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Page 21

by Gina Messina

  “Yes,” she shamefully admitted, looking down at her hands that were neatly folded in her lap while conjuring up another memory. The memory of Lexie’s lips touching hers. “A threesome with the little waif Lexie,” she repeated as Elton John’s, Tiny Dancer, tortuously played in her head.

  “Did you give Sean what he wanted, Charlie?” she asked, trying her best to hide the excitement on her face. “Did you have that three-way…”

  Charlie saw her doctor’s lips moving but didn’t hear a word she was saying. Her mind was in a tailspin and she was having a hard time catching up with her thoughts. So many memories came to mind all at once.

  When they had reached the street, there was a black stretch limousine waiting in front. The driver opened the door and Sean motioned for them to get in. She could see white roses and champagne on ice, along with an elegantly wrapped box from Bergdorf Goodman that was lying on the leather seat. By the size and shape of the box, she had a hard time guessing what was inside. It definitely wasn’t shoes, even though she’d been talking for weeks about her newest obsession, a pair of Stuart Weitzman sheepskin mules she’d spotted at Saks the previous month, and she was disappointed.

  Charlie knew Sean had methodically planned this all out from the way things were quickly developing. She might not be getting a new pair of shoes, after all, but, he would be getting two women for the price of one and it just didn’t seem right.

  “Go ahead, open it.” He nodded toward the box when he noticed her eyeing the silver foil package.

  Charlie had wanted to wait until they were alone but she could tell he was anxious for her to unwrap the box. She tugged at the shiny purple ribbon then lifted the lid. Inside, underneath a mound of tissue paper, were two bright red satin peignoirs with matching garter belts and thigh high black silk stockings. It made her cheeks flush when she put two and two together and figured out what Sean had planned for their first anniversary together.

  Charlie looked up at him, but he didn’t look back. He was too busy devouring Lexie with his eyes. She couldn’t help but to notice how Lexie’s mouth turned up at the corners when she smiled at him. It reminded Charlie of a Cheshire cat and, despite the uneasiness she was feeling, she thought that it was adorable.

  “The Plaza,” Sean instructed the driver then pushed the button that lifted the tinted glass divider, cutting them off from the rest of the world.

  Charlie closed her eyes, leaned back and took a deep breath. All she could hear was sound of her own heartbeat and the muffled groans of Sean. When she opened them back up, he had his face buried deep into Lexie’s cleavage.

  Charlie wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do with herself so she turned her head and stared out the window. That’s when she spotted the Chanel Boutique and all the beautiful shoes sitting in the window. She leaned forward and tapped on the glass partition. “Pull over!” she shouted to the driver.

  As soon as the car came to a stop, she jumped out and began walking down the block until she came to the window, then stopped and pressed her nose against the cold glass so she could gazed at all the beautiful shoes.

  “Charlotte, get back in the car!” Sean called through the crack in the car window, “Get back here right this fucking minute!” he repeated.

  She almost didn’t hear him because she was so entranced by the window display. It gave her a warm feeling inside and she wrapped that warmth around her like a security blanket. When Sean’s shouts grew louder and became impossible to not hear, she turned and glowered at him while calculating, If he thinks I’m going to have a threesome, he better be prepared to pay! She decided to get back in the car, but only after she made a mental note of which shoes were her favorites.

  Just as she opened the door to get in, she overheard him whisper into Lexie’s ear, “Charlotte has a serious thing for shoes.”

  Lexie shrugged her shoulders and chortled back, “What woman doesn’t.”

  Once she was back inside, Sean reached for her hand and entwined his fingers around hers, gently caressing the palm of her hand with his pinky. Charlie sat quietly and considered her options. She knew he had his mind made up. He looked deep into her eyes, then took his other hand and reached under Lexie’s skirt and started fingering her pussy. When Charlie didn’t say a word, it was more than evident to both of them that there would be no turning back. She didn’t want to risk losing her man or those Chanel shoes, so she kept her mouth shut and thought, How bad could it be?

  When Charlie finished telling Dr. Harrison her story, the hair on the back of her neck was standing on end and small goosebumps covered her arms. She peered up and noted that her doctor appeared to be in another world. That’s when Charlie told her, in a shameful whisper, that when she had been watching Sean and Lexie, she had longed for it to her breasts he was kissing and her pussy he was fingering. But, what she really wanted to tell her was that she had wanted it to be her breasts, Lexie was kissing, and her pussy Lexie was fingering. As much as she knew she should have confessed, Charlie just couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.

  As if reading her mind, Dr. Harrison remarked, “I take it you were attracted to Lexie.”

  Charlie didn’t respond. She was still thinking about the way Lexie had smelled and she was also reconsidering the dikey Birkenstocks that her doctor had only recently replaced with a fine Hermes pump.

  “You’ve given me lot of information to process. It’s going to take us a few sessions to sift through this and really dive into it.”

  “Dive in? That’s exactly what Sean was doing with his finger in the backseat of that car,” she sarcastically shot back. Boy, could I use a stiff drink. “You don’t happen to have any cashews?” she then asked sighing, before continuing to relay the details of how that god-awful night had ended.


  “I can be naked as long as I’m wearing the right pair of shoes.”

  Anna Dello Russo

  “Don’t forget your gift,” Sean had said as they were stepping out of the limousine. Charlie grabbed the silver box, watching the purple ribbon flutter into the dirty gutter in front of the Plaza hotel. Her mind was racing. She was disappointed (no shoes), confused (who exactly was Sean going to fuck first?) and exhilarated (Lexie and that adorable smile) all at once. When they entered the lobby, each on one of Sean’s arms, she could hear her bead encrusted stilettos, making small pings on the polished marble floor. The sound seemed to echo more loudly in her ears, with each uncertain step that she took.

  Charlie could tell men were enviously staring at Sean as they made their way through the glass atrium toward the bank of elevators at the far end of the lobby. She could also tell that Sean was enjoying every minute of the attention he was getting. At one point, he let each of his hands drop and graze both their asses with his fingers then confidently nodded at the concierge who was assessing the situation.

  When the elevator doors opened onto the ninth floor, Lexie took Charlie’s hand in hers and gently pulled her forward, leading her down the long carpeted hallway. She could feel her palms getting sweaty, but felt less anxious when Sean paused at the door of the room and gave her a small encouraging smile and wink. She knew it was his way of telling her not to be nervous.

  “Trust me,” he murmured softly with a low throaty purr as he inserted the room card into the slat in the door. Charlie heard the loud click of the lock, then a glaring silence, as he stepped aside so they could pass through.

  The room was a suite with a large sitting area and an expansive view that swept over Central Park. When she opened the curtains, she could see horse-drawn carriages lined up on the street below. The drivers were wearing tailcoats and top hats and it made her briefly smile, reminding her of Charles Dickens, Christmas story. It had always been a favorite of hers and the first movie she would watch each year right after Thanksgiving. Charlie loved Thanksgiving! It was her third favorite holiday, Obviously, Christmas and her birthday took first and second. The minute dinner would be over, she would sprint to
the computer and begin snatching up all the pre-holiday sale items. The competition was fiercer every year but she loved the challenge and always made sure she didn’t eat too much turkey so as to be alert and at the top of her A-game. She wasn’t going to risk the tryptophan slowing her down during such an important event.

  Looking down on the carriage drivers, she couldn’t help but to wonder if anyone had ever thought to make a pornographic version of the classic movie. How funny would that be, she thought to herself, then quickly dismissed the idea because the image of Old Ebenezer Scrooge participating in some ménage à trois with the ghosts of Christmas past, present and yet to come, quite literally, made her stomach sour.

  She stared out the window for as long as she could, trying to imagine how the night was going to unfold and reminiscing about last year’s black Friday. She had scored big that day, finding a pair of Steve McQueen ostrich boots in her size at fifty percent off. When she finally turned back around, Sean was lounging in the center of the king size bed with both hands behind his head and Lexie was helping herself to a chocolate covered strawberry from a silver bowl that was on the dresser.

  “Who wants champagne?” he asked, reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing the sweaty bottle of Crystal that sat in an ice bucket.

  At first Charlie didn’t answer. She had a million questions swirling around in her head. Her nerve endings, on the other hand, were doing most of the talking, as bolts of electricity shot through her body and caused a tingling sensation between her legs.

  There was a loud pop and the cork hit the ceiling as foaming bubbles began to spew from the neck of the bottle and trickled down onto his fingers. Sean jumped up and laughed, then grabbed one of the champagne flutes and started to pour the bubbly liquid.

  “Charlotte,” he said, patting the bedside and holding the long stemmed glass in his outstretched hand for her to take, “Grab your present and come here.”

  Her throat was suddenly dry and she found it difficult to swallow as she picked up the box and brought it over to him, then watched as he took off the lid and lifted out one of the red negligees before holding it up to her beating heart. “Put this on.”

  Charlie looked sideways at Lexi. “I’m not sure about this, Sean,” she muttered nervously, clutching the garment in her hand.

  Before he could say anything, Lexie got up from the chair and was standing beside her, her hand tracing the skin above Charlie’s breasts and drawing little circles into her flesh. “I’d like to see it on you, too,” she murmured softly, letting her fingers travel to Charlie’s lips.

  Charlie turned away and made her way to the safety of the bathroom. When she closed the door she could barely make out Sean’s voice. “Don’t forget to leave your shoes on,” he called out.

  After she changed, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror and took a long, hard look at herself. She tried to convince herself to go home. Just walk away, she told her mirrored reflection as she closely inspected the faint circles under her eyes and the small angry red mark on her stomach where Sean had dripped hot wax a few nights earlier. But, still, Charlie stayed. And the reason was twofold, because not only did the element of excitement outweigh the moral guilt she felt in her core, but those Chanel shoes that were displayed in the window were just too damn sexy to forgo. She knew she wanted them, and badly. Letting Sean fuck Lexie seemed a small price to pay.

  When she came out of the bathroom, Lexie was sitting on Sean’s lap. They both had a glass of champagne in their hands and he was seductively feeding her a chocolate covered strawberry.

  He looked up at Charlie and appraised her with a heady stare. “Your turn,” he told Lexie, then handed her the matching peignoir and gave her a playful pat on the ass. She giggled then looked over at Charlie with that same damn smile that she had thought was so adorable. She knew it wouldn’t take long for Sean to have his way with both of them. When Lexie came out of the bathroom wearing the sexy red number, Sean stood up and announced, “I’m so excited! You girl’s look so sexy.”

  Charlie had never done anything like this before so she stood and waited for instruction from Sean. She was sure he would be directing their every move within a matter of minutes. “Why don’t you two get to know one another better?” he suggested, giving Lexie a small nudge in Charlie’s direction.

  Lexie made her way over to where Charlie stood. “You really are beautiful, just like Sean described to me,” she said, then lifted her hand and gently swept away a loose hair that had fallen in front of Charlie’s eyes. “Is it okay if I kiss you now, Charlotte? I want to kiss your pretty face,” she confessed, while leaning in and lightly sweeping her lips across Charlie’s.

  When their lips touched, Charlie was amazed at how soft they felt against her own. She closed her eyes and shyly kissed Lexie back, allowing her to explore her slightly parted mouth with her smooth tongue. When she opened her eyes, she could see that Sean was watching them and noticed through the thin fabric of his pants that he was getting aroused. They then made their way to the bed where Charlie sat on the edge, her legs slightly parted and her stiletto heels, (that had made her feel like a million bucks just a few hours earlier), digging into the carpet. She could feel the blood pulsing through her veins when Lexie knelt and put one hand on each of her knees, gently spreading her thighs even further apart. With her fingers, she caressed Charlie’s skin, tickling her flesh and inching closer to her dampened panties. She could feel the moistness and heat emanating from her body and the entire room started to feel hot and steamy.

  Goosebumps covered Charlie’s skin. Little by little, Lexie pulled off her panties, slowly placing one finger, then two, inside of her. She gradually reached deeper and deeper until Charlie found herself leaning forward with the rhythm of her probing.

  “I’m going to join my two favorite girls now,” Sean said, his voice husky in a way that Charlie had never heard before.

  She closed her eyes in both terror and ecstasy as Lexie stood up and turned toward Sean. Her crotch was so close to Charlie’s face she could see where she had nicked herself shaving and she smelled like a bouquet of flowers. The odor in the room became intoxicating and there was a sudden feeling of electricity in the air.

  Moments later, Charlie felt Sean roughly running his hand through the length of her hair, his lips exploring her body and his hard nakedness roughly rubbed against her inner thigh. When he flipped her over, she felt as if she were a rag doll then he inclined her back with her arms stretched languorously above her head. When he entered her, it was with such a fierce urgency, it made her gasp out loud.

  “I want to fuck Lexie,” he said in a voice she had never heard him use before. “I want you to watch me enter her hot, wet pussy. I want you to see every inch of my hard throbbing cock as I bury it deep inside of her tight little cunt.”

  Charlie had never seen this side of Sean. She didn’t know what to make of it. She was all jumbled up inside, confused and excited at the same time.

  “Do you want me to fuck her?” he kept asking.

  “Yes,” she urgently cried out, “Yes, I do.”

  “Tell me again,” he demanded with a crazed look on his face, “Tell me you want me to fuck her.”

  “I want you to fuck her tight little pussy,” Charlie yelled. Then, she said it again and again in rhythm to his frantic thrusts.

  Charlie felt the exact instant when he exploded inside of her. She reached her hand down and touched the warm thick semen that spilled out of her and all she could think about was those Chanel shoes, perched in the window waiting to find a home worthy of their love.

  Her fingers were still tacky when she peeked over to where Lexie lay naked, rooted firmly between them like the creamy center of an Oreo cookie and sighed. Closing her eyes, her last thought was that Lexie would spontaneously combust into thin air, like one those sensational stories she would sometimes read in the National Enquirer while standing in a long line at the grocery store. ‘Man Evaporates into Thin Air!’ she recalled one
issue reading, as she fought to find sleep. There had been a quote from the deceased’s seventh wife, “He was just waiting for the L train, minding his own business, and then he was gone, evaporated into thin air!” Next to the quote had been a poorly photo shopped picture of the empty platform where the once obese man had stood and what looked like a giant heap of ashes.

  When Charlie had finished her very descriptive narrative, Dr. Harrison had a strange look on her face. It was almost as if she were in some sort of a trance.

  “Well, Charlie, that’s quite a story,” she stated, wiping her upper lip with her hand before getting up and checking the thermostat. “Are you warm, too?” she asked, while turning the temperature down. Charlie shivered and imagined herself turning into the ice princess.


  “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes and that’s kind of the same thing.”


  “The next morning I let Sean know exactly how I felt about his little surprise anniversary gift!” she told Dr. Harrison.

  “I don’t want to do that ever again,” she had said to him when she opened her eyes and noticed that Lexie was gone. She quickly scanned the bed sheets for sooty black marks. Thank God for small miracles, she thought to herself. They were lying in bed with the mass of ivory sheets entwined between their legs and the sun was just starting to stream into the window.

  Charlie waited for a response, but Sean just laid there with both of his eyes fixed on the ceiling. There was no doubt he had heard her, but he just kept staring up into space, his face devoid of emotion.

  “I don’t want to watch you make love to another woman,” she repeated, then jumped out of bed and stooped down to pick up her hot pink shoes from the floor.

  “Where are you going?” Sean asked.

  “I need to clean myself up.”

  She felt so dirty! All she wanted to do was take a hot shower and brush her teeth. She wanted to wash away the scent of Lexie from her body and the sticky-mouthed taste from her morning breath.


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