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Goddess of War

Page 17

by Waverly Scott

  “Cara!” the voice was closer. It sounded vaguely familiar.

  “Hello?” I croaked out. My throat felt so dry.

  Nothing. I turned to go back to my bed but stopped short. I drew in a quick breath and stumbled backward, falling over my chair. I scrambled back further until I hit the wall; Adrian was standing in the middle of my room.

  “Wh-what? How?” I stuttered. I couldn’t form coherent sentences.

  I was completely baffled. Adrian was standing in front of me.

  How is he here? How can he be standing right there when my room was just empty?

  I stared in shocked silence. The pained look on his face stung me to my core. I slowly stood and reached out for him. He backed away from me slowly. I tried to run to him but tripped over my shoes and fell into my bed. I sat up on my knees and looked around, but he was gone.

  I moved to the edge of my bed and rubbed my eyes. I got on the floor and crawled around. I lifted the blue dust ruffle on my bed, he wasn’t under there.

  A dream? Could it have been nothing more than a dream? I know he was here!

  I climbed back onto my bed and sat there, the clock read two a.m.

  I had a few hours to get more sleep before class in the morning. I slipped out of my clothes and into my t-shirt and pants I had lying on the back of my chair. I slid under the blankets and sighed at the feeling of cool sheets against my hot skin. I tried forcing my eyes to stay open in case I saw him again. I didn’t want to miss seeing him. At some point I did fall back to sleep. Thankfully it was a dreamless sleep this time. If he had in fact been a dream.


  I walked through the front doors of the cathedral, apprehensive at first. I was nervous to see Brandy and my friends. This would be the first time since the battle. The last time I’d seen them was in the vision, when they were dead. Brandy’s terrified face kept flashing in my mind. I kept my head down and hurried through the corridor. The other students pushed past me, yelling, and goofing off. It was so hard seeing all the faces of people I saw lying around, lifeless; broken; and bloody.

  “Cara! You’re back!”

  I spun around to see Brandy. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

  “It’s so good to see you!” I cried.

  “Miss me that much?” she laughed.

  “Let’s get to class,” I sighed.

  We walked through the halls laughing and chatting.


  “What?” I asked.

  “Who is that?” she pointed down the hall.

  I looked in the direction she was pointing. I saw the usual people milling about then he came into view. Adrian. His flawless skin and brilliant smile stood out. I stood there, mouth open, staring at him. He waved and strode down the hall toward me with graceful strides. He looked as though he were floating. I couldn’t move. I was in shock. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tight.

  “You know him?” Brandy gasped.

  “Him and his brother,” Adronis said, stepping out from behind Adrian.

  “Oh my God there are two of you,” she giggled.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” I hissed.

  “You’re not happy to see me?” he asked.

  I pushed him away and turned around. I stormed down the hall toward my creative writing class.

  “Cara, please,” he called after me.

  “No, just, no. Go away, Adrian. I said all I had to say in Greece.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “What could you possibly have to say to me?” I growled at him.

  “Everything. You didn’t even let me explain at the restaurant.”

  “You told me that you thought he was right. That we shouldn’t be together.”

  “I thought that was what would be best. I wanted you to be able to live a normal life until you were ready to come back to us,” he pleaded.

  “A normal life? How do you think I was going to do that? Knowing who I am, what I did? That isn’t something that just goes away. I’ll be needed again. I’m going to have to go back to Olympus some time.”

  “I know and I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you. If it makes you feel any better I’ve been a mess since you left. I can’t live my eternal life without you.”

  “So you think because you followed me home, enrolled in my college, surprised me, and apologized I’d just forgive you like that?”

  “And got a tux for the charity gala,” he said with a quirky smile

  “You’ve been here all of an hour and you already assume I’ll go with you? Or that you’re invited?”

  “Do you have another date?” he asked.

  I sighed heavily. “You know I don’t.”

  “Am I invited?” he asked, biting his lip while looking at me seductively.

  “Yes,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  He wrapped his arms around me again, this time leaning his head down to meet my lips. I’d missed his kiss, his arms, all of him.

  “Oh enough,” Adronis groaned.

  “It’s good to see you, too.” I smiled.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled.

  “So, why are you here?”

  “Well, I wasn’t about to let my brother go off on his own. Who knows what kind of trouble he would get to.”

  “If you guys are here as students…who’s with you?”

  “Well, Hera is. She missed you and was the only one who could leave Olympus for an extended period of time,” Adrian said.

  “How is she passing for your mother? She looks like she’s thirty.”

  “Aunt Helen took us in when our parents died.” Adrian laughed. “She wants us to have the best college education possible.”

  “Good cover story.”

  Brandy took a few steps forward and cleared her throat.

  “Cara, are you going to introduce me to your, uh, new friends?”

  “Oh! Of course!”

  “I wish I had guys follow me home from vacation,” she said, eyeing them.

  “These two are just souvenirs I picked up from Greece.”

  “Oh really. A matching pair, too. Good job.”

  “This is Adrian, my boyfriend, and his brother Adronis.”

  “Boyfriend, eh? You leave on vacation and bring home identical looking boys.”

  Adronis stepped forward and took Brandy’s hand, kissing it lightly. I watched in shocked amazement, he was being nice. Sweet really.

  “I’m Adronis.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Brandy blushed.

  Not even five minutes and he picked up Brandy.

  We were the last in class. When I pulled the door shut, everyone turned to stare. They didn’t take their eyes off of Adrian or Adronis. There were excited whispers throughout the students.

  “Oh my God they’re so cute,” one girl said.

  “I wonder where they’re from,” another said.

  “Think they have girlfriends?” the girl behind me asked.

  “I don’t know, but I plan on finding out,” the girl beside her said.

  “I wonder how long they’re here."

  I smiled smugly. If only they knew. Brandy didn’t even know the truth. I wondered how she would react when she found out. If she found out.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  I sat in front of my mirror examining my hair. Loose curls framed my face and hung down around my neck. The bobby pins that were barely holding up the rest of my delicately coiffed hair were shaped like golden butterflies. Mom had found them while shopping the week before. My gown hung on my closet door, waiting for me to put it on. I’d been waiting for this night all year and it was finally here. I was going to the charity gala with the most remarkable man alive. As I sat staring at the young woman in front of me, I could scarcely believe it was me. Despite having only happened a few weeks ago, my time in Greece had changed me. I was no longer just a care-free child. I matured. I grew. I was a goddess. I now had a certain air of sophistication about me. That was due largely because of Adrian. At least that’s wh
at I thought, wanted to believe. The doorbell jarred me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the clock, it was time to leave and I wasn’t ready yet. I quickly slipped into my gown and shoes. The jewelry mom and the saleswoman helped me pick out sparkled in the setting sunlight that filtered through my window. I was happy with what I saw.

  “Cara, Adrian is here.”

  “I’m coming, Mom.” I pulled my bedroom door shut and danced to the stairs.

  “Oh my word.” Mom put her hand over mouth and started to cry.

  “Pumpkin, you look beautiful,” Dad said, watching me descend our stairs, gracefully for once.

  “You look absolutely breathtaking,” Adrian gushed.

  My cheeks flushed a scarlet red as I paused on the last step. I awkwardly pinned the boutonnière on Adrian’s tuxedo jacket before he handed me my flowers.

  “Okay, pictures!” Mom squealed, grabbing her digital camera from the hall table.

  We stood and smiled waiting for her to get the pictures out of her system. I glanced up at him from the corner of my eyes and was amazed at his beauty. His tanned skin contrasted against my porcelain white. He did match me. His gold tie and shirt were the same color as my dress.

  “Are you done?” I pleaded.

  “Yes, I suppose I’m done.” Mom furrowed her brow, trying not to cry more.

  “It’s okay mom. You can cry.” I smiled.

  “I’m not going to cry.”

  “Yes you are,” Dad said, putting his arm around her shoulders. “So am I.”

  Mom tucked the camera into my little handbag; I kissed them both on the cheek. Mom grabbed her hand bag and we headed out to the cars. In our driveway was the most amazing sleek black convertible.


  “Yeah, Hera bought it yesterday.”

  “Where is Adronis?” I asked.

  “Picking up Brandy.”

  “He got one too?”

  “Yeah, only his is white.”

  Adrian opened the door and helped me in. The car really was spectacular.

  The gala was being held at the nicest resort in Pennsylvania, Nemacolin Woodlands. I’d always driven past the entrance to the resort going to Ohiopyle and had always wanted to stay there. Driving up the long driveway to the main hotel was intense. There was thick forest on both sides of us that blocked out the stars and moon. The hotel loomed ahead. The enormous French style building was gorgeous and a bit scary looking at night. Lights adorned the front and beautiful orchids were everywhere. Adrian pulled up to the valet parking and handed over his keys to the kid who ran out the front doors.

  “Please be careful with her.”

  “Sure thing,” the kid said, gawking at the car.

  He held out his arm for me and escorted me in. The concierge took us to the ballroom where the rest of our junior and senior classes were gathered. It was incredible. Dark green, gold, and white streamers, balloons and flowers were everywhere. The table clothes all had a white cloth under a forest green with gold dinnerware. On the far end of the room was a small DJ booth and a rather large dance floor in front. We stood for more pictures and searched the room for our table. I was relieved to see Brandy and Adronis in the seats next to ours.

  “Can you believe this?” Brandy squealed.

  She looked amazing. The blood red dress made her hazel eyes and blonde hair stand out. She had on dark red lipstick and beautiful ruby jewelry. Adronis was wearing a matching tie and shirt, just like Adrian.

  “No. It’s amazing. They went all out this year.”

  “From what I heard the gala committee got an anonymous, last minute donation last week. A big one.”

  “Really?” I asked, turning my head a bit to see the grin on Adrian’s face

  “Yeah. I guess someone is happy with your father’s work.”

  “He is quite the designer,” I said, lacing my arm through his.

  “Yes, and the firm does great things for the community.”

  “Well the community has done great things for the firm.” I smiled.

  We entered the main lobby and headed toward the largest ballroom. Women in beautiful gowns walked about chattering to each other. Men in tuxes stood around sipping at rocks glasses full of amber colored liquid. We passed a small courtyard where a few couples were talking and smoking. The smell of cigar smoke wafted in through the open door.

  “I’ll never understand why mortals do that,” Adrian said, shaking his head.

  “Do what?”

  “Smoke. It takes time off their lives.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and entered the ballroom. Tables with beautiful, crisp white linen were adorned with magnificent centerpieces. The chandeliers cast soft light against the walls and ceiling. Glasses clinked and people talked. Soft music played as people spun about on the dance floor. Gowns flowed out and women laughed.

  “Your mask, Cara,” Mom said, situating her forest green and feathered mask on her face.

  “Right,” I said, tying the mask around my head. It was made out of a golden colored hard plastic, adorned with white feathers, and had beautiful jewels swirled about it in intricate designs.

  Mom and Dad lead us to our table. I didn’t recognize everyone with their masks on. I never knew why the event planner wanted to do a costumed ball every year or why the partners agreed. The dresses were gorgeous, but so uncomfortable. The music came to a stop and waiters poured out of side doors with domed plates. Everyone took their seats and ate happily. After an incredible feast the lights were dimmed and the music started again. Adronis and Brandy walked out onto the dance floor and began to glide around. They looked beautiful twirling around.

  “May I?” Adrian asked.

  “May you what?”

  He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my chair into his arms in one fluid movement.

  “I don’t dance.”

  “What? You did in Athens,” he said, guiding me to the floor.

  “No, really. I don’t know how. That was just a fluke.”

  “You can fight, you can dance.”

  “Swinging a sword is different than tromping on your toes and humiliating myself in front of the entire class. In Athens I wasn’t so worried about being humiliated. Here, I do have to go to school with these people.”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Of course I do,” I said.

  He leaned down and let his warm, soft lips press against mine. “Follow my lead. You’ll be fine. You are dancing with the god of love after all.”

  “And you with the goddess of war,” I said bitterly.

  He spun me around the dance floor as though we had been doing it for millennia. I smiled and looked around us as people watched us twirl. I really did feel like a princess.

  My smile quickly faded though when I saw a tall, lumbering man standing in the entrance way. He had a sly sneer on his face. I stopped dancing and let go of Adrian.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, watching me run off toward the man.

  I pushed through the other couples who were dancing and watched the man walk away.

  “Wait!” I yelled.

  He didn’t though. He kept walking down the hall. I picked up the skirts of my dress and ran after him.

  “Cronus! I know it’s you,” I shouted after him.

  He paused; his back to me.

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “To remind you that it’s not over, goddess. You can spin around and pretend the world is safe, but it’s not.”

  “You can’t win,” I said to the man.

  He turned to look at me, his piercing eyes glaring from beneath his mask. “I will though. I won’t stop until you and the other gods are dead.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “You are all a plague. Nothing more than an infestation on my world,” he spat.

  “I won’t let you take the world.”

  “You won’t have a choice. One day when you’re least expecting it we will be back. We will be stronger.”

sp; I watched as he turned and walked away. Adrian stopped by my side and looked from me to the man.

  “That wasn’t…”

  “Yeah, it was Cronus.”

  He started to run after him. “Stop, Adrian.”

  “Why? We have to get him.”

  “Not tonight. Let him go. We have time.”

  He looked at me, furrowed his brow, but nodded. He took my hand and led me back to the dance floor. I rested my head on his shoulder and danced. My mind was a million miles away, my battle wasn’t over yet.

  “Remember I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” I said quietly.

  “You don’t sound so sure.”

  “I know.” I sighed.

  He pulled my chin up so I was looking him in the face. “Aren’t you the one who fought with the lord of all gods about why we were perfect for each other.”

  I smiled and laughed. “Yeah, I did.”

  “You don’t believe that now?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do. We are perfect together.”

  “If the deities love and hate can fall in love, anyone can.”

  “Well I don’t think of me, personally, as hate. It’s just what I am, unfortunately.”

  “Why unfortunately?” he asked as we spun around the room.

  “I’m not a violent person, and here I am thrown into the role of ruler of wars. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “When you return to Olympus you’ll begin your training with Ares and Athena. You’ll be assuming both roles.”

  “What’s the point? Nobody even prays to the Greek Gods anymore.”

  “That doesn’t matter. Without us the world will give way to chaos. Whether they believe we exist or not, we have to continue with our duties.”

  “Our duties,” I humphed.

  “Yes, our duties. Right now I could be, well, should be, spreading the love.”

  “Why aren’t you?”

  “I can spread enough love around here. Besides, I can take a night off. This is our night. Maybe some of my powers will work on us.”

  “You don’t need your powers to work on me.”

  “I don’t?”

  “I already love you,” I whispered, kissing him along his jawline.


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