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Forever Yours

Page 3

by Melissa Tereze

  “Sure, yeah.” Will smoothed his hands down his jeans. “I am sorry she did that to you, Pais.”

  “Yeah, me too. It’s just a shame Georgina doesn’t feel the same way.”

  “You want me to stay with you?”

  “No, you go home.” Paisley wrapped her arms around herself, the sudden need to climb into bed presenting itself. “I’m ready to turn in, but I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Please, think about this more before you consider leaving. I don’t know what I’d do without you at the office.”

  “You’d survive.” Paisley pulled Will into a hug, patting his back. “I promise I’ll be there tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay.” Will sighed. “Just don’t pull a Georgina on me.”


  The ticking of the clock on the wall was really beginning to push the last of Georgina’s buttons. Had it always been so loud? She couldn’t recall noticing before she left.

  She rubbed her temples, closing her eyes and stifling a yawn. 7:58 am. She wasn’t feeling great this morning. Last night, Georgina returned to her home for the first time in two years. She’d stopped by a year after she left Liverpool, taking some of the things she needed…but Scotland got the better of her, with not much time to return home often. Or so she told herself.

  She spoke with Brian daily—she’d missed nothing from within the office—but being here this morning was a big adjustment for Georgina. She had so much to do. Little time to do it. And the added pressure of being around Paisley.

  A knock on the door tugged Georgina from thoughts she shouldn’t be thinking. God, I hope it’s Paisley.

  She squared her shoulders and cleared her throat. “Come in.”

  “Georgina, hi.” Victoria Walsh stood in the doorway, everything about her sending a deep wave of jealousy throughout Georgina. “I was thinking perhaps we could grab lunch together today. You know, get better acquainted?”

  “I have too much to do.” Georgina returned to the papers on her desk. “But I do want to run through some paperwork with you at some point.”

  “Paperwork?” Victoria closed the door, nearing the desk. “Regarding what?”

  “Relationships in the workplace,” Georgina said, glancing up over the rim of her glasses. “You and your assistant.”

  “We’re not together.” Victoria laughed. “She’s not my type.”

  “Really?” Georgina sighed, sitting back and crossing her legs. “Do I look stupid, Victoria?”

  Victoria smirked. “No, but you are wrong. Paisley is just…there.”

  “Excuse me? What exactly are you trying to say?” With her hands clasped together, Georgina sat forward and placed them under her chin.

  Victoria placed her hands on the desk, leaning forward to expose an impressive cleavage. “You know, she’s handy to have around.”

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” Georgina stood, facing Victoria closely, “but it stops right now.”

  “I was just waiting for something better to come along.” Victoria took her bottom lip between her teeth. “Seems to me like that time has arrived.”

  Georgina bristled. “You should leave.”

  “And you should have lunch with me,” Victoria replied nonchalantly. “We should arrange that really soon.” Victoria pushed off the desk, walking away and leaving Georgina stunned.

  Georgina may have hired this woman based on Brian’s opinion of her, but she would fire her if needed. She was here to work—not date employees. It had ended in disaster the first time around; Georgina had learned her lesson.

  Powering up her computer, it took a little longer to boot up than usual, lack of use likely to be the cause. She would have to send it to IT to have it updated, but for now, she would persevere. She kicked off her heels under her desk and prepared to get up to date with the comings and goings around the office.

  “Mrs Weaver.” Will stood in the doorway, shifting from left to right. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m your assistant. Brian emailed me this morning.”

  “O-oh.” Georgina had stupidly assumed Brian would reassign her old assistant to her—no such luck this morning. “Right, well, come on in.”

  “Whatever you need…I’m your man.”

  Christ, this is going to be painful. Georgina smiled weakly, already feeling a headache approaching before her computer had allowed her to log onto her account. “Where did you work before?”

  “I’ve been hovering around reception for the last couple of months.”

  “So, you have no idea what you’re doing?” Georgina removed her glasses, setting them down beside her keyboard. “We shut down in ten days for Christmas…”

  Will held up his hands. “I’m a fast learner, I promise. I won’t let you down, Mrs Weaver.”

  Georgina sighed. “It’s Miss, but Georgina will be fine.”

  “Oh, but Paisley said—” Will cut himself off. “Never mind.”

  “No, go on.” Georgina waved her hand in the air, focusing on her computer. “What did Paisley say?”

  “That you were married.”

  Her blood ran cold as Georgina slowly lifted her head. “S-she what?”

  “She told me last night that you were married.” Will stared at Georgina, clearly confused.

  Her entire world slowed. How did Paisley know that she’d foolishly married since she left? Who the hell had told her? Georgina didn’t wish to divulge her personal life to this young assistant—his name escaping her—but if it meant he could put Paisley’s mind to rest when they got together, it would be worth it.

  “I’m not married,” Georgina said. “I made a mistake and…and I’m not married.”

  “Made a mistake with who?” Will asked. “Your ex-wife or Paisley?”

  Georgina’s mouth fell open, shocked to the core that he had the audacity to say that. Georgina didn’t know him, he didn’t know her; what right did this child have to come in here and question her?

  “How dare you!” Georgina spoke barely above a whisper, standing and rounding her desk. “You should go back to reception. You’re not working for me.”


  “Be thankful I’m keeping you in this building at all.” Georgina motioned for Will to leave, holding the door open until he backed out into the corridor. “And when you see Paisley, send her to me!”

  Georgina slammed the door shut, resting back against it and turning the lock. Perhaps coming back here wasn’t the wisest decision she’d ever made, but she couldn’t stay in Scotland and effectively a recluse any longer. It wasn’t her. It was never supposed to be her life. If Georgina had any hope of getting back on track and back to normal, she had to come home to Liverpool. Whether Paisley was here or not.

  Georgina sat quietly in her office, picking at a chicken salad she’d collected from the local deli. Her hunger appeared to be non-existent today, her body only affording her the ability to stomach copious amounts of coffee. Paisley was avoiding her—there were no two ways about it—but she couldn’t bring herself to summon Paisley to her office. The hurt she’d seen in her eyes last night was enough to re-open old wounds for Georgina. She wasn’t willing to relive that again in the near future.

  For three years, her heart ached to hold Paisley. To tell her everything may one day be okay. To love her fully. As she stood facing her last night, that potential shattered. Shaking her head, Georgina pulled her feet up onto the couch and lay back.

  “Try this…” Paisley crawled across the floor, lemon chicken stuck to the end of her fork. “I got it from the new Chinese.”

  Georgina refused the forkful of food being offered. “I’m going to stink of garlic going into my next meeting…”

  “Well, unless you’re planning to kiss someone other than me, I fail to see why that matters.”

  Georgina drew Paisley closer, curling her fingers under her assistant’s chin. “I don’t think I’ll ever kiss another woman again.”

  “Perfect answer.” Paisley smiled into their kiss, her body igniting with every caress of Georgina’s lips. “Are we having dinner together tonight?”

  “Do I have to let you go at the end of it?” Georgina whispered, pressing her forehead against Paisley’s. “Because I don’t know if I can do that…”

  “Tonight, I'm all yours.” Paisley pushed Georgina down onto the rug in the office, straddling her legs—her lunch discarded. “Business meeting away.”

  “Perfect.” Georgina’s hands slid up Paisley’s thighs, disappearing beneath her skirt. “Maybe we should make it a business weekend…”

  “Consider it done.”

  Georgina dropped her chicken salad to the floor, curling into the foetal position as she turned on her side. This place only reminded her of everything she’d once had with Paisley…those memories not always enough to curb her craving for the younger woman. You just have to get through the next couple of weeks. Everything will settle soon.

  Georgina knew what she needed—a new case to sink her teeth into. Something to take up every ounce of attention she held. Anything to remove Paisley Healy from her mind. Georgina had never once claimed to be in love—she didn’t believe she had the capacity to love another woman in such an unconditional way—but when Paisley walked into her office ready and willing to do anything Georgina asked, it struck something within her. All the control she felt around the office was obliterated in a matter of weeks. Did she believe she could have that with someone other than Paisley? She’d tried…and failed.

  Marriage in Scotland hadn’t been in Georgina’s plans. Marriage hadn’t been anything she had ever considered—here or elsewhere—but it had been a tactic to move forward with her life. A tactic which hadn’t work from the get-go. She tried, they both did, but she had been foolish to ever agree to a marriage with another woman when the only woman she wanted was here in Liverpool. Heartbroken and unforgiving.

  How could I ever expect Paisley to forgive me? Georgina had quite simply vanished. All contact cut. It wasn’t how their relationship was supposed to be—but it’s how it ended.

  “Georgina?” The door creaked open, a familiar voice music to Georgina’s ears. “Can I come in?”

  Georgina sat upright, fixing her hair as she did. “Yes.”

  “Will said you wanted to see me?” Paisley looked tired; her dark eyes half-lidded. “Did you need something?”

  “Close the door and sit down.” Georgina shifted on the couch, creating a space for Paisley. “We need to set some ground rules here.”

  “O…kay.” Paisley sat down, sitting her hands in her lap. “About what?”

  “I understand that my being here isn’t what you want, but I really would appreciate it if you didn’t discuss me—or us—with your friends around here.”

  “I’m sorry,” Paisley said. “I was angry last night. Will took me home and we got talking.”

  “Understandable.” Georgina nodded, lifting her hand to take Paisley’s but suddenly pulling it back. “He’s your friend, and probably a good one, but I don’t want him coming into work and asking questions that are no business of his.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m not married.” The words fell from Georgina’s mouth with so much ease, she wondered if she’d needed to say that to Paisley rather than wanted to. “He assumed I was, based what you told him, but I’m not.”

  Paisley faced her fully. “I don’t care what’s going on in your life, Georgina. I lost any right to that when you walked away from me.”

  “I didn’t leave you for someone else; it wasn’t like that.”

  Paisley held up her hands. “Georgina—”

  “No, I need you to believe that.” This time, she did take Paisley’s hand. “My reasons for leaving had nothing to do with how I felt about you. Well, they did…but not in the way that you think. I certainly didn’t disappear so I could run off and marry another woman.”

  “But did you marry another woman?”

  “Yes,” Georgina said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “But it was a mistake.”

  “Why would you marry someone by mistake?” Paisley sneered. “You’re a clever woman. I find it hard to believe that someone like you could make a mistake like that.”

  “I was trying to fill a void.” Georgina said, brushing non-existent lint from her pencil skirt. “To forget. To move on with my life.”

  “Well, I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you.” Paisley pushed herself up from the couch. “If that’s all, I should get back to Victoria.”

  “Be careful.” Georgina uttered the words, unsure as to whether Paisley heard her.

  “Why? Is Victoria going to do a runner, too?”

  Georgina cocked her head, smiling faintly. She'd missed Paisley’s smart-ass comments. “I don’t trust her.”

  Paisley rolled her eyes. “You don’t know her.”

  “I know enough to trust my gut. It’s telling me you should stop whatever you’re doing with her. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Nobody could ever hurt me the way you did, Gee.” Paisley’s voice cracked. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  Georgina pushed through her office door, surprised to find Victoria Walsh sitting on her pristine leather couch. She didn’t have time for this, or the desire to fight over Paisley, so Victoria’s presence here was wasted. Whether the younger woman realised that or not, the fact still remained. Georgina cleared her throat, causing Victoria to look up from the phone in her hand.

  “Ah, Georgina.”

  “Can I help you?” Georgina stopped in the middle of the room, her briefcase firmly in her right hand. “I wasn’t aware of any meeting.”

  “You said you wanted to discuss paperwork,” Victoria said. “About my relationship with Paisley…”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Georgina’s stomach dropped. She honestly couldn’t believe another lawyer had snapped Paisley up. She also couldn’t believe Paisley would choose someone like Victoria Walsh. The pretentiousness of the woman was written all over her face. A face Georgina was beginning to loathe. “So, should I draw up a contract?”

  “That really won’t be necessary.” Victoria waved her hand as she stood. “I’m going to call everything off with her. It’s probably inappropriate anyway.”

  As much as Georgina wished Victoria would call things off, she didn’t want Paisley to get hurt. She also didn’t want her ex to assume that Georgina was behind whatever was about to unfold between Paisley and Victoria. Yes, she missed Paisley—she always would—but they couldn’t be together. So long as Paisley was happy, and she appeared to be, Georgina wouldn’t meddle.

  “Look,” Georgina paused, unsure if she actually wanted to say what she was planning to say. “I…it’s not inappropriate, Victoria. So long as you don’t bring it into the office with you, there is no issue.”

  “No, it’s unprofessional.”

  “Whatever you decide.” Georgina blew out a deep breath, rounding her desk and taking a seat. “Close the door on your way out. Thank you.”

  “You and I on the other hand…” Victoria smiled, taking a seat facing Georgina and crossing her legs. “That could work.”

  “Unprofessional, remember,” Georgina repeated Victoria’s explanation back to her. She had no interest in this woman whatsoever. The sooner Victoria realised that, the sooner everyone could get back to work.

  “We’re both adults here, Georgina. I’m sure it would be perfectly fine.”

  “And what about Paisley?” Georgina was simply entertaining Victoria now. This was her chance to really get a feel for how Victoria perceived Paisley. If Georgina had to step in, she would. “Isn’t she adult enough for you?”

  Victoria stared, rocking back in her seat. “I think we both know what I’m trying to say here…”

  “And I think you’re wasting your time, Miss Walsh.” Georgina tapped away on her keyboard, choosing to refrain from continuing this conversation.

; “Paisley is great,” Victoria said. “Really great.”

  “Your point?” Georgina eyed her colleague over the rim of her glasses.

  “She’s just a little fun.”

  “And is Paisley aware of this?”

  “She knows it’s nothing exclusive.” Something within Georgina settled. She didn’t know why. It didn’t make life easier knowing someone else was giving Paisley what she wanted, but knowing they weren’t actually together did make Georgina feel marginally better. “Maybe I could tempt you with dinner at my place?”

  “Maybe you could leave my office and get back to the job you’re employed to do?”

  “Wow, you’re a tough nut to crack.”

  “All the more reason for you to realise that you’re wasting your time.” Georgina smiled sarcastically as she watched Victoria stand, heading for the door. “And Miss Walsh?”

  “Yes?” Victoria spun on her heel.

  “If you hurt Paisley, you’re out of here.”


  Paisley shoved her overnight bag to the floor, the weight of it causing a thud throughout her bedroom. In all honesty, she could have done without a weekend away in Victoria’s company, but being at home in her apartment would only give her an unnecessary amount of time to think. Georgina was firmly there at the front of her mind—where she had always been, in some way. This wasn’t healthy, they had to find a way to move forward. If they couldn’t, Paisley really would be forced to look elsewhere for a job. She hoped it wouldn’t come to that—Weaver & Associates meant a lot to her—but seeing Georgina around the office everyday was only making her life harder than it needed to be.

  Victoria would be collecting her in the next thirty minutes, so Paisley really didn’t have time to dispute her plans. Home, bed, and snacks felt like the appropriate way to finally step into Christmas, but she’d agree to spend the weekend with Victoria, and she wouldn’t let her down. Paisley wouldn’t be spending Christmas at her apartment. It would likely be with her mum—her brother too if he could be bothered to show—but a quiet Christmas seemed to be the best option this year. After all, last year’s festivities involved them dealing with the aftermath of her dad’s death.


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