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Diving In

Page 6

by Kristina Mathews

  She couldn’t say anything to Cody, though. If he didn’t know how hard it was for her to hear him sing her praises, then maybe, just maybe, she could get past this. This stupid crush that tore at her heart.

  Before heading back to the guides’ house, she glanced around the campsite. Leia and Dana kicked back with a couple of beers, while they flipped through the guidebook that had been provided for their reference and to supplement what they would learn by doing.

  Fisher was proud of how far Leia had come in such a short time. She had been a little timid at first. She wasn’t a tiny girl, but she was definitely petite. There was a time when Fisher had envied girls built like her. When she’d been a girl. It was horrible being taller than all the boys through middle school and most of them in high school.

  It wasn’t until she started her career as a whitewater raft guide that she appreciated her size and strength.

  But with experience, she’d learned that size wasn’t always necessary for strength. She’d encountered plenty of strong women who weren’t very big. And plenty of big men who weren’t necessarily strong. And it made her especially pleased when she could help someone like Leia realize she was stronger than she looked.

  It didn’t matter if it was a potential guide or a passenger. A young girl or a teenage boy or even some guy she’d let see her naked. She always got a thrill out of seeing someone come alive on the river. Watching the often subtle transformation from a somewhat apprehensive newbie to a whitewater warrior in the span of a few hours.

  Yes, Fisher loved her job. Once she’d buckled her life jacket, grabbed her paddle, and took command at the back of the raft, she felt in command of her life. She’d been able to leave her troubles upriver and just go with the flow as she guided passengers, students, and potential guides downstream.

  Until today.

  Having Kyle on her boat upset her balance. She liked him. Maybe too much. But she’d made the mistake of confessing her feelings for Cody. Maybe she thought it would turn him off and he’d wander off, looking for another score. But instead of backing off, he’d seemed more determined to seduce her. It was almost as if he thought he could erase three and a half years of longing with one orgasm.

  She laughed and shook her head. Had she somehow met a man even cockier than Cody? Just what she needed. And the two of them combined? It could make for a very long week.

  No. She wasn’t going to spend the next seven days trying to deal with both of their egos. But she couldn’t say anything to Cody. Even if he wasn’t busy with his wife and twins, he was her boss. And he was a damn good one. Except for the torment of being in love with him or whatever.

  She could, however, have a chat with Kyle. She could convince him that life would be a lot simpler if they pretended like they were not previously acquainted. That they hadn’t spent a wonderful, wild night together. And that he didn’t need to stand up for her, or whatever he thought he was doing with Cody.

  She marched over to his RV and knocked on the door. She tried not to think about how his hands had trembled when he unlocked it last night. How he’d seemed a little nervous once he’d finally got her out of the bar and almost to his bed. But when they actually made it to the bed, well, he had been more than confident.

  Let. It. Go.

  “Fisher. Hi. Come in.” Kyle stood at the door wearing nothing but a towel. His hair was wet and tousled, as if he’d just dried it off before wrapping the towel around his waist. His chest was damp. Damp and glorious. She swallowed so that drool didn’t escape her mouth, which was most likely hanging open.

  Her gaze traveled down his torso. He had only the tiniest strip of hair leading down from his navel pointing to a part of him that was definitely not tiny.

  “You’re naked.” She finally got her brain to engage enough to speak.

  “Yeah. It makes the showering process much more efficient.” He ran a hand through his hair, flexing the biceps on his right arm.

  Fisher just gaped at him. Her reasons for coming here were suddenly less clear. And she didn’t remember stepping up into the trailer.

  “What do you want?” A simple question. But she didn’t have a simple answer.

  “I want…” She took a deep breath, catching a whiff of his shampoo or soap, something clean and masculine. “I want to be able to do my job without distractions.”

  “And what is causing your distraction?”


  “Me?” He raised his eyebrows, but he couldn’t possibly be surprised.

  “Yes. You are a distraction.” She felt stronger. If she could just keep from staring at his glistening chest, arms, and… “You make it hard for me to focus on my other students.”

  “I didn’t hear anyone complaining.” He took a half step forward, making the space seem even smaller. “In fact, I heard plenty of compliments.”

  “Yeah. About that.” She took a half step toward him; they were almost close enough to touch. “You didn’t need to say those things about me to Cody. Especially with me standing right there.”

  “What things?” He looked confused.

  “About me being an inspiration. And how lucky he is to have me.” She sighed. “It’s embarrassing.”

  “You are an inspiration. You’re a great teacher.” He looked her right in the eyes. “And Cody damn well should know how valuable you are.”

  “They gave me a promotion and a raise.” Her voice sounded a little shaky. “Both Carson and Cody take care of their loyal employees.”

  “Good. But I think you go above and beyond loyal.”

  Damn. Why did she have to let it slip that she had a thing for Cody? It wouldn’t have been so bad if Kyle had been just a stranger. Someone she’d never see again. But here he was. And he wasn’t going to let her forget that she’d confessed to him.

  “Look, I wish I’d never…” She swallowed, hoping it would ease the ache in the back of her throat.

  “Do you wish you’d never slept with me?” Disappointment laced his words.

  “No. That’s not…” She squeezed her eyes shut. “It’s hard enough having to pretend like we haven’t slept together.”

  “Then don’t pretend.” He reached up and brushed her hair off her face. “Fisher, we have something here. There’s no denying the chemistry between us. So why even try?”

  “Because.” She opened her eyes, saw the longing in his gaze. “You’re my student.”

  “It’s not like we’re in high school. Or even college.” He smiled. “You’re not going to give me a grade or keep me from passing the course if I fail to satisfy you next time.”

  “Next time?”

  “I hope there’s a next time.” His hand still lingered by her face, and then he traced a finger across her jaw. “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Please.” She drew back.

  “It’s true.” He dropped his hand and a part of her wanted to protest. “If you truly want me to leave you alone, I will. I don’t know how, but I’ll do it. For you. But you have to ask yourself why. What’s the point of denying yourself something you enjoy?”

  She smiled; she couldn’t help it.

  “Yeah, I know you enjoyed it. You certainly didn’t have to fake anything.” He moved closer again, taking both her hands in his. “So why would you fake not wanting more?”

  “What if I don’t want more? What if…” Damn, he was right. She was tired of faking it. Or pretending that she didn’t have needs. Physical ones.

  “Fisher. Look at me.” He brought each of her hands to his mouth. Placed a whisper-soft kiss on her palms. “If you want more, I can give it to you. I want to give you everything you need.”

  “Everything?” She tried to play it cool, but she was so damn hot for this man.

  “Everything you need, sexually.” He wrapped her hands around his waist and pressed against her. He was hard
and ready and willing. So why was she still standing there, wondering what she should do?

  “And what do you need?” As if the answer wasn’t pressing against her belly.

  “Just you.” He dropped a kiss along her neck, making her shiver. “Fisher, I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want you.”

  “Prove it.” She yanked the towel away from his hips and looked down at his nakedness.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He picked her up and carried her the few feet back to the bed. He kissed her before dropping her on the mattress. “Let’s get these clothes off you. This is much more efficient when we’re both undressed.”

  Fisher just leaned back and closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of being desired as he pulled off her shorts and bathing suit bottoms. He lifted her shirt over her head and unclasped the top of her bikini.

  “Gorgeous.” He took in her naked body, looking at her as if she were indeed the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “You’re not bad to look at yourself.” She grinned as he lunged for her. His hands were on her, stroking her skin, caressing her breasts, tracing a line down her belly, moving lower, closer to where she ached for his touch.

  He teased at first, his fingers just barely tracing the edges of her. She must have whimpered or something, because he quickly stroked her soft folds.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured before he covered her lips with his. His tongue thrust into her mouth. Taking. Giving. Loving.

  Except this had nothing to do with love. It was lust. Pure. Simple. Hot.

  She bucked against his determined fingers. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel him. All of him. Deep inside her.

  She shuddered, unable to hold back the orgasm.

  “Condom?” She flailed her arm toward where she thought the nightstand was. “Hurry.”

  “You got it. Anything you need.” He lunged for the drawer next to the bed, grabbed the square packet, and opened it with his teeth.

  “You’re taking too long.” She grabbed the rubber from him, and rolled it down his shaft. Then she pushed him over onto his back and straddled him.

  He groaned as she rode him, his eyes rolled back into his head, and it wasn’t long before they found a rhythm that worked for both of them.

  All too soon, she felt that build up. The waves coming faster, harder. She was going under, and she couldn’t fight it anymore. Her body had taken over, and she just had to ride the crest of the wave. Somehow she remembered to breathe.

  “Fisher!” Kyle grunted her name as his own orgasm wracked through him. He grabbed her hips and held her firmly in place while he spilled himself into her.

  * * * *

  Fisher came out of the bathroom and started to gather her clothes.

  “You don’t need to pick up right now.” Kyle had done a quick cleanup and was content to lie back in bed, waiting for her return. “We can take care of that in the morning.”

  “Actually, I need to get home. I need a shower.” She stepped into her bikini bottoms and slipped her shorts up next.

  “You can shower here.” He sat up. “It’s actually quite comfortable. Not like the old ones where you had to step out of the shower if you dropped the soap.”

  “I should get back.” She hesitated. Was she changing her mind about staying or getting dressed?

  “I’d like it if you stayed.” He moved off the bed, and reached for her. “Please.”

  “I don’t know.” He could tell she was torn. At least a part of her did want to stay.

  “Take a shower. Then come back to bed.” Kyle stroked her arms, pulling her close. “Or better yet, I’ll shower with you. Then we can fall asleep.”

  “Kyle, it’s not even dark yet. And I have things to do to get ready for tomorrow. Besides, you have homework. I can’t spend the night with you.” She continued to dress.

  “Sure. I get it. You’re busy.” He reluctantly slipped on a pair of shorts. “But just know that I’m not going to pretend this thing between us isn’t happening.”

  “What thing? What’s happening between us?” A small, uncertain smile teased her lips.

  “You find me irresistible.” He moved closer, wanting to change her mind. “And I find you fascinating. Sexy as hell…”

  He couldn’t help it, he had to touch her. Again. He pulled her on top of him. His hands slid down her back, eliciting a small sigh of pleasure.

  “You are insatiable.” She kissed him, pressing her body against his, stirring his need once again.

  “I can’t help it.” He grabbed her hips, not willing to let her go just yet.

  “You’re going to get us into trouble, don’t you think?”

  “With you, it’s hard to think.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She scooted off him.

  “Is it? Or are you afraid he’s going to find out about us?”

  “He knows. He was there when I got home this morning. And he saw the way you look at me.”

  The asshole was married. Cody shouldn’t care how he looked at Fisher. Except to realize what he was missing out on.

  “Does it bother you? That he knows?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I mean, it shouldn’t, but this is all new to me. I’ve never had a completely sexual affair.”

  “So do you want to stop?” He sure as hell didn’t. “Do you want to just walk away from the best sex we’ve ever had just because it’s scary?”

  “Well, no…” But she was still afraid.

  “Let me ask you this. If one of your students came to you tomorrow and said they weren’t sure if they could do this, that the river moves too fast, or they’re not used to being in charge or having to rely on their team or they didn’t realize the risk. Would you advise them to just walk away?”

  “No. Of course not.” She shook her head as if she’d just been hit with a splash of cold water. “Not unless it was someone who truly couldn’t handle it. If they were putting themselves and everyone else in danger.”

  “I think you can handle this.” Kyle took her hands again. “I think we both can.”

  Then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Kissed her good.

  “Are you just trying to get out of doing your homework?” She gave him a playful swat on the ass.

  “No, ma’am. Wouldn’t think of it.”

  “Good. Because there is a lot of good information in the handbook.” She stepped back, placing her hands in the back pockets of her shorts. “It doesn’t replace experience, of course, but reading and then practicing is the best way to learn.”

  “You’re the teacher.” He would let her go. For tonight. “And a damn fine one.”

  “Don’t think you’re going to get any special treatment because you’re sleeping with me.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you. You’re going home, right?” He liked teasing her. Pushing her buttons. Getting her worked up. All of it. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “No. I’m going home. I have homework, too.” She shook her head. Maybe she was tempted to stay. Hopefully, she’d be back.

  “Good night, strong blonde.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. He didn’t trust himself with anything more.

  “Good night.” She left and he sank back on the bed. Damn. He was in trouble. He was supposed to be working here. Not flirting. Fucking. Making love. It didn’t matter what they called it. It was good. Too good. And he wasn’t going to give it up.

  He would have to give her up eventually. When the job was done, and he went back to LA. But there was no reason why he couldn’t play as hard as he worked. He owed himself that much.

  And he owed it to Fisher to keep it going. He wasn’t going to hurt her. He’d show her a good time. Help her forget about her boss. Build up her confidence so that when she lost her job, she’d be ready to move on.

maybe she’d convince the new owners to keep her on. She was a damn fine guide.

  At least he thought she was. He really didn’t have enough experience to know for sure. But he liked her. Liked her confidence on the river. She didn’t get rattled, even when he screwed up. The only time she seemed nervous was when one or both of them were naked.

  Maybe she just needed more experience.

  And maybe he needed to hit the books. Not only did he want to be a model student to impress Fisher, he needed to learn as much about the rafting business in general and his brothers’ company in particular.

  Chapter 7

  Today’s lessons would be focused on reading the river. Yesterday was about getting a feel for the experience, for her students to try their hand at paddle captaining, and getting from put-in to take-out. They had all gotten their feet wet, so to speak. Now they needed to start learning how to anticipate how the rafts would respond under different conditions.

  It would take weeks, if not months, to learn all the nuances of how a river runs through the canyon, but they’d get a basic understanding of the anatomy and behavior of rapids. She would need them to know how to navigate the current, spot obstacles, and use momentum and angles to get the raft to go where they wanted it to go.

  They would do the upper stretch of the river this morning, so they would take the van to put-in shortly after breakfast. Tyler’s crew would handle kitchen duty this morning. They’d all make lunch on the way, and Brooke’s crew would be in charge of tonight’s dinner.

  Fisher didn’t need to be here for dinner. In fact, what she needed was a girls’ night. She swung by the office to see if Lily was up for it.

  Boy, had things changed in the last year since Lily arrived. Cody’s desk had been moved out of the office, and a portable crib had been put in its place. Baby Brandon was playing happily with a few soft toys and balls while Lily worked on the payroll, bookkeeping, and managing of the business office.

  “Hey, Fisher, how’s your whitewater school going?” Lily looked up from her computer and offered her friend a warm smile.

  “Good. It’s going really well; I think everyone will be ready to get back on the river today.” So how did she explain why she needed a break after only two days? “It seems like it’s working out having Brandon here in the office with you.”


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