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The Stipulation (Volume Five)

Page 2

by M. L. Young

  “Well, you could always come with me if you wanted to. I’ve never brought a guy home before, but now that we’re dating, maybe you should meet my parents. It’s still a couple months away, so you have plenty of time to prepare and everything,” I said, suggesting something I wasn’t sure would go over well.

  “Sounds like a deal,” he said with a smile as he placed his hand on top of mine.

  I smiled from ear to ear, with my mind still trying to wrap around his acceptance of my proposal. I thought for sure that would scare him off or make him think we were moving fast, but he took it in stride and didn’t even think about it.

  The waitress came not too long after and took our orders. I decided to try the Swedish pancakes, while Roman opted for the apple cinnamon French toast. We gave her our menus before returning to our discussion of our new relationship.

  “So what have you been up to since I last saw you? I know you told me a little bit, but have you been seeing other guys?” he asked.

  I decided to be honest with him and keep it real. I could try and play it out and act like I was some hot commodity and every guy on campus was vying to get in my pants, but that wouldn’t be the way to start off a new relationship with a guy I really wanted to be with.

  “Well, four guys, but they were from Jerome. I went out with each one of them once, but nothing really came from any of the dates. I really couldn’t get with anyone, mostly because of missing you too much. No guy really compared to you,” I said.

  Roman looked visibly happy with that news, as if knowing I didn’t hook up with a bunch of guys allowed his mind to rest and his body to relax.

  “Well, did you see any girls while we were apart?” I asked.

  “No, I didn’t see anyone. I was gone a lot in Beijing on business, and didn’t really have the time to date or meet anyone even if I wanted to,” he said as the busboy came and refilled our waters.


  The Swedish pancakes I had ordered were amazing and went far above my highest expectations of what they could be like. They tasted as though they were actually made in Sweden and teleported over into the kitchen of this restaurant as the fluffy texture melted quickly in my mouth like cotton candy. The syrup filled my taste buds and coated my tongue in a show of mapley goodness. Roman seemed to have an equal happiness about his meal, and even ended up ordering a side of bacon that he shared with me.

  “So, what are your parents like?” he asked before taking a tip of water.

  “Well, they’re very religious and somewhat old-fashioned to a sense. They’re missionaries, as you know, and do a lot of work with the church to, as they say it, enrich the lives of the impoverished all over the world,” I said.

  “Do you think they’ll even like me? We’re a little spaced in age, and if you said they’re old-fashioned, they might think I’m too old for you,” Roman said.

  “Everything will be fine if you don’t bring it up a lot. I think they just really want me to be happy and in an enriching relationship. Besides, they’ll be happy to just have me bring a guy home for once. I’m starting to think they believe I’m a lesbian, and that’s the reason I’ve never brought a boyfriend home,” I said.

  “Well, if you’re a lesbian, then you definitely have me fooled,” Roman said slyly with a small wink.

  I laughed, snorting slightly, and bringing the attention of all of the snobby old women in the room to me. Roman laughed as they stared on, and he teased me for snorting as I tried to hide my face in embarrassment, as all eyes were focused on me.

  I loved that about Roman; that he was able to be so silly with me. He didn’t think I was crazy or some kind of nerd, and he always jumped in to ease a situation and make me feel fine with any weird thing I did. If my parents saw what I did in him and loved him the way I did, then I wouldn’t have any problems bringing him home.

  Let’s just hope they felt this way, because if they didn’t, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. I needed them to like him, and I was willing to do anything to make that little dream came true.

  Chapter Three

  Two and a half long months had passed before it was time for spring break to come. All of my friends and classmates were talking about going to places like Miami and Panama City Beach to party their little hearts out, but I had other plans. I was about to embark on the nerve-racking adventure of bringing Roman home to meet my parents, and that was scarier than walking across a tightrope.

  I had talked to my mom and she had said she was excited to meet Roman, and that she was happy to finally meet a boy. She didn’t ask how old he was or anything, instead probably thinking he was a classmate and that I met him here on campus. I knew I’d never have the heart to tell her how I really met him, so I told Roman that we met at the mall or something. That was a believable excuse, and my holier-than-thou parents would never have to know their daughter was a sugar baby and was having pre-marital sex with an older man that they certainly didn’t know. I also told him to say he worked with computers, and not that he owned an incredibly successful conglomerate that has raked in billions of dollars. I felt those fine little details were best to be left until after we were incredibly serious.

  “So are you excited for your trip?” I asked Jillian, as we were both packing for our respective trips.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty pumped. No more Steve in my life means that Tara and I can have some real fun down in Florida. I’m sad you aren’t coming along though,” she said with a frown.

  “I know, I’d like to go with you guys, but I have to take him to see my parents. I’m just hoping they’ll like him,” I said as I zipped up my suitcase.

  “I’m sure they will. Your parents always seemed like really friendly and nice people, so I know you have nothing to worry about. If anything, they’ll probably beg him to put a ring on that finger,” she said as she closed her suitcase.

  “Oh be quiet, I’m not thinking about that yet,” I said with a playful smile.

  “You never know, Natty,” she said as she set her suitcase on the floor.

  My phone buzzed and Roman was texting me that he was five minutes away and to come down so we could make our flight in time.

  “Well, it looks like my ride is here,” I said before putting my phone in my purse and slinging it over my chest.

  “Good luck! Call me if you need anything!” Jillian said before hugging me good-bye.

  I grabbed my suitcase and went out the door with a nervous smile on my face as I walked past all of the other students in board shorts and sunglasses. This was it, and there was no turning back now.


  Roman and I arrived later in the day and had a black SUV waiting for us at the airport. It was slightly like the one is Aspen, although not as big and tank like. Roman plugged the address into his GPS, even though I told him I could guide him there. He denied it though, stating he wanted to make a good impression and not get lost or be late. I obliged, knowing he was already incredibly nervous and that making him even more nervous wasn’t worth the trouble it would cause.

  We drove through my hometown and I remembered all of the sights and sounds that were everywhere. It was amazing to see the small-town life that I had forgotten I had left behind. This year had been such a rush, with school and meeting Roman that I had forgotten my roots and how simple I used to be. Roman had shown me the finer things in life, and I suppose they had warped me in a way—a good way.

  We proceeded through the streets and approached my house, as the small blue exterior was standing right in front of us, while Roman put the car in park.

  “Are you ready?” I asked.

  “About as ready as I can be,” he said as he let out a heavy sigh.

  We got out of the car and went to the trunk to pull out our bags as I heard the front door open and my parents yell in happiness and joy.

  “Natalie!” my mother said as she rushed up and grabbed onto me, kissing my cheeks and hugging me tightly.

  “Sweet pea!” my father exclaimed as he almost pushed my mo
ther out of the way to get a piece of the love.

  “Hey, you two!” I said with a smile.

  They both let go of me and stepped back as Roman stood there somewhat nervous and unable to get himself to even say anything. I thought it was cute that he was so scared and nervous…acting as if one wrong remark could damn him forever.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Roman. Roman, these are my parents, John and Linda,” I said as I introduced them to each other.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I’m excited to be spending time with you in your home,” Roman said awkwardly as he shook their hands.

  “And we are very excited to meet you, dear,” my mother said with a smile.

  “Here, let me help you with those bags!” my father said as he helped Roman.

  “Honey, you didn’t tell me he was that cute,” my mother said out of the corner of her mouth as they walked inside with the bags.

  “Oh shush.” I put my arm around her and we walked inside.

  Maybe this weekend would go a little better than expected.


  My mother made a pot roast, cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, a salad, and biscuits for dinner. She was always a great cook, but never had a lot of time to really cook, considering they were gone most of the year for missionary work.

  As we sat down for dinner, my mother placed everything on the table as my father was talking to Roman about the church and their work over in Tanzania.

  “Lord, thank you for this bountiful meal you have given us in this most happy of times. Natalie and her boyfriend, Roman, are with us this week in our humble home and we hope you watch over them and continue to bless their lives with love and happiness. Amen,” my father said.

  “Amen,” everybody said in unison.

  “You outdid yourself on this one, Linda,” my father said as he put some food on his plate.

  My father was a big eater, but surprisingly wasn’t overweight in the slightest. He was actually a little underweight if anything, and could still easily fit into the pants he wore in high school. My mother always got jealous, telling him it wasn’t fair, and that if men had to go through a pregnancy then things would be very different. He never bothered to argue her point, though, realizing it was easier to just let her talk because men could never get pregnant.

  “So, Roman, Natalie tells me you work with computers,” my mother said with a smile.

  “Oh, yes, I work with software, so I’m busy helping create programs and software for large corporations, mostly,” Roman said politely before taking a bite of salad.

  “That just sounds so exciting. You know, Gerald Sklar down the street is doing that kind of thing, Natalie,” my mother said.

  “Who?” Roman asked curiously.

  “Nobody,” I replied.

  “Oh, he was this boy Natalie had a crush on in middle school,” my mother replied.

  “Mom, please!” I said, hoping this topic could be squashed and the talks about my awkward middle school phase would go away quickly.

  “She gets a little touchy when you bring up those kinds of things,” my father said, chiming in his opinion.

  “So anyway, how are things with work?” I asked, trying to change the topic of conversation.

  “Oh, it is going great. We just got back from Tanzania, and let me tell you, the kids over there are really getting help from the church,” my father said.

  “It’s really sad to see them suffering so badly, but we hope the name of Christ will help them and they will receive the love they so badly need,” my mother said.

  “We even helped with a small shelter for women just outside of town. You wouldn’t believe the young women who are selling their bodies over there for money or physical items. It’s really sad, and it made me really appreciate that your mother and I raised such a fine young woman that wouldn’t ever do anything like that,” my father said.

  I tried not to choke on my food.

  “We are so proud of you for being so morally sound, honey,” my mother said.

  “Yeah, you know me, responsible,” I said hesitantly.

  If only they knew I was a sugar baby, and that my relationship with Roman started with companionship, gifts, and bills being paid. They’d likely kick us out and tell me I was going to hell, and I knew they never needed to find out about that little time in my life. That was a secret I was willing to take to my grave, and maybe only tell them at their funerals after they’d died and couldn’t come after me.


  We sat around drinking coffee and eating some pound cake, which my mother had purchased from a local store, after dinner. My parents were very interested in Roman’s life, and wanted to know all about his family and upbringing. I paid close attention during this conversation, for when I thought about it, I didn’t really know that much about his childhood. I guess I just never thought enough to ask, even though he had asked about mine. I felt kind of like a jerk for that, but he said he didn’t have that great of a childhood, so maybe it was for the best that I didn’t ask him and rehash any bad or sour feelings he had for his parents.

  “I am just beat. I think it’s time for bed,” my father said.

  I glanced up at the clock and noticed it was past ten, and that was way past my parents’ nine o’clock bedtime. They had stayed up just to talk to us, and the passing minutes were taking a toll on their bodies.

  “I’ll show you to your room,” I said to Roman as I stood up.

  “Thank you again for dinner. It was very delicious,” Roman said to my parents.

  “Oh it was my pleasure, dear. You have sweet dreams,” my mother said with a smile.

  “Good night, son,” my father said with a smirk as he got up out of his chair.

  My parents had their room on the other side of the house from the other two bedrooms, but it didn’t mean we could really sneak around here. The walls were thin, and any real noise could be heard from their bedroom easily. Something so simple as moving in the bed and having it creak could wake up my father, who was a very light sleeper. The faintest noise always woke him up, and that meant no sneaking around for Roman and me.

  “This is your room,” I said as I walked in and closed the blinds.

  “Is that your room over there?” He pointed to the room across the hall.

  “Yes, and don’t get any bright ideas about middle of the night fun sessions,” I whispered as I walked up to him.

  “What? You think I only want to have sex? Maybe I want to cuddle or something,” he whispered back with a smile.

  “Please, I know you. I know you’d love to bend me over my bed and take me from behind,” I said as I slapped his butt and walked to the doorway.

  “You’re quite the girl, you know that?” he asked.

  “Glad you think so,” I said before winking and closing the door behind me as I walked into my bedroom and shut the door.

  I leaned my back against the door, and smiled as I waited for Roman to knock on the door or just open it. I was certain he would, but the minutes passed by and he didn’t, instead taking my advice to not coming in for we would certainly be caught. Roman just got on my parents’ good side, and sneaking in the middle of the night to deflower their little girl was going to get him kicked to the curb.

  I got ready for bed and lay there as the moonlight beamed through my curtains and onto my face. This trip is going far better than I ever expected.

  Chapter Four

  My father woke us all up fairly early in the morning, as it was Sunday and time for church. My parents went two or three times a week, and certainly never missed a Sunday service, for it was hardwired in their brains to go and interact with all of the other church members. I hadn’t been to church since summer break, because I didn’t live anywhere near the church and you kind of lose that mentality when you went to college. It was all about studying, partying, and friends, which made it very hard to actually wake up early on a weekend and trek through town to a church, considering most students didn’t even have cars.
  “Rise and shine, Natty!” my father said as he opened my door and blinds. You could just hear the smile on his face.

  The bright sunlight shined through my window and pierced my eyelids, prompting me to try and cover them with my hands while moaning in discontent. I really didn’t want to go to church, instead using my time to sleep, but I knew that being home meant I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I could be forty with kids and my parents would still drag me by my ears if they had to.

  Roman was taken aback by the proposition of church, saying that he really didn’t want to go but would since it was what my family did and he wanted to impress my parents and not come across like some reserved and removed jerk. I was happy to hear that, not because I wanted him to look good in front of them, but because I just didn’t want to be stuck there alone. Who knew, maybe if I prayed enough Roman would bend me over a pew after the service and defile me. A girl could dream, couldn’t she?

  After getting ready, Roman, my parents, and I all hopped into my parents’ minivan instead of taking separate ones, which is what I wanted. Roman and I looked like two little kids sitting in the backseat as the doors shut, and we began to make our weekly trek to church.

  We traveled for ten minutes before we arrived, and the congregation was all sprawled out between the parking lot, yards, and church itself as they all socialized with each other. This was the worst part of church, because it always seemed to go the longest. The socializing before church wasn’t that bad, since church started at nine and it wouldn’t wait for anybody. The socializing that came after, however, was horrible—it could go on for five minutes or fifty, and the older ladies always loved to gab to each other and suck you into their conversations. They always wanted to know all about school and my friends and boyfriends, meaning I had to rehash the same stories every single time I was home from school.

  “Time for praise!” my mother said with a giggly smile as we all got out of the car and shut the doors.


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