someone who likes to get freaky in all sorts of ways. Someone who like to fuck as much as I do, and who won’t get all weirded out if things start to get extreme.”

  “Do you mind if I speak openly?” Eric asked.

  “Please do,” I said.

  “Well, forgive me if this is a little sudden, especially considering we’ve only just gotten to know each other, but if you really mean what you just said, then I’d like to offer up my services.”

  “You?” I said, shocked.

  “Yeah,” Eric replied. “Why not?”

  “But I thought . . . I’d heard you were—”


  I nodded.

  “Nah, I’m straight as a two-by-four. And about the same size down there, too.”

  “Noooo,” I said, drawing out the word. I wasn’t sure what I was more surprised to hear, that Eric was straight or that he was packing heat down belo

  “Yep,” he said. “Despite what everyone around here thinks, I’m completely, one hundred percent into women.” He leaned in as though sharing a secret. Talking softly, almost in a whisper, he said: “Although I’m not ashamed to admit that I don’t mind having my asshole played with every once in a while, if the woman is into that sort of thing.”

  My excitement was only matched by my exasperation. For more than six months, here I was, living across the hall from a super hot, mega-cool, incredibly sexy twenty-five year old man who’d I’d never made a pass at because I thought he was gay. But he was straight. And apparently was into the same kind of freaky stuff I was. I didn’t know whether to be happy about what was (hopefully) to come or annoyed that I’d wasted the last six months of opportunity because of some stupid rumor I’d heard.

  “So what do you say?” Eric asked.

  I shook my head to help myself refocus. “I say we give it a shot, see how it goes,” I replied, trying to keep my cool, barely able to hide my excitement.

  “How about if I get things started,” he said.

  “Be my guest,” I replied.

  Smiling, Eric set his wine glass down, then climbed off the couch, spread my legs apart, stepped in between them, and dropped to his knees, his face at the same level as my already soaking wet pussy.

  His gentle hands slid up the inside of my legs, causing them to tingle. I let out a little gasp of pleasure and tried to maintain my composure. I reached for my wine and finished off the last of it while Eric undid the button on my pants, then the zipper, then hooked his fingers around the waistband and pulled them off, panties and all.

  “Oh my,” I said, my hormones raging. “You certainly don’t waste any time, do you?”

  Instead of answering with words, Eric spread my legs even further, and buried his face in my pussy.

  I let out a little gasp as he went to work, licking and tonguing my snatch with a practiced touch, not taking his time at all, just going to town.

  Eric slid two fingers inside my pussy while he continued to eat me out, his fingers banging away with tons of energy while my moans grew in intensity. Glancing over at the mirror, I caught the look on my face. It was screwed into an expression of intense concentration mixed in with healthy amounts of pleasure. A look of pure, unbridled enjoyment, which was exactly what I was feeling.

  “Holy fuck, just like that,” I said between gasps. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”

  He slid another finger into my pussy, making it three total. Because it was so early in the evening, they were a snug fit at first but I quickly loosened up as he continued banging away.

  I could feel an orgasm coming on and decided to help it get here more quickly, so I slid my right hand down and started rubbing clit with my right hand while my left groped at one of my tits. Between my two hands, Eric’s fingers, and his tongue, it was a blur of motion and movement, all for the same purpose. My pleasure.

  With so much attention on me, it wasn’t long before the orgasm made it’s presence felt. It started with an increase in the speed which my fingers were working my clit, followed by my breath getting faster, then louder moans. This was followed by a tensing up of my muscles, which, after a few seconds of straddling the edge of the cliff, led to a violent release, with my entire body quivering madly. Next I let out a little scream, followed by an explosion of juices from my pussy as I squirted all over Eric, drenching his face as though he’d stepped under a waterfall.

  “Holy fucking shit,” I said breathlessly once I’d regained my composure. “That was incredible.”

  “I’m glad you liked it,” Eric said, looking up at me with his ever-present wry smile.

  “Liked it? I fucking loved it,” I said. “I had no idea you had such talent.”

  “And I had no idea you were such a squirter,” he replied, going back to work on my pussy with his tongue, although more gently this time.

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “Sorry? What for? I loved it.”

  “Really?” I said, surprised. “Most guys don’t like that sort of thing.”

  “Yes, well I’m not like most guys,” he said between licks. “The wetter the better as far as I’m concerned.”

  I laughed and shook my head.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” I replied, grinning madly. “It’s just that I would have never guessed you were such a pervert.”

  “Well, I am,” he said, looking up at me from between my legs, his face still wet from my pussy juices. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s wonderful,” I said, my smile growing even larger.

  “Good,” Eric added, replacing his tongue with his fingers in order to make the conversation easier. “Because I never would have guessed you were such a slut.”

  “Tell me about it,” I said. “I don’t really look like it from the outside.”

  “Which is deliberate, I would imagine,” he said.

  “Absolutely,” I replied, starting to get wound up once again from his fingers slowly working my pussy. “It keeps the scumbags at bay.”

  “Like me,” he said, smiling.

  “Exactly,” I replied, playing along. We both knew he was nowhere near a scumbag. “Seriously though, sometimes it’s good that people don’t know who you really are.”

  “Tell me about it,” Eric said. “That’s why I don’t bother telling people I’m not gay. It keeps the unsavory women away.”

  “Like me,” I said.

  He laughed. “Exactly,” he said in the exact same joking tone I’d used earlier.

  I was about to say something but forgot what it was. It was getting harder and harder to converse, let alone think. Eric had some seriously talented fingers.

  “And since we wasted the last six months due to our . . . mutual misunderstanding, that just means we’ll have to make up for them by screwing around with each other as much as possible,” he said.

  “Speaking of which,” I said, yanking his hand out of my pussy and pulling him to his feet while simultaneously climbing off the couch and then dropping to the floor in front of him. “It’s time for me to return the favor.”

  “If you insist,” Eric said.

  “Oh, I do,” I said as I undid his zipper and pulled his cock out of his pants. “Wow,” I said softly. “You weren’t lying when you said you were well-hung, were you?”

  Eric smiled and shook his head while I admired his cock. It was huge, at least eight inches long and the perfect width; thick but not too thick. Not only was it the biggest cock I’d ever seen up close and personal, but it was a beautiful one too, smooth and well-maintained. Plus it was hard enough to hammer nails, which was just as important as the size.

  Looking up at him, maintaining eye contact, I wrapped one hand around his shaft, opened my mouth, and took the head of his cock between my lips. I sucked on the tip while stroking the shaft with my hand, working it slowly at first but picking up the pace as I went along.

  It wasn’t long before I was taking him halfway down with every thrust, and eventually even three-quarters. I couldn’t quite swallow the whole thing—not this early in the evening, at least, but I was making a good run of it, forcing it as far as it would go and holding it there for a few seconds before pulling off.

  “Not bad,” Eric said. “Not bad at all.”

  “Fuck that,” I said. “I’m going to take the whole thing.”

  He gave me a patronizing little smile.

  “What?” I said, using my saliva to jerk him off while we spoke. “You don’t think I can do it?”

  “I’m not saying you can’t—”

  “But you are saying that you don’t think I can.”

  Eric shrugged but he still had the same little smile on his face.

  “Challenge accepted,” I said. Then I went back to work on his cock.

  I bobbed on it a couple of times, getting it nice and slippery and warming myself up again, then grabbed ahold of his ass and pushed my head as fa
r forward as I could, ignoring the urge to gag.

  It wasn’t easy, but I eventually forced his entire monstrous cock into my mouth, swallowing it like it was a sword. With my hands grabbing his ass, I held myself in place, my nose pressing up against his stomach while his cock tickled the back of my throat.

  “Holy shit,” he said under his breath, his shock apparent in his tone.

  I felt a burst of pride. I loved surprising people, exceeding their expectations. It always made me feel good.

  After deepthroating him for upwards of seven seconds, I let his cock slide out of my mouth, inch-by-inch, releasing it slowly, leaving it glistening in the light with my saliva. I took a moment to catch my breath, playing with his cock as I did so.

  “What do you think now?” I said, smiling up at him.

  “I think you’re fucking amazing,” Eric said, smiling back.

  “Why thank you,” I said.

  “My pleasure,” he replied.

  “Is there anything else you want to do to me while I’m down here?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  “Then be my guest,” I said. “Do whatever you want. I’m your little plaything.”

  A little grin crept onto Eric’s face and he stepped forward. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head towards him and slid his cock into my open mouth.

  He didn’t waste any time, hammering his cock in and out of my mouth, giving me his entire cock with every thrust. His balls slapped up against my chin and his grip on my hair got tighter as he pounded away, grunting under his breath.

  Saliva poured out of my mouth and onto the floor as he face-fucked me, wet, slurpy sounds escaping from my throat, filling the room with nastiness.

  I ran one of my hands down my stomach and started rubbing my clit as he continued pummeling my mouth with his cock for another thirty seconds, making me gag and cough but not slowing down, aggressively slamming his cock in and out of my mouth as I stared up at him. He forced me to deepthroat him once again for a short time before pulling away.

  “Are you ready to get fucked?” he asked, looking down at me with an excited grin as he slipped his shirt off, revealing an incredible body that had to take hours a day in the gym to maintain. Six-pack abs, perfect, hairless pecs, rocked-out arms.


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