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Pale Stars in Her Eyes [The Starlight Chronicles]

Page 8

by Annabel Wolfe, Emma Wildes

  Liale made a purring sound low in her throat. “Absolutely."

  "Roll over.” He wanted to see just how bold his passionate bedmate might be. She liked it on the edge, she liked it hard and demanding, but how far would she go? Not waiting for her to comply, he easily flipped her onto her stomach and ran his hands over the mounds of her ass. He parted her and rubbed a questing finger over the small puckered hole between her cheeks.

  Kia quivered. “What are you doing?"

  "I want you this way."

  "In my ass?” As a solider, she was used to being blunt.

  Ian stifled a chuckle. “If we're throwing caution to the winds, why not? Have you before?"

  "No.” Tousled blond hair moved across her shoulders. “I've never trusted any male enough for anal sex."

  "Do you trust me? I think you'll like it, as a little pain with your sex makes you hot, Captain.” As he spoke, his finger traveled lower, to delve into the slick heat of her pussy for lubrication. Then he smeared his sperm and her fluids over her rectal opening and eased his finger in to the knuckle. The small muscles of her sphincter clenched and then relaxed.

  "Shit, Ian,” she moaned into the pillow. “Your cock is too big if that's how your finger feels."

  "I'll get you ready, don't worry."

  He did so, inserting another finger, widening her as he probed, and then a third, convincing her body to accept him. His cock was already slick from intercourse and when he slid his fingers out and positioned himself, he rubbed the tip enticingly between her buttocks. “Tell me again how you can take me any way I want you."

  "Do it.” Kia arched so he prodded her harder.

  He entered carefully, not wanting to hurt her, but to give her a new experience he was convinced, with her extraordinary audacity in bed, she would enjoy.

  He was so right, he discovered.

  As his rigid penis worked into her ass, his lover moaned.

  Hell, yes, she loved it.

  Chapter 6

  Jerra paced across the room for the hundredth time and took in a deep shuddering breath, trying to stay calm.

  The second explosion had been much louder and the huge ship actually shifted enough, she felt it.

  Oh, God, what was happening?

  She knew the diplomatic team had left that morning, for even if Ran hadn't been dressed in a different uniform, she would have been able to tell by the way he kissed her. His mouth had lingered on hers with a gentleness that had nothing to do with sexual need, and he held her so closely, she almost could not breathe. Ian also, had looked formidably grimmer than usual and she had heard enough discussion on the matter to know they were all worried about the success of trying to use persuasion to solve the Septinium problem.

  Apparently, they had been right, for suddenly she could hear the rhythmic beeping of hundreds of alarms and the ship shuddered violently enough she was thrown to the floor. Shaken, she scrambled to her feet and fought a surge of pure unadulterated panic. If the ship was actually being attacked, what was happening on the surface of the planet itself?


  The opening of the door made Jerra whirl in relief, but her heart sunk when she saw the tall, blond female captain step inside. Her cool gaze grazed over Jerra's body and she smiled thinly. Kia Liale said, “You aren't hurt. Good. The last hit was close to here. You'd better come with me, human."

  "What's happening?” Jerra clenched her hands into fists and stared at the S-species female she suspected now kept Ian occupied most nights. “Where are they?"

  "Down there. Now, let's go. Apparently someone will have my head if you are killed because I didn't move you someplace safer."

  Down there. The simple explanation was no explanation at all. “Have you had communication? What is going on?"

  "My job isn't to explain anything to you.” Liale stalked toward her. “Come with me or I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out."

  "Aren't you worried?” Jerra said defensively, but she stepped forward willingly enough. Anything was better than being trapped with her unruly fears alone.

  For a split second, the captain's face showed bleak emotion. “Yes. But it'll do no one any good, whereas if I stay focused on my job, I can at least follow orders. Now, are you going to cooperate?"

  "Yes.” Jerra nodded, feeling at least a small measure of connection. She followed the tall officer outside the quarters and down the hallway, noting with dismay most of the lights now flickered and she could smell the acrid hint of smoke in the air.

  They went down several levels, and Liale took her into a small berth with a single bed and austere pale walls. She pointed at the bed. “This is my room and more centrally located, so safer. Sit down, lie down, do whatever you want, human. I guess we are stuck here together, since my orders are to take care you aren't injured. Quite frankly, I resent the duty, but I've been trained to do what the commander wants."

  Ian had ordered protection for her? Jerra said coolly, “It occurs to me, Captain, he ordered it because he also wants you in a safe place. Your jealousy is misplaced. It isn't me he's protecting."

  Ian's lover looked at her with her crystalline eyes. “His cock has been inside you. It's pretty straightforward to me."

  "It wasn't exactly my choice, which you know full well."

  "I still resent you, human."

  "That isn't exactly a secret.” Jerra sighed, sat down on the bed, and pushed back a stray lock of hair from her cheek. “Ian hasn't touched me in a long time, if that makes you feel better."

  "A little, yes.” Liale's shoulders relaxed a fraction and she sank into the room's one chair. She added a moment later, “I hoped he hadn't, but wasn't sure. There are some things I am not allowed to ask. Thank you for telling me.” She smiled then, the first glimmer of any warmth Jerra had seen. “Quite frankly, I could not picture how someone as large as Ian could possibly mate with someone so slender and delicate."

  It was a personal subject, but then again, the topic of sex didn't embarrass her any longer. Jerra laughed. “Carefully, if you want the truth. Thank goodness the capsules exist to ease the differences in our respective sizes. When I first saw him, I was terrified."

  Captain Liale looked at her with level contemplation. “Actually, I doubt that. For someone with no real physical defenses against us, you seem to have been able to manage very well, Jerra. Look at Kartel, one of our leaders, so taken he barely leaves your side, I'm told."

  "I love him.” Jerra wasn't sure why she confessed it to someone normally antagonistic to her, but the words tumbled out, anyway. Probably because she was so worried she would never again hear his laugh or feel his persuasive touch. “They are all considerate to me, which I would never have imagined, but Ran and I connected from the beginning."

  "So Ian says. It's a pity really, for the ambassador cannot have you permanently."

  "If you think I don't know that, you're wrong.” She took in a deep breath. “I try not to think about the future too much, and right now, I would trade anything just to have Ran safe. My lost freedom and the conditions of my captivity seem insignificant when I am worried about his life."

  The captain narrowed her eyes. “You do love him."

  At that moment, the ship rocked again. Liale jumped up and was slammed into the wall by a second shudder, her tall form colliding with such force she seemed momentarily stunned.

  Jerra found herself on the floor once more, a little dazed at being thrown so hard. A high-pitched whistle pierced her consciousness and she caught her breath and got up. “Are you hurt?"

  "I don't think so, but someone is.” Ian's lover looked grim as she rubbed her shoulder. “That alarm means we have casualties."

  The thin sound was more unpleasant than ever now that Jerra understood its significance. “Where are you going?” she demanded as Liale scanned the door open.

  The other woman said shortly, “The main bay. I'm guessing they are bringing back wounded from the surface. If they need help, it's my job to be on hand. You
'll be safe enough here, human."

  "I'm going with you.” Jerra said it firmly, with no equivocation.

  "No, you are not. You'll be a distraction and a nuisance."

  "I'm a trained nurse."

  Liale eyed her and there was a flicker of indecision in her expression. “Truly?"

  "Yes.” It was irritating to realize she was regarded as having no purpose, except the sexual one she had been selected for by her abductors. “Believe me, Captain, I had an existence before the S-species decided to take over my life. I wasn't just a nurse, but a surgical nurse."

  "You're too young."

  "No.” She said it with gritty conviction. “Believe it or not, I'm actually very intelligent and was trained at an exceptionally early age. Now, shall we go?"

  "I could get in trouble if I take you. I am not sure what Ian would want. I'm pretty sure he doesn't see past your pretty tits and that tight little pussy he's been in so often."

  Jerra fought the urge to lash back, taking a deep breath. She gave the S-species female a level, steady look. “You are letting your jealousy affect your judgment, Captain Liale. If help is needed and I can give it, I am sure Ian would want me to be useful."

  "Maybe so,” she admitted grudgingly and glanced over her scanty attire. “I wish you were wearing something else. I can see your breasts almost as clearly as if you were naked. But maybe you can help.” She gave a small grimace. “Besides, this way at least I am still keeping you with me like he wanted. Come then, but follow orders."

  Grateful to be able to do anything besides sit and worry, Jerra nodded and followed her out the door.

  * * * *

  His side was on fire, his mouth tasted of soot and smoke, and he was bleeding everywhere.

  He was still way better off than Kartel.

  Shit! He'd failed.

  Ian pressed on the welling wound in his friend's stomach and bit back the string of swear words he wanted to let loose. There was shrapnel embedded deeply from the explosion and Ran's breathing had gotten ominously shallow.

  It was hard to imagine such vitality extinguished, but it was not impossible. Ian had been a solider long enough he'd seen plenty of death.

  "Fuck, no,” he muttered, his bloody hands slippery as he applied enough pressure to keep the ashen man lying so still from at least bleeding to death. “You aren't going to die, Kartel. No way. Stay with me.” On an afterthought, he added, “Think of Jerra."

  For a moment, he could swear his friend's eyelids fluttered.

  If that was the way to keep him alive, he wasn't above exploiting it.

  "She's so soft, isn't she?” he said in a persuasive whisper. “So warm inside, so tight and responsive. I see how she looks at you, and you told me how she loves you. If you leave her, she'll be fated to servicing other S-species males her whole life, and bearing children who will be taken away immediately. Is that what you want for her?"

  Kartel gave a small groan, and despite his own wounds, Ian felt like leaping up and cheering. He went on, hope glimmering. “I think you could try and free her. No, it isn't done, but why not try? Petition the Council to see if they might gift her to you. It isn't like you haven't served Minoa in every way possible. When you pull through this, they are going to owe you for insisting we go instead of listening to your advice. They'll know it. Call in all your favors."

  Ran opened his eyes, but his stare was unfocussed. “What ... happened?"

  Damn, he'd lost a lot of blood. The extraordinary pallor of his skin was frightening.

  "They didn't give us a chance,” Ian said, gratefully feeling the transport lock into docking mode. “The first bomb exploded before we even landed. They destroyed our craft and we crashed. From there, they started a full assault on the ship, keeping rescue at bay. Finally, I was able to get through with a few orders."

  "What?” Kartel's green eyes held intense curiosity besides his obvious pain and weakness. Mangled and bloody, he seemed only half-conscious, but it was better than nothing.

  "We took out the capital.” Ian was no diplomat and he was not going to apologize for having a heavy hand. He'd recommended that strategy all along. “Most of their population and the full seat of their government. If they didn't expect it, they were fools. They cannot attack diplomatic S-species envoys. In my mind, if they didn't want to talk, that's just fine. We can deal with each other in a much simpler way."

  "Simple?” Ran smiled, a ghost of the real thing curving his lips.

  "Dead is simple,” Ian explained succinctly. “No matter the race, everyone understands death. Most universally decline the honor."

  "I didn't ... want ... that."

  "I didn't, either. They did. You do peace. Let me handle war."

  "You got it.” His friend's eyes drifted shut, his pallor pronounced.

  "Whoa. None of that. You aren't leaving, got it? Tell me, what do you see for our lovely Jerra? Surely you've had visions? Come on, stay here and we'll talk about it."

  "She looks even more beautiful pregnant, but who knows if it is mine. I've been having some problems seeing clearly lately and we all know she is supposed to be bred."

  "It's yours.” Ian fought the tightness in his throat. “I feel it like I felt the ominous repercussions of this fucking misguided mission."

  "Right now ... she's frightened."

  "I would guess. They've been blasting at the ship, but once we were clear and their main defenses eradicated, it should be quiet up there. Plus, Kia is with her."

  "Kia is as frightened as she is."

  Ian felt his mouth tighten. He said gruffly, “That isn't possible, Ran. She's a soldier. Trained, hardened, and experienced."

  "She's in love. It changes the chemistry ... of ... everything."

  Damned insight. Ian was infinitely glad he didn't have it. “We're here. Everything is going to be fine now."

  "Is it?"

  Ian said firmly, “Yes."

  The doors opened and the first medical staff poured in. Ian saw them check visibly as they registered the severity of the injuries of the occupants of the craft, and he told the nearest doctor briefly, “Bomb."

  The man nodded and dropped to his knees next to Kartel, shouting for assistance. Ian was shouldered out of the way and he reluctantly left his friend in more competent hands.

  Moments later, he was glanced over by a young female doctor who apologetically pronounced his wounds superficial and left him for someone who needed her more. Unfortunately, there were plenty of those. Regardless of his rank, he handed over bandages, carried stretchers, and did whatever he could for his men.

  When he first spotted Jerra, he thought perhaps he was hallucinating. She was bent over a fallen man, her small hands busy at work with what looked like professional competence as she dressed a wound, her long unbound hair like a golden curtain. Despite his injuries, the fallen solider was smiling and Ian really couldn't quite blame the young male. Considering the low cut front of her almost translucent dress, he probably had one hell of a wonderful view of her spectacular breasts.

  If Jerra was there...

  "You're bleeding, Ian.” Liale spoke gruffly as she strode toward him, but her face was pale. Her eyes glittered as she scanned his myriad of cuts and scrapes. “Why aren't you being treated?"

  "I'm told it is insignificant and I agree."

  "It looks bad.” She gestured at the blood dripping from his fingers.

  "Take my word, it's just a few flesh wounds and forget it."

  She muttered something about a stubborn male and he grinned for the first time since the explosion and crash, feeling a moment of light-hearted relief. “You have no idea,” he informed her, just barely resisting the urge to throw his arms around her to kiss her soundly despite the melee of milling medical personnel.

  "What went wrong?” She took the other end of a stretcher, lifting it with ease, her tall athletic body moving fluidly.

  As they took the unconscious soldier toward the open bay of the ship, Ian told her, “Everything.
They didn't exactly welcome us with open arms but hit the transport and we crashed. Then they began a full assault. Luckily, both Kartel and I expected trouble.” He shrugged. “The craft behind us was full of the soldiers in your command, Kia. They are very well-trained men. My compliments, for they got us out quickly and efficiently."

  She nodded, shouldering her way through the door. “They work well together. What of Septinium?"

  "I would guess they now understand that when S-species send a request for peace negotiations, they should behave like civilized creatures. That last explosion was fall out from our retaliation."

  "Where's Kartel?"

  Ian had expected her to ask, for the tall ambassador was hard to miss. “On one of these stretchers somewhere, hopefully with a very competent physician in attendance. He's lost a lot of blood, I'm afraid."

  "Jerra won't handle that well."

  He lifted his brows. “You care how she feels?"

  Kia scowled. “I didn't say I cared. I merely know how your beautiful little human feels about him."

  "I told you if you gave it a chance, you might actually like her."

  "I wish you'd never touched her, but you're right, she can stand up for herself, despite the fact she's a captive. I can perhaps understand why Kartel is so obsessed with her.” Liale grimaced as they carefully deposited the stretcher on a nearby bench in the medical area. “Besides the obvious reasons, of course."

  "She is beautiful.” He couldn't resist making the comment for he loved Kia's combative possessiveness. It matched his own fierce desires.

  "She says you haven't touched her in a long time.” His lover immediately bristled and put her hands on her hips. “Was she lying to me?"

  "No. In my experience, Jerra does not lie. It isn't her nature to be dishonest."

  "Stop complimenting her."

  "Is that an order? Let's not forget I am your superior officer, Captain."

  She was predictably unfazed by the reminder. “I am your female. That means I am the only one you want in your bed. Forget your pretty little human, Ian. Besides, as far as I can tell, she belongs to Kartel."


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