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Their Shadow Queen

Page 2

by Kim Loraine

  I ready my horse and ride at breakneck speed toward the temple. My skin sings with excitement and a small amount of terror. How will I handle the human world? My thoughts go to Finn and I wonder if he’s on his way as well. Since the attack, Queen Astrid’s sisters took up her duties. They blamed us, the soldiers, for leaving the castle unprotected. We were cast out and replaced within a week of returning.

  Shaking my head to clear the angry memories, I focus on this moment. This is what I’ve spent my life anticipating. I will finally be needed. I will have a purpose again.

  “Jensen!” Finn calls out to me before I see him. When my steed rounds the corner of the path, I find my former comrade standing in the same place he stood all those years ago.

  I jump down from the horse and stride toward Finn. The man smiles, but I can see the nervous energy in his eyes. “You look the same,” I say.

  “So do you. Where have you been hiding yourself?”

  I run a hand over my hair and take a deep breath. “Saskia had offered me a…position with her, but I turned her down. She didn’t take the rejection well.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “What kind of position?”

  “You know exactly what kind. I’m not willing to be one of her harem.”

  “She invited you?”

  “She tried. I have no interest.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he laughs. “So, it’s true what they said about you.”

  “What did they say?”

  “That you favor…men.”

  That makes my chest burn. I’ve shared my bed with women. I even enjoyed it. Until I saw the atrocities committed twenty years ago and lost all desire for anything other than to protect our little queen. “I favor doing my duty. I don’t need to fuck anyone. If I’m distracted by a willing woman, that means my guard is down and our kingdom is at risk.”

  He opens his mouth to speak, but the ground begins to shake and the vines in front of us move. “She’s coming,” he whispers.

  The white lady appears, and this time, instead of remaining in the safety of her temple, she steps over the vines at her feet and approaches.

  “Finn, Jensen. It is time.” She touches us, one hand on each of our shoulders and my breath leaves me in a whoosh. The world spins and swims, my vision going hazy and then righting itself.

  When I finally focus, I see a strange house, roads paved in dark stone, tree lined paths, and…humans everywhere.

  “The human world,” I breathe.

  “Your Maeve is in need of you.” She hands each of us a ring, her face stern. “Wear these at all times. They will allow you to use your magic unseen by those who serve as spies for your enemies. You must befriend her, keep her from using the powers which have begun manifesting, and above all, keep her safe. Maeve must be returned to take her place in one year. But her abilities will get her killed if you don’t intervene.”

  “Can’t we just bring her back now?” Finn asks.

  “No. It’s too soon, and too dangerous. She will face many foes when she takes her crown. She has to be at full power before that happens.”

  “How will we live here?” I ask.

  She presses a brass key into my palm, the icy cold of her hand jarring. “This house is yours while you are here. You’ll attend university with her, build a connection, get her to trust you.”

  “How will we find her?” Finn’s voice is rough and tight and I wonder what he’s so worried about.

  The lady smiles. “It’s taken care of.”

  I’m about to ask more of her, but she fades away to nothing before my eyes. Glancing at Finn, I take in his bewildered expression and turn toward the front door of the house. “I suppose we should go inside. We have a lot to adjust to before we find our queen.”

  He nods and follows me up the three steps to the wide porch that wraps around the house. Putting the key into the lock, I take a deep breath and open the door. As soon as we set foot inside, I see this isn’t so vastly different from the homes in the Shadow Court’s villages. There’s a living area, a dining room, each furnished in similar fashions to what I’m used to. This will serve us just fine while we protect Maeve. We can plan in private, take care of what needs to be done. But then I see the long, tanned legs stretched out along the couch. They lead to the sleeping form of a beautiful girl with a heart shaped face and full lips. Her long blond hair has me aching to run my fingers through the strands. My heart nearly stops when she opens her emerald green eyes and smiles.

  Finn lets out a low, “Shit,” before she swings those legs around and gets to her feet.

  “Hi! I’m Maeve.” She holds out her hand and I swear she can hear my heart’s erratic beating when our skin touches. “I’m your roommate.”



  My heart races when I hear the front door open, pulling me from my half-asleep state. I haven’t been here long, having just moved my stuff into this house a week ago, but I’ve gotten used to being here alone. The heavy footfalls stop a few feet from where I’m sprawled across the couch and I open my eyes, knowing this must be one of my roommates. My breath catches when I see him. Broad shoulders, dark hair and penetrating stare are complements to his chiseled jaw and full lips. But his eyes are beauty personified. They are a deep hazel, framed by thick lashes that seem wasted on a man. He’s rugged, a little older than I’d expected, and gorgeous.

  An involuntary smile spreads across my face as we size each other up, but my attention is called away from him when the other guy standing behind him mutters, “Shit.”

  God, he’s hot too. Thick, tawny hair, eyes the color of moss, and olive toned skin that speaks of someone who has spent his life on the beach. Is this what my life is going to be now? Sandwiched between two Greek gods? I’ll take it. Whoever said three’s a crowd must not have known these two.

  Swinging my legs off the couch, I stand and pull myself together. I’m officially a junior in college. On my own after transferring to Central Washington University, hundreds of miles away from my parents, and ready to begin my life as an adult. But the fear in my belly has me ready to gnaw my fingernails until they bleed. I don’t know a single person here. I need to make a good impression on my new roommates.

  I thrust my hand out to the hazel-eyed god. “Hi, I’m Maeve. I’m your roommate.”

  His face goes stony at my touch, but he says, “Jensen. This is Finn.”

  Finn smiles wide and so sexy. Surprising me, he comes around and pulls me into his arms for a hug. God, he smells good. But the fact of the matter is, I just met the guy. He shouldn’t be hugging me. But…I’m not going to stop him just yet.

  Jensen clears his throat and mutters, “Back off.”

  Curiously, Finn does what he’s told. He steps back, a charming blush on his cheeks and juts his chin out at me before offering a slight smile. “I’ll just…find my room.”

  I wonder where they’re each from, what brought them here. They each hold a hint of an English accent and it only adds to their appeal.

  “Oh, I took the master bedroom, but there are two more upstairs. They’re both laid out exactly the same.” I’m a little embarrassed that I took the biggest room without asking, but then again, I was here first.

  Finn frowns and heads up the stairs while Jensen just glares at me. It’s like I did something to upset him but I have no clue what that could be.

  “Are you—“ I start, but he walks away without letting me finish.

  Great. My roommates are hot but one’s an asshole. This is going to be the worst year if I can't win these guys over.

  The next morning I wake up early, needing to smooth things over with Jensen, make them see we'll have a much better experience if we’re friends. I put in my earbuds and turn on my latest favorite album. In no time I’m dancing around the kitchen while I mix up pancake batter and fry up some bacon. My mom always said the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Maybe that works for roommates too.

  I leave the batter to sit for a few m
inutes while I gather plates, utensils, and grab my coffee beans. After starting the coffee I can barely wait for it to brew. I need my caffeine if I’m going to make it through today. I barely slept last night knowing these beautiful men were just across the hall. My brain was busy fantasizing and objectifying. Heat floods my cheeks at the memory of the things I let them do to me in my dreams.

  Shaking it off, I return to my task and spoon some batter onto the griddle. As I watch the bubbles form in the cooking pancake, I wait until a few have popped before I slide the spatula under it and flip the cake. Repeating this over and over, I start to get into a rhythm, and decide to try my hand at flipping the flapjack high in the air like my dad used to do. Unfortunately the damn thing lands half on and half off the griddle. Instinctively I reach out and grab the pancake, burning myself on the edge of the hot pan.

  “Ouch, shit!” I shout, hopping from foot to foot as I pop my finger into my mouth.

  A warm hand grips my wrist, tugging me to the sink. Jensen has me in his grasp and all thought of the pain in my finger flees me at his touch. He turns on the cold water and shoves my burned hand under the stream.

  “What were you doing?” he grumbles.

  “Making you guys breakfast.” I wiggle my finger under the water and marvel that the burning never returned after he touched me. It must not have been as bad as I’d thought. He’s still holding my wrist, his big body close enough to mine that I can feel his breath on my neck. An involuntary shiver runs down my spine that has nothing to do with being cold and everything to do with the sexual tension suddenly awake between us.

  He shakes his head and blinks hard before stepping away quickly. Leaning against the counter he crosses his arms over his chest. “You don’t have to do that. We’re not your responsibility.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sigh and turn off the water. I have to work to tamp down the arousal coursing through me, but I manage. “I want to do it. We’re all living here together. I’d rather us be friends than walk on eggshells around each other.”

  “We don’t need to be friends.”

  Ouch. This guy is a tough nut to crack. “Fine. I’m going to make pancakes and after I eat them, I’m leaving for the day. If you want some, they’ll be on the counter. I hope you don’t choke on them, because I won’t be around to give you the Heimlich if you do.”

  He smirks. “You’re a fiery little thing, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Finn walks into the kitchen at that precise moment, his hair rumpled from sleep and his chest gloriously bare. Oh, God. There I go again, lusting after these men I barely know. “What does he have no idea about?”

  “Me,” I say, adding another pancake to the plate and pouring the last of the batter onto the griddle.

  Finn grabs a pancake and takes a bite, grinning at me while he chews. “He doesn’t have an idea about women in general.”

  It seems like Finn is warming up and I realize perhaps I’d been too quick to judge last night. “So, where did you guys transfer from?”

  Finn flicks a glance at Jensen who gives a slight shrug. “Abroad.”

  “Abroad? Like, the UK?”

  Nodding, Finn grabs a mug and fills it with coffee. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Why’d you come here?”

  “Work,” Jensen says. “We’re here because of our jobs.”

  “Oh, so you’re not college students?”

  They both look a little surprised, but Finn clears his throat and says, “Both. We’re finishing up our degrees while working part-time.”

  That’s weird. But, I’m not going to push the issue. The truth is, I’m getting a deal on my room in this house, and I don’t want to go back to living in a dorm. “I’m majoring in political science.”

  They stare at me without responding. The reaction sends a wave of embarrassment through me. “It’s not as boring as it sounds.”

  Jensen runs a hand over his jaw. “I didn’t say it was. In fact, I think that’s perfect for you.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, because you know me so well?”

  “Better than you think,” he murmurs before grabbing a pancake and walking away. “Come on, Finn. We’ve got work to do.”

  “You’re welcome!” I yell, the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

  Finn gives me a wink and follows after Jensen, leaving me with a view of his strong back. With that one gesture, I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of attraction from them rather than this…weird blend of playful and tense.

  What would it feel like to have Finn kiss me, or Jensen run his large hands over my body? Or, better yet, have them in my bed? That thought makes my stomach flutter. One of them. I want it from one of them. I just haven’t figured out which one that is.



  I’ve been trying to avoid being alone with Maeve since we moved in a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve done a good job of it, but it’s getting more difficult. She’s sweet, charming, and desperate for our friendship. I want to give it to her. In fact, I want to give her much more than I should. I’m her guard, not her lover. It needs to stay that way.

  “Have you seen Maeve?” Finn asks, popping his head through the open door to my room. “I can’t find her anywhere in the house.”

  My heart lurches. He was supposed to be on her detail today until she came home from her classes. “You were supposed to keep her in your sight at all times. Can’t you manage even one simple task?”

  His brow pulls together. “Don’t be an ass. She must’ve slipped out while I was using the toilet.”

  “Slipped out? She could be anywhere. What if something happens and she gets taken? You know there are rebels here searching for her.” I rake my hand through my hair and try to control the rage and panic mixing in my blood. “If they find her…they’ll do terrible things to her, Finn. They’ll do anything to keep her from returning to faerie and taking her crown.”

  Guilt crosses his features. “Fine, fine. I’ll go out and search.”

  “As will I.” Glancing out the window, I see her car is still in the driveway. She can’t be far. But the sound of the front door opening and shutting catches my attention. “Maeve?” I call, rushing to the mouth of the stairs.

  She stands at the bottom, confusion written in her expression. “Yeah?”

  “I, um, I hadn’t realized you’d gone. I thought someone might be breaking in.” I sound like an idiot, but I know the level of concern in my voice wouldn’t match any other reasoning.

  “Nope, just me. I’m going to a Halloween party tonight. Forgot my faerie wings.” I really look at her then. Her eyelids and cheeks glimmer with some sort of shining makeup and her blond hair is braided and decorated with multicolored butterflies. But the thing that nearly has me speechless is her thin gown of gauzy light pink fabric. It flows around her as she moves and accents each glorious curve of her body.

  “Hello…” Finn says, drawing out the word as he takes her in. “You look like a faerie princess.”

  She grins and drops a slight curtsey. “Thank you. That’s what I was going for, but I forgot my wings in my room.”

  “Faeries don’t have wings.” Finn’s clipped tone makes me suck in a sharp breath. He shouldn't have said that.

  Amusement shines in her eyes as she ascends the stairs. “How do you know? Do you have close personal friends who are faeries?”

  Oh, if she only knew. She has two of the strongest fae warriors of her kingdom’s army living with her, protecting her. “Finn has a thing for faeries.”

  “Oh. You mean he’s gay?”

  Finn’s eyes widen. “What? No. I assure you, I like women. I love them, in fact.”

  She grins, shaking her head and laughing. “Makes sense. I never see either of you with any girls.” Her eyes twinkle with mischief as she teases him. “Are you two a thing?”

  “Definitely not,” I say.

  Finn clears his throat and gives her an appreciative glanc
e. “So, this party you’re headed to…”

  “Want to come?”

  Finn cuts me a look and I nod. It certainly beats using our magic to hide while we watch her like stalkers. “We don’t have costumes,” I say.

  “That’s okay. You can be the handsome humans under my spell.”

  I can’t deny hearing her call us handsome gets to me. It stirs something inside my chest that I don’t want to feel. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I push past her and head down the stairs. “I’m ready when you are.”

  It’s a short walk from our house to the party. Loud music filters through the windows and from the look of things we’re in for a wild night. Maeve surprises me by grabbing my hand and tugging me toward the entrance.

  “I know it’s hard to have fun, but do me a favor and lighten up, okay?” Her bright green eyes meet mine sending a rush of want through me. God, I have to get away from her before I do everything I’m not supposed to and kiss her right here and now. The draw to her is stronger every damn day.

  Jerking my hand away, I avert my gaze. “I’ll take it under advisement.”

  She doesn’t push, but I can feel her frustration. Without giving me another glance, she strides into the house and leaves Finn and I behind.

  “Do you have to be such a jerk all the time?” Finn asks, annoyance coloring his tone.

  “We aren’t here to be her friends.”

  “She doesn’t need to know that. How is she supposed to trust us if she thinks we hate her?”

  I walk inside and scan the room for her, but all I see are costumed college students in various stages of drunkenness. “Shit, where’d she go?”

  “Well, we’d know if you hadn’t treated her like the scum on the bottom of your boot.”


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