Changing His Reality

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Changing His Reality Page 13

by Sophie Martin

  “What are we talking about?” asked Toby, coming to them and perching himself in Jason’s lap and entwining his hands behind Jay’s head.

  “About how happy I am with you two,” answered Jason, smiling and looking Toby straight in the eyes.

  “Is that so?” asked Toby, wiggling his ass against Jason’s crotch. “So, should we do something to make you even happier?” he asked mischievously.

  “Yeah?” Tyler breathed straight into Jay’s ear, knowing how sensitive they were. “What should we do to change happy into ecstatic I wonder…” Jason laughed breathlessly, feeling his cock firming at their teasing.

  “Babe, you don’t need to do anything. Simply looking at you two here, in my life makes me ecstatic. If you try and make me even more so, I might just burst with all this pent up happiness.” Toby leaned in and kissed him silly before murmuring against Jay’s lips.

  “Mmmm, I love it when you’re so carefree. I want to see you this way always.” He went to kiss him again.

  A sudden doorbell sound interrupted their impromptu make-out session. Tyler sighed and stood up.

  “You two don’t stop. I’ll deal with whoever it is.” Toby stopped the kiss for just a second, long enough to pout at Ty.

  “You hurry up, we won’t be waiting for you to start our fun.”

  “Well, that’s a good incentive to get rid of whoever is interrupting us in a record time.” Ty smiled and went to answer the door while Toby and Jay went back to what they were doing.

  A throat being cleared made them stop the kiss and look towards the door. Tyler stood there looking sheepish. Jason lowered his eyes from his lover’s face and understood the reason for this look immediately.

  “God.” He groaned, hiding his face in Toby’s neck. “Great timing, Mum!” He mumbled.

  “Yep, I see it is.” She answered, apparently having used her special “mum hearing.” “So I understand you resolved your differences with these boys?” she said calmly, strolling into the room and seating herself in a chair opposite Jason. Jay groaned again, realising that some alone time with his men had to wait now that his mother was here.

  “Why are you here, Mum?” He whined, not at all happy with the interruption.

  “Is that any way of greeting you mother, young man?” She asked in a fake wounded tone, “Can’t a mother visit her son without a reason anymore?”

  “No,” grumbled Jason, glaring at the barely hidden smirk on his mother’s face. He felt Ty joining them on the sofa and relaxed slightly. “You know, you never pop in unannounced. At least you didn’t used to.” He mumbled the last part under his breath. His mother pouted at his words and he sighed. “It’s good to see you, Mum. Even if you came in only to check how my love life was doing. As you can see, it’s doing great!” He really didn’t like having the intimate time with his men postponed. He was never bitchy with his mother. Ever! Fortunately Elise seemed to think it funny.

  “What a grouch you are, honey. Did I interrupt something by any chance?” she asked innocently.

  “As if it wasn’t obvious.” He huffed, and his mother laughed. An answering giggle sounded from Toby.

  “It’s good to see you again, Elise. Would you like something to drink? We have an excellent new rooibos tea, if you’d like to try it.”

  “Sounds wonderful, dear.” She smiled, and Toby stood up, leaving last peck on Jason’s lips and warning him.

  “Be nice to your mother, Jay!” Then he left the room. Jason watched his swaying hips with regret. But then he sighed one last time and got himself together.

  “It’s really nice to see you, Mum,” he said warmly. Ty mumbled something about helping Toby prepare a snack and left the two of them together. Jason felt like for the first time in years he was truly meaning what he said. More of his feelings came back the longer he spent with Toby and Ty, and seeing his mother made him truly happy. She seemed to notice.

  “You too, Jay-Jay. You seem happier now. I see these boys have a really good effect on you.” She smiled, though her eyes looked suspiciously shiny.

  “That they do.” He grinned back.

  “Well then, I’m glad you’re happy. It will probably make it easier on you when I tell you the news,” she said, straightening her back a little as if unsure of his reaction.

  “What news, mum?” He frowned.

  “Let’s wait for you boys, Jay-Jay, hmm? They’re part of the family after all and should here it as well.” Jason was about to object but just then Toby walked in with a big tray full of cups and a kettle of tea. Ty was right behind him, carrying a platter of different biscuits. They fumbled a little, pulling the coffee table closer and handing cups. When they were all finally seated and had a cup of tea each, his mother spoke.

  “As I was about to tell Jay-Jay, I have some news that I feel as a part of this family you two should hear as well.” There were noises of curiosity, but nobody outwardly interrupted. Elise took a sip of her tea and a bite of biscuit and then took a deep breath as if gathering strength to tell them the news. Jay was becoming impatient. He was about to demand she explain what she meant when his mother spoke. “I’m getting married,” she said quickly and went back to drinking her tea, not looking at her son. Jason was speechless for a moment then sputtered.

  “You what? Since when do you date?” He couldn’t comprehend. He didn’t remember his mother ever meeting with anyone.

  “Well,” she said slowly. “I met Roman three years ago, and I refused his advances for a long time. I felt you were in a bad place and needed me. And you’re my child. I’ll always put you first. But he was persistent. And now, that you are better and have your men…well, I felt it’s time for me to build my own life, you know. And Roman is a good man. I’ll always love your dad, but he was…Well, he and I were from two different worlds. We never had a future together. Roman is what I need.” She looked slightly embarrassed. Jason had problems with taking it all in.

  “Do you love him?” he asked finally in a quiet voice. His mother looked him straight in the eye, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.

  “I do,” she answered, her voice choked.

  “Then that’s all I need to know,” Jason said. “But you must introduce him to me. I want to make sure he’s a man who deserves my mother’s love,” he said in a strict voice. Elise laughed.

  “You’ll give him the talk, then?”

  “You bet I will.” They all laughed at that a little and the tension seemed to disappear from the air.

  “I planned to introduce you tomorrow, if it’s all right with you,” Elise said, and when Jason agreed, the topic was finished and she started chatting with Toby and Ty about how they felt about their new home.

  * * * *

  Two days later, Jason still didn’t know what to think about it all. His mother was now engaged. Sure, he met Roman who seemed nice enough guy. He was his mother’s age or slightly older and looked as youthful as her. Elise seemed happy in his company, and Jason thought it looked good on her. It wasn’t that Jason thought his mother didn’t deserve happiness in her life that only a relationship could give her. Jason simply never saw her looking at any man with interest all those years he was alive. He thought maybe she still wasn’t over his dad or something. She never spoke about him. The only thing she told Jason about his father was that he loved him and was forced by circumstances to leave them both.

  For some time when he was a teenager, Jason hated his father. Hated him for leaving both of them when Jay was just a small child that wouldn’t even remember him. But with time, he forgot all about this hatred. He was happy with his mother and didn’t need another parent. His mother never told him how she met his dad or why the man left them. And it was okay with Jason. He never wondered about why she didn’t date other men though. And maybe he should have. Maybe he was being a bad child for not pushing his mother to find happiness in a relationship. And the news that she held back because of his “condition”? How did he not realise she noticed his change? He could only suspect it had
something to do with his missing feelings. He didn’t think, didn't reason like a normal person when he was without them. He did try to behave normal around his mum, but only now did he realise how very foolish it had been to think he managed to deceive her. She was his mother. He could never lie to her. She knew when he was doing it. It was some special sixth sense all mothers seemed to have when it came to their children.

  So Jay was really unsure what to think about everything that was happening. Well, he knew one thing. He gave Roman “the talk,” warning him that if the man hurt his mother, Jay would make him disappear never to be found again. And he meant it quite literally. He thought for a moment about reading him like he did with Toby, Ty, and the vampire when he first met them, but he decided against it. If it was cheating to use his power of changing reality in non-emergency situations, then it had to be so with this other power of his. He hadn’t even mentioned it to his men. There was no occasion to do so. Besides, it wasn’t that big of a deal next to his other ability. All thoughts swirled in his head like crazy until a soft touch on his shoulder brought him back to presence.

  “Jay?” Toby’s hesitant voice betrayed his unease. “Jack says there’s someone here to see you.” He swallowed loudly, and Jason frowned.

  “What’s wrong, babe? Why are you so nervous?”

  “Because—” He started, but before he could finish, Tyler’s annoyed booming interrupted it.

  “’Cause it’s a vampire, Jay. One we’ve never met before!”


  The next couple of months were crazy. Between five different paranormals paying them a visit to learn more about an alpha who’d suddenly claimed the territory they all lived in and preparations to his mother’s wedding, Jason was slowly losing his mind. At least his relationship with his two men was doing great.

  Sure, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses, but the arguments were a great incentive for make-up sex and watching Toby gain more and more confidence. It made Jason happy. To tell the truth he was happier than ever.

  Before his twenty-fifth birthday, he lived a normal life like every other young adult. He studied, he worked, he dated, and had fun with his friends. He led a normal, boring life without a purpose. He couldn’t appreciate it without knowing how different a life could be. Now, after living without emotions for four years, he could damn sure appreciate it. He revelled in even the smallest things like Toby’s happy smile when they appraised his developing cooking skills or Ty’s small gestures of love and caring.

  Sure, there were times when almost wished he could go back to his mundane, emotionless life. Like when a vampire, a couple of shifters, an elf and a demon—yes, a demon for heaven’s sake—all appeared on his doorstep, having felt his new alpha power.

  He hated it. Hated dealing with this whole alpha shit. Yes, he had Jack to help him. And yes, his men supported him all the way. But he was not a people person. He was a loner. He liked talking to animals and not having to deal with humans. He did not like being a leader. He didn’t like having to decide people’s fate. Who was he to tell these people, paranormals, whatever, that they could or couldn’t live where they did for however long it was they were living here?

  When the first vampire showed up on his doorstep, he had Jack attend the meeting with him. He was once again asked for permission to live in his territory, even though the vampire lived there for last five years. He consulted Jack and was told to take a week to consider the question. And so he did.

  Jack told him he should investigate if the vampire wasn’t a threat to humans and if he wasn’t, then permission could be given. Jason was lucky that Ty could make a background check for him, otherwise he had no idea how he’d deal with the situation. As it was they discovered that the vampire, Mike, was an upstanding citizen. Such was the case with all the other paranormals, and they were given permission to stay in the territory.

  Jason thought the whole thing one big bullshit, but he reckoned since it was his mistake in using his powers he had to somehow suffer through it. He was grateful to have all the support he got from his men and Jack. He knew he couldn’t have done it without them.

  He thought it all on his way back from job. He was so thankful that he still had his job. Animals were easy. They didn’t put him through any paranormal shit, and they only needed some caring and love to flourish. They didn’t want him to be a leader. They only needed him to feed them, walk them, and clean their pens. Toby wasn’t working that day. He found a school that allowed mature students in and went with Ty to check it out. Jack was back at school having some teachers’ meeting, and as Jason entered the house he found himself alone.

  He took a beer from the fridge and sat down in front of his big flat-screen TV, wondering what movie to watch. He wasn’t big television fan but he liked movies on demand. He could borrow anything he wanted and watch it in a matter of minutes. He sat there watching some action piece and tried to enjoy the loneliness that just a few months ago was so soothing. He tried hard to remember why he liked it. Not having another living soul around. Being alone. He couldn’t. His beer tasted like muddy water, and the movie was boring. He longed to have his men with him, cuddling on a couch and watching some stupid comedy. He wanted Jack to insert his witty comments to the action of the movie they watched. He wanted companionship.

  Jason discovered, to his astonishment, that even though his men weren’t with him, his emotions were still there. He was moody, annoyed, frustrated. He was happy as a clam because of it. It was just a small sign that he could have a normal life.

  Jason thought back to the moment that gave him hope for the future, the memory which, he believed, would stay with him forever.

  * * * *

  It was one afternoon when Jack had a parents evening in his school and then was going out with other teachers. Jason, Ty and Toby had the whole house to themselves and they decided to celebrate it with a romantic dinner and a bottle of wine. They did and it wasn’t a surprise that what started as subtle touches and flirting during the meal turned into hot, steamy sex. They marked their way to the bedroom with carelessly discarded clothes and took full advantage of the fact that there was no one in the house to overhear them. The sex was as always incredible and afterwards they lay in their bed sated and relaxed. Jason wasn’t expecting it at all, when Toby spoke.

  “You know, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he started shyly, “and I know it’s probably too early, but I just wanted you to know…” He hesitated, taking a deep breath. Both Jason and Ty looked at him questioningly. “I wanted you to know that…I love both of you…I think,” he finished a bit lamely.

  “You think?” Tyler’s eyes were sparkling with mirth. “You only think you love us?” He questioned in a mock-hurt tone. “That’s harsh, baby, because I know I love the both of you.” He gave them a predatory smile.

  “Really?” Toby’s face was both hopeful and surprised.

  “Yes, really!” He leaned in and gave Toby a peck on the lips. Then they both looked at Jason.

  Jay could still remember the feeling of dread that filled him squeezing his stomach. He swallowed loudly hearing his heart beating wildly as if it wanted to escape from his chest.

  “I…” he started but couldn’t finish with his throat clogged by emotion.

  “It’s okay,” said Toby with a sad smile. “You don’t have to say it back.” Jason looked at him and steeled himself with determination.

  “But I want to,” he answered. “I want to say that to you. But I don’t know if I can. Since that fateful birthday when I lost my emotions I was cold like an ice sculpture. I didn’t live, I existed. But then you appeared in my life bringing all kinds of feelings with you. You brought joy and laughter, sadness and anger and, yes, even annoyance.” He gave Ty a meaningful look. “But all this time I didn’t feel anything and now I’m so confused. Even before then I was never truly in love with anybody. I thought I had time, that it was too early to try and build a relationship. And because of that I don’t know how lov
e feels like. All I know is that I want to be with you two. I want to keep you close and protect you. I want to spend my time with you and make you laugh. I want to discuss the newest computer technology with Ty, even though I have no idea what the heck he’s talking about.” He looked at the tiger and saw him smile, then he turned to Toby and continued.

  “I want to spend my breaks at work with you, Toby, and help you choose the right school. I want to go shopping with you, even though I hate shopping centres. I want to do everything and anything to make you happy and I want to keep doing it for the rest of our lives. Hell, I will even deal with all sorts of paranormals knocking on our doors, just so that I know I build you a safe place to live. But I can’t say ‘I love you’ because I don’t know what true love is.” He finished and looked at his men. Ty was still smirking while Toby had tears in his eyes.

  “Oh, Jay,” he said, “what you just described, that’s love.”

  “It is?” Jason was surprised though he probably shouldn’t have been. After all that’s what the wedding vow said, right? To be with your loved one in good and bad times, sickness and health, et cetera? It was what he described, wasn’t it?

  “Yes, it is,” added Ty.

  “Oh, well, okay then,” he said sheepishly “then I guess I love you too.”

  “Oh, man,” Tyler rolled his eyes and looked heavenwards “One thinks he loves me, the other guesses. I am the only one who’s certain what he feels?” But he smiled saying it so Jason knew he wasn’t serious. Jay looked at Toby and winked.

  “Hey, Tobs, what do you say we show our tiger how very certain we are of our feelings?”

  “That’s a brilliant idea,” Toby agreed and they proceeded to show Tyler just how much they loved him and each other.

  * * * *

  Jason came back from his musings to the empty house and sounds of some stupid show on the telly. He sighed and took another sip of his beer. The silence was getting to him, but he decided to grit his teeth and man up. He wasn’t some cry-baby to pine after his men when they weren’t home. He wasn’t clingy like that. Still, he couldn’t be more overjoyed once his men came back. He almost jumped them in the hall, listening to Toby’s happy chatter about being accepted into the school and all the facilities they had there. He was grinning like a fool when, two minutes later, Jack entered with his stack of papers to grade and walked on the chaos in the hallway. And he would just happily stay there, listening to the friendly banter between the three men if not for the doorbell.


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