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Clutch Hit

Page 10

by Faith O'Shea

  “It is a pleasure.”

  “Come on. You can wait in the family room. Rique’s in with Dad now but they should be wrapping up soon. He’s very conscious of time and likes to keep things running smoothly.”

  Alicia pointed out, “That’s why he needs Case. She keeps the train on the track.”

  “Don’t let her fool you. The only place I keep the track running is at the complex. This is me standing in for my mother, who is working at the moment.”

  They were led down a short hallway and into a room that was warm and homey. Alicia sat on the couch. He took a chair beside it, wanting to be close but not intrusive.

  Casey mumbled, as she sat down next to her friend. “There may be a few rails coming loose soon.”

  He glanced over at Alicia, wondering what kind of trouble was ahead for Casey. He liked her. She was warm, friendly, but maybe a bit more timid than his… wife. He couldn’t imagine her doing anything so bold as marrying someone to get a desired outcome. Or was she doing exactly that? Marrying someone to force herself to forget the past, or at least make it seem like she had? He sensed she was holding herself together through this with a bit of tape and string and it wouldn’t take much for it to come undone.

  One of the voices coming down the hall was familiar. The accented Brazilian whom he’d been working with sounded upbeat. It was a good sign.

  Rique popped his head in before entering.

  “Hey, Allie. How are you? I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “I have taxi duty until we can get Mateo a license.”

  Rique leaned against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest, a broad smile on his face.

  “You do take care of your boys of summer.”

  She chuckled, “It’s January, or have you forgotten? Taking care of my Greenies is a four-season job.”

  Her Greenies. Mateo couldn’t forget he was just a job to her; one she might have taken on for anyone of value. He closed his eyes against that thought.

  When he opened them again, he noticed Mac hovering just outside the room, bestowing a smile on Allie that said she was not only respected but well loved.

  “Thanks for getting him here. You going to stick around?”

  “I planned on it.”

  Rique looked over at Allie and said, “I can wait for him. We can grab a coffee when we’re done, swap notes.”

  Alicia looked too relieved for Mattie’s liking.

  “You’ll take him home afterward?”

  “To the hotel? Sure.”

  Mateo answered for himself. “No, she moved me into my own place yesterday. If you drop me off there, you could see it.”

  “Where is it?”

  “Right near the field. Water views and everything.”

  Mac checked his watch and said, “Come on back, Mateo. I have very limited time for each of you today and I want it to count.”

  Mateo rose from the chair, saddened that he wouldn’t be in Alicia’s company any longer. He guessed the art museum was off the agenda.

  “You will get my clothes and car home safely?”

  “I will. I’m going to head back to my office for a few hours. There’s a couple of things I have to take care of, and I don’t want to fall too far behind at work. Oh, and I’ll print out a copy of the driver’s manual so you can study for the permit tonight. That way when we can go to the Registry, you’ll pass the test. The sooner we get it, the better. I’ll meet you back at the condo.”

  He nodded and followed Mac to his office.

  When he entered it, Mateo was suitably impressed. Years’ worth of memorabilia hung on the walls and lined the shelves, reminding him he was dealing with a Hall-of-Famer. Mac had won just about every award out there over the decade-long career, and he hoped to be half as good. There were a couple of pictures of Mac’s family that had a place of honor on his desk. It seemed what he’d heard was true. There was abiding love there.

  Mac directed, “Sit. Please.”

  Mateo sank down into one of the black leather chairs and Mac took a seat next to him.

  “How are you settling in?”

  “Good. It is everyone’s favorite question. Alicia is making sure my transition is a smooth one.”

  “We were very lucky you were able to get here for the season.”

  Mac’s eyes were penetrating in their intensity and Mateo was instantly alert. Did the manager know the particulars?

  Hoping to avoid any landmines ahead, he said, “Yes, Alicia and Keith worked magic.”

  “I’ve known her since she was a kid. She loves this team, will do anything for it. Even marry a player to acquire him.”

  Mateo’s jaw clenched. “You are aware of the situation?”

  “I am. Dan thought it was a need to know. I concur. I’m not happy about it, but more because I love her like a daughter. She works a lot on gut instinct and it usually turns out to be right on target, but this… I hope you appreciate what she sacrificed. I don’t want you taking advantage of her motives.”

  He narrowed his eyes, not understanding the question.

  “How would I do that?”

  “By forcing something on her that she didn’t sign up for.”

  Anger raced up his back, tightening every muscle and vertebrae.

  “I would never force anything on her. This was her idea, not mine, and I take offense that you would think I’d violate her in any way.”

  “Then my question is, why did you go along with it?”

  Should he tell him the truth? Should he tell him that he felt a strong connection to her, that it had happened as soon as she sat down next to him? Or go with the other reason?

  He opted for that.

  “It was a way to bring my mother here.”

  “You’re close?”

  Mateo nodded in the direction of the pictures. “She is my family.”

  She’d sacrificed so much for him.

  Mac’s gaze no longer held malice, only gentle cautionary advice.

  “I don’t know you yet, so I have to put the warning out there.”

  “I can promise I will not disrespect her in any way. No matter that it’s temporary, she is my wife and I have promised to protect her.”

  Mac’s eyes narrowed as he studied him as if measuring his sincerity before saying, “Seeing that I invited you here to talk baseball, I’ll pack this away for now. You need to know I’ll be watching you and it won’t only be on the playing field. I’m not only looking for talent, Mateo. I’m looking for men who have character, who have discipline and mental toughness. I’ve done my homework and I’m betting the farm that you have all three. I hope I’m not wrong.”

  The tension in Mateo’s shoulders loosened. The man was only looking out for his daughter’s friend, and he had to accept it as such.

  “I understand and appreciate your concern.”

  Mac sat back, seemingly more relaxed now that he had that out of the way.

  “Rique tells me that you’re helping him with his bat.”

  “Yes. He has a good swing but an eye that needs work.” He also needed patience but that would take more time to teach.

  “I like that you’ve stepped up and that you’re willing to help where needed.”

  “It’s all part of being a team.”

  “I have the sense that people will gravitate to you. You have a good work ethic, you’re serious but personable, and you have the leadership qualities I’m looking for. And that’s in addition to your batting skills. You have the power to elevate us to another level. My only concern is your acclimation to this new environment. I’ve seen others fail at making the adjustments needed, and I want to make sure you’re not one of them. If there is anything, I can do to make the shift easier, let me know. My door is always open.”

  “I have learned to take things in stride, to be resilient. I don’t let much affect my game. And I am not enamored by things. I don’t need cars, clothes, or women to know who I am.”

  No matter what team one played for, here
or there, there were players who needed the adoration of the masses in order to feel good about themselves. His mother had raised him better than that and his grandfather had taught him what it meant to be a man.

  Mac nodded before explaining, “One of the questions Larsen asked me before offering me the job was about my approach to coaching. What I told him is that I take a holistic and humanistic one. I want each player to be well-rounded but that’s hard to achieve sometimes. Routine and convention can take a toll, but it’s my intention to bring a way of life to the team. I have a family that’s important to me, was as important to me as the game. I have outside interests that compensate for the tedium of a season, and a home where I can unwind and relax. I want to create the kind of environment where every player can live his best life. On and off the field. The most beneficial way to do that is to show that it’s possible.”

  “In Cuba, the team is everything. It is one way the state can prove that it is flourishing. That will be one of the adjustments I must make, but I think it might be a good one.”

  “You can expect my wife, Galen, and me to open our home to the team, for barbecues, family get-togethers, and celebrations. I expect every Greenie to do community service, find a cause and invest in it. Not only monetarily but with personal appearances and hands-on activities. Allie’s office handles that piece, and she does a great job at maintaining a high-profile presence in the city. We may not get the media attention of our rival team, but we give back as much as they do.”

  “I will speak to Alicia and ask where I can put my time.”

  “You won’t have much of that when spring training camp starts, but once the season officially opens and we’re back in our home park, there’ll be plenty of opportunity for you to spread yourself around. Do you have any questions for me?”

  “You’ve covered all that is important. I am looking forward to working for you.”

  “As I told Rique, you’ll be working with me. If we all do our jobs, we’ll be able to celebrate a World Series win this year. It’s way past time.”

  “Maybe for you as well?”

  He laughed. “That would be the icing on the cake.”

  Mateo knew the Greenliners hadn’t won a series since the 1930s. Alicia had explained all about the Bambino curse, the Cubs’ dry spell, and how the Red Sox and Chicago Cubs had broken them. They were next in line.

  Mac rose and Mateo followed his lead, walking back out to the vestibule, where another man had just arrived.

  “Mateo Alvarez meet Ramon Batista. He plays at our training center in Puerto Rico and is one of our top prospects.”

  The two men shook hands, speaking to each other in Spanish, before Casey escorted Mateo to the door.

  “Rique is waiting in the car. He said to send you out when you were done.”

  “Thanks.” He hesitated before leaving, wanting to ask if she knew about him and Alicia. With her father knowing, he’d give good odds that she did, as well, one way or another. Instead, he dipped his head and said, “Maybe I’ll see you again soon.”

  She stopped him, her hand on his sleeve. “She’s been hurt. Have some patience.”

  He smiled. “I have the patience of a saint. If that’s all it will take…”

  But he doubted it. It would take that and a whole lot more to keep his wife from divorcing him before he could win her over. He just didn’t know what it would entail yet. He’d have to keep peeling away her layers, hoping he could steal a little bit of her heart along the way. He’d been serious when he’d told her that he wasn’t going to ignore the universe’s intervention into their lives.

  As soon as he squeezed himself into Rique’s car, he said, “I like him.”

  “I do, as well. He’s more down-to-earth than Farina, more approachable. I asked him if we could pick up our practice sessions on Monday. He told me he’d check with Casey, make sure she blocked off some time, and he’s going to talk to Leo. He’s staying on as infield coach.”

  “That is good to hear. We won’t have to figure out what a new coach expects from us.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t have to bust my ass again, trying to prove I’m ready to bring it. Once was enough. You want to grab some lunch?”

  “Why not. I’m not expecting Allie to be back for hours. This is one thing I miss about home. There’s always a friend to call to do things with.”

  “You can always call me.”

  “Don’t you have a trip to Brazil lined up?”

  “It’ll only be for a few days.”

  He shook his head. He still couldn’t believe Rique was going through with that, not with the way he felt about Fiona. He chuckled to himself, mentally paraphrasing Rumi. When love spoke, you could not deny her.

  Rique would lose the challenge to try.

  His friend dropped him off at the condo, declining the invitation to go in and see it, wanting to get back to his sister’s house in case Fiona was there. Thoughts of loneliness filled Mateo’s soul as he exited the elevator, but he brightened immediately when he found Alicia sitting on the deck even though the weather didn’t warrant it. Her hair was down, and long tresses were blowing in the breeze. She was wrapped snugly in her big, puffy winter jacket, looking out at the white peaks dancing along the harbor.

  When he opened the slider, he startled her.

  “Sorry. Can I join you?”

  “If you want. It’s so beautiful out here. When I came back, I couldn’t deny myself the pleasure of a few minutes of mindlessness.”

  He took a seat next to her, pocketed his hands, and shrunk into his coat. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to the blistering cold.

  “You finished what you needed to?”

  She gave him a small smile.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever catch up. When I finish one report, another one spits out at me. New stats, new performance reviews, a list of events that need organizing, a player who needs physical therapy, the list goes on.”

  “Mac explained his philosophy. It is quite simple really. He wants us to work but he wants us to play, as well, filling our lives with more than baseball. You would do well to follow it.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  Before he could ask anything else, her phone rang. She slipped it out of her pocket and checked the ID before answering the call.

  He motioned, asking her if she wanted him to go back inside and give her some privacy, but she shook her head, giving him the go-ahead to sit back and enjoy the view.

  “Hi, Dad. What’s up?”

  He could only hear one side of the conversation, but when she said, “You heard that, did you?” it sounded as if he was mining for some information.

  She glanced over at him just before she said, “I’ll ask. See if he’s willing. Hold on?”

  She fingered a strand of hair from her mouth and explained, “Dad heard that I’m staying with you and asked if we wanted to go for dinner. Be forewarned, he’s looking for an interview. I have a feeling he wants to write an in-depth article about the player from Cuba. Don’t be afraid to say no.”

  “How did he hear that?”

  She chuckled. “He has his sources. They’re probably better than mine. Remember, he’s been working this beat since before I was born.”

  “I will get to meet your mother?”

  “Hopefully, she’ll be the one making dinner. Dad’s idea of substantial is a peanut butter and fluff sandwich. We didn’t even get the nutritional value of jelly when meals were left to him.”

  “Then yes.”

  “You’re sure? He’ll be asking a lot about where you came from, how the styles compare, the teams, all that stuff you might have wanted to leave behind.”

  “It is part of who I am, so I am not averse to talking about it.”

  She pressed her lips together as if thinking. Was she going to try to talk him out of it?

  When she put the phone back to her ear, she asked, “What time?”

  “Okay, but we have to be back early. Mateo has to study for his
permit test.”

  Her father was talking now, and she glanced over, rolled her eyes and said, “Dad, save your questions for Mateo. I don’t have the answers.”

  She rested her head back as soon as she swiped off.

  “He was surprised I said yes. I don’t usually give him this kind of access to the players I’m working with.”

  “Why did you?”

  “I’m not exactly sure. Maybe I think the world needs to hear your story. Maybe because you’re going to generate all kinds of media attention, and if someone’s going to write an article about you, I think it should be my father. Or maybe it’s just because I have a different kind of relationship with you than the others.”


  Allie looked over at him, and thought silently, Maybe I want to share you with my family.

  It wasn’t smart, but it was there, just beneath the surface. She knew the marriage would never amount to anything more than temporary, but she felt…something for the man sitting next to her. He was not what she’d expected, and it was getting harder to keep her distance. If he was someone else, did something else for a living, she might have…

  Ha. If he did something else, you would not be here with him.

  “Come on, let’s go. He wants to get to the interview before dinner seeing that we can’t stay late.”

  He let her precede him into the warmth of the condo, but she didn’t give herself time to get rid of the chill in her bones. After snatching up her purse, which had to weigh thirty pounds, and was big enough to hold all her paraphernalia, she marched them toward the outer door. As they rode the elevator down to the garage, he asked, “Where do they live? Is it where you grew up?”


  She’d never told him she’d grown up in a fishing village like he had, even after he’d told her about it. Maybe this was the reason she’d agreed to take him. He’d love the area. It might be more vibrant than where he hailed from, but it had beaches, boats, and a small-town feel.

  “Well, aren’t you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Not that you’d have any idea what it means but we’re going to Gloucester.”

  “Is it a city like Boston?”


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