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Santa's Little Helper

Page 2

by L. R. Black


  Well, shit, that didn’t go as expected.

  I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the floor, my head a mess of desire and outrage at his parting comment. Of course, Jolly comes bouncing over to me and crawls into my lap, fussing as always.

  I scratch behind his ear as he looks up at me and tilts his head to the side, the look he gives me when he wants a treat. “Oh, no, Jolly boy, no treats for you, you’ve done enough troublemaking for one day.” Jolly climbs from my lap and trots over to his bed by the fireplace and plops down with a huff.

  I swear it’s like having a four-legged teenager some days. I shake my head again and look around at the decorations that I still need to put up, like doing so will help clear my mind of the feelings that are flooding through me. I can’t help but check, and surprise, surprise I’m soaked. Jesus, if he can do that with just a look and some words....

  “Whoa, get a grip, girl,” I tell myself. I’ve got stockings to hang, mistletoe to bunch back together and then I need to find that little Elf on the Shelf that seems to have walked away, not to mention the baking I must get started on.

  But first, I need a very cold shower.



  A few more hours put behind me, a few more bugs fixed and once again my body’s screaming at me to stretch and take a shower, though thankfully non-dog induced this time.

  I lean back in my chair and scrub my fingers through my hair, grunting and groaning as my stiffened limbs spring to life once more. God I’m exhausted, yet I can’t get my mind to focus on what I’m doing. All I keep seeing is Joy... that cute little lip bite as I closed the door, that look of helpless yearning.

  I really have been putting myself through hell with that woman. Part of me thinks I should just man up and tell her, let her know in no uncertain terms that she’s mine, claim her like the beast within me wants to. And yet....

  Shutting down my computer, I head downstairs to grab a drink from the kitchen. I sigh as I look at the time and I see that it's already eleven o'clock. Jesus, I’ve been working longer than I thought I had, my growling stomach also reminding me that I’ve not eaten properly since breakfast.

  Just as I finish my drink and start to think about food, there’s a knock at my door. Who in the hell is knocking on my door this late? Ignoring the fact, I’m still in the same hastily thrown on clothes from earlier, I open my front door to see a very worried Joy on my porch.

  She’s changed clothes since our earlier encounter, she’s wearing a silky pink tank with matching shorts covered in sugarplum faeries. At least she was sensible enough to throw on shoes, I muse, trying to focus on that fact and not the fact that seeing her again is making my pulse gather speed. But something’s not right. She’s twisting her hands and has a distraught look on her face, which is so completely out of character for her it looks almost wrong.

  Immediately, I’m concerned. “Joy? What’s wrong?” I ask as I take her by the arm and bring her into the house and out of the cold.

  Taking her into the living room, I turn on the gas logs in the fire place to help warm her up, sitting down next to her on the battered but oh-so-comfy sofa and taking her shaking hands in mine, rubbing them to warm them from the cold.

  She’s pulled her long hair into a bun on top of her head and strands of it fall all over the place, giving her tired, worried face an even more desperately haunted look. I yearn to kiss the cold from her lips, but I know that isn’t why she came over here – she’d never come this late unless it was something serious.

  “I’m sorry to bother you Kris, really I am. It’s just....” She apologizes as she pulls her hands from the clasp of mine. “Jolly’s gone missing, he somehow managed to slip open the latch on the dog door while I was in the shower.”

  I shake my head in frustration. Therefore, I don’t do small dogs – at least bigger dogs make a racket that you can hear when they try and escape. But that dog, I swear to god if she didn’t love him so fucking much….

  “I’ve checked all over my yard for him and he isn’t coming when I call, I didn’t want to walk all over the neighborhood this late and I don’t know what to do.” She says in a rush of words, her voice cracking and warbling with fear and nerves. I pull her into my arms and she relax against me, shivering from the cold and the anxiety.

  Familiarity hits me like this is something we do every day and I sigh as she melts into me. After this morning’s little encounter, I’d already made up my mind that I am done watching her from afar. She’s mine and I’m going to make sure she knows it.

  I kiss the top of her head, smiling as I hear her whimper, “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll find him. Let me just grab my stuff and we’ll take my car around the neighborhood. Too cold to be walking tonight and we’ll cover more ground this way.”


  I wait as Kris grabs his coat and slips it on, grabbing his keys from the hook by his front door and ushering me out in front of him. I feel so silly, coming to him for help, but I honestly didn’t know who else to turn to.

  Leading me towards his black and silver mustang with his hand low on my back, he opens the door for me. Muscle car for a muscle man; the cliché almost seems too much for words. I suppress a giggle as I slide down into the cold leather seat, shivering. I really should have put on something warmer.

  Kris closes my door, then heads around the back of the car before getting in on his side. He starts the car and puts the heated seats on before turning to face me, the deep purr of the engine almost reflected in his eyes and manner. Yeah, cliché or not it fits.

  “Put your seatbelt on, baby.” He instructs, and I find myself blushing ever so slightly. This is a side of him I never knew existed; I’d always thought him the gruff, unfeeling type. I’d never have thought he could be so. . . caring.

  I snap on my seatbelt as he backs out of his driveway and we head down the road slowly, searching, looking in between the houses and the yards that are full of decorations and lights. Despite the merry colors and festive cheer, I’m scared. For the first time in my life, I’m not feeling the Christmas spirit.

  “Do you have any idea where he might have gone?” Kris asks, his voice so heavy with concern that I blush. “Somewhere you take him for walks? Other people he’s friendly with?”

  I shake my head, fighting back tears. “No, I have no idea where he would have gone. He’s never gotten out like this before.”

  There’s a silence between us as we search for Jolly, but it isn’t uncomfortable or awkward, if anything I feel safe with Kris. I look over at him and somehow, I don’t know how, I just know he’s in his element, his natural state. He’s in control, he’s the one in charge and as stupid and as crazy as it might seem, I can’t help but believe him when he says everything will be okay.

  A thought hits me and I figure this is as good of a time as any to ask. “Kris, why do you hate Jolly so much? Is it really him you hate or is it having me as a neighbor that is really the problem?”

  He looks over at me with surprise on his face. “What in the hell would make you think I have a problem with you? I can promise you, Joy, you may frustrate me, but I can think of much better words to describe how you make me feel.” His voice low, warming almost, in the confines of his car feels strangely comforting and arousing.

  Even in the dark interior of the car, I can see the heat in his eyes and it makes me blush. “Um, and what words are you thinking of?”


  This woman, I take her in from head to toe and still never get tired of looking at her. She looks so innocent and fragile beside me, like a lost little girl. Oh, I know she’s far from fragile, and God knows I want to prove that so damn badly, but I want to wrap her up and protect her from the world all the same.

  Her words hang between us, the car slowly rumbling onward as I turn to look at her. I can’t ignore the question in her eyes and I level with her. “Joy, you are, without a doubt, the most frustrating, cheerful, sexy, funny, quirky, and not to m
ention drop dead gorgeous woman I have ever seen.”

  The expression of shock on her face is almost comical, it takes every ounce of willpower I have not to laugh. But I take advantage of her shock and continue, “I have watched you every day these past two years, every time you’ve waved as you’ve taken Jolly out, when you’ve been checking for the mail, when you’ve had gentlemen over and yeah, it’s been hard. It’s literally taken every bit of strength I have not to throw you over my shoulder and give you the spanking and fucking I have been dying to.” I tell her, part of me relived to have it out in the open, part of me instantly regretting my choice of words.


  I’m stunned into silence.

  Is he serious?

  I can honestly say I had no idea Kris felt this way about me. Attraction, sure but that’s all I could guess. But the way he acts, the confidence in his voice, the way his words spark something deep within me... this is all so new.

  I watch out the window still looking for Jolly during our talk. I’m trying to put into words my response when what I really want to do is climb onto his lap and kiss him all over. How do you respond to something like that? With shock? Honesty?

  My mind’s reeling.

  Kris reaches over and takes my hand in his and squeezes it. “Are you going to say something? I know that all sounded a little stalker-esque, but I have to say this is the first time I’ve actually seen you speechless since we met.”

  His words pull a smile from me.

  “I never would have thought that you would feel anywhere close to what I do for you. I’ve crushed on you since you opened your front door and yelled about Jolly being in your yard!”

  Kris laughs as he takes the road that leads back to our houses and I melt further still; his laugh is so rich I could sink into it like a bath of warm honey.

  “No, no, baby, it was more me being mad at the fates for putting something as beautiful and full of happiness as you in front of me. I tried as hard as I could to keep my grumpiness up to keep you at a distance, so I could work so I....”

  I interrupt him before he can say more.

  “Kris, that is about the craziest thing I have ever heard you say. If I thought for one minute you were all wrong for me I wouldn’t have went as far as treating Jolly for tearing up your yard just to get your attention.”

  I slap my hands over my mouth as I realize what I just said, eyes wide and cheeks flushed with color. Kris’ eyes widen then narrow on me, the scowl heavy and obvious; full of shock and something else, something darker yet exciting.

  “You were doing what?!” The tone of his voice is low and demanding, gruff and irresistible, drawing the answer from me before I have a chance to think. I slide my hands from my mouth and bite my lip, “I, err... may have given Jolly a treat every time he found his way into your yard.” I tell him in a quiet voice.

  Kris turns into his driveway and puts the car into park, letting it idle with the heat on. We both sit in silence for what seems like the longest minute ever. Slowly, he reaches over to me and unhooks my seatbelt, then he grabs my waist, making me gasp as he pulls me over the console and onto his lap so quickly that my head’s spinning.

  I chance a glance into his eyes. They’re burning hot and dark like coals, full of heat and emotion; a worrying mix of annoyance and desire.

  “Oh, shit, you’re mad, aren’t you?”

  He slides his hand along my cheek, gentle yet I can sense the firmness, the strength he’s holding back. “Let me get this straight, you have been giving that dog treats every time he comes into my yard and makes a mess and raises my blood pressure?”

  I nod my head, unable to speak, a wonderful mix of anticipation and nerves rendering me speechless. He grins, his teeth glinting in the light before lowering his head and kissing me hard. When he breaks the kiss I’m breathless, the passion and desire in the act leaving me craving more.

  “When we find that missing angel of yours, you are getting that spanking I’ve been promising you.” He whispers before giving me a quick, firm kiss, the growl in his throat melting every wall within me.



  Killing the engine, I open my door and let Joy slip off my lap to stand on the driveway. I can’t help but groan as her perfect ass rubs against my throbbing cock, the bulge clearly visible to anyone who cared to look.

  Climbing from the car, I close the door and pull her against me, sliding my hand over her satin clad ass, gripping and pulling her hips against me, all caution thrown to the wind, letting her feel just how hard I am, just how badly I crave her.

  God, two years of waiting, yearning, craving this sweet little thing. All those months of denial, how could I have been so foolish?

  “You won’t be needing a keeper anymore,” I whisper against her lips, “I’m going to be the only man that will be keeping you, I promise.”

  Before she can respond, a sharp bark breaks through the silence of the night. Both of us turn our heads sharply at the sound, another bark comes from my backyard. I look down at Joy, rolling my eyes ever so slightly at my own foolishness.

  “Of course, the one place we didn’t think to look.”

  She grabs my hand and we walk around to the gate that leads into my backyard. As soon as we walk through the gate, Jolly runs up and starts his usual barking and yipping, jumping up and down and fussing at her feet. She leans down and picks him up and snuggles him close; he’s covered in dirt and God only knows what, squirming away in Joy’s arms while trying to lick her face.

  “Jolly, you little troublemaker, don’t you ever scare Mommy like that again, you hear me?!” Her attempts at a scowl make me giggle, she’s even cuter when she tries to be angry. It’s all in vain, as the little terror licks her nose, bringing forth her usual giggly nature. I can’t help but smirk as Joy sets him on the ground and he runs to my back deck, disappearing behind the wooden steps only to reappear just as quickly with a piece of red and white felt in his mouth. He runs up to Joy and proudly drops his prize at her feet.

  “Oh my God!” Joy exclaims in surprise as she picks up whatever it is he dropped. “I knew I wasn’t crazy when I couldn’t find this,” she holds up Jolly’s gift and I realize it isn’t a piece of material. Jesus Christ, it’s one of those creepy ass Elf on the Shelf things. I shake my head and sigh softly. I can handle all of Joy’s other over the top Christmas decorations, but I have to agree with the Jolly on this one – that ugly little thing should be buried under the porch.


  I hold up the wet, chewed up elf and sigh. I should have known better than to leave the poor thing where Jolly could get it. I look over at Kris and he’s leaning against the open gate, a grin plastered all over his face.

  “I’m sure you find the destruction of a Christmas decoration hilarious,” I say with a deliberate tone of accusation in my words.

  He gives a full-out laugh and wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. “Baby, as much as I could do without all of fuss and clutter of your Christmas decorations, I promise we will get you another creepy little elf. Now, about that spanking I promised you.”

  I shriek with delight as he tosses me over his shoulder and makes his way toward my house. I’m distracted from the cold by a rush of sensation when he slides his palm up the back of my thigh until he reaches the hem of my sleep shorts, teasingly sliding his fingers underneath and tracing patterns on my skin causing goosebumps all along my thigh.

  I never dreamt my night would be ending like this.

  We reach the backdoor of my house and Kris asks for my keys, “I may have left them in the house when I came out looking for Jolly,” I confess sheepishly. “The door is unlocked.”

  Kris growls and slaps my ass, causing me to jerk in his hold while hanging over his shoulder. “Oh, for God’s sake, Joy, I thought I told you earlier to lock these damn doors?”

  “Will this add to my spanking?” I ask playfully, blushing at my boldness.

  “You’re damn right it wil
l.” He replies as he brings me through my back door that opens into the kitchen, his husky tone at once comforting and arousing, full of such wicked promise that I blush deeper still.

  The warmth inside my house banishes the cold as Kris sets me down and we remove our coats and shoes. Jolly trots though his dog door and makes his way into the laundry room where he lays down on one of the many beds he has in the house.

  Of course, he still has the elf. I eye him as he chews on his new toy, completely happy with himself. “He’s not going to let go of that elf, is he?” I sulk, pouting at the thought of one of my favorite decorations becoming a ragdoll.

  Kris gives my ass a firm, sharp spank, and my mind snaps back to his promise, the very thought of it making my knees buckle. “Never mind that elf, I think it’s time I show you what happens to naughty little sugar plum faeries, don’t you?” He inquires, his voice dark and luscious as he leads me down the brightly lit hallway to my room. “It’s the last door on the left,” I tell him as I follow along.

  We enter my bedroom and Kris closes the door behind me. I stand in front of him, completely unsure of what to do, feeling like a schoolgirl on her first date.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He asks me, his brow furrowed, concern written on his face.

  “Well, I’ve kind of... never done this before,” I confess, not knowing where to look. His eyebrows arch, his eyes burn with equal parts passion and concern, and I can see the conflict within him, the desire to claim me conflicting with the fear of hurting me.

  “Are you telling me that you’ve never been with a man before? That I will be the first and last one to ever have you?”

  I worry my bottom lip. He reaches up and with his thumb he pulls my lip from my teeth. “Tell me what I want to hear, baby. Tell me everything – I don’t want there to be secrets between us.”


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