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Ecstasy From the Deep: Venora Mates Book One

Page 15

by Octavia Kore

  She offered her hand to Amanda with a smile. When Zar nodded, Amanda sighed and stood but didn’t accept the help. None of this was making any sense.

  “What do you think they want?” she asked Oshen, taking a step back.

  “It seems like Zar trusts her.”

  The female stepped closer, grabbing her hand and tugging her forward. “Wait, I don’t want to leave you two!”

  “Go, Amanda. We will be fine.” Oshen smiled, his eyes softening as he watched her. “Be safe, my heart.”

  The two women pulled her away, sneering and scolding anyone in the crowd who came too close. She was hurried through streets that were lined with curious faces, but her breath caught when she saw the architecture of the buildings they were passing. High arching columns framed entrances into what looked like small courtyards, while statues of alien deities supported the roofs of some of the homes. It reminded her a little of the summer she had spent in Greece visiting the ancient ruins in Athens and Delphi.

  Sitting in the middle of one of the open spaces in the town was a massive statue of three people. One of them was clearly a Venium male, and the other seemed to be a Grutex. Both were entwined around an alien female of a species she hadn’t ever seen before. She looked ethereal and was humanoid in form, with what seemed to be feathers along the sides of her body and on her head. Two massive hooked horns with three ridges along the base arched above her head, with two small elven ears just below.

  Amanda’s steps faltered as she tried to take in the beauty around her; everywhere she looked was something new and wonderful. High up on one of the hills was a building with large pillars and aged stone steps. It looked just like the photos in museums showing people what the ancient Greek buildings looked like in their prime. It was like she had traveled back in time with an alien twist.

  Instead of heading up the hill, the females steered her toward a gated entrance to an incredibly modern-looking home. A small courtyard with a pretty little fountain in the center greeted her as she stepped through the modest archway. The home itself was constructed from light grey stone and the beautiful black wood from the twisting trees she had seen in the forest. It was large, stretching the length of the courtyard and beyond, with a second story that looked out over the entry.

  She was shocked to see advanced technology throughout the structure. Zar hadn’t had anything on him that would have hinted at this level of tech.

  “Kythea,” the younger female smiled, placing a hand on her chest before gesturing to the older woman. “Kyra.” She then held her hand out to Amanda, pressing it against her chest with an expectant look. They wanted her name.


  Kythea’s lips twitched as she moved further into the home, stopping outside of a small room with a large tub. Amanda gasped. They have plumbing too! She didn’t need to be able to understand the language to know what they were offering. Traveling through the forest had left her feeling grimy and dirty.

  There was no shower, at least not anything she recognized as one, but there was a giant tub, and she nearly danced in delight at the thought of sinking down into hot water. A giggle had her gaze swiveling in Kythea’s direction. The female grabbed what looked like a glass bottle of soap from one of the wall nooks, handing it to her along with something that resembled a giant cotton ball. She had no idea what it was for, but she accepted it.

  Kyra walked into the room with a dress that was absolutely stunning, similar in fashion to a chiton worn by the ancient Greeks. Gold clasps were attached to the straps that held the white fabric together, a belt of the same color hung over the material, and what looked like a long white himation with sky blue tips laid just under the belt.

  Amanda reached out to run her fingers over the material, but the dirt on her hands had her pulling back. It would be a shame to dirty something so beautiful. “Umm, I think I should probably bathe first.” She gestured toward the tub. “A bath?”

  Kyra nodded, draping the dress over the back of a small wooden chair near the doorway before she guided Amanda across the room. The woman ran her hand along a knob on the wall, and a second later water was pouring out of a wide mouthed faucet, filling the bottom of the basin.

  An excited gasp burst from Amanda’s lips as she dropped the soap and fluff so she could tear at her soiled clothing. She hadn’t ever really been the modest type and she wasn’t about to worry what this woman thought of her now. Kyra laughed, bending to grab the discarded clothing.

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about those. I can take care of them after I clean up if you just show me where they should go.” But the older woman waved her off, bundling the clothing in her arms. “Thank you, really. I appreciate this.” Amanda laughed to herself. “Not that you can understand a word I’m saying.”

  The moment her foot sank into the water, Amanda moaned, lowering her body into the warmth, feeling her muscles begin to relax as the tub filled around her. It had only been a couple of days since she had woken up, but in reality, she hadn’t bathed in weeks.

  When the water reached her chest, Amanda turned to ask Kyra how to turn it off, but the woman had left the room at some point without her even realizing it. Well, hell. She ran her hand along the knob, but instead of slowing the stream, the water gushed faster out of the faucet.

  “Shit!” Everything she touched only seemed to make it worse and soon the water was lapping at the edges and splashing onto the floor. “No! Stop coming out faster! I want you to stop! Turn off, damn it!”

  With a final hard twist of the knob, the water cut off. Amanda sighed and dared a peek at the floor. Oops. She’d clean it up when she was finished. If she could figure out where anything was in this place.

  By the time she was through washing her hair and body, it looked like she was sitting in a pool of gray liquid. Eww. She wrung her hair out and climbed out of the tub. The moment her feet touched the floor, the water began to disappear, both on the ground and inside the bathtub.

  “Heh, nifty trick.”

  She picked up the fluff that Kythea had given her and stared at it, wondering how she was expected to dry off with whatever it was. As soon as it touched her skin though, it soaked up every bit of water.

  “Holy hell,” she whispered as she pulled the material all over her body, drying in mere moments. She wondered if the Venium used these as well.

  When she was finished, Amanda picked up the pretty white dress, rubbing it between her fingers. The material seemed so delicate and was cool to the touch. They hadn’t given her any undergarments. Looks like we’re going commando, she thought with a shrug and pulled the dress over her head.

  A soft knock on the door was the only warning she had before Kyra and Kythea stepped inside. The older woman smiled, running her hands over Amanda’s shoulders. The younger one, Kythea, took the gold belt from the chair and helped fasten it around her, just below her breasts. When she was dressed to their liking, the women sat her down in another chair in front of a long mirror and fussed over her hair, twirling it up on top of her head.

  She hardly recognized the person she saw in the mirror, but gods, did she look pretty. She wished Oshen and Zar were here to see her. Before she could focus too much on the fact that she was missing both males, Kythea came back in with something clutched in her hand. Amanda wasn’t sure what she said as she held up the thin gold chain, but she seemed excited. Hanging from the chain was a small glowing violet stone. It flashed in the light, and Amanda couldn’t resist the urge to run a finger over it.

  “How pretty.”

  Kythea nodded and fastened the chain into her hair so that the stone sat lightly against her forehead. She’d never been a fan of head jewelry, but the stone reminded her of Zar’s expressive eyes. The women talked to each other, and although she still wasn’t sure what they said, she swore she caught a word or two of English mixed in.

  “This is all… so, so pretty. Thank you.” She turned to Kyra. “Will Zar and Oshen be allowed to come here soon?”

Kyra and Kythea shared a look, one that made her feel like she wouldn’t like whatever answer they had to offer. Instead of replying, the two of them turned and headed for the door, gesturing for her to join them. They brought her to a comfortably furnished bedroom, showing her a closet full of more gorgeous dresses and pretty footwear.

  This ended up being the room she would call her own for the next couple of days. Each morning, Kyra or Kythea came to wake her and brought an assortment of food for her to try. Anytime she started asking about Zar or Oshen, the women did their best to distract her with something new and unfamiliar. Each day she was there, she noticed that she recognized more and more of their words and that Kyra and Kythea had an easier time communicating with her.

  Still, the only thing she wanted was to know that her males were safe, but she wasn’t sure she was going to get answers anytime soon.

  Chapter 21


  Zar, Amanda’s childhood friend, was real.

  Oshen couldn’t say he was surprised, but he had never imagined that the male lived on his home planet along with an entire village of hybrids. He had watched the way they interacted, taking it all in and realizing he would never be able to replicate what they had built over the solars. They couldn’t even communicate with one another yet Zar seemed to be attuned to Amanda’s every need.

  He watched as the females tugged his mate away from him, disappearing into the crowd. Their faces were a mix of Venium, Grutex, and Sanctus features. It couldn’t be possible for these people to exist here without the Venium government knowing, but why would they keep this a secret, and who exactly was privy to the information?

  Did his sire know? As one of the highest-ranking ambassadors on Venora, surely he must have known something. The male who had been holding him down yanked him to his feet, mumbling something to the male on his other side.

  “Mouni, have you figured out what language they’re speaking?”

  “It is not currently within my language database.” Heads turned toward him curiously as she spoke. “It will require more time for me to search the archives. Please check back later when you are prepared to offer more samples, Meatface.”

  The large male with the Sanctus-hued exoskeleton stepped forward, taking Oshen’s arm and examining it with something akin to reverence on his face. He was sure this was a leader of some sort, perhaps a council head or even a chief.

  “Have you seen an AI before?” Oshen asked as the male ran a finger over the skin of his wrist.

  Zar hadn’t used one during their travel, but he had no way of knowing if they were familiar with them or not. Before he knew what was happening, a cloth had been placed over his eyes and he was being led away. He heard Zar growl something, but it was swallowed up in the commotion.

  Stay calm, he told himself. Remember all of that training you went through. Solars of studying for moments just like this.

  When the cloth was ripped away, he found himself standing within a small, dimly lit cell. He turned just in time to watch the male slam the door in his face.

  So much for diplomacy.

  Oshen made himself comfortable on the floor, propping his back against the wall as he tipped his head to stare up at the ceiling. This wasn’t at all how he had imagined it would go. At least it seemed like his mate would be safe here. His heart thudded within his chest when he thought of her and he squeezed his eyes shut. He was going to be a sire. The news barely had time to sink in before she was taken away from them, but he took a moment to digest it now, alone in the silence with his thoughts.

  They were going to be parents. They were going to bring a tiny life into this world, and he was going to do all he could to make sure that world was safe.

  Chapter 22


  The sound of the whip snapping as it bit into his back made Gulzar flinch. His lifeblood began to drip down his back as a ringing filled his ears. He had done nothing wrong, but this wasn’t the first time he was being punished because he had angered the elders. Another crack rang out before he felt the sting.

  “You dared to touch the goddess!” one of the elders hissed.

  “I did it to keep her safe,” he ground out.

  Another crack of the whip.

  “You are damned! You are not permitted to touch her!”

  An image of his little goddess filled his mind and he focused on her, blocking out the pain as the whip lashed at him again. She had felt so right curled up in his arms, her head resting against his chest as she trailed her fingers over his plates. He had broken tribe law, but every moment spent with her was worth it.

  “I saved her life,” he said again.

  “You know your status! To touch her was a violation!” another elder shouted.

  “Did you believe you could turn her against us?” someone asked from his right.

  “No.” A grunt was pulled from him as the tip of the whip struck him again.

  There was no doubt that he would be adding to his collection of scars today.

  “And to bring a wayward offspring of Ven into our village … did you think this would turn her away from us?”

  Years of whippings had taught him to hold his tongue, but they always broke him eventually. Gulzar couldn’t even communicate with his female. How did they think he was going to manipulate her feelings about them? If he could have spoken to her on his own, he may not have ever returned to the village at all. Not even for Una’s blessing.

  “You will keep your distance from Kyra’s home or you will be placed in the cells with the son of Ven.” Disgust laced the voice of the elder. “Guards will be posted there to ensure you do not attempt to make off with her.”

  He heard the shuffling of their feet as they walked away, leaving him bloodied and in pain. They had done this knowing he wouldn’t be able to seek out Kyra, knowing that he would have to wait and heal on his own with nowhere to go. Gulzar laid his head on the large whipping stone and closed his eyes, letting the warmth of the sun heat his body.

  “My friend, wake up.”

  Gulzar’s eyes snapped open and he looked into the face of Trakseer, his chief. The male laid a familiar hand on his shoulder and smiled.

  “You fell asleep.”

  The sun had already set, but the moons were still low in the sky.

  “I was whipped for aiding the goddess,” Gulzar sneered.

  Trakseer pushed to his feet with a sigh. “I cannot change what the elders proclaimed at your birth. I myself wish you no harm, but the elders are beyond even my control. I am not your enemy, Gulzar.”

  “Gulzar the Damned,” he snarled.

  “Yes, but you must know I do not see you that way?”

  “You ordered her taken from us. You had the guards detain us even though we had not threatened you.”

  “I only did that for your sake! Can you imagine what they would have done if I had not intervened?” Trakseer threw his hands up in exasperation, as if he were the one who should be pitied. “Do you know why she has come?”

  Gulzar narrowed his eyes as he sat up. “Ask her yourself.”

  “I had a vision once of a goddess coming to our village. Do you remember?” Trakseer turned excited eyes his way. “This must be the reason you brought her here.”

  “She carries another male’s young. The goddess is obviously not meant for you.”

  Trakseer waved his hand dismissively. “The goddess brings with her fertility. I will claim the goddess and her young and perhaps the sire will be our third. We will form a sacred triad.”

  “I believe you think too highly of yourself, friend,” Gulzar hissed between clenched teeth.

  He wasn’t going to tell Trakseer that he had responded to her touch, that she and the male he presumed to be her mate already had a third.

  The chief’s smile faltered. “You are forgetting your place and who I am.” He made a show of brushing off his clean tunic. “I am the chieftain, and if I want someone for my mate, I take them.”

  “You may be chief, but
you do not have the power to proclaim yourself mated to anyone you please, much less a goddess. Only Una may decide, and since you did not light beneath her touch, you must seek her blessing.”

  “I have not lit yet.” The way he smiled made Gulzar’s plates crawl. “However, I plan to bring her to the temple to seek Una’s blessing as soon as possible.” When Gulzar growled, Trakseer snarled. “Perhaps you have forgotten that your status prohibits you from bonding to any female. That includes the goddess.”

  “I have not forgotten. I will never forget.” Gulzar held back the rage that threatened to consume him. “But it seems you have forgotten the son of Ven who accompanied her. He is her mate.”

  “If that is true then the wayward offspring of Ven will complete our triad.” The male stood proudly as if he had the answers to all of his problems. “We have him in confinement until I can secure my part of the mating.”

  “Keep deluding yourself,” Gulzar said, but he didn’t give the chief time to reply.

  He pushed himself off of the stone, turning his burning back to his chief. Now that he knew where Oshen was, he needed to get to him and figure out a way to save Amanda. Kyra and Ky would look out for her, but he didn’t trust Trakseer or any of the elders.

  Before he did that, he needed to see her again.

  The elders had told him that guards would be placed outside her home, but the ones he saw there didn’t seem to be taking their posts very seriously. The two out front sat together, playing a tossing stone game and laughing, while the one on the side of the house had fallen asleep propped up against the outer wall. He found the old footholds he had carved into the wall as a young male and climbed up and over the wall, dropping quietly into the small garden. Kyra was going to kill him for crushing her plants.


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