His Virgin Bride
Page 60
I’ve missed this woman so fucking much. It doesn’t matter that we come from opposite sides of the spectrum. We’ve found our middle ground. We’ve decided to live our lives dedicated to our love.
Our lips slide away from each other’s and we open our eyes. In the distance, sirens can be heard. I look over at Adam, who’s looking up at us, dumbfounded.
“Traitor,” he says, shaking his head.
“I’d rather be a traitor than work with the likes of you,” I say.
“There’s no time for this. Let’s go!” she yells, running toward the leaving cargo boat. It begins pulling away from the dock. There’s no time to spare. This is it.
We both hop on at the last second and watch as we float away from the pier. Adam keeps his eyes fixed on me. I stare back at him, knowing this is going to be the big sensation on every news channel for the next year. The sirens are ringing out. Police cars are getting closer, but we’re already far away.
I’m a wanted man now, but I have love. I have her. Maybe this makes me crazy, but I’ve never wanted anything more. Never.
“Are you crazy?” I ask him. I’m not smiling. I’m just completely confused at this point. “What are you doing trying to rescue me? I should be going to jail.”
He just laughs and kisses me, bringing me closer to him than ever before. “The only place you should be right now is in my arms,” he says.
“This is insane,” I say, falling to the floor. I lay down and stare up at the sky. “Oh, God. We’re going to be on the run forever. You shouldn’t have come with me.”
“I’m in this too now and I’ve never felt better,” he says. “I’ve been on the run my whole life, only I didn’t know it before. Now, at least my life has some purpose. No more living under the confines of the department.”
I’m so confused, mad, and just about every emotion under the sun right now. Of course, I’m happy too. It’s just that, it’s not over yet. “They’ll be coming after us soon,” I say.
“Sure they will. And guess what? We’ll be in Mexico drinking margaritas at la playa,” he says, so sure of himself.
“No. No we won’t. We’ll be hiding out in some shack somewhere, until we can get further away from the border. There’s not going to be any beaches, Marshall. It’s going to be rough,” I say. He needs to know the stakes because right now, they’re really high. I’ve been on the run for weeks now. Things have only gotten crazier for me.
“Relax,” he laughs. “I get that. You forgot that rough is my middle name.”
He starts unbuttoning his shirt. It’s a hot day out and the sun is shining directly on us. Nearby, we can hear a helicopter scour the water. “We should hide,” he says, pulling me in a random direction. We get to an open shipping container and sit inside it, carefully.
I’m sitting nearly on top of him, when he takes off his shirt. “Come here,” he says.
“Okay,” I whisper.
“Don’t be scared. We’re going to get away with this. Yeah, it’s going to be hard, but good things come from hard work, right?” he asks. I nod carefully. “I don’t give a damn what happens as long as I’m with you. I’ve gone crazy, sure. But it’s how I feel. Truly.”
I rest my head against his chest. I’ve missed the way my body feels when he holds me like this. I’ve missed the way he smells. I’ve even missed his stupid arrogance. And, God, that smile of his… he’s so handsome it makes me sick.
We sit in silence as the helicopters fly over our boat. We hold our breaths and listen as it fans past us. We escaped it, but we’ll have to leave this boat soon enough. “When we get there,” he says, “just follow my lead. Last thing you want to do is get caught sneaking into Mexico.”
I nod, but I’m not thinking about that right now. Right now, I’m only paying attention to his body. There’s so much to worry about. Yet, it only excites me now. What the future holds is completely unknown to us, but that’s just it! There’s us again. There’s we. We’re together.
“I’ve missed this,” I whisper.
He looks down at me and smiles. His eyes bear the understanding of the situation, but they betray themselves when he looks elsewhere. My face is so close to his cock and he wants me to suck him dry. I want to please him again, to show him what he’s going to get for the rest of his life.
“Baby,” he whispers. “My sweet darling, Vi.”
“I’m wet,” I reveal. “Touch me.”
He slides two fingers underneath the top of my jean shorts. He pushes them under until he feels me. My breath is sharp and quick when he touches me, while his is deep and long lasting. We have a hunger for each other, a thirst that cannot be quenched.
We both unbutton our clothes, until we’re wrestling against each other. My hand is around his thick and very hard shaft, stroking him and ultimately, teasing myself. Our lips are crushing against one another’s, opening just for the bit of tongue that begs to taste.
I immediately begin riding him. I don’t want to waste any more time. I just want to feel him again. I press my pussy down and ride the hell out of him. In and out, he pumps short thrusts upward, as the tingling starts to grow in my spine. I moan loudly, holding onto him tight. His muscles soon wrap around my body and I’m forced to give into him fully.
“I’ve missed hearing you moan.” His hands fall to my waist. Gripping down around my skin, he holds on and pushes me up and down. I go with his rhythm, feeling the pleasure start to escape me. I look down at him and we kiss. His thrusting grows faster and faster, harder and deeper. He’s not letting go. My nails claw down his back. I hold onto him and I feel myself dissipating.
Wave upon wave of pleasure shoots throughout my body. It starts with my legs, moving up through my spine. “Oh, Marshall!” I scream. “Fuck me!” He doesn’t let up. He keeps pounding my sweet pussy, and I cum over and over again for him.
His balls draw up and he’s left speechless. I feel him shoot his warm cum inside me. “Let’s get married,” he says, suddenly, with a look of strain in his face. He finishes cumming and kisses each breast. He sucks on the ends of my nipples, cupping the bottom of my tits.
“I don’t have any ring to give you right now,” he says, out of breath. “But I’ll give you the world if you let me. Let’s get married. Tomorrow. We’ll find a priest. It doesn’t matter who does it as long as it’s done.”
“Marshall,” I laugh with excitement. “You don’t have to go on. Let’s do it. Let’s get married!”
“Could life get any better than this?” he throws his hands behind his head with air of relaxation.
“Probably.” I can’t help but laugh. “We’re stuck in a metal box, baby. These are situations people try and stay away from.”
“Well, they’re fools,” he says confidently. “Even in here, with you, I’m as free as I’ll ever be.”
It’s true. I should be more worried than I am, but I feel as if things will work out now. In the weirdest way, we got what we asked for. We’re almost there. We’re so close. I can feel it.
Getting off the boat was the least of our worries. All we had to do was give some money to the guys at the docks. They weren’t going to say a word. We walk into town with nothing but her suitcase and the clothes on my back. We find a cheap motel and we begin our life together. This is the kind of life I used to stand against. Now, it’s my perfect reality.
There’s just one small thing I want to do before we find our stake over here.
“Priest,” I say to a man near a church, late at night. “El sacerdote?”
The man smiles, understanding what I’m looking for. “Sí, sí!” he exclaims. He brings us inside the small church and I give him some pesos for his help. The man shakes our hands and shows us where the priest sleeps inside the church.
We knock gently on the door. “Maybe we should come back in the morning,” she says. But I want to do this now. This is more important than anything else.
“And get caught by the
federales? Hell no,” I say. “This is our chance.”
“But we have nowhere to go,” she laughs, uncertain of the whole situation. “I know a few people. A couple of gringos that run a few farms down here. We’ll work for them and open our own thing. We’ll live well down here. I promise you. I’m going to be the best damn husband in the world.”
I knock on the door again and a man finally opens it slowly, looking out of the crack of the door. “El sacerdote?” I ask him. “Priest?”
He nods. “Yes, I am a priest,” he says in slow English.
I laugh and hug Virginia. “Can you marry us?” I ask him. “Por favor. Ceremonia de boda. Tú?” My Spanish is shit and he knows it because he’s smiling.
“Sí. I can help you,” he says, glancing at the wallet in my hand. I give him a few bills and he nods, unlocking his door further. “Un momento,” he says. He turns around and grabs his priestly garb. I’m not a religious man myself, but it’s important to get the ceremony right. I want to remember this forever, even if it is under such extreme circumstances.
Back home, they’re searching for us. They know we’ve crossed the border, but chances are, Virginia and I aren’t on the government’s top priority list. I can picture Freddie Miles asking to send a team over here. Millions of tax payers’ dollars down the drain. They won’t allow it. Not for some half-assed robbery, in which the money was returned. No way.
We follow the priest out to the center of the church. He lights the candles around the altar and says a prayer. I never imagined I would get married, but since I am, this is the setting I want to do it in. Virginia seems to be in the same boat as me.
“It’s beautiful,” she says. The silence in the church is as deafening as it is humbling.
“I love you so much,” I whisper, my voice echoing throughout the long passageway.
The priest reads the ceremony by heart. His smile is big the whole time. “Because you come to me,” he says. “Your love will flourish forever.”
I do.
I do.
We kiss and it’s as if all the candles in the room grow for the minute our lips meet. “You are married!” he exclaims. “Be free!”
I pick her up in my arms. She’s got the same pair of jean shorts on as she did on the cargo boat. “Some wedding dress, huh?” she laughs.
“You don’t need a wedding dress. You’re beautiful in any outfit, darling,” I say. “But once things settle down, we’re going to have a huge ceremony. We’ll invite all our new friends. Everyone that we meet in this country. It’ll be incredible.”
That night, we stay close to one another. We cuddle up in our small room. The bed is practically made of one wooden plank, with a hardened army-style mattress plopped on top. It’s not comfy whatsoever, but we have each other. We laugh and turn on the television. We have no clue what’s being said, but it feels strangely liberating being without a language.
As we fall asleep, I can’t help but bask in the warmth of my happiness. “My wife,” I smile and kiss the back of her head. She smells so damn good, even without showering for the past day and a half. She’ll always be a breath of fresh air to me. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I’m here with you.”
“Marshall?” she asks me, suddenly.
“Yes, baby?” I kiss her again.
“Let’s have a baby,” she says.
I don’t even need time to react. “I was hoping you’d say that.” I used to frown a lot. I used to get angry. Now, it’s like a smile has been glued to my face forever. “A baby now?” one might ask me. I’d respond to them with, “What better time?”
We make love. Her legs intertwine with mine as we kiss. The flickering lights of this cheap motel keep bouncing on and off. The television is blaring. Outside, someone can be heard laughing and telling stories. There’s life all around us.
Her sweet pussy lifts up in front of me, as she rests her arms and knees on the bed. “Take me,” she says.
I place my hands on the small of her back. I run my fingers down her spine. I’m forced to kiss every curve of her body before kissing those lips. I drop my body underneath her. My hands grope her huge tits. I suck on each nipple lightly and I come back down to her sweetness. She’s wet, of course, and I’m aching for her. My cock is practically bursting out of my boxers.
I lick her like it’s the first time. I enjoy her. She’s a taste of heaven, an angel fallen to this earth for me. The Morningstar of my dreams. We’ve had a hard time together, but that’s what makes us so fucking close. That’s what has kept us glued together. When I’m away from her, I dream of her body, her voice, and her mind.
My tongue slides across every crevice, slowing dipping into her hole. I suck her like a ripe fruit, making sure to savor every last drop. I worship her pussy like it’s God’s gift to the abysmal world. I’m on my knees, praying it’ll always be there for me, like this. She’s open and waiting for me.
Her legs move apart more as my tongue and lips close around her clit. I’m sucking, sucking, sucking on her and she’s getting closer to releasing for me. I can see her face in the motel mirror, staring at our reflection. Her cheeks have turned a rosy hue. Her back has arched considerably. Her knees are trembling from a sudden rising pressure.
I insert two fingers inside her and curl them against her spot. I groan loudly as my tongue starts sliding back and forth against her clit. I move faster. And faster. Faster than ever. She begins to moan with me. “Marshall!” she screams. She’s about to cum. I keep my mouth on her, intent on giving her the best damn orgasm she’s ever had. This is our wedding night. She deserves something special from me.
Finally, the front of her body falls against the hard bed. She starts shaking uncontrollably. Her face contorts with absolute pleasure. I insert a third finger inside her and start moving quickly, mouth still fixated on her clit. When it’s over, she’s pulsating slowly. Her breathing has released and, like a fever, she’s broke on through with a light sweat.
I waste no time when she says, “Give me a baby.” There’s nothing hotter to me now than keeping her by my side and giving her something so pure. I want to be the husband she dreamed about when she was a little girl. I want to be the father she and I never had. I want to protect them both, this being that I’m about to create.
I slide myself in slowly as she lay on her back, gazing wondrously into my eyes. She’s perfect, like apple pie on a hot, summer day. I dig in, pounding her relentlessly. When she reaches down and starts rubbing my balls, I can’t fucking contain myself. She smiles, knowing she’s driving me crazy. She whispers, “Cum, baby.”
Her smooth voice hits a spot inside my brain that lets out a beastly emotion. I moan loudly, looking at every part of her body. My left hand cups around her tit, feeling the heavy, smooth skin. My right hand moves over her soft stomach. I feel her skin and soak up every bit of her.
I’m going to cum. I can’t hold out any longer. I gaze into those hazel eyes and feel the pressure inside me burst. It starts between my legs, but moves up my spine. My mind opens up and I can see it all in front of me. The first night we met, the person I used to be, and everything else in between that led up to this moment. My cum comes bursting from me, shooting inside her like a loaded gun.
“Give it to me,” she whispers as if there’s even an option now.
I shudder lightly and kiss her stomach once more. I press my body down and kiss her sweet pussy. I rise back up and kiss her lips. Our tongues meet one more time before we’re too tired to stay awake. I give her a taste of herself and she gives a last moan of pleasure.
“A baby,” I smile. “I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby.”
“Marybell,” she says.
“What?” I ask.
“Her name should be Marybell,” she says. She already knows it’s a girl and I trust that she’s right.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead and run my hands through her hair. “Marybell,” I smile. “That’s the prettiest name I’ve ever heard.”
/> “She’s going to be so loved,” she says.
I hold her close. Our naked bodies are warm amongst the cold walls of the motel. “She’s going to a fucking princess,” I laugh. “I’m going to give her everything in the world. I want to be the best daddy known to man.”
“You will be,” she says. “And I know everything will work out for us. We’re too damn smart for it not to.”
That’s debatable on my end. But I let her have her say. Because right now, I’m on top of the fucking world.
Epilogue: Marshall
Years pass, but you always feel just about the same age. Sometimes, when you look back on things, they feel as if they just happened. Other times, it feels like a lifetime ago. I can’t believe I was a cop. In Texas, no less. I still have all the admiration in the world for the force. But now, things are different for me. It’s not like I followed any of their rules, anyway. I was bound to get out sooner or later.
Now, I’m the owner of my own produce company. We do business all the way into Arizona. I had to jump through a few hoops to get those jobs, but it can be done. Anything can be done with a little finesse and a little money. Luckily, we’ve managed to hit the gold mine out here, with a little help from our friends.
“Marybell, come on!” I yell. “I want to show you something.”
Today is Easter and it marks the 3rd year we’ve been a three-person family together. Like I said, I’m not a religious man, but I do think things hold a certain significance if you want them to. For us, this holiday is a good way of celebrating the birth of our family, for Marybell was born on April 2nd.
“Daddy!” She runs toward me. I pick her up in my arms and smile, even if she’s heavier than ever now. I’m just an old dad now, but I feel younger than ever. A kid can do that to you. “Look at that.” She points at a dried-up saguaro cactus on the side of the trail.