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Their Shadow Queen

Page 6

by Kim Loraine

  “I…I burned you.”

  “You can harness the elements. As the queen, you hold some combination of the powers of earth, air, fire, and water. The rest of us only have one.”

  Jensen crosses his arms over his chest. “Except Imogen and Saskia. They each hold two. It’s how they’ve been able to keep the Shadow Court from falling into total oblivion.”

  Staring down at my hands, I ball them into fists and shake my head. “I could’ve killed you.”

  Finn places a soft kiss on my shoulder before pulling me close. “No. Things were a little…heated, there for a moment, but it takes iron to kill the fae.”

  Jensen gives him a look that tells me Finn isn’t being completely honest, but I don’t push. I run my gaze over Finn’s back again, needing assurance that he’s okay. Now his beautiful bronzed skin is free of any marks. It’s as though nothing had happened. Tentatively, I reach out to touch him, but my hand trembles as fear grips me and I stop. What if it happens again?

  He leans closer until my palm rests on his back. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “My queen,” Jensen says, pulling my attention from the electric charge running through my hand at the contact with Finn. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a few pressing things to take care of.”

  Finn snorts. “Running?”

  When Jensen won’t meet my eyes, I know Finn got it right. “Please don’t leave us,” I say. “I need you both here with me tonight. So much has happened and I don’t feel as grounded when you’re not here.”

  “You have Finn.”

  I pat the space next to me. “I need both of you.”

  Something loosens inside him, I see it the moment his tension eases just slightly. “All right. I suppose you’re safer if we’re here than in the hall.”

  Standing, I walk toward the French doors and close them. With a pulse of power, I call up a closet and walk inside. In moments I’m dressed in my go-to pajamas. Shorts and a tank.

  “If you were hoping I sleep naked, you’ll be disappointed.” Walking back into the room, I see them both stretched out on the bed, still fully clothed. Consider me the disappointed one.

  “It’s best for none of us to be naked together,” Jensen says. “Neither of us are the one you’ll get to keep.”

  Finn tenses, but smiles when I crawl in between them and snuggle under the blankets. I’m between the two men I care for most, and right now, that’s the only thing I’m going to focus on. Right now, I’m not a faerie queen able to burn things with my hands. I’m just Maeve and these two men are everything I need.



  The edges of consciousness tickle my brain at the feel of slender fingers trailing down my chest and abs pulling me from sleep. Everything is warm and soft around me, the surroundings cocooning me in comfort. I’m exactly where I want to be, and the more awake I become, the more right everything feels.

  “Finn,” Maeve murmurs, her hand snaking lower until she finds the top of my pants.

  My cock jerks at the thought of her hands touching it, stroking, gripping. Her lips press against my shoulder and I groan at the slight scrape of teeth. Fuck. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a woman. Twenty-one years too long. Rolling over, I cup the back of her head and pull her to me for a kiss. I need her under me. I need to be inside her. God, I need everything from her.

  Breaking the kiss, I roll her onto her back and fit myself between her thighs. I give a brief thought to Jensen who fell asleep with us, but when I glance across the bed, I see he’s gone. Of course. He won’t allow himself to give in to his desire for her. He’s too disciplined. A soldier through and through.

  “Where’s Jensen?” I ask.

  “He left a few minutes ago. It’s what woke me up.”

  Nodding, I glance at the door and wonder if he’ll come back. I don’t want him to catch us in the act. The last thing I need is a lecture from him. I’ve been in love with this woman longer than I even realized. I think from the moment I knew we were destined to be hers, I reserved my heart for when she would be ready.

  “You two are everything I have. I wish he wasn’t so closed off.” Her words make my chest ache. She wants me, but she wants him too.

  Staring down into her beautiful heart shaped face, I wonder if there’s a way for me to solidify my place in her heart. I know she’ll have to marry and provide an heir to the Shadow Court, but maybe she can give her love to me even while she gives her hand to another.

  I run my lips across her collarbone and up her throat, loving the softness of her skin. “Finn, that feels amazing.” Her voice is breathy and sends tingles down my spine.

  Palming her breast, I grin when she arches into me, begging for more without using words. She didn’t put on a bra and all that separates my hand from her is the thin tank top she’s wearing.

  “Take off your shirt,” I growl, needing less clothing and more skin.

  She arches an eyebrow. “Is that how you talk to your queen?”

  “When I’m between her legs, yes.”

  Scooting back, she sits up and pulls the thin cotton over her head, baring her gorgeously supple body to me. “Okay, then.”

  I lean close and take one nipple into my mouth, sucking on the pert bud and relishing her moan. Running my hand down her belly until I reach the top of her little shorts, I hesitate for only a second. I want to make her remember what I can do for her. That I can serve my queen with more than just loyalty. My fingers slip under the fabric and she cries out in surprise. But she doesn't move to stop me. A bolt of lust shoots straight to my erection when I find her bare under the shorts. She’s slick and hot and perfect.

  “Oh, Finn. No one has ever…I mean…I haven’t—“

  I silence her with my mouth on her lips as I rub slow circles around her swollen clit with my thumb and press a finger deep inside her. She cries out against my mouth and bucks into my hand. My own arousal burns through my body, but this is about Maeve. I’m going to bring her to climax in every way I can before I get my own release.

  She grips my hair and pulls as she kisses me like her life depends on my lips. And then I feel it, she goes stiff and begins trembling as her orgasm crashes over her. Wetness coats my fingers and her walls clench around me. I tear my lips away from hers because I have to watch her face as she rides out her pleasure. I gave her this. I want to remember what she looks like so when I lose her, I can look back to this moment. No one can take it from me.

  “Oh, my God, Finn.” Her breaths are fast and shallow as she works to control herself. “I didn’t know that’s how it felt.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “An orgasm. I’ve never had one.” The red in her cheeks makes me love her even more.

  “You’ve never given yourself one?”

  Her cheeks go a shade darker and she averts her gaze. “I’ve tried, but never…finished.”

  Pride swells in my chest. Fierce and primal. “I’m glad to be of service, your majesty.”

  Her fingers toy with the waistband of my pants and I have to bite my lip to keep from groaning. I want her so badly it hurts, but guilt covers me like the rushing tide, unstoppable and undeniable. She’s not ready, even if she thinks she is. Maeve deserves to love the man she gives her virginity to. Jensen’s right. Neither of us are that man.

  “Isn’t it your turn?” she asks, her voice husky.

  Backing away, I shake my head. “Not yet.”


  “I want you to be sure before you give me that part of you. I want more than just your body. I want your love.”

  She bites her lower lip and blinks a few times before wrapping her arms around me. “I thought I loved you before the truth about my past brought me here. But, Finn, I feel like I only know part of you. I can’t love someone I don’t know.”

  My heart cracks. I knew this was part of the risk we’d be taking when Jensen and I agreed to protect her, but I hadn’t planned on falling in love with her. “I understand. And that’
s why we can’t keep doing this.”

  The sadness in her eyes nearly breaks me. I have to leave this room right now if I don’t want to make a fool of myself. I’m seconds away from begging her to love me.


  Shaking my head, I climb off the bed and run my hands through my hair. “It’s fine. I need to shower and change. I’ve got work to do.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. I don’t live with you anymore.” I don’t look back as I head for the door. I can’t. It doesn’t matter that I’m shirtless, hard as a fucking rock, and in desperate need of her. If I go back, I’ll hurt us both. The Shadow Court deserves more than me. She deserves more.



  Finn left me a confused mess. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to have some relief after what we just did. I certainly wasn’t done with him. Getting out of the bed, I stride to the French doors and open them. I need a long, hot shower. Honestly, I need Finn.

  The water cascades over my skin, but it’s not hot enough. At the thought, the spray heats easing some of my tension. Being queen has its perks, and this magic room is one of them. I try to distract myself by thinking about all the different types of rooms I can turn this into on my whim, but the memory of what Finn did to me keeps taking hold of my mind. Everything is falling apart now that I’m here. All I want is to go home where I was just a human.

  After showering and dressing in some jeans and a soft pullover sweatshirt, I pull my damp hair into a ponytail and slip on some pink Converse sneakers. I have to admit, being able to call anything I want into being is pretty amazing. I’ll never have to go shopping again.

  A sharp knock on the door to my chamber makes my heart leap. Maybe Finn has come back. “Yes?” I call.

  The door opens, revealing both of my very intimidating aunts. They are so beautiful, icy and stern, like runway models, cursed with permanently blank expressions.

  “Lady Saskia, Lady Imogen,” I say.

  Saskia wrinkles her nose and gestures to my clothes. “What are you wearing?” She closes her eyes and my stomach dips as, once again, a swirl of glowing light surrounds me and my clothes are replaced by a glamorous gown, this time of shimmering gold fabric.

  “Her hair, too, Saskia,” Imogen says.

  In moments my ponytail is gone and long curls hang down my back. I can feel them brushing my bare shoulders. “I was comfortable.” I know I’m whining, but if I’m the damn queen, I should be able to wear what I want.

  Imogen laughs. “You weren’t anywhere close to prepared to be seen by members of court. Come now, it’s time you begin your lessons.”


  Saskia rolls her eyes. “You didn’t think we’d just let you take the crown and destroy everything with your unchecked power, did you?”

  She’s right. Just the mention of my power makes me think of the burns I’d left on Finn. “I do need help. I hurt Finn last night.”

  She raises one eyebrow. “He’s been spending his nights with you?”

  “No. Not like that. But we’re close. I was…hugging him and my hands burned his back.” It’s a lie, but I can’t risk telling her the truth, not after her questioning tone.

  “Fire,” Imogen whispers.

  “Have you used any other power? Made it rain? Caused the wind to blow? We’ve already seen you call the plants in the hall back to life.”

  I think back to my door slamming shut just before Finn kissed me. “Maybe. I might have used the wind to close my door. And I changed the temperature of the shower with my thoughts.”

  “You really control all four.”

  “All four what?” Annoyance is seeping through my tone.

  “Courts, elements, powers. Saskia holds the powers of both air and water. I hold fire and earth. You, dear niece, hold all four. Not even your mother held all four. She only had air, water, and fire.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Saskia sighs. “It means…you’ll be the one to unite all the courts of the fae. Shadow, Sea, Ember, and Stone.”

  “How can I do that?”

  She laughs. “You’ll be put through trials before you claim the crown.”

  “What if I fail?”

  “You’ll die, and so will all of us. But don’t worry, your prince will be by your side. Lending you his aid.”

  “What? What prince?”

  “Your betrothed. A prince of the Shadow Court.”

  “I don’t have a betrothed. This is ridiculous.”

  “It is not. Especially if it’s what you must do to save our power.”

  Panic takes hold. I don’t want to marry a man just because he’s a prince. Then a thought occurs to me. “I can’t marry a prince from the Shadow Court. There are none.”

  A smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth. “There is. He’s on his way to you now. He’ll be here tonight.”

  Heart beating entirely to quickly, I sit heavily on the nearest chair. “I can’t get married to someone I don’t even know.”

  “You’ll do what is necessary to save us. Just as your mother would have,” Imogen spits.


  She holds up a hand. “Enough. You must have your lesson today before you accidentally kill someone.”

  “Finn said only iron kills the fae.”

  “He’s never seen a fae like you. You can kill with a simple flick of your power once you know how to properly use it.” She grips my elbow and tugs gently. “Now come along. We have work to do before your betrothed arrives.”



  I hold tight to the reins and steer my stallion through the narrow path between the trees as I patrol the grounds. I can’t bear to be around Finn and our queen, not after spending the night with her body pressed to mine. Finn allows himself to give in to his desire, heedless of the pain he’ll cause her when she has to leave us. Because he’s weak. I am not. I’ll sacrifice my happiness for hers.

  A flash of gold fabric catches my eye on the horizon making my heart lurch. It only takes me a moment to recognize the woman who is riding her horse at a gallop, eyes closed and head thrown back as the wind flows through her long blond hair. Maeve. I wait for a beat, two, three, expecting to see Finn behind her. But no one appears. My queen is out here, unguarded.

  “Hya,” I dig in my heels and urge my mount toward her at breakneck speed.

  Slowing my steed as I bring him up next to her mare. She turns to me, eyes wide and red-rimmed. “Jensen, you startled me.”

  “What are you doing out here alone, my queen?”

  She doesn’t answer me, instead guiding her mare down the hill before us and toward the empty meadow at the bottom. I follow, unwilling to leave her alone. She is far too precious.

  “I’ll ask again, what are you doing out here? Where’s Finn? You should have a guard with you at all times.”

  Bringing her horse to a stop, she dismounts and strides to the center of the barren field. I follow suit, needing to get an answer from her. Obviously something is wrong. “Your majesty—“

  “Stop it. Damn it, Jensen. I’m Maeve. Stop treating me like I’m any different from the girl you didn’t care about a year ago.”

  “You think I didn’t care?” I stride toward her and grip her by the elbow, forgetting myself for just a moment. Stepping back, I release her and work to control my warring emotions. “I stayed away to protect you. It was my duty. Keep you safe, see you return home. I am yours until my dying day. It has been this way since your birth.”

  “Mine? You mean my guard?”

  “I want…it doesn’t matter what I want.”

  The wind begins to blow in from all sides and dark clouds blossom from out of nowhere in the sky. Her hair whips around as the clouds open and warm raindrops fall, heavy and plentiful. “Maeve? Are you doing this?”

  “Didn't you know? I can control all the elements. I’m destined to bring all the courts together.” She holds out a fist and closes her eye
s before spreading her fingers and revealing the ball of flame in her palm. “Air, water, fire…” Then she kneels and presses her free hand to the dry grass. Color returns across the meadow, flowers bursting from the ground and filling the entire space with color and life. “Earth.”

  Crouching, I take her by the shoulders and pull her to stand with me. Her lip trembles as she closes her fist and extinguishes her fire, the wind dies down, and the rain turns to a slight mist in the air. “You are so special.”

  She blinks and fat tears fall down her cheeks. “If I fail. Jensen, if I fail everyone dies.”

  “You won’t.” I can’t help myself. I run my thumb over her damp cheek and catch the tears that glisten there. “I promise.” Then, in the middle of the meadow she just brought back to life, I do what I’d vowed never to allow myself. I lean in and press my lips to hers.

  The world around us falls away and everything feels like it’s finally fit into place. I’ve known it all along. I am hers in every way, mind, body, soul. I will die for her, but not just because she’s my queen. I will die for her because I love her.

  Breaking our kiss, she steps back and stares at me. “I thought…”

  “I’m sorry. I tried to stay away.”

  Rushing into my arms, she claims my mouth and moans against me, “Jensen.”

  I tangle my hands in her hair and crush her to me. After nearly a lifetime of denying myself, I can’t stop. The rain begins falling again, and as we hold each other in the storm, I know this is impossible.

  “I have to go,” she whispers against my lips. “They’re expecting me.”


  “My aunts and my betrothed.”

  Everything in me turns cold at the mention of a betrothal. I knew this was coming, but it still makes my chest ache. I should have stayed at arm’s length, but I didn’t, and now I have to let her go.


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