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Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)

Page 10

by Jaimie Roberts

  Everyone laughed again. “Simon, you’re supposed to cook the chicken, not become a headless one,” Rachael snorted.

  Simon looked over at Simeon and I. “You see the level of abuse I have to put up with here?”

  “Maybe your family just likes to bring you down to earth occasionally, boss man.” Simeon winked and everyone clapped their hands, laughing.

  “Too true, Stephen. Too true,” Blake answered.

  The playful banter went on for a few more minutes until it was time for dessert. After the soup and jerked chicken, I didn’t think I had any room left. However, when I saw and smelled the ginger cake, I couldn’t resist.

  “I’m really being spoiled this evening.” I burped silently, covering my mouth.

  Caroline chuckled. “It’s another one of my recipes from home. I brought it with me.”

  “It looks and smells delicious, Mrs. Bradley.”

  “Child, you’re part of our family now. Call me Mama Caroline. That’s what everyone calls me around here. It seems to have followed me from Jamaica.”

  “I’ve never been to Jamaica.”

  Caroline smiled and looked off into the distance. “It’s a beautiful place, Cassie. You really should go one day. There are so many things happening and so many things to do. We had spring festivals, which would last for weeks. So much dancing, so much happiness.”

  “Why does that seem to make you sad?”

  She looked over to me with a smile and patted my arm. “Nothing gets by you, does it, child? It’s unfortunate, but there are too many killings. Once it got close to home, we had to move. Little did I know that we were no safer here than at home, especially after what happened to Molly.”

  I squeezed her arm. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “Life is what it is, dear child. No one can say things would have been different if we had made different choices. Despite what happened with Molly, we have been happy here. Simon has made a success of himself, and Desmond and I are very proud of him.”

  “I imagine you are, Mama Caroline,” I smiled.

  “You’re a good girl, Cassie. I can tell you are.” Then she did the one thing I was dreading all night. She placed her hand on mine.

  I saw her sorrow straight away. Her brother was shot and killed in Jamaica. They were very close and it tore her apart. She loved Jamaica, but that was lost the day her brother died.

  Then something else hit. “Mama Caroline, you have to go to the hospital.”

  Caroline’s head snapped up in shock. “Whatever for, child?”

  “You’ve been having pain in your right leg, haven’t you?” The shock on her face told me everything. “You’ve been suffering for days and haven’t told anyone.”

  “It’s just some swelling and muscular pain. I’ve been on my feet a lot lately, that’s all.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not all, Caroline. You need to go to the hospital.”

  Glancing over at Simon, he saw the way his mum’s hand was clasped on mine. “What’s wrong, Cassie?” he whispered.

  “Your mother has been getting pain in her leg. It needs to be seen straight away. There’s time to waste,” I implored.

  Simon was immediately out of his seat. “Why didn’t you say something before, Mum?”

  “This is ridiculous. It’s just been a little sore for a few days. I’m sure it will calm down soon.”

  Simon looked over at me and I shook my head. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “Simon, stop being silly. This is a dinner party and we have guests.”

  Squeezing Caroline’s hand, I got her attention. “Your health and well-being are far more important than dinner. You have to see someone now, Caroline. Otherwise, the pain will only get worse. Please do it. For me.”

  Her eyes searched mine, then Simon’s. “But how…?”

  “She found Molly, Mum.”

  Caroline looked at Simon and saw his meaning. I could see the confusion coursing through her, but she stood with a nod. “Okay. I’ll go.”

  Sighing, I got up and turned to Simon. “Can Stephen and I follow you to the hospital?”

  Simon smiled and nodded. “Absolutely.”

  “I don’t understand,” Sharice said, bewildered.

  “I’ll explain it to you later. For now, I just want to get Mum to the hospital.”

  After a flurry of activity, we were on our way to the hospital. Once we walked into the ER, Caroline was quickly ushered in to see the triage nurse, who admitted her straight away. An ultrasound was organized and blood was taken, but I already knew what the results would be.

  Finally, a doctor came out to speak with us. “Mr. Bradley?”

  “Yes,” both Simon and Desmond said together.

  “Mrs. Bradley has Deep Vein Thrombosis. We’ve managed to locate it in her calf. She will need to take anti-coagulants for a few weeks to reduce the blood clot, so I want to start her on a course of Heparin, which will mean a short stay in the hospital. However, if all goes well, she will be able to leave in less than two weeks.”

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “It was caught early, so the success rate is better. I’ve set up the Heparin intravenously so she’s all settled in if you want to go and see her.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “You’re welcome,” he answered, smiling as he walked away.

  A nurse soon joined us and we followed her to Caroline’s room. As we opened the door, she smiled brightly and threw her arms open for me. “My beacon of light, my guardian angel. I need to give you a hug.”

  Smiling, I walked over to her bed and gracefully accepted her hug. I was warming to Simon’s mother by the minute.

  “So, you have a gift, Cassie.” She saw my shocked expression and wiggled her finger at me. “It wasn’t hard to work out after everything you’ve done. Simon didn’t divulge your secret, but I knew there must have been something. You were just too good to be true.”

  Sitting on the bed beside her, I smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  Feeling Simon’s hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him. “I don’t know how many times you’re going to save this family, Cassie. But, as always, thank you.”

  “There’s no need to thank me, Simon.”

  “You have quite the girl,” Blake said to Simeon.

  Simeon smiled over at me. “Yes, I do.”

  I timidly smiled back. If he was Stephen, I wouldn’t have even thought twice about that comment. In fact, I would have been beaming.

  “So, this psychic shit… How does it work?” Blake continued.

  “Blake,” Caroline scolded. “Watch your manners.”

  He hung his head in shame. “Sorry, Mama Caroline.”

  I almost wanted to laugh. In fact, I would have if we weren’t in the hospital. Just the thought that cocky Blake could be reduced to a cowering little boy by the voice of his aunt almost had the giggles surfacing.

  “I have to touch someone’s hand to see it.” I looked over at Caroline and smiled.

  “I know you must not like dealing with this every day, but I’m glad I touched your hand.”

  “I’m glad you did, too.”

  “It must be difficult, though,” Sharice interjected. “You must see things you wish you hadn’t.”

  I briefly thought about Lisa-Marie’s train crash, and the visions of that poor girl being strangled. “It would be a lie if I told you no.”

  “What things have you seen?” Blake asked, leaning toward me.

  Rachael swatted him one again, and Caroline sighed. “Blake, Cassie doesn’t want to talk about all this with us now. She must be exhausted. This wasn’t quite the dinner party for which you were hoping. I’m sorry, child.”

  Leaning over, I kissed her on the cheek. “It was amazing. Thank you. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You have a wonderful family, Mama Caroline. You must be very proud.”

  Caroline inhaled deeply as the tears formed. “That I am, Cassie. That I am. I hope it won
’t be too long before I see you again.”

  Rising out of my seat, I shook my head. “I don’t think Simon will hear the end of it if he doesn’t bring me to visit you one day this week.” Looking at Simon, I saw his bright smile.

  “Well, if you hassling him won’t work, I’m sure me hassling him will,” she playfully answered.

  Simon shuddered. “One lesson I have learned in my lifetime so far, Cassie, is never say no to Mama Caroline.”

  Everyone laughed, and we said our goodbyes. Once we were outside, Simeon was the perfect gentleman and opened the door for me. I smiled sweetly and accepted his gracefulness.

  We drove for five minutes before he broke the silence. “You’re an amazing woman, Cassie.”

  I laughed. “You sound just like your brother.”

  Simeon shook his head. “Which one?” As I felt the stab to my heart, Simeon sighed. “Oh, Cassie. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Simeon. It’s not your fault. You don’t need to keep apologizing. I bet it feels like you’re forever doing that. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me.”

  Eyes staring straight ahead, Simeon gripped the steering wheel. “You could never make me feel uncomfortable, Cassie. In fact, you seem to have this uncanny knack of making people feel at peace around you.”

  I studied Simeon after that remark. Surely I didn’t possess the same calm-like qualities these angels seemed to emanate.

  “Do we all possess this pull?”

  Briefly taking his eye off the road, Simeon frowned. “Pull for what?”

  “To be with each other. I’ve only ever had that with Michael, Stephen, and yourself. It’s hard to explain.”

  “I know exactly what you mean, Cassie. We seek each other out. How can you explain that lions only roam with other lions, or that elephants herd with other elephants? We seek each other out because we are one in the same.”

  I sighed. “I suppose when you put it like that…”

  Simeon shrugged. “It just makes sense. I didn’t feel any relief until I was with you and Michael in that hospital. It was almost like I could function properly again.”

  As soon as he said that, I felt the guilt. Here I was, going on like a whiney child when someone like Simeon was apart from his kind for months—maybe even years.

  “A lion without his pride… It must have been hard.” I caught his smile and matched it. “What?”

  “Did you just call me a lion?”

  Realising I did, I shook my head. “No, it’s just—”

  “You just called me a lion.” Simeon nodded and stuck his tongue out.

  Knowing I wasn’t going to get anywhere with this argument, I playfully pushed his shoulder. “Just shut up, Mr. Big-head.”

  “I don’t think the lion in me likes being called names.”

  “Well, then, I think the lion will just have to find a quiet corner somewhere and lick his wounds.”

  Glancing over at me, Simeon shook his head. “You are quite the woman, Cassie.”

  Smiling, I look at the bright lights of London. I thought about Simon and his family, and it made me smile. They were all warm and welcoming—well, Blake was a little creepy, but I knew he did it in all innocence. I could tell there was no malevolence there. They were just one big happy, loving family. It was great to see.

  It wasn’t long before my thoughts drifted to Stephen. He had never left me. Sometimes, he just sat in a quiet corner. I knew he would never leave my heart. Some days were more unbearable than others, but I was learning to cope. Especially when I filled my days with other people’s hectic lives.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Snapping out of my daydream, I looked over at Simeon as he pulled into a parking space. “I was just thinking about how lovely Simon’s family is.” I know it was a half-truth, but it was all I was offering him right now.

  “They were definitely that,” he smiled. “Stay there. I’ll help you out.”

  I shook my head and watched as Simeon came around to my side. “I didn’t think lions behaved like this. I thought they just bit the lionesses and roared a lot.”

  Simeon chuckled as he shut my door. “I could be that way if you wanted me to be.”

  Nudging him in the arm, we walked towards my flat. “Behave yourself, Simeon.”

  He bowed his head. “Sorry, my lady.”

  “I think I can forgive you.” Simeon smiled as we walked up to my door.

  “Well, it was a great evening, Cassie. I enjoyed your company.”

  Funnily enough, so had I. “I enjoyed yours, too, Simeon. Thank you for coming with me.”

  “Don’t sweat it.”

  Silence rained upon us as we stared at one another. For some reason, it felt like that awkward moment on a date when the boy brings the girl back home. I didn’t want it feeling like that.

  Sensing my unease, Simeon cleared his throat. “I better get home. I’m on early tomorrow.”

  Grabbing my shoulders, he kissed my cheek. “It would be fun to do this again sometime, Cassie.”

  Nodding, I smiled sweetly as I searched for my keys. “Take care, Simeon. I hope you sleep well.”

  “Me?” he answered as he walked down the stairs. “I always sleep like a baby.”

  Waving, he watched as I pulled the door open and let myself in. It wasn’t until I gave my final wave and shut the door that I breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was hard work being around Simeon. Not only because he looked so much like Stephen, but he resembled his cheekiness. He wasn’t as good at it as Stephen, though.

  Sighing, I realised I had this sudden urge for hot chocolate. Pushing myself up from the door, I made my way into the kitchen.

  Chapter 11

  I was dreaming again. I had to have been. It was like my subconscious was taunting me. The door was there in all its glory. The laughter filled the air and I almost breathed it in like it was the sweetest scent on earth. How could children’s laugher fill me with such hope and desire at the same time? The noises just pulled at me from the inside out. I was dying to get inside that door, but I knew it wouldn’t be any use.

  The laughter came again but, this time, I couldn’t stand it. I had to try one more time to get it open. I pushed, I pulled, I kicked, and I screamed, but nothing was getting that door open. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I frantically banged on the door.

  “Please, someone open the door for me. Please,” I pled in the hope that someone would listen to me.

  No one answered, filling me with such anger and despair. I kicked and banged with everything I had, desperate to somehow make it open.

  Suddenly, I had the feeling of the warmest arms around me. “Shh,” he whispered in my ear. “It’s okay, Cassie. I’m here.”

  “Stephen?” I whimpered back. “I miss you so much.”

  Gently, he rocked me in his arms and stroked my hair. “I know you do. I miss you, too. You’re my world, Cassie.”

  Kissing my head, he turned me around to face him. My breath caught as I stared into the eyes of the man I loved.

  “Listen to me, Cassie…,” he demanded. The tone of his voice gained my full attention.

  “Stephen!” I shouted as I heard banging on my door. “Shit!” I cursed, pissed off.

  The banging continued as I rose out of my bed. “I’m coming!” I shouted, heading for the door.

  Once I peeked out, I saw Catherine. The minute I opened the door, I said, “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is just wonderful, Cassie. Lisa-Marie is awake and asking for you. In fact, she insisted I come down here and drag you over to the hospital myself.”

  Feeling lighter than air, I hugged Catherine tightly. “I’m so happy. Come in for a moment while I put something on.”

  I gathered a pair of jeans and a jumper, getting dressed in no time. My shoulder felt a little better this morning, which was a nice surprise. It made getting dressed a little bit easier.

  The minute I was ready, I grabbed my bag and we hea
ded to the hospital. “How does she seem?”

  “Fine,” she said, keeping her eyes on the road. “She’s got some colour back in her cheeks. It’s really good to see.”

  “I bet! I can’t wait to see her.”

  “She knows you got shot, so she insisted I be there for you. She cares about you.”

  “I know she does. Lisa-Marie means the world to me. The world wouldn’t be the same without her in it.” I carefully watched Catherine’s expression and saw a sudden change.

  “I never showed how I felt in front of Lisa-Marie’s parents, but I was terrified of losing her. It’s only really been up until this morning that I haven’t been able to eat properly. We never got to, you know, the part where you say those words. To be honest with you, I don’t know whether we are quite there yet. I knew we had an instant connection when we first met, but I didn’t want to get carried away with it. Sometimes it’s easy to get swept away.”

  Catherine offered a gentle smile, but I knew she was hurting inside. Her words struck a chord in me, though. It made me think a lot about Michael and how easily I got swept away by him. Although I loved Michael and always would, it would only ever be as a friend. He would always have a special place in my heart, but would never actually own it. My heart belonged with Stephen.

  “But when I heard she was hurt…” Catherine stopped and I saw the pain in her face. She gripped the steering wheel as her eyes filled with tears.

  I did the only thing I could and rubbed her shoulder. “It’s okay to let it out, Catherine. You’ve been through so much, it’s only natural that it would all come tumbling out at some point. There is only so much a person can take.”

  She nodded, and took some deep breaths before she carried on, “It…it somehow awoke something within me. I seemed to have this new sense of purpose. The problem being that without the purpose, what was the point? Lisa-Marie was my purpose. She is my purpose. I…I hope I’m making sense.” She chuckled through her tears.

  “You’re making perfect sense, Catherine. You love her.” Catherine sighed and nodded. Her tears were falling and she was desperately trying to wipe them away so she could see the road.


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