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Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)

Page 16

by Jaimie Roberts

His eyes widened a little, but he seemed to just accept it as fact. “Yes, I was.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Hamish. I can see it in you.” I was struggling to find the right words to say what I needed to without him finding out about me. “Your life will be so much more fulfilled if you just believe in yourself a little.”

  Hamish pulled his head back a little and regarded me with an amused smile. “It’s amazing how perceptive you are, Cassie. You should have been a police officer yourself,” he chuckled.

  That would have always been a bad idea. With the amount of contact police officers had on a daily basis, it would have been a recipe for disaster for me. But for Hamish…

  “You would make a good detective.” I could see his future. I could see him struggling with his own demons. He wanted a promotion, but doubted he was good enough. However, I could see him getting that promotion he desired. It would be something to help heal his shattered heart.

  Pulling back again, Hamish shook his head. “Nah. I don’t think so.”

  Needing to give him anything I could, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. I tried to radiate as much calm as I could in order to help make him see.

  Opening my eyes, I laid my hand on his arm. “I have every faith in you, Hamish. Don’t do this because you want to show others you can. Do it for yourself. You have the qualities in you to be a good detective.”

  By the look in his eyes, I could see it had worked. Even his lifeless green irises were starting to glow a little bit more. “Has anyone told you that you have this knack of making people feel like everything is going to be okay?”

  Smiling inside, I knew I had done it. Lord knows how, but it seemed to work.

  “Everything will be okay. Trust yourself and you’ll be fine. Trust that you can do this.” He had to know he could. It was his destiny.

  “Wow. You’re really itching for me to put in for a promotion, aren’t you?”

  Yes, I was, and I could see it would be just the beginning for him. He just had to have faith in himself that he could do it. “I think it would be good for you. I believe it will bring you a sense of purpose and direction. I think you have lost that after what’s happened. Am I right?” I already knew the answer to that question, but wanted to approach it as gently as possible. I didn’t know whether he would get angry with me by prying into his private life. Somehow though, I didn’t think so.

  “It seems you can read people well. Are you a witch or something?” We both laughed at his joke, which helped ease the tension a little. The conversation had turned serious rather quickly. I just wanted him to know he could do it. I knew this would be the start of his happily ever after.

  “Nah,” I said, shaking my head with a smile. “I think I just have a good sense of people. That’s all. I just know that if you put your mind to it, you will be sitting here this time next year and I will be calling you Detective Hamish.”

  Hamish looked off and smiled. “Detective Hamish… I like that.” He paused a moment, then looked back at me. “There is an opportunity coming up for a promotion. In two weeks’ time, I will have done my two years.” I could practically see his eyes dancing like an excited child.

  “Well, there you go then. There’s no time like the present.” Or his future.

  He smiled, but he looked doubtful again. “Do you really think I should?”

  Deciding to nip it in the bud, I thought of something that might help him get through the tough times ahead. “I know you should. When you sit down for that exam, just close your eyes and repeat the same two words over and over again. You’ll be fine.”

  “And what two words would that be?”

  “Detective Hamish, of course!”

  A flurry of giggles erupted from us and we both sighed. “I’m glad I came around to see you,” he finally said.

  “I’m glad you did, too. I’ll be seeing you at work soon, no doubt.” And it couldn’t come soon enough. I didn’t like sitting at home all day, brooding about Stephen.

  “When are you due back?”

  “Not for another week. I must say that I’m going a little stir crazy.”

  “Well, it’s better that than you getting even sicker. Then you’ll have to take even more time off.”

  I regarded him with a smile. “I guess so.”

  I watched him a few moments as he looked around the room. He was beginning to look more and more tired again.

  “You should go home and get some rest. Maybe you can visit again once all your guns are blazing, shall we say.” Joking with him, I put my fingers up in a shooting motion.

  He laughed. “It’s good you can joke about guns after everything.”

  “Ah, well, if you don’t try to laugh, what else have you got?” It was pointless sitting around feeling depressed about the past. I had the future to look forward to—and I hoped and prayed the future involved Stephen.

  “No wiser words were spoken by a truer lady such as yourself.” Sighing heavily, Hamish rose from his seat. “I’ll be off then. Thank you for the tea, Cassie—and the advice.” He took a card out of his pocket. “Here’s my number. If you fancy a coffee one day next week, just give me a shout.”

  Patting his arm, I smiled at him. “Will do. Good night, Hamish. Have a good sleep.”

  Closing his eyes, he put his head back. “I think I’ll sleep for England.”

  With a small chuckle, we walked to the door. When I opened it, Simeon was standing there about to knock. He spied me and smiled, but then saw Hamish.

  “Hamish,” he said with a stern look.

  “Hi, Stephen. I just popped around to see how Cassie was doing. I’m leaving now.”

  Simeon nodded. “Okay. See you around.”

  Hamish took that as his cue to leave and walked down the stairs.

  “That was a bit rude, wasn’t it?”

  Simeon smiled and leaned against the frame of the door. “Well, if I were Stephen, I don’t think he would be very happy with any gentleman calling on his girl. I’m just playing my part.”

  “Hmm,” I said with a frown. “A little too well, it seems.”

  Turning, I walked back into the flat, leaving the door wide open. Simeon obviously saw that as his invitation.

  “Oh, come on, Cassie,” I heard him shout as he came in and shut the door.

  Before I could answer, he had me in his arms, smiling down at my lips. “Don’t you think Stephen would be jealous?”

  He took my breath away. Even though I knew it wasn’t Stephen, it still didn’t stop the butterflies in my belly. He just looked so much like him.

  Pulling out of his grip, I waved him off. “He’s not here, so I couldn’t say. What are you doing here anyway?”

  Pacing the floor, he shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, you know. Just finished work and wanted to see my girl.” Looking at me, he smiled. “Stephen’s girl. It’s just that I heard through the grapevine that you make a mean hot chocolate. Can you see it in you to spare one for little old me?”

  I saw his cheeky grin and couldn’t keep my mouth from turning up at his somewhat mischievous behavior.

  “I suppose I could if you sit down and behave yourself, young man.”

  Shaking his head and smiling, he sat down. “I may be some things, Cassie, but young isn’t one of them. Not when you’ve lived as many years as I have.”

  It was hard to imagine someone as childlike as Simeon and Stephen could be so many years old. “How old are you?”

  Simeon snorted. “I don’t know. I’ve lost count.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t quite get my head around it all. Deciding it was just not worth hurting my brain over, I proceeded to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. It was hard, considering the first memory I had of Stephen and I was when he tried it for the first time ever. How on earth he lived for so long without knowing what hot chocolate tasted like, I had no idea.

  Once everything was ready, I sat down and watched Simeon take his first sip. “So, what’s the verdict?”

gging, he placed the mug on the table. “It’s all right, I guess.”

  Feeling a little childlike myself, I picked up a cushion and hurled it at him.

  “Hey,” Simeon protested. “I don’t think I deserved that.”

  “No one mocks the hot chocolate,” I joked.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Would you like to stay for dinner?” It was out of my mouth before I even realized what I was saying. I really didn’t want Simeon to stay for dinner. Just looking at him brought me pain. The only problem was he was here, bringing with him this peacefulness the angels like to carry with them. Sometimes I felt like an addict. I just wanted to inhale as much of him as I possibly could, be around it as much as I possibly could.

  “I would like that very much,” he smiled.

  Oh, god! What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 16

  The dreams were becoming a nightly ritual now. It was always the same dream, with the same door, and the same outcome. It was almost as if I’d become accustomed to it. Like I was aware it was a dream and there was nothing I could do about it. In a sense, though, I thought I would miss them if they were to suddenly disappear. Although I complained about it, I knew it meant something. The dream was telling me it meant something.

  During the course of my morning, I showered, ate, and washed up with no sign of hearing from Simon. I started to worry a little about why he had gone silent. I had already checked my phone several times this morning, thinking I may have missed hearing from him. I was wondering if my dinner with Simeon had swept me away a little. Simeon was kind and gentle last night, listening attentively as I explained how much I missed both his brothers. But I confessed that I was glad I had him around to keep me company. We ended the evening with a little hug. There was no intimacy there, no romantic gestures—just two lonely friends seeking out companionship.

  Sighing, I drank my coffee and checked the time. It was getting close to eleven and still no word. Getting up, I grabbed my coat. It was time for some action. I called a local taxi company and they told me one would pick me up in five minutes.

  I stood outside and waited for the taxi. I was eager to get to the hospital, but not only to see Mama Caroline. I also wanted to find out what was going on with Simon. In a sudden panic, I started worrying about Sharice and the baby. Maybe something had happened and he was too tied up with her to call me. I sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case, though. I couldn’t see that it had anything to do with Mama Caroline. I had only recently touched her hand. I was sure I would have seen it otherwise.

  The taxi came and I was at the hospital within twenty minutes. My heart was racing with each minute that passed, hoping and praying everyone was okay.

  I raced up to the third floor and found her room. She was there when I looked through the window, but she looked sad. Oh no. Something’s wrong.

  When I opened the door, Mama Caroline looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “Mama Caroline, are you okay? What’s the matter?” Because I had my gloves on, I rushed towards her and grabbed her hand.

  “It’s Catherine and Molly. They’ve disappeared. Simon was here a minute ago, but he left to make some calls. He’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Does anyone have any idea where they’ve gone?”

  “No. Last night, Simon called the centre they were staying at to let her know I was in the hospital. When they went to check on them this morning, they had vanished.” The tears swept down her face. “What am I going to do, Cassie? I can’t lose her all over again. My only daughter.” She closed her eyes as the sobs increased.

  All I could do was hold her hand and comfort her. She was like the anchor to the family. I knew she felt the need to stay strong, so I wanted her to know she wasn’t alone in this.

  After a few quiet moments, Simon barged through the door, anger and panic all over his face. “Cassie, I’ve been trying to call you. Sorry I didn’t manage to speak to you earlier.”

  “It’s fine, Simon. Really. You’ve had enough on your plate this morning as it is.”

  As he shuffled his feet, I could tell he was extremely torn. He wanted to find his sister, but he wanted to stay with his mother, too.

  Feeling Mama Caroline’s hand on my face, I turned to see her pleading eyes. “I don’t think I can go through this all over again. It was hard losing her once, but I don’t…I don’t…” She stopped, putting her hand over her mouth.

  Feeling the unbearable pain from both of them, I did what I had to do. Releasing my grip from Mama Caroline, I strolled over to Simon. Taking my glove off, I reached out to grab his hand. He reared back, obviously wondering what I was doing.

  “Wherever your twin is, you will be, Simon. You and I both know this. Let me help you find her. We did it before, and we can do it again. Just close your eyes and think of them, Simon. Think of your sister and your niece.”

  Shaking his head slightly, I saw the hope in his eyes. Hope I wanted them to cling onto right now. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Looking over towards Mama Caroline, I saw the look I wanted to see. Turning back, I nodded. “I’ve never been more sure about anything, Simon. I can do this, so use me. I’m sure we can find her again.”

  With a look of acceptance, Simon reached out his hand and closed his eyes. “Now, remember, just picture them for me. I will also think of them so, hopefully, it will be the first thing that comes to me.”

  Channeling all my energies, I grabbed Simon’s hand. The minute I did, I was brought to a lake. The sky was grey, but I could see a hint of the sun trying to peek through the clouds. Birds were flying, and people were out enjoying the day as best they could. “I can see a lake in a park.”

  “Where?” Simon urged.

  The vision clouded a little so I inhaled and gripped my eyes shut. I had to think of Molly and Caroline now. I had to think only of them.

  As if my prayers were answered, I spotted them. Molly looked tired and extremely sad. Caroline was a little happier, but apprehensive. “I can see them. They’re feeding ducks at the lake.”

  “What lake, Cassie?” I could hear the urgency in Simon’s voice. He wasn’t commanding me. It was more like he was gently probing me in the right direction.

  As hard as I could, I looked around so I could try and spot something I would recognize. To my amazement, I could see the 7th July memorial, which marked the fateful day of the bombings in London.

  Opening my eyes, I saw Simon’s anxiety. “Hyde Park. They’re in Hyde Park,” I smiled.

  Simon smiled back and we both looked over at his mother, who was beaming. “I’ll be waiting on the news, Simon. You go fetch my baby girl.”

  Simon nodded and turned back to me. “Come with me?”

  “Of course.”

  We wasted no time, shouting our goodbyes to Mama Caroline as we ran from the room.

  “I have my car in the car park. We can get there in about twenty minutes, give or take,” Simon said, pushing the button for the lift.

  Riding it down, I watched as Simon stood rigid. Placing my arm on his, he relaxed a little and looked over.

  “Don’t panic, Simon. They’ll be there. They’re fine.”

  Grabbing my arm, he squeezed it gently. “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  The lift doors opened and we bolted out, frantic to get to Simon’s car.

  The traffic was bad, but with Simon’s driving, we were there in about twenty-five minutes. We shut the car doors and ran through the park to the lake. Within a couple of minutes, I spotted Molly sitting on a bench. She was watching Caroline feed the ducks.

  “Over there,” I said, pointing.

  I watched as Simon squinted in search of them. When he spotted them, his posture relaxed and he exhaled a big sigh.

  Saying no more, we both walked towards the bench. Neither of us knew what to expect, so the anticipation was high.

  “Molly,” Simon whispered.

  Snapping her head up, she saw me, then
her brother. I could tell she had been crying. Rising out of her seat, she rushed over and threw her arms around Simon. “Oh, Simon,” she cried. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I heard about Mum, and I—”

  Pulling her away, Simon gazed into her eyes. “Shh, it’s okay. Everything is okay.”

  I was glad to see she didn’t seem so angry anymore about the fact her brother took her away from her abductor. Maybe now they could start to re-build their relationship.

  “Mummy?” I heard a whisper.

  Looking down, I saw Caroline’s worried face. With my gloves securely fastened, I held out my hand to her. “Hello, Caroline. I’m Cassie.”

  Frowning a little, Caroline looked up at me with the most beautiful brown eyes. “Nice to meet you, Cassie.” She shook my hand, making me smile. Caroline nodded and smiled back. “Mummy keeps crying.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I could see Simon and Molly in an embrace, talking. “I tell you what, Caroline. Why don’t we leave your mother and uncle to talk, and we can go feed the ducks?”

  Tilting her head to the side, she watched them both. “He won’t make her sad again, will he?”

  “I’m sure not, Caroline. I think your mum is crying because she’s happy to see him.”

  “Really?” she beamed. “I always wanted an uncle.”

  Holding out my hand to her, I gave her a cheeky grin. “Well, I happen to know your uncle very well and I can say he is a very good man. He would be the best uncle a girl could dream of.”

  Caroline smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked towards the lake. “Are you his girlfriend?”

  I almost choked. If there were any questions she could have asked, I certainly wasn’t expecting that.

  I shook my head. “No. I’m just very close to your family. They’re all such wonderful people.”

  Throwing a piece of bread, we watched as it landed in the lake and a duck came along to snatch it. Caroline chuckled a little. “I like watching the ducks eat the bread. Here,” she said, handing some to me. “You throw some, too.”

  Taking the bread from Caroline, I smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Because it was so sunny this morning, my mum asked if I wanted to go to the park. She looks so sad all the time. I just want her to be happy again.”


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