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Best Man Under the Mistletoe

Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  “Needless to say, that’s why Daniel has always been so protective.” Chelsea pulled in a breath, thankful the story was out and off her chest. “I guess I wanted you to know.”

  “You trust me.”

  There was almost a relief in his voice. Chelsea smiled through her tears and nodded. “I do trust you, Gabe.”

  She went up onto her toes and kissed him. She wanted to feel him, to taste him. She wanted to ignore the pain from her past and concentrate on what she hoped was her future.

  Gabe flattened his hands on her back, urging her closer. From mouths to hips, they were joined. Chelsea knew she could never get enough. She only hoped he was starting to feel the same way.

  When Gabe eased back, she had to stifle a groan. She wanted him to take her to the bedroom—or here on the floor would be fine—and finish what that kiss promised. She wanted to feel alive after the anguish of her admission.

  “Want to go put your Christmas stuff up?” he asked, his brows drawn in.

  Seriously? He was worried about her tree?

  But the closer she looked at him, the more she realized he was out of his element here. He was unsure of how to approach her now, of how to handle her. There was so much affection in his eyes. She was used to the desire, the passion and fire. But seeing this side of Gabe warmed every single part of her and only added to the growing hope she had for them.

  “It’s late and we’re so close to Christmas.” Chelsea waved a hand in a silent gesture to just forget it. “Besides, is that really how you want to spend our time together? I mean, I could probably procure some mistletoe and we could toy with that. You can even decorate me if you want.”

  Longing instantly filled his eyes. “I can think of several ways for us to spend the rest of the night and you won’t need to go get mistletoe. I’ll have you unwrapped and begging in no time.” He nipped once again at her lips. “You’re staying, by the way.”

  Little did he know she’d never had any intention of leaving.

  * * *

  As he lay in the dark with Chelsea sleeping in the crook of his arm, Gabe couldn’t stop replaying their conversation. The idea that this strong, independent woman had thought there was no way out of her stressful life, well, it absolutely crushed him. A world without Chelsea would be dull and lifeless.

  Gabe realized now that he didn’t want a world without her. She’d become part of him, part of everything he did and every thought he had. Somehow she’d managed to consume more space in his mind than work and that had never happened. Ever.

  Chelsea made his days brighter. As silly and adolescent as that sounded, it was true. When he knew they were going to see each other, he found himself counting down the hours. Yes, the sex was amazing, better than he’d ever had, actually, but there was more. So much more.

  He trailed his fingers up her arm and over the curve of her shoulder. They were supposed to end things in a couple of days but he wasn’t planning on letting her go. She’d exposed too much of herself, of her troubled past, and he knew his Chelsea wouldn’t have done that if she weren’t having strong feelings for him.

  Between the wedding and Christmas, Gabe figured this was about as magical as the timing could get. He wanted Chelsea to know that she was it for him. He wanted her to know that she would never feel alone again, not as long as he was in her life.

  But he wanted her to know he meant it. He wanted her to see that he wasn’t just in this for their time between the sheets. He wasn’t sure when he’d started falling for her, but he’d done it just the same.

  Their quick, whirlwind affair had forced him to realize that she was so much more than just a sexy woman who challenged him. She’d overcome so much in her past, yet she’d come out on top in her career and her life.

  Still, the guilt hadn’t subsided. She’d suffered even more than he ever suspected and hadn’t said a word to anyone except her brother, her best friend, and now him.

  That in and of itself told him all he needed to know about her feelings.

  Gabe smiled into the darkness and rolled over to face her. Even though she continued to sleep, he couldn’t let himself relax. He wanted to formulate the perfect plan to show Chelsea just how much he wanted her in his life, just how much he cared for her and, yes, just how much he loved her.

  This would be the greatest Christmas yet.

  * * *

  Chelsea ended up going into Hunt & Co., after she’d gone home, showered and changed her clothes. After their emotional night, she’d woken with a smile on her face and Gabe had promptly given her something else to smile about.

  Gabe couldn’t wait until this evening. They planned on taking more decorations to the church for the wedding, which was closing in on them. That meant the deadline to achieve his goal of keeping Chelsea in his life was also closing in on him.

  They hadn’t spoken about it since before her heartfelt admission last night. He hoped she’d forget all about it, that she’d ignore the end date they’d set.

  As much as he wanted to be with her, he was glad to have this time alone because he needed to plan. As soon as the wedding was over, he intended to bring her back to his place and tell her everything. That he didn’t want to be without her, that he was so proud of her for learning to trust, and that he trusted her, too...with his heart.

  Gabe headed down to the first floor to check his mail. He planned on swinging by the TCC to make sure everything was in place for the outdoor reception. He’d promised Chelsea he would and she’d even sent him a text of her notes so he didn’t forget anything. Which was fine, considering he didn’t have the first clue about wedding receptions.

  Fortunately, he’d discovered quite a bit on this journey, though, and if Chelsea wanted a large wedding, he’d damn well give her one. Anything she wanted, so long as he was in her life.

  Once upon a time the thought of a wedding with him as the groom would’ve scared the hell out of him, but not anymore. Having Chelsea all to himself forever had quickly become a dream he wanted to make a reality.

  Gabe exited the elevator on the first floor and nodded to the daytime doorman standing at his post. Sunshine flooded the floor of the old building, highlighting the gleaming black-and-white-checkered flooring.

  When Gabe checked his mailbox, he was surprised to only have one piece of mail. He hadn’t checked it for nearly a week. But considering that most everything he did was online, and with the holidays fast approaching, it probably made sense there wasn’t much mail.

  He flipped the envelope over and noticed a note taped to the front.

  This letter was placed in my box by mistake. I was out of town so I wasn’t able to get it back to you until now.

  Your Neighbor in 2C.

  So the elderly lady who lived below him had received his mail. That rarely happened. She’d been out of town for the past several weeks visiting her kids across the state.

  Gabe tore off the note and stilled. The letter was postmarked four weeks ago, but that wasn’t the part that chilled him.

  The return address was Dusty’s. Seeing his uncle’s handwriting, receiving this from him after his death, was a bit eerie.

  Gabe had no clue what Dusty could’ve sent out only one day before his death, so he sure as hell didn’t want to open this without privacy. He couldn’t get back to his loft fast enough. Gabe had a sinking feeling whatever Maverick had started almost a year ago was about to come back to life in this piece of mail.

  Once Gabe finally made it to his apartment, he barely got his door closed before he was tearing into the oversize envelope. He pulled out the contents, cursing under his breath when black-and-white glossies spilled out onto the floor at his feet. Glossies of the woman he loved.

  Gabe crouched down and sifted through the images, one after another after another. His heart sank, his stomach turned.

e searched through each photo, but they all had the same theme. She was naked or partially dressed, in the locker room of her gym. From the angle, Gabe could tell someone had planted the camera in a vent or a light fixture. Each photo brought a new wave of rage. She’d had no clue these were taken. Were these just copies of the others that were out there? Because he’d deliberately never looked at those.

  Or were these completely new?

  Dread coiled in his gut as he gathered the photos and stalked to his kitchen. He tossed the images on the counter and started reading the letter.


  I don’t know how much longer I have, so I’m reaching out to my only living relative.

  By now, you may have figured everything out. Yes, I’m Maverick. I have my reasons for doing what I did, which I’ll lay out below. But I also have some unfinished business and need your help.

  As you know I was shunned at the Texas Cattleman’s Club. My attempts to gain membership were constantly turned down. They let women in a man’s club and kept me out? Well, I had to take matters into my own hands and, once I explain why, you’ll understand. I hope you carry on where I had to leave off.

  Years ago I had an affair with Colleen Humphreys. Her husband was a longtime president of the TCC and on the board until his death just a year ago. When he found out about the affair, he threatened to ruin me. But blacklisting me only backfired on his precious club. I mean, who had the last laugh? The revenge I took on the members was so sweet. I do feel a tad guilty for the lives I ruined, but they were merely pawns caught in the game. I had no choice.

  Gabe gritted his teeth at his uncle’s words. So Dusty had done all of this, terrorizing Royal for months on end, to get back at a man who’d been his victim to begin with? What kind of sick person had his uncle been?

  Disgust filled Gabe as he focused on the rest of the letter.

  Here are some final photos of Chelsea Hunt. I never shared these and I know you’ll help me out by finishing this. You always were so loyal. I’m counting on you, Gabriel. Do what you see fit to ruin the TCC and all those who were allowed in when I was not. Women like Chelsea and so many others think they’re too good, walking around all high and mighty. It’s not right, but we’ll make sure they suffer.

  Gabe gripped the paper so tightly that it crinkled in his hand. Then he tossed it onto the counter, unable to even touch it another second. He had no clue what to do. He had to think. He’d believed this situation was behind them but it had just reared its ugly head once again. Now, he was in control...whether he wanted to be or not.

  At least Dusty had mailed the photos and letter to him. Gabe hated to think what would’ve happened had they gotten into the wrong hands.

  Disgusted, Gabe turned away from the heap of photos on the counter. He didn’t want to see them anymore, didn’t want anyone to see them. Gabe would have to turn them over to Sheriff Nathan Battle to be processed with the rest of the items. They were still trying to figure out who could’ve helped Dusty because obviously the man couldn’t have planted a camera in a women’s locker room by himself. Not with his poor health.

  Gabe would get to the bottom of this. He’d find out who was helping his uncle, he’d make sure this was all in the past, and then he and Chelsea could move forward with their future.


  “Can you believe tomorrow is the day?” Chelsea resisted a girlish squeal, but she hugged her best friend tight. “Everything is going to be perfect.”

  The rehearsal dinner was going exactly as planned. The food was perfect, the décor similar to what would be used in the actual wedding. Chelsea couldn’t be more excited for her best friend.

  “Everything is going to be perfect,” Chelsea exclaimed.

  Brandee eased back and nodded. “You and Gabe have gone above and beyond. I can’t thank you guys enough.”

  “We were happy to help.”

  Brandee’s brows rose as her smile widened. “Maybe we’ll be planning your wedding next?”

  As much as the idea gave Chelsea the warm fuzzies, she wasn’t sure Gabe was ready for that. She wasn’t even sure he was ready to hear her say how she truly felt. But, after the wedding tomorrow, she was going to tell him.

  This was their last night together and she had every intention of making it unforgettable. She would love to open herself up to him tonight and tell him every emotion she’d kept bottled up, but if he turned her down, she didn’t want the awkward tension at the wedding, especially since they were walking down the aisle together.

  “We’re just...” Chelsea wasn’t quite sure how to describe the current situation. “Taking this one day at a time.”

  “You love him.”

  The chatter around them, the music from the DJ, the soft breeze, everything faded away at those three words. There was no use denying them, not to Brandee. The girl knew Chelsea better than she knew herself.

  “I just hope he feels the same.”

  Brandee tipped her head. “If the way he’s staring at you right now is any indicator, I’d say he feels more than lust.”

  A thrill shot through Chelsea. She so wanted Gabe to be on the same emotional page as she was. They’d had a breakthrough moment when she’d fully opened herself to him. He’d taken her to his bed and made love to her like she was the most fragile, most precious thing in his life. She only prayed that was true.

  “Just be honest,” Brandee urged. “I almost lost Shane, but we both fought for what we wanted. You’re going to have to do the same.”

  Chelsea opened her mouth to reply, but Brandee squeezed her hands and shot a look over Chelsea’s shoulder.

  “I better go talk to the other guests,” Brandee stated. “I’ll see you in the morning at the church.”

  Chelsea watched as her friend went to talk to a couple of the other bridesmaids. The outdoor rehearsal dinner at Hope Springs Ranch was perfect. With the temperatures hovering around fifty, they were able to have the event outside in comfort thanks to the heated tents.

  This laid-back atmosphere was perfect before the rush and drama of tomorrow. The caterers had done a phenomenal job; of course, they’d used some beef tips from Hunt & Co. for the main course.

  Strong hands curled around Chelsea’s shoulders and she didn’t even hesitate when Gabe eased her back against his chest.

  “These little dresses of yours drive me out of my mind,” he growled into her ear. “I think you enjoy teasing me.”

  Chelsea smiled and reached up to cup her hands over his. “I love wearing dresses with boots when the occasion calls for it. Driving you out of your mind is just a bonus.”

  “What are you wearing under this? Something else new?”


  She’d put on the slinky teddy with him in mind, and had been counting down the time until they could leave so he could take it off.

  “We practiced coming down the aisle and going back up, plus we’ve eaten.” He nipped at her earlobe. “Are we done here yet?”

  Chelsea turned in his arms. “You know, if we keep leaving parties early, people are going to know what we’re up to.”

  His hands settled easily on her waist. Those gray eyes she’d come to love sought her from beneath the rim of his black hat.

  “I don’t care what people think,” he told her. “I care about you and that’s it.”

  He cared about her. Not quite a declaration of love, but it was more than what they’d originally started with. Hope blossomed.

  “We should at least say goodbye to our friends,” she told him.

  “Fine. Say your goodbyes. Be quick.” He smacked a kiss on her mouth and stepped back. “Be at my place in fifteen minutes.”

  Chelsea laughed. “It takes me fifteen minutes to get there from here.”

  “Then you better just wave goodbye instead of saying

  He turned and headed toward Shane. Chelsea watched as they did the one-armed man hug and then Gabe headed off toward the field where they’d all parked their cars.

  “I imagine you’ll be leaving, too.”

  Chelsea turned to see her brother eyeing her with concern. “I am,” she confirmed.

  “You’re going to get hurt, Chels. I know guys like Walsh. Hell, I know Gabe. I can see the hearts in your eyes.”

  She attempted to tamp down her anger as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You’ve tried to warn me before. Do I look like I’m hurt? Don’t interfere, Daniel. I’ve got this under control.”

  When she started to turn away, he grabbed her elbow and forced her to focus on him. “I hope your eyes are wide-open here. And I hope that he feels the same way as you do because you’re in deep.”

  She hoped Gabe was on the same page with her feelings, too.

  With a simple nod, Chelsea pulled her arm from Daniel’s grasp. She knew he was just looking out for her, but this was ridiculous. No one was going to come between her and what she wanted—and she wanted Gabe Walsh in her life.

  By the time she made it to his loft, her entire body was humming. Chelsea smiled at the doorman as she entered the building. The elevator ride seemed to take forever, then finally she was at Gabe’s door. She didn’t bother knocking as she turned the knob beneath her palm and eased the door open.

  The only light in the loft was the sparkle from the Christmas tree and the city lights streaming through the wall of windows.

  She’d barely gotten the door closed when Gabe’s arms banded around her. Chelsea melted against him, more than ready to spend the night here.

  “You’re three minutes late.”

  Chelsea pushed away from him and crossed the apartment. She wasn’t quite done driving him out of his mind.


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