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Floor Time

Page 4

by Liz Crowe

  Yeah, OK, girl, settle down. This is Jack Gordon, every woman’s dream date. But he’s only here with paperwork.

  She shook her head, looked up and there he was – all six-foot-four-inch, dark hair, blue eyes, sexy white smile of him. Resisting the sudden compulsion to look away, to not meet his eyes, she smiled back.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he began as he always did on the phone, his voice a low growl that matched his car engine’s rumble. “I’ve got something for ya.”

  “Ha, I’ll just bet you do,” she threw back. Lame, she thought as she took in the sight of him in his dark blue suit trousers and striped dress shirt with French cuffs emphasizing what had to be an incredible torso, arms and chest. Jack had a classic male shape – wide shoulders tapering to a slim waist and long legs – and he wore a suit better than anyone Sara had ever seen. His red and yellow tie, which stopped just short of being loud, was flung over his shoulder from the ride. He smelled great, too – some combination of spice, cigar, and leather.

  Damn. I’m screwed.

  “No, really. My asshole seller agrees to your asshole buyer’s requests post inspection. I’ve got it all signed up here. Now all we lack is a good appraisal and we are golden, my lovely!”

  “You call all the girl agents that, I’m sure.” She sighed and reached for the paper he held out, grazing his hand in the process.

  His skin was warm. No, not warm. Hot, as if he’d been near a fire. She shivered, and the tingling in her scalp crawled down her spine and settled nicely between her legs.

  She drew back. He moved forward to fill the empty space between them. Their silhouettes darkened the entry foyer. He remained shy of touching her – staying just out of reach.

  “You know, I was looking for an excuse to see you in person,” he said. “I’m really gonna miss our little evening chats once this deal is done.”

  “Yeah, well, you know where I live.” Sara waved in the general direction of the office as her breath caught in her throat. “I, um, gotta do some, you know, busy work tonight so…”,

  Don’t go…don’t go…don’t go….

  “So do I – but I just can’t help thinking that we could come up with something a bit, I don’t know… more fun to do together.”

  “Um, yeah, I guess we could go out if you want, but I’m not really dressed for it.” Sara’s brain fogged over. Was he asking her out on date? Before she could speak, react or even move, his lips covered hers.

  Her mind immediately grasped the fact that the entire downtown of Ann Arbor could see them sucking face in the vestibule of her office. Her manager would really not be pleased.

  Oh dear Lord.

  As he became more insistent, Sara responded with the sort eagerness she’d never experienced before. His lips were softer than she would have thought, but became increasingly more demanding that she share and open her mouth to him. She gave in, parted her lips, and placed her hands on his chest sending her last bit of resistance swirling down the drain.

  He licked her lips, nipped at her bottom one, and then swept inside, possessing her with his tongue. She gave way, fully aware that this guy, wanted by so many, held her, right there, and had reached under her hair to tug her closer. Sara had not fully acknowledged her level of horniness until that moment – when the man who represented everything so wrong for her prepared to blow apart her world with the touch of his hands and mouth.

  Jack had kept distance between them during their initial contact, as if gauging how she would respond before committing himself. Once she green-lighted him with her body language, he moved closer, grasped the back of her head with one hand, his fingers twisting and threading through her hair.

  Any and all hesitation disappeared as he deepened the toe-curling kiss. His other hand traveled the length of her back and reached up again to cup her head. He flitted over her ass, teased, seemingly determined to draw it out until she asked for more. Her traitorous arms wrapped around his neck, as she rose up on her tiptoes.

  Oh my God, don’t do this, Sara. Just. Don’t.

  But the compulsion that had built over the past year commanded her, and she molded her body to his as if it were the most natural thing in the world. A loud knock on the glass made her jump away and run her hand through her hair as the college kid on the other side laughed and mimed a blowjob, until his buddies drew him away.

  She glanced up at Jack, saw his skin flush with anger or passion. He smirked as he watched the guys’ retreat into the soft Michigan summer night then turned to face her. His face remained inscrutable, but when he turned that sapphire gaze back to her, she had to reach back and grab the wall or risk doing something truly alarming, like fling herself at him.

  Where in the hell had that come from?

  This was not how she acted.

  She shook her head, took a step back. Before she could speak, he was in her space again, running a finger down her face, Gentle, but without a doubt, in complete control.

  “Sorry, Sara, I just couldn’t help myself.” His rough voice made her skin pebble. “Let’s lock up here. You grab your stuff. We’ll go somewhere for a drink.”

  He followed her inside the second set of doors, close enough so she could smell him – a unique combination of soapy manliness, subtle cologne and lust. Her chest constricted. Danger signals flashed in her vision. He reached up and flipped off the lights as she rounded the corner of the front desk on her way back to her office. She turned around to tell him not to bother with them – that they kept that set on, and ran straight into his neck. He pulled her to him and muttered into her ear as she struggled to disentangle herself.

  “Shh…wait. It’s okay. I’ve got you.” His hands moved from her head, to her neck, and down her back before cupping her ass. She reached up to grasp his head and force his mouth back down to hers, making a near animal sound in her throat as their tongues collided. She twined her hands in his hair as a primal, almost painful need rose in her, making her squirm and clutch him tighter.

  His hand moved from her ass up to her shirt, reaching under the simple top she wore, straight to her bra.

  “Mmm, somebody is happy to see me,” he whispered into her ear, causing a sudden nearly violent reaction throughout her entire body. She jerked away, leaving about a foot between them.

  “What?” He took a step back and passed a hand over his mouth. “Did I hurt you?”

  Sara stared at what she could see of him, now that her eyes had adjusted to the gloom of the front office and rubbed her arm nervously.

  This was patently insane – all of it.

  They were in her office, for Christ’s sake. She’d heard he liked to fuck around in public, but she didn’t want to be another office conquest. Her usually repressed nature struggled with her body’s compulsion to have his hands on her, his mouth on hers, before she exploded.

  “Ah, no.” Her voice wobbled.

  She turned away from him, hoping to marshal her strength and tell him to leave. As she made her way down the office hallway she knew by heart even in the darkness. She could smell him on her and knew at that moment, that her resolve to stay away from him had deserted her, leaving her exposed, vulnerable, and wanting nothing more than his hands on her skin, his lips on hers.

  They had been building towards it for too long. Her brain knew to keep quiet – it would not be heard over her body’s clamor. Her baser need for him took over, and when he put a hand on her shirt and firmly tugged her back to him, she let him, shutting her eyes and praying she wasn’t making a huge mistake.

  She started to turn but he grabbed her from behind.

  “Don’t turn around,” he whispered. “Just leave it all to me.”

  “You should know something,” she said even as she felt her knees buckling as she leaned back against his body

  “Oh? What’s that?” His lips claimed her neck. His hands rubbed both nipples at once. She bent her knees and moaned, raised her arms and put them behind her around his head. He’d managed at some point to lose his expen
sive cufflinks and roll up his sleeves exposing tanned forearms. He released each breast from their cups, caressed, rubbed, and pinched her sensitive flesh while his lips and teeth teased her neck and shoulder.

  “I…I don’t… I mean, I’ve never…Oh…shit.”

  She began to move, rubbing against the heat of his erection pressed into her back. He groaned and increased attention to her nipples, continuing to use his lips to caress the back of her neck. A small fire burned wherever he touched her.

  “Mmm… I have been dreaming of doing this to you for weeks.” The words caused every nerve in her body to tingle. She closed her eyes. “But tell me what I need to know…Sara.” The sound of her name coming from his mouth, his breath blowing the hair away from her ear made her honestly want to faint.

  “I’m…I’ve never, you know, um…come. With a man, anyway.” His hands froze, then released her breasts. He moved away from her, leaving her cold, and mortified at her admission. She was such a loser. And now, even Jack Gordon knew her lame secret. She rubbed her elbow and turned to face him, keeping her gaze trained on the floor. Her nipples were still hard, and brushed against the soft fabric of her shirt, making her shiver and wish he’d just leave her alone.

  He ran the back of his hand along her cheek, down her neck, then back to her chin. “Look at me, Sara,” he said, his voice even lower than normal. She tried to resist. To shake herself free of him. He let go of her chin and put his hands on her shoulders. They felt warm, reassuring, strong. She tried not to shiver again. He moved them down her arms to her elbows and then to her hands, which he picked up and put to his lips.

  She watched as he kissed each one of her knuckles, slowly, gently, taking his time as if they were in some hotel suite and not standing here in the slightly overheated back hallway of her office. Before she could say anything, he pulled her close, kissed her, and pressed her up against the wall. As if it had a mind of its own, her left leg lifted and encircled his waist.

  Oh my God, I am dry humping this man—in my office.

  He reached down and slowly unzipped her shorts, never removing his lips from the skin of her neck. He was muttering, something about “You smell exactly like I thought you would” but she couldn’t be certain as her brain started fogging up like the inside of a car window, obscuring all rational thought. “I’m going to show you how it feels, Sara. You want that, hmmm? Will you let me show you?”

  Jack reached a hand down and brushed the outside of her panties. She moaned as she leaned back against the wall. Sweat dripped slowly between her breasts. Her breath caught in her throat. She sensed him grin against her skin as he leaned down to find the moisture and lap at it, while his fingers teased her flesh.

  “Somebody is really happy to see me.” His voice had an edge to it she loved—and hated herself for loving.

  Oh crap, lighten up already. Enjoy this moment because it’s the only one you’ll get from him.

  Sara realized she was moving her hips, thrusting towards him as though drawn by a magnet. She started to reach down, needing to feel his flesh but he grabbed her hands, lifted them slowly up over her head and pinned her wrists against the wall.

  “No, baby, let me. Lean back and relax. You’re wound so god damned tight. Just…relax.”

  Baby. She used to hate it when any man called her that. But now? Coming out Jack’s mouth? She wanted nothing more than to hear it again and again.

  Everything in her struggled against him, tried to resist, but the firm grasp he kept on her wrists was one of the most erotic sensations she’d ever experienced. She bit her lip as

  he manipulated her and maintained his control, seemingly without much effort, still holding her wrists captive over her head. She started lifting off, becoming as light as air, reaching the edge of extreme pleasure while part of her tried to resist.

  The man she’d been dreaming about for months was there, touching her, holding her captive against her office wall, and his lips, dear God…She was going to come. Right here in her office. Right…now.

  Eyes closed, head and arms up against the wall, she finally gave in to the pure, shuddering pleasure of it. Ignoring how much further she’d be willing to go with him, her usual reservations were abandoned in his arms.

  She rolled into the orgasm as his fingers pressed deep inside her, his thumb keeping the outside pressure. She knew he was watching her, observing her reaction but didn’t give a shit about that as she gave in to her body’s clamor for release. Until that exact moment she had no idea how much she’d missed out on the pure, breathtaking beauty of an earth-shattering climax. Could she hang onto it, bottle it, so she could re-visit it after Jack was through with her?

  She knew he had no intention of doing anything beyond proving something, proving that he could have her anytime and anywhere he wanted. But as far as she was concerned, he could prove all he wanted if it meant she could feel this way – every delicious, clutching, breathless minute of it.

  “Oh dear God, Jack.” She heard her own whisper, hating the sound of its cliché. She cried out as she yanked her wrists from his grasp and clenched his arm, her lips seeking his. He accommodated her with his delicious lips and tongue and she’d swear he still wore that smug grin while he kissed her.

  “You come, Sara,” he muttered into her hair as she tried to calm her breathing. “How did that feel? Did you like it?” He sounded as breathless as she felt.

  She sighed, rolled her head around, tried to get some semblance of dignity back. He kept his lips on her shoulders, her neck, as if unwilling to break contact. She reached for him, requiring him back in her space and admiring the view of his rumpled shirt and tie. He leaned closer, placed both hands on the wall on either side of her head, closed his eyes, and let her unhook his belt. She stopped, just as she was about to get her hands on him.

  “Let’s move in here,” she whispered, indicating her cubicle, reluctant to expose him in the hall. No matter that she was standing there, her shorts flung aside and her shirt practically ripped off from behind.

  “No. I like it right here.” His voice was firm. She bit her lip. He leaned back to allow her a better angle.

  His scent, now mingled with hers, and the breathless way he spoke near her ear combined to bring out something completely new in her. Her body tensed in a kind of dreamy, post-orgasmic anticipation. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could hear the sounds of the office at night. Sounds she was familiar with – the whirr of the fridge, the tick of the large Art Deco clock out front, even the traffic noises that were her usual backdrop for an evening work session. None of those things would ever sound the same to her again.

  She gripped his cock, already slick with clear evidence of his desire. So, he isn’t all that much in control, she thought as she rubbed up and down the length of him.

  “Mmm hmm. Very nice.” He kept his eyes closed, his hands still planted on the wall. She reached down and cupped his balls, smiling as they contracted at her touch.

  She brought her lips to his, their breathing combined as his increased. She shoved her tongue into his mouth. He plunged his hands into her hair, moved his hips ever so slightly, and moaned deep in his throat, which sparked her own need to have him right then, inside her, before she exploded.

  How crazy is this? He’s a colleague, a guy you’ve been warned about by people who love you – and you’re ready to let him fuck you like an animal standing up in the hallway?


  Some inner New Sara convinced her as she bent her knees and leaned over, taking in the scent of his most intimate and sensitive part, the raw, salty, musky man-smell. She flicked her tongue around the head, tasted him, allowed a little suction then withdrew.

  As she was about to taste some more, he grabbed her arms and tugged her straight up again, nearly growling with desire.

  “I’ve been waiting for this since I first met you. Tell me what you want,” he demanded in a rough whisper.

  Sara heard her voice as if listening in, unable to stop her
self. “I want you to fuck me, Jack. Now.”

  He pushed her gently back against the wall, grabbing her leg to hike it up again and forced her lips open with his insistent tongue as he propped himself against the wall with one hand.

  A flick of his wrist, the sound of a condom being opened, and his hand down low again near her bare sex indicated his readiness. She tried not to think about the fact that he had protection at his fingertips, as if he knew he would be getting some tonight. Those thoughts remained purely secondary to her urgent need to have him inside her.

  “Now,” she demanded as she wrapped her arms around his neck and plunged her hands into his thick hair. The slim bit of control she had over this, over herself, slipped neatly out of her grasp.

  “I will, baby. Gotta go slow. Trust me.” His breath tickled her ear as he slid some combination of fingers into her again. She jerked and moaned as he used them to stretch her. She thrust against him, wanting more, sensing a second orgasm hovering, teasing her.

  Head spinning at her own eagerness, Sara gasped when he reached around and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer and slowly easing into her, one delicious inch at a time. Her eyes widened as she went up on her tiptoes, one leg wrapped firmly around his waist providing an amazing angle.

  She moaned as he withdrew, the extreme emptiness he left behind making her gasp. He looked into her eyes and reached down to cup her breast in the hand that wasn’t propped against the wall for support. He caressed her nipple, murmuring something she couldn’t hear. Sweat trickled down her back.

  “Jack, please….”

  “What, Sara?” His voice held an element of teasing she did not care for.

  “I need you back inside me.” Every nerve ending she possessed tingled with anticipation.

  He obliged, faster this time. She lifted her leg up higher around his waist to allow for more contact, and groaned at the extreme sensation of his body inside hers. He began to move against her, deliciously slow, with control and intent. His breath picked up and he grabbed her ass once more, pulling her tighter to his body. He made a low sound deep in his throat.


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