Book Read Free

Forever Yours

Page 6

by Melissa Tereze

  She took the short walk down the hallway towards Victoria’s office, the door slightly ajar. Their plans had been cancelled on Friday, but Paisley had no intentions of dwelling on it. Victoria believed it was inappropriate now that Georgina was back, and Paisley would accept that. It didn’t matter to her—nothing between them had been set in stone—but an explanation as to why the weekend had been cancelled would be appreciated. Something more than a poor excuse involving Georgina and her suspicions.

  Paisley pushed the door open, removing her satchel from her shoulder. “Good morning.” She would test the water first.

  “Morning,” Victoria said, her eyes remaining on the work on her desk. “Can I help you?”

  “Huh?” Paisley frowned, moving towards her desk. “It’s Monday. I’m supposed to be here.”

  “You no longer work for me.” Victoria glanced up momentarily. “I thought Her Majesty would have told you herself.”

  “Miss Walsh, it’s Monday morning…I don’t have the brain capacity to know what you’re talking about yet.”

  “Georgina.” Victoria moved paper around on her desk, clearing her throat. “She’s requested your presence in her office.”

  “Oh, right.” Paisley shrugged. “Well, I’ll just be five minutes and then we can get to work.”

  “No.” Victoria stood, rounding her desk and taking Paisley’s satchel from the couch. “You no longer work for me, Paisley. Georgina wants you back in her office.”

  Paisley frowned, her belly fluttering. The issue was Paisley didn’t know if it was happiness or anxiety causing the sensation. “B-but I’m supposed to be here with you…”

  Paisley didn’t like this. It was one thing to have Georgina back at the firm, but to have her dictating Paisley’s life…it simply wouldn’t work. Georgina Weaver wouldn’t come here and ruin any relationship she had, however meaningless it may have been.

  “What Georgina says goes. You know that.”

  “Do you want me out of your office?” Paisley asked, her hand on the door handle. “Does this have something to do with cancelling on Friday?”

  “I’m going to struggle without you.”

  “That’s not what I asked.” Paisley frowned. “Look, if you don’t want me in here anymore, I’ll go.”

  “You’re a fantastic assistant, Paisley. I’m not disputing that.” Victoria faced Paisley. “Georgina has requested you back in her office, and I’ve accepted defeat.”

  Paisley sighed. “Right, yeah. So, that’s it? Between us…?”

  Victoria cocked her head, offering Paisley a slight smile. “This was only a casual thing.”

  “No, I know that.” Paisley had never imagined it to be something more. “But whatever was going on…is over?”

  Victoria nodded. “It’s over.”

  “Then I guess I’ll see you around.”

  Paisley didn’t have time for this. She didn’t have time for women who pushed and pulled, expecting her to live her life on their terms. Georgina had another thing coming if she thought bringing Paisley back into her office would rekindle something. After spending Sunday pondering Saturday night, Paisley knew in her heart they could never be. In this moment, she wasn’t sure she could ever truly forgive Georgina.

  Paisley crossed the corridor and found Georgina’s door closed. This woman didn’t deserve her manners or respect—Paisley was on a mission this morning. She forced the door open so hard it bounced off the wall. “Where do you want me?”

  “Excuse me?” Georgina lowered her glasses on her nose. “Perhaps you could close the door.”

  “Perhaps you could stop fucking ruining my life!” Paisley slammed the door shut. “Why did you remove me from Victoria’s office?”

  “Because I need you here.”

  Paisley scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. “You mean because you’re jealous.”

  “Paisley, sit down for a moment.” Georgina removed her glasses and rubbed her temples. “Please, just for a moment.”

  Paisley sat down on the couch.

  “I’ve brought you back in here because you’re the best in this firm. I have a lot to catch up on, cases to go over, and I wanted you to be the one to bring me up to speed. You know what you’re doing…that’s why you’re here, Paisley.”

  Paisley was good at her job. She and Georgina worked well together. So long as Paisley kept this professional and Georgina respected that, this couldn’t go wrong. But Georgina had that look in her eyes. The one she’d had when they were together.

  I hate this.

  Paisley sighed. “You didn’t move me because of Victoria?”


  “So, I can still date her?” Paisley quirked an eyebrow, wondering how Georgina would react to that. “You don’t have an issue with it?”

  “I-if that’s what you want.”

  Paisley noted the crack in Georgina’s voice—the tremor. Victoria had already admitted her desire to call off their relationship, but Georgina didn’t know that.

  “It’s just how it’s been, so…”

  “I’m not here to disrupt your life, Paisley.” Georgina sat beside her. “And I’m sorry that I overstepped on Saturday night.”

  Paisley didn’t know how to take that comment. Did Georgina regret kissing her? As much as Paisley wanted to avoid getting close, the prospect of knowing Georgina wished they hadn’t kissed still hurt. Georgina had put her all into that kiss—Paisley felt it. To now learn that she possibly regretted it, it hurt more than she thought it would.

  “Why did you kiss me?” Paisley toyed with her fingertips, her eyes lowering.

  “Because I thought it was the right thing to do,” Georgina admitted. “I thought if I kissed you, I would have the opportunity to win you back.”


  “But then I spent yesterday waiting to hear from you. Even just a quick text message. That never came and I realised then that you’re more than done with me.”


  “Please, don’t call me that.” Georgina ran her fingers through her hair. “When you call me that, I feel as though I mean something to you.”

  “You’ll always mean something to me.”

  “But not enough for you to consider taking me back…” Georgina smiled weakly. “Well, at least it has put my mind at rest.”

  “I-I should start working. I’m sure we have a lot to get through.” Paisley pushed herself up from the couch, the temperature in the room sending a chill down her spine. “Just…let me know where you want me to begin, okay?”


  Georgina slipped her coat on, glancing out the window and towards the river. High tide. She could have done without the weather this evening. She’d chosen to leave her car at home—several glasses of wine last night the reason—so now she would have to brave the taxi situation in the city centre.

  Paisley tapped away at her computer. She’d quickly become a godsend for Georgina once they’d aired their issues that morning. Paisley had contacted IT, had both computers updated, and worked her way through the mounting paperwork with Georgina. Work was the only thing on Paisley’s mind; Georgina knew there would be no discussion of the past—Paisley had that look in her eye. A look that told Georgina not to even contemplate bringing up their previous relationship.

  As much as Georgina wanted to put things right between them, she couldn’t.

  When Georgina discovered on Saturday night that Paisley’s father had died, everything within her relaxed. She didn’t know why—it didn’t necessarily make things better in that moment—but an instant relief had washed over her. She spent most of Sunday finding out relevant information—the reason for his death—but there wasn’t a great deal of information out there. What she did find, what did surprise her and thrill her at the same time, was who was responsible. Georgina was blessed to have friends in high places. Friends who could and would find her the information she needed. As soon as the death was confirmed, Georgina sobbed. Everything inside of her s
creamed, rejoiced.

  The reason Georgina didn’t hear about Mr. Healy’s death in the news was simple. It was gang related. Something not necessarily mentioned unless a civilian had been caught up. The issue Georgina now faced was whether she should divulge certain information to her ex-girlfriend. It may be too soon, and that’s what was holding Georgina back. Her heart did break for Paisley, knowing she had lost her father, but Georgina had somehow gained her own life back…she was focusing on that.

  “Do you have much more to do?” Georgina asked, shoving some files into her bag.

  Paisley held up her hand, tapping away.

  Georgina waited, taking in Paisley’s look of complete concentration. This is why I needed her back in here. It hadn’t been the only reason why, but Georgina wouldn’t tell Paisley that. She just needed something to feel normal. Paisley was her normal.

  “All done.” Paisley blew out a deep breath. “Garner has been emailed. Hitchens, too. I’ve proofread the legal documents you asked me to look at…I’ll leave them with Monica. She can get them sent off for you.”

  Georgina frowned. “All of them?”

  “Yeah, all of them.” Paisley turned off the screen of her computer, looking up at Georgina as she stood up. “So, I’m headed out.”

  “You’re amazing,” Georgina breathed out, surprised by Paisley’s dedication today. Did it mean something more? Georgina chose to push the thought from her mind. None of this was healthy. “This is why I needed you back in here.”

  “Just doing my job.” Paisley shrugged. “Have a nice evening, okay?” Paisley slid her own coat on, buttoning it up and wrapping her scarf around her neck.

  “You, too.” Georgina turned out the light in the office, holding the door open for Paisley. “I’m about to navigate the taxis for the first time in a while.”

  “You didn’t drive in?”

  “No, not this morning.” Georgina kept her focus ahead of her, walking beside Paisley towards the entrance of the building. “So, I’ll see you in the morning?”

  “You will.” Paisley smiled fully. “Don’t worry. You’ll be on top of everything soon.” She squeezed Georgina’s arm. “It’s good to have you back.”

  Georgina’s heart fluttered at Paisley’s touch. “Thanks.”

  “You know…” Paisley cleared her throat. “I could give you a lift home. It’ll only take me an extra ten minutes.”

  “Thank you, but I don’t want you to go out of your way.” Georgina did appreciate the offer but being alone outside the office with Paisley was going to be hard. She hoped her kiss could have meant something, but Paisley had given her nothing all day. “I can get a taxi, it’s fine.”

  “Come on.” Paisley took Georgina by the elbow, pulling her away from the entrance of Weaver & Associates. “It’s freezing out here. You’re not standing around waiting for a taxi.”

  Georgina chose not to argue. What use would it be? When Paisley set her mind to something, it stuck. She followed her assistant around the back of the building, smiling when Paisley’s alarm beeped.

  “Wow. Nice ride.”

  “You pay well.” Paisley shrugged. “So, thanks.”

  “It’s a newer model than mine.”

  “You would have to take that up with yourself.” Paisley threw her satchel in the back, motioning for Georgina to climb into the passenger seat. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  Backing out of the carpark, Paisley put her foot down and sped away from the multi-storey. Georgina didn’t live too far away, but she still didn’t like the idea of Paisley driving back through the late rush hour traffic. “I really appreciate this.” Georgina sunk into the white leather, the seat warmer bringing her skin up to a much more satisfying temperature. “You didn’t have to.”

  “I’m just giving you a lift home.”

  “No, I know.” Georgina’s eyes travelled to the scenery outside, the clouded dark sky. “I’d have been waiting forever for a taxi, though.”

  “Well, now you don’t need to.” Paisley side-glanced her, smiling weakly. “So, how does it feel being back?”

  “Strange,” Georgina said. “Unfamiliar.”

  “You created a life for yourself elsewhere. That is to be expected.” Georgina watched Paisley’s profile, her eyes firmly on the road ahead. “But do you feel like you could settle here?”

  “I do now, yes.”

  “Why?” Paisley asked. “Just a few days ago you showed up at the office with a knife, telling me how unsafe it was.” She cleared her throat. “But now you’re in my car without a care in the world.”

  “Things…unexpectedly changed.”

  “And I’m going to assume that you won’t divulge those things?”

  “It’s not necessary.” Georgina shook her head. “You don’t need to know, is what I’m saying.”

  “As you wish.” Georgina noted how Paisley’s knuckles had turned white as she gripped the steering wheel. “Do you have plans for next week?”

  Georgina furrowed her brow. “Next week?”

  “Your birthday?”

  “Oh, no.” Georgina didn’t want to be reminded of the fact she was about to turn forty. So long as she didn’t feel older, her birthday could take a backseat. “I’ll spend it at home.”

  “You should celebrate.”

  “Alone?” Georgina laughed. “I may be a lonely, old bitch but I don’t need to put any emphasis on that by drowning my sorrows with a bottle of wine or two. I made that mistake last night.”

  “Mm, I thought you looked a bit rough when I arrived this morning.”

  “Thanks. You really know how to make a girl feel special.” Georgina sighed, her eyes landing on the farmers field to her left. She was almost home. Back to her cold, miserable house. One that didn’t include Paisley.

  Paisley turned onto Georgina’s road, pulling the handbrake and turning to face Georgina. “So, here you go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You should probably lay off the wine tonight. It’s easier when you have the ability to drive your car into work.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Georgina’s hand skimmed the door, trying to place the handle. “Paisley…”


  “I’m sorry to hear about your dad.” Georgina’s stomach was in turmoil thinking about it.

  “You play with fire…you get burned.”

  “I know, but still…” Georgina took her bag from the footwell, gathering it on her knee.

  Paisley smiled slightly. “Since he died, I’ve been me. I got my own place, and I came out. I don’t have to hide who I am anymore. And I know I sound terrible and selfish, but I didn’t have the best time with him.”


  “Mum knew…that I was gay,” Paisley said. “She understood why I didn’t come out sooner, though.”

  “So, you had support.” Georgina nodded, thankful that Paisley hadn’t suffered during her coming out. Georgina knew exactly how much she had feared that day. “That’s the main thing.”

  “Just wish it could have been different before you left.”

  “Me, too.” Georgina reached for Paisley’s hand resting on the console. “But I did what I did because it was what was required of me. I don’t regret it…it kept us both safe.”

  “You keep saying that, but I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Georgina squeezed Paisley’s hand. “My past is now a ghost. I’m here and you’re living your authentic life.” Just…not with me. A wave of sadness coursed through Georgina with that thought.


  Georgina opened the door, one foot hitting the ground as she glanced back over her shoulder. “Your happiness was all I ever wanted, Paisley.”

  “Our happiness was what I wanted.”


  The sound of fingers clicking on the keyboard soothed Georgina. The best part of the morning had been spent with her in a world of her own, Paisley hard at work as though nothing had chan
ged. As though nothing had ever happened between them. Georgina was fooling herself to ever think that way, but this morning at the office had been pleasant. Paisley didn’t appear to be agitated or resentful, she was simply doing what she was employed to do. Work hard, like she always had.

  Georgina could sit watching Paisley all day—all work pushed aside—but she feared being caught in the act. When they first met, she wanted to be caught watching her beautiful assistant…she hoped to be noticed. But everything had changed. Georgina sat back in her high-back leather chair, crossing her legs and focusing on the skyline outside her window.

  Georgina had never seen someone so beautiful. Paisley Healy was now in her fifth week at the firm, her abilities surprising Georgina daily. Though she tried to keep her attraction out of the office, Georgina couldn’t help but watch Paisley as she chewed on the end of her pen, soft, but deep brown eyes focused on her computer screen.

  She shouldn’t feel this way—not about Paisley. She was young, stunning, and very much not Georgina’s type. That didn’t stop Georgina from watching her assistants every move. It didn’t prevent her from hanging on Paisley’s every word. Nothing had made her feel this way in a long time, but Paisley had really stirred something inside of her.

  “Miss Weaver?”

  Georgina’s eyes widened, aware that she had been caught watching.

  Georgina cleared her throat, sitting upright in her chair. “Y-yes?”

  “Could I take my lunch now?” Paisley asked. “I didn’t get the chance to have breakfast this morning and you won’t appreciate the noises if I don’t eat soon.”

  “Of course,” Georgina said, her features softening. “Is there a reason you didn’t have breakfast? I could change your hours if it’s problematic for you.”


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